#1 Apr 19, 2009 7:54 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
Registered: Apr 18, 2009
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The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Right while reading some fan fiction on fanfiction.net, I had a brainstorm and a great idea for a Roleplay.
This takes place just after DotD and the Guardians are now searching for younger dragons to replace them as they are getting old and they see it's time to pass the torch to the next generation. (Not to mention that they no longer have a Fire Guardian) The majourity of this RP will take place in Warfang City. This is somewhat a school-like RP with some random action and events thrown in. But beware, this new age is not as peaceful as the Guardians wished for. At the end of the RP, only the best characters will become the next generation's Guardians.

The First part of the plot would be all of the Canidates arriving in Warfang(unless they already live there) and a celebration to honor the most recent events and the arrival of the Canidates and their families (If they wish) We shall start when we get a Guardian(Terrador, Cyrill or Volteer) and at least 4 Canidates.

Okay, now on to the issue of Multi-Element Dragons. They are allowed, but not everyone can be one as they are uncommon. If a dragons of the same element mate, the result would be a one element dragon of their element, sometimes stronger than them(when in their prime). However if two of different elements mate, there is a small chance that the result would be a dragon able to use both elements.
If a Dragon is corrupted by the darkness(like Cynder was) they become a black dragon. Able to use their natural element and three of the following: Fear, Dark, Posion, and Gravity. Their natural element however will become tainted with Darkness, and becomes a dark element (e.g. Dark Fire, Dark Ice.etc)
Here are the Normal elements and the colors each element dragon is:
Fire-(Red, orange or pink in color)
Ice-(Blue, icey colors and white)
Thunder-(Electric Blue, and yellow colors)
Earth-(Earthy colors like Green, Brown.etc)
Wind-(Light Blue, or cloud colours)

These are the Canon Characters that may take part in this RP:
Terrador (The new acting leader of the Guardians as well as the Guardian of Earth. Terrador teaches the sparring lessons)-Currently under control of Gerpie
Cyrill (The Guardian of Ice, he teaches battle tactics)
Volteer (The Guardian of Thunder, he teaches general knowledge)
Spyro (He has been called to Warfang after his return to help teach the new Guardian Canidates)
Cynder (Same as Spyro)
Sparx (Tagging along as usual tongue)
Hunter (Vists Warfang often with intel)
Ignitius (The new Chronicler)
Malefor (May be included if anyone wants, though he apposes the Guardian's plan. But he is in a spirital form and has to possess at dragon to do physical things, No RPers though.)

And here's the Template for OCs:
Name: (This speaks for itself, you may also include any pet names or nicknames if you wish.)
Age: (As does this, but if you wish to be a canidate for a Guardian you must be 10-18 years old)
Gender: (Which are you Male, or Female?)
Element: (Your element, please bear in mind that most dragons can only use one element)
Personality: (A brief description of your character's personality)
Appearance: (A brief description of your character's appearance)
Powers: (A description of the kinds of powers our character has)
Background: (Your character's background. This field in completely optional)
Other Details: (Anything else we should know about your character?)

Here's an example: (I shall be using my OC Spark)
Name: Spark (Doesn't mind being called Sparks, but hates his mother's pet name for him; Sparky[Most often said like this "My little Sparky"])
Age: 13 years old
Gender: Male
Element: Thunder
Personality: He is shy and can be very silent when thinking, he can have somewhat of a short temper when irrated. However due to his element, he can be very energetic and when with his friends, excited or panicked he tends to speak extremely fast and he can have differculty controling the speed at which he speaks. He also has a curious nature and can be very cheeky at times (Which oftain gets him into trouble). But despite he many downsides he wil always try to do the right thing.
Appearence: He has yellow scales which electric blue scales on his underside. His horns are a silvery gold in color and his tail blade is a silvery blue. His wng membranes are the same color as his underbelly.
Special Powers/Weapons: He has balanced and fast abilities. He can use the basic Thunder breath attacks and the Thunder Fury as well. Though he has a tendency to invent new techinques, which most of his "experimental techinques" oftain backfire and land him in the healer's tent, literally sometimes.
Background: Soon after hatching, he was abused by his father and his mother left him. Soon after that his father died, doing something increadably stupid. Due to this abuse, he stopped talking and didn't start speaking again until he ws almost 4 years old, causing his younger sister to translate for him. By some miracle she always seemed to know what he wanted. Spark's childhood was pretty average after these events, his family moved to the City when he was 8 years old and he has lived there ever since.
Other Details: None that I can think of.

