#1 Feb 27, 2009 5:29 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
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Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Please note.
This story takes place in after Dawn of the Dragon. So read this AFTER you finish or have the idea what happends at the end of the game. Also we know this you could put negative comments about the story well please think before you post thank you.

i would like to thank  DragonOfDrakness1992 for his story witch can be see on this link.
http://www.spyroforum.com/topic-8083-th … -love.html
as it has given me an idea for a new story.
also this is a FANFIC so just so you know.

(not made my me)


#2 Feb 27, 2009 5:48 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Enjoy 1st chapter

Chapter 1
Red and White

spyro sat on a cliff. Looking out over the vally. The world had changed since he had rebuild it but him and Cynder have been togetor have he has now felt different about her. Cynder was flying around looking spyro then she saw a purple shape.
"Spyro!!!" she yell.
Spyro looked up. He saw Cynder flying closer to him.
"hey Cynder" he said calmly.
"Hey Cynder there's something I would like to say to you."
He looked in here eyes.
"I lo"
Him and Cynder turned and saw a red and white blurs zoom pass him.
"what was that?" Spyro said shoked.
"i don't know but lets follow it." Cynder said as she flew off.
They both flew off getting closer to the blurs.
they were 20 feet, 16 feet, 12 feet, 8 feet, then flew above them and flew down landing on the blurs. They headed for the water.
4 dragons were floating in the water.
"that was SO COOL"said the red and the white dragon.
"can i ask who are you?"
" Well i'm Blaze" said the red dragon
"i'm Frost" said the white dragon.
"Cool" said Cynder.
"So where are you guys heading?" asked Blaze.
"Nowhere we live here" said Spyro.
"Really? well want to get to the town of oakfead" asked frost.
"i guess we could go to a town for a bit" said Cynder.
"ok then we'ill go" Spyro said. Trying to get Cynder to like him more.
The four dragons set off to the town.
"anyway" said blaze trying to get Cynders attention. " what is your name?"
"My name is Cynder and that" She pointed at the purple dragon "Is Spyro."she replied.
spyro could her what Cynder was saying then he heard a laugh. spyro felt he had some compation to win Cynders love. he had to think what he should do as they flew over a lake.
"we should reach the town by Sundown" said frost.
"ok then, also are you and Blaze brother and sister?"
Frost looked calm and said
"yes well no not really we found Blaze on the street so me and my family have housed him and he is like a brother."
Spyro was paying his attention but he knew it Cynder was starting to like Blaze. Blaze knew Cynder liked spyro he had to be smooth to win her.
They all flew onward to the town as quick as they could.

(not made my me)


#3 Feb 27, 2009 8:33 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Like chapter 1?? Enjoy the 2nd chapter

Chapter 2
Town of Oakfead.

The sun was setting from a near by mountain you could see some outlines of 4 dragons. The dragons just got to the town before sundown.
"here we are." said frost as she smiled.
" the great Dump" Blaze whispered to Cynder.
Cynder giggled. Spyro looked away from Blaze and said to frost
"nice town where do you live, again frost?"
"near the town center lets go." frost replyied.
They all walked follow frost who knew the town well.
"where are the people in this town?" asked Cynder to frost.
" Home its the day of rest as it has been a week since the world was re- built so every week everyone stays at home to remember the day." frost replied.
"Wow a whole day about me and you" spyro whisppered to Cynder.
Cynder smiled. Frost stopped infount of an inn.
"This is where me and blaze live." she said. they walked in.
"lets go upstairs there are some spare beds up there." blaze said as he walked up.
30 mins later
"ok me and Cynder sleep here and frost and blaze sleep in their rooms."
"That right" frost agreed.
"i guess then" blaze muttered as he walked in his room.
"well night guys" frost said sleepily
They all waked in their rooms.
Spyro and Cynder sat and looked at the town from the windows. Spyro edged closer to Cynder and took a deep breath.

(not made my me)


#4 Feb 28, 2009 10:16 AM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

enjoy chapter 3

Chapter 3
No chance.

