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#2 Apr 13, 2009 5:03 AM
- dragonrider
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- From: Glouster, OH
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
What in the world is a mesh file?
I might like 1 too, but someone else would have to make it.
Cynder: I don't know if I can go through with this.
#3 Apr 15, 2009 4:38 AM
- Spyro Volcanix
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
So your asking us to rip models from the game so you don't have to do it, illegaly? I don't think so.
Signature update... there's nothing to change...
#4 Apr 15, 2009 10:24 PM
- TheAnvil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
I don't think he is asking us to rip the file from the game, but rather looking for a fan created work based on the character.
#5 Apr 19, 2009 1:17 AM
- Sazex
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- From: Glimmer
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
or rather make it ourselves... :-P
thats hard, especially since they didn't give referance images to make it
and the fact that the gems aren't really worth it,
but i don't really care about the gems....
#6 Apr 19, 2009 2:12 AM
- TheAnvil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
If I could only model characters I would do it.
#7 Apr 19, 2009 6:43 PM
- TheAnvil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
Well, this topic gave me a good kick in the pants to at least try my hand at this.
I'm uploading some test render's I did. I am currently using a trial version of 3DSmax 2010 and believe it or not, this started as a box.
These are in order of oldest to newest image.
Guess I better get back to this while I am still pumped about doing it!
I'll post updates as I go.
#8 Apr 19, 2009 11:25 PM
- Sazex
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- From: Glimmer
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
that looks very nice great job!
#9 Apr 20, 2009 12:56 AM
- TheAnvil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
Update April 19/09
Finished the body aside from the wings today. Have to call it quits for the day else I would keep going. If only I didn't have to work in the morning!
comments/critiques welcome!
#10 Apr 21, 2009 1:18 PM
- Hurricos_McBreixo
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#11 Apr 21, 2009 10:42 PM
- TheAnvil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
Actually it's funny you asked. The eyes are really where I started this project. First, I made a couple of spheres about the full size of the eye and placed them.
Then I outlined where I wanted the edges of the eyelids to be, and worked backwards around the eyes, into the head and nose, and just kept going. It is a very labour intensive process but it is worthwhile IMHO. IF you want to compare it to anything to see if you have the right idea is to look in the mirror.
I've seen a lot of professional animators and modellers use themselves as reference for their models when it comes to tricky facial poses or getting a body shape to look just right. All it takes is practice!
Hope I don't scare anyone off. I just see a lot of people starting to get into 3D modelling on this site and I am trying to be as helpful as I can.
#12 Apr 21, 2009 11:13 PM
- TheAnvil
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- From: Head in the sky, feet on the g
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
Done. Let me know which file you would like. Unfortunatley, without anything more than a name I went on most current memory which was DOTD cynder. These of course are not exact copies from the game, as that would be stealing, but if someone saw this they would know who it is.
I have a DOtD Cynder as shown in game with bracelets and neck binding, and one without these addiotnal ornaments. Let me know what file you would like and where I can send it. These also come in a High-res and low-res version. I can include both so you can decide what works best for you.
Anywho, the pictures:
#13 Apr 23, 2009 1:19 AM
- cynderfan
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#14 Sep 25, 2009 6:52 PM
- DarkMasterBasil
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
omg o.=.O if only it can be used for wc3 as well... i have a wc3 version of cynder XD ill share it with everyone since its fan based made for my spyro series... but holy....bolony!!!! this is epic turely art work.... o.o
#15 Jun 20, 2010 4:30 PM
- Re-volt
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
i have all 3 forms
#16 Jun 23, 2010 3:30 PM
- DarkMasterBasil
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- From: In my dark citadel of the neth
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Re: Mesh of Cynder
My revolt looking very good lately -chuckle-
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