Here are the Main places in Warfang:
The Temple: A new temple that has been constructed in Warfang for this and as a residance for the Canidates and the Guardians. This building contains a Libaray, a Mess Hall, a Study for each of the Guardians, Two Classrooms, and the Canidate's Dormatories. (Spyro, Cynder and Sparx are also staying here)
Healer's Tent: A large tent where the 3 healers heals those that comes to them. Most dargons come here after being injured.
The Dragon's Wall(The Wall of Warfang): A massive wall that surrounds the city. The guardians of the walls include Dragons and the moles.(For the life of me I cannot remember their name)
The Victory Plains: The Grassland just outside of the city, it is decorated with sparce trees.

And finally here are the Rules:
#01: No god modding of any kind.
#02: The people who play the Guardians may punish any of the canidates for any reason, as long as it's a good reason reason.(Think of typical school rules here, but slightly more lax) And the punishments has to be reasonable, and fitting to the crime. Main Punishments are Writing Lines, Room arrest, and Temple arrest. You many make up others (e.g. Helping Volteer research.etc)
#03: Swearing and Cursing is allowed, however only characters that are  14 and older may swear as most young teenagers don't know swear words. And keep it controled please.
#04: No sexaul scenes, time skip it please.
#05: No flaming, if someone has done something wrong, please just tell them in OOC chat.
#06: Have Fun  wink  Ok this one is not enforced.

Edited on the 20/4: Made changes to the introduction, added the starting plot, added a list of areas within the city(if there are any areas you wish to include in the list, just say) and a minor change to rule #02.
Edited again on the 21/4: Added a statement about multi element dragons, also added a list on the normal elements.
Edit on the 22/4.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#2 Apr 20, 2009 1:20 PM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

This has the potental to be good, I might join soon, but not right now. A few things though:
The dragon city is warfang, (I know what your thinking "isn't he a nerd", but I'm proud of it)
The 'punishing by the guardians' thing, may get a bit out of hand.
That's pretty much it.

Edit: just noticed that every line I typed started in th. XD
Edit 2: I'll join when my comp starts working again, till then, I have to do it on my Ipod, and it's really slow.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#3 Apr 20, 2009 1:48 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
Registered: Feb 27, 2008
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

OOC: I'll join, I got a rival for your character! XD

Name: Celerity
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Element: Electricity
Personality: Has a sarcastic sense of humour and loves making new friends. Is confident in herself, but not to the point of being cocky.
Appearance: A picture I drw of her is here - http://phoenix-flyer.deviantart.com/art … y-88666300
Powers: Electric breath as well as a basic fury. Is reasonably skilled in melee combat. Her electric abilities result in her being able to run at astonishing speeds, so that she no more than just a yellow blur. She can also shoot blue lasers from her eyes.
Background: Comes from a village where all of the male dragons went off to war, none returned and ironically all of the hatchlings that were hatched from the last generation they sired turned out to be female, resulting in a population of all female dragons.

"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."


#4 Apr 20, 2009 4:44 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Thanks for joining Pheonix_Flyer and also thanks to you Spyro Volcanix for your say. I've made a update on the first post.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#5 Apr 20, 2009 6:35 PM

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From: Hell
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Hey may i join too or i'm too late?Oh and only Frie,Ice,Earth, and Electricity is allowed?Or can ppl go crazy with elements?

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#6 Apr 20, 2009 6:59 PM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

This'll be fun.

Name: Blaze
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Personality: He keeps to himself more often than not and is quite reserved and anti-social most of the time. He has a short temper, but has a gift for strategic thinking.
Appearance: Will a link to this picture suffice? http://blaze-the-dragon.deviantart.com/ … -116130264
Powers: He has the basic dragonfire and comet dash abilities, but has made an adaptation of his father's (an ice dragon) created power, Draco Comet. Blaze's version isn't as effective, as he doesn't have the ice shell to protect him from impact when he rams into his enemies with great momentum which builds up as he moves, thereby greatly damaging himself as well.
Background: He was originally much more social than he currently is, though that all ended when he found his parents had been killed, and his best friend and romantic interest, Frost, was captured. He's not seen her since, and his thoughts are constantly on her possible whereabouts, health, whether or not she's found someone else since they were separated, etc.



