#101 Apr 22, 2009 3:29 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Emerald heard that the canadites were being called up, and cast a glance at the levitating Karnak before going to where she was supposed to. Now, the hard part was coming...


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#102 Apr 22, 2009 3:35 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Spark ran up to Shy as she spoke up, at the bottem of the stairs.
"I'm coming" he said nerviously as he apporched and followed her.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#103 Apr 22, 2009 3:39 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

“Well, that’s alright.” She smiled, and looked at josh. “At least you got here. Ow are you coming spark? Well.. lets go then! The others will catch up.” She walked up the stairs, not very fast thought. She didn’t like to leave others behind. She turned around. And looked at the crowd. She smiled at the crowd, and turned around again. Her armor was heavy on the stairs. But she just continued walking. She didn’t want to look weak.

I'd be back


#104 Apr 22, 2009 3:45 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Spark walked at Shy's side, he felt the looks from the crowd and he felt nervious with all of these eyes on him. He gave Shy a glance and saw her smile at the crowd before walking again. Spark looked at the crowd, and gave a nervious smile before averting his eyes to the ground.
"I-I hate crowds" he mumbled

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#105 Apr 22, 2009 3:50 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Mull walked over to the guardians. All these people had seen violence, death, all were a little traumatized. But she was the only one to come out the right way. Without a care in the world. If someone's dead, thay don't matter. Why people couldn't accept that always escaped Mull. Perhaps they were just fools.

Mull wondered how they would choose the guardians. They couldn't just subject us to a quick check-up. There were bound to be tests. Mull wondered with a certain amount of satisfaction how many of the weakling candidates she could take. Enough to catch people's eye.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#106 Apr 22, 2009 3:53 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

“What’s wrong with crowds? If you’ll become the next electricity guardian, you’ll have to do speeches you know.” She grinned, and poked him. “It’ll be alright. If you really have problems with it, then you should try to ignore the crowd.” She continued walking, and she almost got at the top.

I'd be back


#107 Apr 22, 2009 3:59 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Josh saw that Spark cought up and heared what Shy said."Yeah listen to her.Just think theres nobody there." he said to Spark and go to the top.He turned back to wait for the others.As he looked over the crowd he thought.'Wow there are more dragons here than on a festival.'

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#108 Apr 22, 2009 4:03 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Emerald reached the top and looked back down as well. She knew that some of her friends were down there. IT made her wonder how they were reacting. It also made her think of how he would feel.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#109 Apr 22, 2009 4:05 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Spark felt some conferdance return as Shy and Josh cheered him up.
"You guys are right, thank you" he said with a grin, more conferdantly than he had felt in a while.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#110 Apr 22, 2009 4:10 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

"You are welcome friend.What do you think what shall we do?Wait for the others or go in?" he asked from them.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#111 Apr 22, 2009 4:18 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

“I think we should go in.” Shy suggested. “The others will come, I think they’re just nervous. Well it doesn’t matter much to me.” She said that, and got to the top. She turned around, and looked at the crows. She smiled, and thought. “Maybe some day, I’ll stand here once again. But then as an guardian!” She felt wonderful thinking that.

I'd be back


#112 Apr 22, 2009 4:25 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Spark nodded in agreement, as he still felt uncomfortable being watched by the crowd.
"I'm with you guys" He said, standing at Shy's side.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#113 Apr 22, 2009 4:38 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

“Lets go then.” She said, and walked to the door. It was pretty big inside there, but she waited for the others to catch up first. “are you guys coming?” She smiled, and looked at them. “I hope everything will be alright. But I’m sure of that.” She thought.

