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#1 Apr 17, 2007 2:06 AM
- DanteAndVergil
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This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
i dont know about everyone else but i thought this one had the best storylile to it
#2 Apr 17, 2007 3:24 AM
- LoneKnight
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
This definately had the most developed storyline. It was lacking, still, but a lot of kid's games don't get too in-depth.
Karl Ruprecht Kroenen
#3 Apr 17, 2007 3:25 AM
- DanteAndVergil
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
that is very true but still it was good
#4 May 04, 2007 11:01 PM
- ratchet
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
if this was the first spyro game ever (there was no other spyro games created) this would be a VERY good game
i think thats what Krome were probably tring to apply when they said NEW beggining and why they didn't say The beggining
if this was the first spyro game ever i would give it a 9/10, just for the sake it was too short
but seeing the fact there is already spyro games, i give it a 6 1/2/10
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#5 May 04, 2007 11:06 PM
- DanteAndVergil
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
you still must admit this storyline was very good compared to the other ones
#6 May 04, 2007 11:47 PM
- ratchet
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
thats what i mean, it was good but it doesn't fit
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#7 May 05, 2007 1:57 AM
- DanteAndVergil
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
meh who cares the storyline was cool but i can see what you mean ratchet
#8 May 05, 2007 3:07 AM
- ratchet
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
well the cutscenes were the best in the whole series
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#9 May 28, 2007 2:27 PM
- DanteAndVergil
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
yeah they are i still think its the best one yet
#10 May 28, 2007 5:01 PM
- Cynder is cute
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
I give it a 5.(point)12/10.
#11 May 28, 2007 8:55 PM
- KingPlayerPDX
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
more like 7.5/10 for me.
#12 Jun 06, 2007 2:43 AM
- Dejablue
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
It has a great story. But for the love of God it needs to be supported with a better variety of gameplay! >>
And Ratchet what do you mean by the story not fitting? Since this Spyro is practically a total break off of the original trilogy, continuity need not apply.
And besides that, the first 3 games made by Insomniac weren't even connected story wise. Aside from gathering a larger number of characters each game. There was no connection of one game's story to the next. They were just off-shoot random adventures.
#13 Jun 06, 2007 3:08 AM
- Morrier
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
It had a good story, but to me it was just too short. I think it had great gameplay. If you disagree, it's becasue I'm comparing it to AHT, the only other game I've played.
#14 Jun 06, 2007 6:51 PM
- SpyroSoulFlame
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
In terms of graphics, I'd give it a 10/10 because this game makes the environments and spyro's attacks more realistic. But in terms of gameplay, I'd give it a ridiculous 3/10 because there were only five short worlds. They definitely need to make it much longer. Perhaps maybe in each world, there could be several levels. If not, just more and longer worlds for several more hours of enjoyable gameplay. I suggest going back to spyro: a hero's tail because in that game it wasn't always continuous forward game. There were some areas in which were not enterable unless you had a certain amount of light gems or a certain amount of dark gems destroyed. This game had a lot of twists and secrets that made it so interesting to play forward so you can meet the conditions to satisfy those conditions in a previous world. What do you think?
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#15 Jul 12, 2007 5:24 PM
- sPYRO23
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
This game has an awesome story! I would get it just for the story, but that's not why I got it. (I own the DS version.)
Maybe most of you don't agree, but I think combat is the perfect style of gamplay for Spyro, not collecting stuff. The combat in the "old-school" games was ever soooo boring, and spending more than half the time collecting jems, eggs, and the like doesn't make it any more fun.
#16 Jul 12, 2007 7:25 PM
- SpyroGirl101
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
I hated this game! It was like so boring because once I had killed a load of enimies I was like whew, glad that's over, then you got to look at the scenery for like 5 seconds and then more come! No minigames, no collectibles, no nothing!!! Just fight, fight, and one more thing FIGHTING!!!
I hate violent games! Many years ago, I feared this day would come, for Spyro to not be Spyro anymore. When I first heard about ANB, I was so excited and went straight to the computer to look it up. When I saw the screenshots and artwork, I cried because Spyro was so ugly!
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#17 Jul 12, 2007 8:04 PM
- DragonspiritPT
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
This game has an awesome story! I would get it just for the story, but that's not why I got it. (I own the DS version.)
Maybe most of you don't agree, but I think combat is the perfect style of gamplay for Spyro, not collecting stuff. The combat in the "old-school" games was ever soooo boring, and spending more than half the time collecting jems, eggs, and the like doesn't make it any more fun.
Wrong, wrong and WRONG!!!!
If you like that much fighting... why don't you try Tekken or Virtua Fighter?
I think the old games are much more fun. This "new beginning" has a much that "dark scene" for a Spyro game... well, the post above mine explains it all.