#7 Apr 20, 2009 7:29 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Can i still join? ;D

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Element: Ice
Personality: She's always in a good mood, and something really bad must happen to take her msile away. She has pantiece when needet to, but she can be really short temped.
Appearance: She basicly is Dark blue, but her belly is Light blue, and her eyes are dark red. Her tail is more like an arrow head, but it isn't really sharp.
Powers: Basicly ice breath. She has a good balance, and used ice in battle to Attack, Defense, but she uses her ice to make the field slippery for other dragons.
Background: Her parents died when she was young, and now she's trying to find out what really happened
Other Details: Nothing really

I'd be back


#8 Apr 20, 2009 7:52 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Name: Emerald
Age: 17
Gender: female
Element: Earth
Personality: Shy, but always wants to talk to others to get to know them. She is also kind of clumsy and smart.
Appearance: As her name suggests, she is an emerald colored dragoness with brown horns and black wing membranes. Her tail ends with a club. Also, she has runes on her shoulders.
Powers: She is incamable of direct combat. However, she can use her powers to heal or defend herself. Uses runes on shoulders to store energy in for later use. She cannot heal fatal wounds or, as of yet, anything under the skin.
Background: She grew up normally. Good in training and etc. IT seemed, like previously stated, to be a normal life...until she hit 15, when she was brutally *bleep*ed. IT took her months to get over that, and she is still seeking help from the trama. She chooses to hide it though and never speaks of it.
Other Details: Other than that, nothing.

(felt too brief for me, but I was in a rush...)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#9 Apr 20, 2009 8:04 PM

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From: Hell
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

So then i'd like to join too if i can.

Name: Josh
Age: 18
Gender: male
Element: Fire
Personality: Some dragons may say that he is stupid.But the truth is he just lets his wild soul out and be the dragon he really is.He is very friendly with others everybody for the first time.Though he is a little  silly he does know the differenc between good and evil.He don't really like evil creatures, and usually avoids them.But he can fight if it comes to that part.And he loves party.
Appearance: He is a deep red dragon with a redis orange belly and wings.He has a lot of tattoo kind of marks around his whole body.His crest is black and he only has it till the end of his neck.
Powers: He uses the good ol' Fire Breath and Comet Dash.Also he is trying to learn an advanced move the Firenado(Tornado of fire).But he only burned off a whole forest with it yet.
Background: He doesn't really know much about his past.He could only thrusth one person after he was born his 'brother'(who is actually left alone too) Max.He lives with him and they do everything togeather.
Other Details: He has quite a lot accersories, like braclets and necklaces.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#10 Apr 21, 2009 5:48 AM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Wow lots of replies. Ok to answer you question Dammig, yes multi elements are allowed but if a character is multi element, you must include a part in the backgroud, saying how he(or she) got these powers. For example Cynder can only use her Fear, Darkness and Posion abilities only because she gain these powers from the darkness. Also it is never too late to join, now that we have 6 characters, I think I'll start the RP in a new thread as this one is the sign-ups.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#11 Apr 21, 2009 9:09 AM

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From: Hell
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Yay!I will go and see it right away!

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#12 Apr 21, 2009 4:31 PM

Registered: Aug 03, 2008
Posts: 125
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Name: Karnak
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Element: Physic (mostly telekinesis but minor telepathy)
Personality: D: I prefer to create personalities whilst RPing.
Appearance: lair-12H56642H08-Karnak.jpg BAM.
Powers: Telekinesis - the ability to move objects, both animate and inanimate, with your mind. Telepathy - the ability to communicate, and in rare circumstances read, the minds of others with your own.
Background: ...Naaaah. I'll make something up for him when I need to.
Other Details: He was orphaned by the war.

My avatar is custom,no stealie.