I'd be back


#114 Apr 22, 2009 4:43 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

"Yeah" Spark replied as he entered the temple. It was massive inside, in had arches in the room, and several statues between the arches. There was one other exit to the room with lead deeper into the temple. At the far end were the three guardians, they were watching us with some interest. Spark felt his nerves act up again, maybe being outside wasn't so bad after all he thought. He moved a little bit closer to Shy due to his shyness and nerviousness.
"I-I can't do this, what if I make a fool of myself, what if I..." he whispered to her, trailing off due to his worry.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#115 Apr 22, 2009 4:51 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

She noticed him coming closer, and she slightly blushed again. She heard him say that, and asked;” Why?... You came this far to rethread? We just can’t go back now. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” She smiled. “Lets go. They’re waiting for us. As I said; We can’t go back now.”

I'd be back


#116 Apr 22, 2009 4:57 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

"At least its not boiling hot in here." said Josh as he entered the temple.He noticed thath Shock was nervous."Hey just cool down man.Everything will be just fine." he said to him.Then he looked at the guradians and said excited "I can't wait talking to them."

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#117 Apr 22, 2009 5:04 PM

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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Spark took several deep breaths to help calm his nerves.
"I hope you guys are right" he mumbled as he followed Shy to the Guardians.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#118 Apr 22, 2009 5:27 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

(( hi, i just join so could someone Recap what happend, Please. big_smile ))

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#119 Apr 22, 2009 5:32 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

“Don’t worry Spark. It’ll be alright.” She turned her head to him, and gave him a warm smile. “Just be nice to the guardians, and do your best. If I’m able to, I would love to help you with anything.” She smiled, and stopped walking. They were fairly close to the guardians. She looked up, and asid; “H..Hi…” She was pretty nervous actually.

I'd be back


#120 Apr 22, 2009 5:44 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Zack ran thought the Crowd. "*bleep* it." he muttered under his breath. He was running late. He alwas did. He had no sence of timing. He took a deep breath. He got closer and closer to where he guessed he should go. He just stood there.  He sighed. He walked over where other Dragons where. He stood there quite as an unblowing wind. as he was a Wind dragon.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#121 Apr 22, 2009 5:48 PM

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From: Hell
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

"Yeah you can also trust and rely on me." said Josh to Spark as they got to the guardians."Well hy.What are we going to talk about?" he said to the guardians a little nervous.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#122 Apr 22, 2009 5:55 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

The guardians looked at Shy as she greeted them, Terrador nodded his head. Cyril glanced at her with intrest as she was an ice dragon and he was the ice guardian respectively. And Volteer looked at Spark with exictement, he was the first to speak.
"Marvelous, you made it. I am exticed, thrilled-" Volteer started, speaking so fast that Spark was surpised that anyone understood him
"Volteer, our canidates have just come a long way and are most likey tired from their long journey. The last thing they want dear Volteer is to have their ears talked off by your overcharged muzzle" Cyril butted in, earning a glare from the Electric Guardian.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#123 Apr 22, 2009 6:03 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Zack looked at the crowd. most didn't know he was there as he was quite. He looked at the Guardains. had they seen him? He nodded. He guessed one would. He stayed quite. he didn't even glup. He wasn't scared of meeting Gardains. They where wise, Strong and cool dragons. He grinned a little. He looked at the other dragons that he could see. One ice he saw was a girl and a Electric as it was yellow a boy. They other he couldn't really see but Zack didn't mind.

(( sorry i don't have word on this Laptop so spelling and Grammer might me wrong. ))

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#124 Apr 22, 2009 6:08 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Shy was pretty nervous. She just stood close the guardians, and noticed they were looking at her. Then Volteer started to talk. It made her chuckle a bit when Cyril said that to him. “Are you still nervous?” She whispered to Spark. She smiled at him, and looked up to the guardians again.

I'd be back


#125 Apr 22, 2009 6:14 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
Registered: Feb 27, 2008
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Age: 33 years old

Re: The Future Guardians Roleplay

Celerity ran in at about the same time as Emerald did, nearly bumping into Josh, Spark and Shy in the process. She hung her head, embarassed that she ahd just done that, she wasn't going to get anywhere making impressions like that.

"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."


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