#18 Jul 12, 2007 8:17 PM
- Jay Tanoshi
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
sPYRO23 wrote:This game has an awesome story! I would get it just for the story, but that's not why I got it. (I own the DS version.)
Maybe most of you don't agree, but I think combat is the perfect style of gamplay for Spyro, not collecting stuff. The combat in the "old-school" games was ever soooo boring, and spending more than half the time collecting jems, eggs, and the like doesn't make it any more fun.Wrong, wrong and WRONG!!!!
If you like that much fighting... why don't you try Tekken or Virtua Fighter?
I think the old games are much more fun. This "new beginning" has a much that "dark scene" for a Spyro game... well, the post above mine explains it all.
Whoa, whoa! Dude, let the dude have his own opinion. If he likes this Spyro more than the rest, fine. Don't say he's wrong, cause you can't change his opinion like that!
I will somewhat agree with him. It had a better storyline than the others, and collecting stuff can get boring sometimes. I still played them (Well...I never liked the first or second Spyro, get repetitive and somewhat boring), though mainly Year of the Dragon and A Hero's Tail. So, I will side with sPYRO23.
#19 Jul 12, 2007 8:27 PM
- DragonspiritPT
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
I didn't say that he has a wrong opinion. I was juust saying that collecting stuff can be fun.
#20 Aug 16, 2007 11:15 PM
- SpyroxEmber
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
Yup! It seemed much more developed and well thought out, worthy of a great movie. This storyline was my favorite, from the very beginning where they showed Ignitus saving Spyro's egg.
#21 Aug 28, 2007 3:38 AM
- jamieque
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
I have nothing negative to say about the storyline other then the fact that like the original storyline of the original trilogy....
SPYRO'S ORIGIN IS LEFT TOTALLY OUT OF THE PICTURE! Is it just me who is getting so tired of these games being so hollow when it comes to backstory. I WANT to learn more about Spyro's parents. It is as if Krome Games took a page from the Insomiac Games' handbook on the part of the main hero has to have a sense of mystery about him. 'No one must learn of his origin. He must have a mysterious origin because he is a hero of legendary status... Ugh, I want a Spyro game with depth and unless I do it myself then I know I'll never get a chance to see it done by the big boys. They are only interested in the money aspect of the franchise. The story, to them, is secondary.
#22 Aug 28, 2007 3:45 AM
- Spyras the Dragon
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
The only thing I liked about this game was Cynder. That's it.
When I first heard about ANB, I was so excited and went straight to the computer to look it up. When I saw the screenshots and artwork, I cried because Spyro was so ugly!
I know exactly what you mean... T-T
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#23 Sep 07, 2007 10:18 AM
- ratchet
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
It has a great story. But for the love of God it needs to be supported with a better variety of gameplay! >>
And Ratchet what do you mean by the story not fitting? Since this Spyro is practically a total break off of the original trilogy, continuity need not apply.
And besides that, the first 3 games made by Insomniac weren't even connected story wise. Aside from gathering a larger number of characters each game. There was no connection of one game's story to the next. They were just off-shoot random adventures.
Yeah, the first 3 fit, why wouldn't they?
And sequels do not need to be connected storywise
As for combat the perfect spyro?, no, thats not spyro
But yeah the games still should be quite hard (in terms of enemies) but not all fighting.
TLOSANB went wrong because they didn't have anything BUT fighting, and fighting is defiently not spyro.
And Why did this game have a good storyline compared to the originals?
Because maybe insomniac didn't feel like stacking there games full of cutscenes and just worried about the actual gameplay.
There ideas were simple and thats what made it fun, probably they could've made alot more cutscenes if they wanted to but spyro is not all about storyline
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#24 Oct 03, 2007 9:42 AM
- devonm0
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
ANB was the best game IMO, and here's why. In almost all previous Spyro games, there was the opening scene, the ending scene, and the occasional interval scene. But what about the villain? They do what they do at the beginning of the game, and then wait at their lair until Spyro finds them there, and then fight them only to lose. The Sorceress doesn't even do anything at the beginning of YoTD! Now then, Cynder, on the other hand, actually has some sort of more active role. She doesn't just do something at the beginning of the game, in fact, I don't think she does anything at the opening cutscene, but throughout the game, she gathers those crystals with the guardians power, and there is even a small scene involving her and Ignitus! Definitely the most involved and developed villain in the series! The gameplay was too straightforward and easy, but the quality of the story really made up for that IMO.
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#25 Oct 30, 2007 7:30 AM
- ratchet
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Re: This Spyro game had the best storyline yet
well yeah, the enemies are too lazy to do stuff XD
But hey, Ripto had his fat monsters, he didn't need anyone (until it came to the last world when he locked himself in)
And the sourcerous was too busy thinking she is great to do all the work, Bianca did it for her
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