#13 Apr 21, 2009 5:18 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
Posts: 4,324
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Name: Mull
Age: 13
Gender: Female (If anyone DARES point out the obvious, they die in horrible ways.
Element: Earth
Personality: Slightly paranoid, pessimistic, unsociable, but very good in a crisis.
Appearance: Green with various brown markings on stomach, lower legs and left thigh. Fairly muscular.
Powers: Can detect surrounding through the earth. She tends to specialize in hand-to-hand combat.
Background: Born to a poverty-striken family, so was sent to the monks at the North-western forests, where she took on some of the most unforgiving training programswhere pain is seen as immaterial. Several of her friends have left her, as many people fail too complete the training. This only served to strengthen her will.
Other Details: Not paticularily.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#14 Apr 22, 2009 7:02 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

(( mind if I join?? ))
Name: Zack
Age: 18
Gender: male
Element: Wnd
Personality: Loner.
Appearance: light blue belly. white around. Has wind swiped marks on each side of the wings.
Powers: very fast, he can move as fast as the wind. he can knock back using wind with push of his wings. Can make a tornado when calm or reckless.
Background: Born and left in the wild and left for dead. ect. you get the idea. lived in the city stealing for food then just wandered the streets.
Other Details:As a charm on his left paw.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#15 Apr 22, 2009 10:05 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

right, here we go. (btw: comp still not working)
Name: Lance
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Element: Ice
Personality: shy, likes to keep to himself, but he likes friends around. (a tiny bit anti-social, but quite curious. Loves flying. His elemental (breath) attacks are stronger than his melée's, making him prefer his breath.
Appearance:  Main body is Icy Blue, with A darker blue for his under-scales. Piercing Red eyes, with a scar across the left one.
Powers: 'Beserk', where he gives way to his instinct and bloodlust. Other than that, not much else except for his unusualy broad knowledge.
Background: dumped when he was an egg, to protect him from the war, never knew his parents, raised by a dragon who found his egg, he learnt all he could, until he ran away at the age of 8, sick of the tight rules. From then on, he lived on his own, scavenging from the wrecked villages he came two. One day, at the age of ten, he stumbled apon a hidden dragon village, where one family adopted him. A year before the war was over, the village was ruined, Lance was the only one left alive. That was the day after his birthday, for which his present was his armour, which is now his only possesion.
Other details: may seem depressed and distant at times. On the other hand, he has a quirky sense of humor. His eyes change colour depending on his mood or state of mind-
Instinct: yellow/brown mix
Thoughts of past: blue/green mix
Normal: Red
'Beserk': Black
Anger: the colour of his eyes darken
Happiness: the colour of his eyes lighten

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#16 Apr 22, 2009 2:32 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Ok, you are both okay to RP and welcome

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#17 Apr 24, 2009 12:48 AM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Age: 28 years old
Gender: Female

Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

OOC: Can I still join? :3
Name: DarkFlare
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Element: Shadow
Personality: Short Tempered, loves annoying people, something is always wrong.
Appearance: A Black Shadow dragon with dark grey horns and a dark grey underbelly. A sharp tail blade, like Cynder's, pale green eyes, black claws and a brown spiked collar.
Powers: He can turn into a shadow, breath shadow fire, and preform a Shadow Fury. It sometimes backfires and can hurt him...alot.
Background: DarkFlare was born alone. His parents had disowned him, and he started out as a regular dragon, strangley, without any elements. Then he met up with Kagetora, a dark spirit who had talked to DarkFlare and convinced him that he could make him powerful. Kagetore possesed DarkFlare, which gave him his Shadow Element powers, and special skills. He has remained with him ever since.
Other Details: Dont get him mad, lol.
EDIT~ Are Darkness Dragons allowed?


#18 Apr 24, 2009 5:11 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

I believe it was established that shadow dragons had to have an excuse. You need to have a good reason why you have these powers. Like being kidnapped for use in a dark ritual (ooh spooky).

Actually, I don't think, "He raised himself after being separated from his parents" is a valid reason.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#19 Apr 24, 2009 10:08 PM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
Posts: 2,061
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Age: 28 years old
Gender: Female

Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

OOC: Okay Its edited.


#20 Apr 28, 2009 9:50 PM

From: In my house on my computer wit
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,314
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

OOC: Mind if I join?