Spyro started to make some talk.
"nice night tonight" Spyro said.
"yeah, to bad that..." Cynder begain
"what do you mean?" Spyro asked.
"nothing" she said
"So Cynder i just what say I love you." spyro said, but Cynder yawned when he said "i love you".
"well lets get some sleep, i'm going to the market with frost tomorrow morning."  Cynder said walking away for spyro and laid on the pillows at the each of the wall. She fell a sleep easily. Spyro felt crushed. so he laid at the other side of the wall where it was hard.
the next moring Cynder and frost were walking pass the town fountain. Then a group of young dragons walked over to cynder and they surrounded them.
"black dragons aren't allow here" one yelled.
one dragon who was bigger then the rest come out of the group and walked to Cynder.
"look a black dragon" he said walking around Cynder."You aren't allow here so leave are we will won't hurt you." he said as the walked round.
Spyro was watching this the top of a shop, he was following Cynder to make sure she didn't get hurt. he saw that the dragon was going to hurt her but he waited.
"back off drake" frost said.
Drake pushed her into 4 of the other dragons in the gang. She tried to get back to Cynder the 4 dragon held her back. Cynder was getting worried. drake was about to said something to Cynder but Spyro flew down landed next to Cynder.
"don't say anything." spyro said.
Someone in the crowd gasped. Drake stepped back.
"look you don't mess with me unless you want to fight me" he said back fearless but in his eyeshe was scaried.
"Ok, then you *bleep*"spyro said.everyone gasped. A icy white dragon ran to Drake.
"Drake that purple dragon is.." he was cut off but drake.
"I know who he is, he is a black dragon protecter." drake answersed.
"no he is.." the dragon choked on his last word as heEwas held a the tourt by Drake.
"Don't.....EVER.....TELL.....ME....HAKKER.....HOW....TO.....KNOW.....DRAGONS!!" He said as he threw Hakker into Frost. They bother got knocked-out. Cynder sat there and watched. Drake shot 3 water balls at Spyro. they all hit spyro but was ready with a fury.
Drake hit in wall, he dropped on the floor the gang picked him up and ran off. Cynder and spyro walked over to hakker and frost picked them up and took them to the inn. when they got there Blaze had woken up. Saw Frost and hakker and took them upstairs one at a time. Cynder walk to spyro and whispped to him.
"Thank you" she gave him a kiss on the cheek. spyros heart trobbed and so did Cynder's.

I own Hakker but blaze and frost are free. smile

(not made my me)


#5 Feb 28, 2009 9:25 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

enjoy chapter (or some) 4

Chapter 4
Beds, talk and a bit love.

Frost and hakker laid on 2 bed next to each other. Blaze said he knew some 1st aid and wraped their wounds with linen bandages. Blaze said
"we should leave them to rest and regain their strenght." Spyro and cynder both noded and walk down the stairs to get some lunch from that active morning. Blaze asked Spyro to go out to the garden. Spyro said he had been outside to much but Blaze dragged him out.
"what do you want Blaze" spyro asked.
"Do you like Cynder?" blaze asked.
"yes"Spyro said calmily but in his eyes you could see anger.
"well" Blaze said avoiding his eyes." Take Cynder to moonlight lake at the time the sun as disappered from the sky, they say both your hearts will fill will joy and love can work out fine."
"cool, but why tell me this." Spyro asked
"because Cynder told me she loves you"Blaze replied.Spyro felt suddenly happness went in this heart.
"Go there tonight, I will look after frost and Hakker,"
"Got it, thank you Blaze" Spyro said was he ran to Cynder. Blaze smiled Cynder would like that Lake. He let loose a long grin. then he walk to get lunch.

