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#1 Apr 18, 2009 7:16 PM

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Registered: Apr 18, 2009
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Enter the Dragonfly Speedway Glitch

The point of this glitch is to get up high enough so that it glitches the game and lets you go beyond the boundaries of the level.

Now, this game is usually always glitchy, whether you want them to happen or not. Now, you can do this on any Speedway, but lets use the 'Thieves Den' speedway as an example

The first step is to select 'Time Attack', if you haven't beaten it yet you probably won't be able to pull it off in time before the timer goes out. Now, go up as high as you can, do you see that giant, white castle-like structure? There is a large, mountain formation next to it, fly over and land on it. The boundary of the level will prevent you from going up all the way by flying, so climb up on foot.

Are you with me so far? Good.

Now, when your on the top of the mountain, jump up again and take flight, keep pressing the 'A button' to gradually gain height. You will keep excelling upwards, you could even go up so high to the point to where the screen turns totally black!

When you get higher than the lighthouse at the far end of the level, you will be able to go forward and explore other places you couldn't usually before. Like, by the rock-formations and the image of the giant moon, even behind the wall of the level!

It's just small, fun little glitch I thought I'd share(if someone hasn't already pointed it out) If you didn't understand or wasn't able to get it, just let me know, and I'll upload some screenies.

Thank you, and have fun~



#2 Sep 06, 2009 12:08 PM

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Registered: Sep 06, 2009
Posts: 3
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Re: Enter the Dragonfly Speedway Glitch

Why does this  not surprise me?

why do people continue to say that any game after Year of the Dragon was good?


#3 Sep 06, 2009 4:20 PM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: Enter the Dragonfly Speedway Glitch

and for the PS2, you press X, not A.

i've done this glitch before, it's fun. big_smile when you get outside the level and you're in the pitch black, there's a strange, small white version of Spyro in the one corner. o_O at least on PS2.

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