#1 Dec 28, 2008 7:55 PM

From: Singapore
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'Better' names for this game

OK, so here, you think of a supposedly 'better' name to give this game.

Spyro: Enter the Exit



#2 Dec 30, 2008 7:35 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Still Infinitely Better Than Those TLoS Games Despite Being Bashed On


#3 Jan 19, 2009 9:40 AM

From: Singapore
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Burn the Dragonflies

Spyro: You've been RipTOED



#4 Jan 21, 2009 7:01 PM

From: Arkham Asylum
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: For The Love of Cheese Don't Buy This Game

Hidden text

Don't hurt me.  (:) Just a joke!

винт это. винт все это и оставь меня.


#5 Jan 21, 2009 7:33 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

<Title not made because the developers were too busy eating chips>

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#6 Jan 21, 2009 10:55 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro wrote:

Spyro: Still Infinitely Better Than Those TLoS Games Despite Being Bashed On

^ This.

I'm not creative enough to make my own.


#7 Jan 22, 2009 7:04 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro wrote:

Spyro: Still Infinitely Better Than Those TLoS Games Despite Being Bashed On



#8 Jan 23, 2009 8:27 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: You'd Be Better Off Beating Yourself in the Face With the Game Box

Spyro: The Most Expensive Frisbee You've Ever Purchased

Spyro: This Actually Beats Kya and That's Just Sad

Spyro: AUGH! Make the Pain Stop!


Better than LoS indeed. *snort* I've actually re-played various games in the LoS trilogy. I will never put this game back in any console. It sits on my shelf gather dust as a testament to insanity and a reminder that, no matter how bad a game is, it could always be worse. >D


#9 Jan 24, 2009 1:46 PM

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: Jan 06, 2009
Posts: 98
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Enjoy this crappy game before the crappy new series comes out.

~Greek Pride~
<3 Electronic dance music!


#10 Jan 24, 2009 2:45 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Still Infinitely Better Than Those TLoS Games Despite Being Bashed On

I like it.

How about...

Spyro: Dawn of the Reboot



#11 Jan 24, 2009 6:58 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Seriously, how is EtD better than LoS? At the very least, LoS one-upped EtD with its graphics and that's pretty much the only halfway-charitable thing that can be said about EtD (the graphics were okay, but all the characters had been hit with the ugly stick).


#12 Jan 24, 2009 7:02 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Do you actually want me to list the reasons I hate TLoS? It's a pretty long list. tongue

As terrible as ETD is, I'm convinced that TLoS is worse.


#13 Jan 24, 2009 7:42 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Yeah, I've got to hear this. EtD almost destroyed the entire Spyro franchise (literally), whereas LoS has given it more life than it's had since the Insomniac days. I've got to know how LoS is worse than EtD.


#14 Jan 24, 2009 7:57 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Well OK then. tongue

1. Extremely annoying fanbase which (in general) constantly obsesses over Cynder and how "hot" she is
2. Stupid, repetitive combat gameplay that gives me a headace
3. Stupid, repetitive, linear levels with dark scenery that often makes it impossible to tell where you're going.
4. Dare I say it- cliche- epic-dragon-saves-everyone-from-evil stuff that everyone's seen a million times before. The story often seems to have no direction, like that time that Spyro made a detour to go find some tree and ended up doing nothing but fighting a boss.
5. Oh and speaking of bosses: Frustrating, pointless boss fights. Arborik comes to mind.
6. The ending. You know, where the world is expolding. Or is that the best part because it's finally over? =P

Enter the Dragonfly was at least close to what Spyro was meant to be. With a little more work, I think it could have been a great game.


#15 Jan 24, 2009 9:20 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

"1. Extremely annoying fanbase which (in general) constantly obsesses over Cynder and how "hot" she is"

Man is that ever true! But the old-school Spyro fans are equally annoying (I am one, but I still find many of my fellow fans obnoxious). This is just the nature of fandom as a whole.

"2. Stupid, repetitive combat gameplay that gives me a headace"

Agreed there, too. LoS certainly isn't fun to play. I was playing entirely for the story, myself. But it's still more fun to play than EtD, which was pretty much one giant glitch.

"3. Stupid, repetitive, linear levels with dark scenery that often makes it impossible to tell where you're going."