Frost woke up in a bed, she felt dissy. then she noticed a dragon on her right. he was having trouble breathing. she got out of bed but saw a bandage wrapped round her paw. So she limped over to the icy white dragon. she put her paw on his chest to help him breath. he slowly woke up.
"hey" he said weakly
"Hey, how are you?" frost asked.
"a bit dissy and *Cough* having trouble breathing." He coughed out.
Frost made her way back to her bed. She got in. Then she asked.
"Why did you protect Cynder?" Frost asked
"Well she is a *cough* still a dragon they have rights, but Drake was going to go up against Spyro the dragon who we had the day for so I didn't want a *Cough* fight" He answered.
"That was brave going up to stop Drake" Frost said.
"Thanks but *cough* tell me why did you try and stop it?" he asked.
Frost didn't reply but the turth was she didn't know. then Blaze came in bring food.
"Here you go guys." He said handing the food to both of them. He left the room. Hakker started to eat the food then frost ate her food. Frost looked at her wings they were scared and ripped they all knew she could never fly again. She started to cry. Hakker saw this and tryied to get out of his bed. He saw 2 of his legs were bangaged but never the less he made his way to Frost.
"why are you crying?" Hakker asked.
"*sniff* Ill never be able to fly again." she said holding back the tears. She showed Him her wings.
"let me try to heal them" Hakker said standing back. frost was unsure what he was going to do. Hakker let his wings hold him up in the air,took a deep breath. Frost saw a ball of light appering in Hakkers hands. he slow pressed in down on both of Frost wings. He took them off then he fainted. Frost looked at her wings, they were healed completly.
"Thank y" She stopped she saw hakker laying on the floor she tryied to pick him up but she couldn't. So she layied next to him and put one of her mended wings on his back. She knew then she loved him but did he feel the same way?

Spyro told Cynder to met him at the egde of town later. Cynder asked why. Spyro said
"just for fun" Spyro said smiling. Cynder agreed. Blaze came back down the stairs.
"Anyone her going out later?" looking at Spyro when he said it.
"yeah me and Spyro" Cynder said grinning.
Blaze walked off. Cynder walked outside and looked in the garden. she started to fly around. Spyro walked out side and admired what Cynder was do. He was Thinking he would tell Cynder but how?

(not made my me)


#6 Mar 01, 2009 10:57 AM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

now for chapter 5

Chapter 5 part 1

The sun was setting. Two dragons were near a lake. Spyro and Cynder where there. Spyro told Cynder he will met you by the lake. Cynder walked on to the lake and sat on the bay. spyro was looking of an flower. he saw a dragon next to a stand.
"uuumm hey"Spyro said
"Well hello there young dragon, look for a flower for you love?" The dragon said. Spyro was surppried.
"how did you know I wanted a flower?" Spyro asked.
"when you live in a forest of 10 years you learn something" he replied as he smiled.
"Here take this one." he said take out a flower. he showed Spyro a Lovily dark purple shadowdrop.
"I would take it but i have no money." Spyro said sadly
"Take it for free, one defeeted Drake that *bleep* dragon has been robbing me of ages." He said as he handed him the flower. 
"thank you" Spyro said as he ran off.

Cynder was laying down watching the sun it had nearly disappered from view. Spyro ran and sat next to her. Cynder smiled.
"So why did you want to take me here, Spyro?" Cynder asked
"To watch the sunset, with you at Moonlight lake."Spyro replyied smile.
The sun made its disappernce. spyro felt joy and so did Cynder.
"Close your Eyes cynder" Spyro said
"Ok, spyro" she said laughing
Spyro got out the flower.
"Open them." Spyro said.
cynder saw the flower.
"Thank you syro i love it" Cynder said.
"Cynder there is somthing I would like to say" spyro said egding closer to Cynder.She turned and looked in his eye.
"I love you" Spyro said
Cynder smiled. "I love you too Spyro"
spyro put his wing around Cynder. Cynder turn and kissed him in a passion only able to be done by angles. Then somthing had risen from the water and spyro or Cynder hadn't seen it.

(not made my me)


#7 Mar 01, 2009 12:27 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 5 part 2
Still working.

while Spyro and Cynder had gone, Blaze did some late night "shopping" but that was a lie. He would work as a cleaner of the cafe down the way. the manger was nice a gave Blaze a part-time job every Sunday before the sun sets and just before midnight. So as normal blaze walk over the cafe.
"Ahh Blaze good to see ya!" the manger said
"hey, got any work for me?" blaze asked.
"yes i need you to clean the selves in the back blaze then clean up the tables of the evening" the manger said smileing.
So as always blaze got stright to work. he walk to the stroage room and clean the shevles. Put the brooms in the broom pile, put the cook books in a pile on the self and he was in there for awhile till hw saw something, a book of town history. however he left it there. When he left the room the cafe was emtpy. It was closing time. So he stacked the chairs, got out a broom and started to sweep up the place. Then he left walk off. why was it so quite. He sat on the fountain and looked around there were no lights in the town. he saw a clock it had no hands so he was stuck.

