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#76 Apr 21, 2009 8:24 PM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
((I just noticed him....))
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#77 Apr 21, 2009 8:37 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
(I stand by my previous statement)
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#78 Apr 21, 2009 8:39 PM
- chelvin
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Spark noticed Shy blush slightly, causing himself to blush as well like it was a chain reaction or something. She then thanked him and mentioned that we should live in the presant, and not the past. There was a seed of truth in that statement, but Spark had a different thought. Remenbering what his grandmother said, he replied.
"You are right, however that doesn't mean we have to forget about them...e-even if they are dead, they live here...your heart..." Spark said an attempt to cheer her up as he pointed at her chest, where her heart would be.
Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.
#79 Apr 21, 2009 8:48 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
(Alright, I'm out for a bit. And ho wlong are we gonna be moping around? lol)
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#80 Apr 21, 2009 8:52 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Blaze's gaze shifted to Celerity as the sound of her acknowledging his presence reached him. Well, I take it I've just been seen. Oh well, I might as well go over and be somewhat social, if anything.
As he began to walk towards the conversing group, images he had blocked out from that fateful night began to return. Images he had blocked out for personal, obvious reasons to himself. They were betrayed. By their own students, no less.
#81 Apr 21, 2009 9:04 PM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"That's true..." She said, and looked at her belly. An small smile came on her face. "Thanks once again, Spark!" She smiled, and said;" We can't just forgot the people who died." She really felt better with him close.
I'd be back
#82 Apr 21, 2009 9:12 PM
- chelvin
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Spark gave a small smile as she thank him. Then Volteer called his name out, his nerves starting to act up again. He swallowed hard and made his way to the balcony, he walked a little stiffly. He was nervious and it showed, he slowly made it to the top and stopped on the balcony, there was a small cheer from the crowd and the they let his return, much to his relief.
(OOC: Ok I'm signing off for the night (I'm GMT+2, Easten Europe) When everyone has gone up to the balcony, then you may move on.)
Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.
#83 Apr 22, 2009 4:59 AM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
“It wasn’t that bad, right?” She said to Spark who just returned. “I thought it would be worse. But it turned out to be not that bad.” She smiled, and looked around the group. “Is everyone being call already?” She asked, and stood there waiting for at least an reply from someone.
I'd be back
#84 Apr 22, 2009 7:13 AM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"Hi, what's your name?" Celerity asked Blaze before she asnswered Shy. "I don't think this guy has and neither has Josh or that bossy Earth Dragoness."
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#85 Apr 22, 2009 10:44 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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#86 Apr 22, 2009 12:13 PM
- Spyro Volcanix
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Lance stood a fair way away from the group of candidates, emotions welling up inside him. He was nervous in crowds, and having never seen so many congregated dragons in the on place, at the one time, he was terified. He watched and waited as names were called and Dragons went up to the podium, he knew it wouldn't be long till his name was called, then everyones eyes would be on him, and he hated it, he absloutly loathed being the center of attention. 'Everyone probably thinks I look stupid in this Armour, but I can't... No...' A tear slowly made it's way down his cheek and onto his jaw, where he quickly wiped it away, no-one needed to know. Nor did he want anyone to know. He waited quietly as the dreaded moment came closer and closer. 'I can feel it on the event horizon' Lance thought, trying to cheer himself up with a scientific joke, but sadly it didn't work.
IOC: Btw: 'text' is for thoughts, and "text" is for speech, That's my way of writing it.
Signature update... there's nothing to change...
#87 Apr 22, 2009 1:30 PM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"So your name is Blaze, right?” She asked. “Well, my name is Shy, nice to meet you.” She smiled, and looked at him, bit looked back at Celerity “Well.. Who’s the bossy earth dragoness you’re talking about?”(The ritual between them was when shy was on the balcony.) She looked at her curiously.
I'd be back
#88 Apr 22, 2009 1:50 PM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Celerity nodded her head over to Mull, sat in the corner.
"That's her. I haven't caught her name yet, nor has she gone up. But its nice to meet you Blaze, I'm sorry about whatever happened to you. If it helps, something bad has happened to everyone in these times, but that's whay we want to be Guardians isn't it? To change things?"