That makes the linear-ness quite helpful, though. big_smile I liked the art of the levels if not the linear-ness. And I recommend playing in an extremely dark room. big_smile

"4. Dare I say it- cliche- epic-dragon-saves-everyone-from-evil stuff that everyone's seen a million times before. The story often seems to have no direction, like that time that Spyro made a detour to go find some tree and ended up doing nothing but fighting a boss."

Yes, LoS is so cliche it hurts. But that's what the producers were going for. They wanted to tell an epic story like you see in the movies, and what is more movie-like than a butt-load of cliches? XD It's not like the games previously had been much different as far as Spyro being the dragon who saves everyone. In fact, in the old days, it was even worse because he was saving them from stuff they could do themselves (I am thinking specifically of EtD and AHT). At least with LoS there's mostly a reason for Spyro being the savior (namely, he's apparently the only one who can be because everyone with only one element gets their butts kicked big_smile).

"5. Oh and speaking of bosses: Frustrating, pointless boss fights. Arborik comes to mind."

Not gonna disagree with that, either. Some of those boss fights just sucked.

"6. The ending. You know, where the world is expolding Or is that the best part because it's finally over? =P"

Meh, I saw that all coming. It was at least more interesting than the EtD ending, which I cannot even re-watch.

These are all valid reasons to dislike LoS, but I don't see how these make it worse than EtD, a game which can barely be played, which has no plot to speak of, which takes a great series and destroys all the good in it, that nearly killed an entire franchise... I can go on and on about why EtD sucks. At least LoS had nice music and fun art, if nothing else.


#16 Jan 24, 2009 9:23 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

I just tend to prefer it mostly because it doesn't give me a headache to play it. And it had a few fun quests and challenges, which TLoS definitely lacked. As far as story goes, I'd rather have virtually no story like ETD than a stupid (I need to find a different word =P ) one like TLoS'. Yes, ETD did initiate the reboot process, but TLoS completley erased everything Spyro once was and is a terrible series. At least ETD attempted something similar to the originals, which I appreciate if nothing else.


#17 Jan 24, 2009 9:44 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

If EtD hadn't been a completely mockery of the originals, I'd probably be a bit more charitable towards it. As it is... The only fun bit of gameplay in that one became incredibly unfun over time (because I had to keep redoing it thanks to a single spot that would kill me).

Personally, I'm just glad that the Spyro franchise still exists. I appreciate LoS for that (and for Gaul, mmmm...Gaul... big_smile). For all it's unoriginality, LoS did occasionally drop in some interesting stuff. EtD...not so much. It was just a (really bad) rip-off of the originals.

But, let's face it. There will never be another Spyro game that's as good as those first three.


#18 Jan 25, 2009 8:34 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

How is a sequel a rip-off? It's supposed to be like its predecessors! Does that make TEN a rip-off of ANB?


#19 Jan 25, 2009 9:11 PM

From: Earth
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

If it had been a good sequel that followed better with the Insomniac games and wasn't a mockery of them, I'd be more charitable. As is, the game feels so unlike the originals and is of such poor quality that the most charitable thing I can say of it is that it's a shoddy attempt at imitation.


#20 Mar 24, 2009 5:27 PM

From: Where I rant on Cynder and TLo
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: DOTD Stomper
Spyro: Enter the Experience
Spyro: Best Day Ever
Spyro: For the love of cheese buy this game!

Cynder: OK, Elora, you win!
EloraRocksCynderSucks: For all your ETD needs


#21 May 28, 2009 8:54 PM

From: Spring Savanna (A Secret World
Registered: Nov 28, 2006
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Fall of the Dragon

Spyro: The Gnasty & Ripto Collab of Doom


Personal Quote: "Live, thrive, embrace your inner instincts, tear yourself from the burden of the world, so that you may finally... be free."


#22 May 30, 2009 7:50 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: A video game.

Ripto's Rage ROCKS!!


#23 May 30, 2009 8:07 PM

From: Edinburgh, Scotland
Registered: May 05, 2009
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Enter the Coffin


#24 Aug 02, 2009 5:41 AM

From: With the Three awesomest Drago
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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: (Enter Text here)



#25 Aug 09, 2009 4:35 PM

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Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro 4: Proof That You Should Never Focus Only On Appearances

Spyro 4: Enter The Glitch

Spyro 4: Wow, That Slide In Monkey Monastery Is Annoying

Dіsсоrd - 7Arterial7Justice7 [[HASHTAG]] 6565
DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/arterialblack716
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/spyrotheet … ght/videos
imperfect sinner saved by Christ.


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