After well what he guessed was 20 mins he walked back to the cafe and went to the book. He open it. There was a flash. He then walked out of the cafe again this time there were lights and dragons around the place. Blaze sighed. I must of fell a sleep in room blaze was thinking to himself as he walk back to the inn to get some sleep.

(not made my me)


#8 Mar 02, 2009 4:54 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

enjoy this part

Chapter 5 part 3

Hakker woke up and felt something on top of him, slowly he turned and saw Frost. He joltted. He saw frost's eyes twitch. She slowly woke up.
"hey hakker" she said smiling
"err hey, can i ask you why is your wing on me?"He asked
"well you fainted healing my wings so i tried to take you do your bed but i couldn't so i rested next to you." she replied.
"Wow, thank you... no one as every done that for me" he blushed. His heart felt calm and smooth. He was about to speck but Frost said
"I think i love you, Hakker" frost knew that just came out so she waited for a bad respone. Hakker was shock but then he knew, he felt the same.
"I love you too, frost" Hakker said looking at frost eyes. frost went to kiss him and so did Hakker. They kissed then got up and went to bed. hakker asked "Do you want anything to drink, Frost?"
"yes Could you get me some water" she replied and then she blow him a kiss. Hakker blushed. He left the room, he smiled. Someone liked him.
Frost also smiled she had someone who loved her.

like it so far?? tell me I will reply.

(not made my me)


#9 Mar 04, 2009 7:53 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

get ready part 4 of chapter 5

Chapter 5 part 4
The Shadows.

Spyro and Cynder looked up at the sky. All was quite. Cynder heared something. She got up and looked around. she saw nothing. she looked at the lake. The saw a shape in the water.
"err, Spyro" Cynder said walking backwards
"yes, Cynder?" Spyro asked thinking why she was walking backwards.
"theres something in THE WATER!!!" Cynder yelled as the shape lunged at Spyro. It pinned spyro to the ground.
"get Off my ground!" it spat. he hit spyro round the face. It picked him up and leaped in the lake dragging spyro down. Cynder saw bubbles on the lake but the slow went. She was shocked and scared. a tear went down her face. She took off to get some help.
"I will be back, Spyro" She said looking back at the lake and flew to the town.

Spyro saw the light fade from view as he was dragged deeper into the lake. He looked back to the things face. he tried to breath fire on it, but bubbles came out. hot bubbles. They landed on its face. it helded its face as it was burning. Spyro took his chance and swam up. The thing grabbed his legs. Spyro tried to get him off but it dragged him down. Spyro knew it was heaver then himself. So he didn't fight he let himself drop. he was tried and then he fainted. not knowing where he was going but he knew one thing, not up.

(not made my me)


#10 Mar 05, 2009 6:27 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

NOW finally Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Yeah right.........REALLY?!?!

Hakker was down stairs getting the water for Frost. He sighed. He got himself a drink sat at the near by table. He drank slowly. All was quite. then he picked up a sound, a sound of flapping wings. He looked around. The was a loud knock at the door. Hakker ran over and opened it. cynder ran in gasping for breath.
"Spyro........lake.........Shadow.............Gone.......needs........help" She said gasping.
"Wait here, I'll get Frost." hakker said. He ran upstairs. A few moments Hakker and Frost came down.
"tell me what happend Cynder?" Frost asked. cynder begain her story of what happend.
"who told you to go to THAT lake?" hakker asked.
" Well Spyro said that we should go there, Why?" she replied
"well spyro has never gone to the lake so who did?" Frost asked.
the all sat down, thinking. Hakker said Blaze but frost said that he wouldn't do that. cynder wasn't think about that. she was wondering was Spyro Ok. then she remembered he was a Purple dragon, he should be ok.