Name: Dragon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Element: Fire and Earth
Personality: Shy, but very protective of friends, but is very easily angered when it comes to his past.
Appearance: A brownish-orange dragon with a black stripe running from head to tail.  He has emerald-green eyes and a club on his tail like Terrador, only it's the same color as his scales.
Powers: Can mae volcanoes explode and can also control the flow of lava. He can also start devastating forest fires if angered enough.
Background: His mothe was killed before he even hatched, so he never knew her.  He is the son of Cyrus, the evil Shapeshifter that was the enemy of Sethstone.  After learning about his father's evil nature, Dragon killed cyrus and escaped, now living on his own. He is still haunted sometimes by his father's spirit. Nobody knows how he learned to breath earth, but he is a fire dragon.
Other Details: Even though his father's spirit is trying to turn him evil, Dragon just can't seem to turn to the dark side. Still searching for his true name that Cyrus didn't tell him.

The Darkness is more tempting than you think...


#21 Apr 30, 2009 5:42 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
Registered: Apr 18, 2009
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Ok, you can join

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#22 May 08, 2009 10:41 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

If an Ignitus needs to be taken up, I can certainly do so. I've used him several times in RPs in the past. And I'd like to bring in another character, though she's not a candidate for guardianship. Rather, she's more or less there for Blaze's morale support.



#23 May 22, 2009 9:43 PM

From: a secret room in the dragon pa
Registered: Aug 22, 2008
Posts: 40
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

OOC: Can I join?

Name: Zantu

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Element: Light

Personality: Zantu is honorable dragon, that doesn't speak much. He Doesn't smile often,
He's hard to make friends with, but when you get his friendship, it will not be broken easily.
He hates apes.


Powers: Healing (different wounds and diseases) and creates weapons of white crystal.

Background: Zantu is last Lunar dragon in the world, whose parents were killed when he was young.
He was throwed to a river in the night his parents were killed. Some dragon saved him and left him into a forest where Zantu grew, trained and survived on his own.
At age 10 his mothers spirit visited him on his dream and told him to revenge them. Zantu left from the forest and started to search for information about his parents.
At age 15 he find the killer of his parents and killed her. His wings were cut in that fight and he allmost died,
but the same dragon that had saved him from the river brought him to warfang where he has lived ever since. He's a good friend with the guardians.

Other Details: He likes to walk with two legs. You will often find him in the temppel libary.


#24 May 23, 2009 1:48 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
Posts: 4,324
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

A lunar dragon? Hmmm... A plausible idea, as long as you supply a good reason that we see or hear of no lunar dragons.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#25 Aug 13, 2009 8:40 AM

New Member
From: Hellbane Fortress
Registered: Nov 20, 2008
Posts: 2
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Re: The Future Guardians-Sign Ups

Name: Hellion

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Element: Storms (basic elements. requires a careful balance. Wind, Earth, Fire, Water, Electricity, and their sub-elements like Ice. (water molecules) Cannot control light, but the adult version is adept at darkness.)

Personality: Cunning, Intellegent, and a thinker, Hellion is friendly, though typically keeps to himself. Doesn't see the point in smiling all the time.

(Adult) His voice loud (and low. Has an epic Evil laugh ^^) with what sounds like evil intent, He sounds hellbent on dominating the world, yet maintains his love for the dragon race.

Appearance: Black Dragon, he has various horns growing from his head, all gray. A line of spines run down his back and end at the base of the tail. His eyes are red.

(Adult Version if ever used :3) Massive (and I mean massive. Guess about 50% larger than the elders ^^) Black Dragon with full length horns on his head. Four red eyes burn, and the back spines are longer than in childhood. His wings are large are of default design.

Powers:  The ability to alter his surroundings through the control of the elements. In adult form, he can create apparitions of darkness surrounding poeople, where his 4 red eyes can appear as he speaks to the victim of the image. Very useful tool to have.

Background: No one knows where he came from, but he simply appeared as if from no-where. No-one knows his purpose, his goals, but he moves forwards. Rumors of a powerful black dragon named Hellion, leading an army hellbent on domination of the lesser beings, drifted through the lands, yet no one knows if the two dragons are related in any way.

Other Details: Enrage him, and your in for a world of hurt big_smile
As a young dragon, he can control the elements, but nothing epicly dramatic. As an adult, all hell can break loose. But with all your numbers, you should have little to worry about. It's hard to fight swarms tongue

((Getting picture...))

A young dragon who's powers over the storms wreck havoc across the battlefield. Having accepted the darkness, he secretly served Cynder and left as soon as he had gained enough power. Nice in nature, he is merciful until someone enrages himreveiling his true power of the stroms.


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