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#89 Apr 22, 2009 2:08 PM
- Dammig
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"Oh yeah thanks for reminding me!I think i just heared my name." he said to Celerity and walked up to the blacony.He looked through the dragons.'Wow there are some many dragons here.' he thought.After a few seconds he walked back to the others.
This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon
#90 Apr 22, 2009 2:18 PM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"Oh.. Okay! I don't know what was going on while i were on the balcony." She smiled and looked at the dragoness in the corner. "So she's bossy?" She thought. "Oh, hey. Welcome back!" Sme smiled, and said; "It wasn't that bad was it?" She looked up the balcony over and over. "I wonder... What would it be like, if we were guardians?" That qeustion slipped through her mind over and over.
I'd be back
#91 Apr 22, 2009 2:22 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"Well...we wouldn't know untl we were picked...right?" Emerald spoke up.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#92 Apr 22, 2009 2:23 PM
- Dammig
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
Josh smiled on Shy."Yeah even though i wished i was never called up there, but it wasn't bad.Good we didn't had to make a speech.And i'm also wondering what would happen.But i'm sure who ever will be the next guardians i won't feel disapointed that maybe i didn't get there.Because i will know that the world is under protection." he said to her.
This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon
#93 Apr 22, 2009 2:32 PM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
“Yes! That’s true. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to protect others, but I’m sure the new guardians will be strong enough to protect the world.” She smiled, and looked at Josh. “And, yes I’m glad we didn’t have to do an speech. I would have passed out right away.” She didn’t want to think about. And pushed the thoughts away.
I'd be back
#94 Apr 22, 2009 2:43 PM
- chelvin
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
(OOC: sry, for no replying, I've had no internet since my mum needed it.)
Spark was starting to feel uncomfortable with all of the dragons showing up, he mentally cursed his shyness. He listened, remaining silent as everyone was talking, not wanting to interupt anyone. He too was thinking what it would be like to become a Guardian, other dragons looking up to him, it rattled his nerves slightly. He just hoped that the training would help with his nerves and shyness. Volteer had now finished calling the names of the canidates and the celebration was now drawing to an end. As Spark wondered how long they had been talking, the Ice Guardian called out.
"Would the canidates please come inside the temple, we would now like to address them in privacy" He said, as the other two guardians entered the temple.
Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.
#95 Apr 22, 2009 2:48 PM
- Gerpie
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
“Hey, do you guys hear that? We have to go inside. Lets go!” She didn’t wait for their replied, and walked up ahead. When she hit the stairs, she waited for someone to come after her.” Hey guys! I don’t want to go alone.” She looked at the group.
I'd be back
#96 Apr 22, 2009 2:57 PM
- Kjakings
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
((*wonders what to do with Karnak since he's been thoroughly ignored*))
My avatar is custom,no stealie.
#97 Apr 22, 2009 3:00 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
(I know. There is too many people here, and that's what messing us up: no one can react to another becuase someone else does something.)
Emerald cast a glance at the others. Then, she looked at Karnak, realizing that there was no psycic guardian or whatever. Oh well...she wasn't going to rat him out....
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#98 Apr 22, 2009 3:16 PM
- chelvin
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
(OOC: Ok, I am now putting an Order in the posting, as there are too many of us; Me, Gerpie, Kja, Rurik, Phoenix, Dammig, Blaze, Volcanix.)
(Edit: Ignore this post)
Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.
#99 Apr 22, 2009 3:18 PM
- Dammig
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
"Oh we are going in?" Josh asked and catched up to Shy "At least now we are moving i felt like a statue there." he said to her.
This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon
#100 Apr 22, 2009 3:23 PM
- Kjakings
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay
((I just realised Phoenix responded... XD *phails*))
Karnak grinned. "The only problem is I have no idea how I did it. I'm guessing it must be something to do with telekinesis, but I really don't know. And it's fine, I don't really have any memories of them anyway." He said cheerfully and then lifted himself about half a centimetre off the ground and zipped over to where Blaze was. "Hi! Anything wrong? Everyone else seems to think you're anti-social." He told Blaze, setting himself back down on the ground.
((Karnak says awkward things. ))
((Whoops, sorry Chelvin.))
My avatar is custom,no stealie.