Blaze was walking back, he saw lights in the Inn. *Bleep* he was thinking they must know what I do at sunday nights. But he stayed calm and flew to the lake, Moonlight lake. He was thinking had that stupid Shadow thing had killed Spyro. He knew that friends help friends. Has he got closer to the lake the shadow thing was waiting by the shack on the island on Moonlight lake. Blaze grinned.

(not made my me)


#11 Mar 06, 2009 5:13 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 7
Old Friend, New body.

Spyro awoke in a world between dreams and the real world. The Chronicler's world. Spyro walked forward and lokked down on to the next floating rock. He saw a large Hour Glass. He felt the urge to fly over so he did. he walked round it.
"touch it Spyro" A voice echoed.
So spyro touch it. he felt like the time ran in his blood. he then pause time and walked about the place and started to fly over to the tall tower.
"You learn quickly young dragon and i see your going to the tower you shall met me there." the voice said in Spyro's mind. As spyro got closer he saw a thing luck in the shadows. he had guess the time had stop but then the voice said again
"If you pause time to long young dragon, the Shadows will try to stop you. Beware" Spyro flew on and started to kill continue. the the shadow that lucked was gone. Spyro landed on the area with the ruined tower. he slow walked in and saw The Chronicler writing in a book.
"Chronicler?" Asked Spyro.
The chronicler turned he looked familer to spyro.
"Your not the chronicler." spyro said.
" yes spyro I am but the new one but you might remember me as---"
Spyro suddenly remembered he was
"Ignitus?" spyro asked.
"yes Spyro it is me, the last Chronicler left me in charge of the new age." Ignitus said proudly.
"ahhh....huh?" Spyro said thinking
"It doesn't matter but I would like you to seek out the flame." Ignitus said
"who?" spyro asked.
"Seek out Flame the dragon he says he would like to met you also its time for you to go Spyro." Ignitus said as he showed spyro a stone glowing with a blue arua.
"but where is Flame?" Asked Spyro before he left.
"At shadow coast west of where you are, Now go." ignitus said as spyro jumped on the stone. the was a flash and spyro went back to the real world.

(not made my me)


#12 Mar 07, 2009 4:25 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 8
A quick chat

cynder was worried. she looked out towards the lake. She but her hand to her chest and muttered "I love you" a tear fell out of her eyes. frost and Hakker where down stairs.
"we got to do somthing" hakker said
"what can we do?" Frost asked
"We could go look for him?" hakker suggusted.
"That's a good idea, i'll go and tell Cynder." She said as she rushed up stairs. cynder was just leaving the room.
"Cynder." frost said rushing towards her. "me and hakker have chosen to go and seach of spyro tomorrow."
cynder smiled. "good idea" they both walked downstairs to think how they were going to do it.

blaze landed next to the shadow thing.
"did you do it?" Blaze asked
"yep, he was hard to take down, but I left him in the dead woods." it said smiling
"good but I'm worried as they might look for him and if they Spyro and Cynder met..." blaze said
"Don't worry I know where he is i'll track him if they met. I'll kill him." he said to Blaze "now fly back." Blaze took off.
"Or her" muttered the shadow grinning. it took off running into the woods, grinning. what blaze didn't know won't hurt him.....Much.

Spyro woke up and looked around he wasn't in the lake anymore or anywhere near it. he slowly got up. he guessed whitch way was west and travaled over that way. ignitus said to look for a dragon near Shadow coast. spyro felt cold. He took a deep breath and let fire flow though his blood it warmed him as he travled. He heared a twig snap. He turned his head. he saw that all the trees where brown and dying but the odd one was a little green.  he got to fork in the road. He saw a dead dragon skeleton pouting to the left side with a sign on it saying "shadow coa  " The was blood slit on it. spyro walk closer to it and touch the blood. It was freash. Spyro knew he wasn't alone.

(not made my me)


#13 Mar 12, 2009 4:57 PM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 9
Elves of the north.

elves lived in the north. They staied up in the north mountain lands. They didn't like dragons as they only made mayham in their wake. they heared in the winds that a dragon savied the world. So the set a ranger call Yang to met this very dragon. Yang was a 2nd in commend in the eleven rangers. He had rode and sailed may days till he met a smalled town called Oakfead. He got of his horse and went to its ear. *Elfish to Your langue* May the winds take you to safe heaven, till we may met again He walked putting his hood up. He didn't want to be seen.

He walked on the roofs of the houses and shops till he saw a inn. It was getting late. he knew it was a risk be he took in. He landed down with out a sound and knocked on the door.

frost and cynder were walking down the stairs. Hakker made them both a drink of water. They sat down. They heared a loud knock at the door. they all froze.
"W-who is it?" frost said walking slowly to the door.
"I'll tell you if you let me in" the voice replied.
frost opened the door. The tall figure walked in and sat down. he put down his hood.
"an elf" haker muttered.
"yes i'm an elf, i here to rest of the night then to find the purple dragon." yang replied. cynder flinched.
"ah you lot know him and I'm gussing." yang said " you like him and he likes you." Cynder nodded.
"He was taken by a shadow thing." cynder said at the brink of tearing up.
Yang stood up. "we must help him if you are doing a resuce i wil come, besides I'm an eleven ranger." he said smiling that the end.
"then it's ready we set of tomorrow morning. Before sunrise." frost said
"right then i knon were to go. I'll rest down here." Yang said "oh by the way i'm yang."

blaze ran in.
"Guys i know were spyro is, he is in the Deadwood." Blaze said then looked at the elf.
"Ok.." blaze said.
"I'm Yang the eleven ranger, we are going to find spyro tomorrow.2 "now lets get some rest and don't worry I know your name, Blaze, frost and cynder." he laied downo on the floor then a blanket came and covered him. The others went to bed to rest of the long day they had a head of them.

(not made my me)


#14 Mar 14, 2009 8:09 AM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 10

Spyro back away. he hear a Snap. he turnned in that direction. he hear rushing. "oh cr--" spyro started to say but a Undead dragon jumped out. it pinned him down. Spyro shot fire in its face. It flinched but the flame didn't affect it. Spyro pushed him off and took off. The undead Dragon followed. spyro flew in the dirction of that he guessed was Shadow Coast. undead drangon shot poison at spyro. Spyro tured and the poison balls hit a tree. The tree became bones and it moved. "oh my god " spyro said as the bone tree followed spyro in pursuit. The dragon shot a poison ball again, spyro rooled and it it a rock. the rock tured to dust. spyro begain to see light. "nearly there" he muttered. the undead dragon fired a pison ball and this time its aim was true it hit spyro leg. He fell to the sand. He looked at his leg it was green and pluseating. then yet again spyro fainted but before he did he saw a figure over head looking at him.

(not made my me)


#15 Mar 15, 2009 9:31 AM

Spyro man 123
From: The land that never was.
Registered: Feb 18, 2009
Posts: 246
Gems: 0

Re: Legend of Spyro: Torment (a Fanfic)

Chapter 11

it was 2 hours before sunrise but Cynder,blaze,frost and Yang had left town.
"how are you going to follow us, you can't fly." cynder asked yang. Yang smiled. He turned to the wind. *Elfish* I have called again, will you come and aid me on this road ahead. Please come A horse came out of the wind.
"thats how" he told Cynder. The others where gobsmacked. hey took off to Deadwood. yang rode in the lead. You couldn't tell he was moving, he was that quite. the dragon followed. They got to the lake.

"how will we get aross?, we can't fly over it will take to long." frost said.
*elfish* water you are know for saving and taking lives but you can't touch us.
"we swim" yang said
"how we need to breath?" blaze asked
"i have blessed the lake it won't harm you in anyway." yang said as he jumped in.
"Cool" frost and Cynder said. they jumped in. Blaze paused then jumped in.
They swam for what seemed as a long time. yang kept in the lead. Frost and cynder were second and blaze was at the back.

Spyro was beeing take but he didn't know it to a cave on Shadow coast. the dragon taking him was flame.

(not made my me)


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