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#1 May 09, 2009 6:20 PM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Chains of Chaos

Chains of Chaos

Okay due to the urges of a member who shall remain nameless....I was given the task of creating a brand new and very serious RP.

Anyways let's get right down to the base story. Chains of Chaos is set upon the same world as LoS, only Spyro, Ignitus and all those other characters never existed, but the locations remain generally the same...only but in a world that is in the dawn of industrial achievement. (to a very slight degree)

This RP revolves around the quest given to a dragon by the name of Zyrnoth, who belongs to the member Rurik and will be under his control. Zyrnoth has a very complicated and estranged past...and mixed memories to go along with it, most of his memories stemming only from a horrific piece of machinery that has been inserted into his body at a young age.

On his opposite is the wolf Krucifi, who's own past is also mixed with that of his enemy Zyrnoth. This character is also controlled by Rurik and belongs to him. Both characters are about to venture out on their own quest to discover the secrets that surround their past, and how that past has made them into who they are today.

Along with them will be several other characters who share with them their journey and missions.

I, RedDragonX, shall serve as the RP master for this story, and I shall also have one of my own characters involved as well. Only a couple openings are available for this RP since we want to keep it as strict and true to the story as possible. Positions are already set for the following members:

-Scarlett O'Hare

The following few posts should be for the previously mentioned characters to introduce their characters and as also for anyone else who believes they would like to be part of this RP. Please note that you should not join if you're not going to remain true to the story and to your character.

Anyways let the entries begin!

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#2 May 09, 2009 6:24 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
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Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Still feel like it gives my character too much credit tongue)

Name: Zyrnoth

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Apperance: Blue dragon with white horns and wing membranes. Has green eyes. However, a thing about him is that he has something attached to his chest/lower neck. It is filled with liquid and is attached to his body through tubes. It is unknown what is inside, and only he knows. Rumored to be his weak point. His wing has a notable tear in it, but he can still fly.

Powers: He is a water dragon, making him an excellent swimmer. He can control water, but only to a certain point. *it depends how close he is to water, how much is there, and how tired he is. Cannot move more than twice his mass of water due to it being too strainful* He is also a well-rounded fighter, but can easily be bested by opponents who can move faster than him. Of course, as water conducts electricity, it makes him weaker to it. Can shoot out a stream of water to fouse his opponents, making him stronger against them.

Pros: Well, his powers are pros. Plus, he is strong in water.

Cons: Needs to keep himself hydrated and, on land, needs to get into a body of water once a day to keep alive. If he does not, his movements become sluggish and he starts to see things. Another thing is that fire, on land, can effect him more than electricity can. He cannot last more than five minutes in a burning building and, if he gets out, needs to get into a pool of water immeidatly. He is also slow at flying. His eyes are not trained for darkness, so at night time he is at a disadvantage. Large numbers, he is also at a disadvantage. Should the thing on his neck/chest be struck, it sends some sort of pain into his body, but not as bad if it is tried to be taken off.

Personality: A mellow dragon. Doesn't care too much, just likes to lounge around. He has been called lazy many times, but he gets good exersise and etc. Loves to eat, but doesn't eat enough to make himself fat. Also, he likes to explore, so he will frequently go out and amuse himself with the land.

Background: He was different from his family. His elder brother and sister were fire dragons, as well as his mother and father. He was, for some reason, born a water dragon.. Still, he grew up normally...until he hit age 17. He found himself chained down with the thing on his chest. Without being told, his sister rushed him out as Krucifi attacked, saying that it was 'For his own good.' So, after being told to run, he did so. When he returned, everything was destroyed. So, now he wanders a bit aimlessly, trying to find out what happened while exploring and running from Krucifi, knowing that he can't take him.


Name: Krucifi

Age: 39 (appears 20)

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://scarletohare.deviantart.com/art/ … -121753161 (Red thing on his chest is his scar)

Powers: Very Melee oriented. Can appear behind targets if within ten feet of target (Can switch to other if close enough). Has small malipulation of shadows, as is the ability to cloak himself. Also, to add to his powers, he can mutate, amplifying his power, endurance, and speed. Speed also increases the longer the fight.

Cons: In mutations, he sometimes cannot turn back. Also, he looses control and attacks everything. Is VERY weak to sudden bright light. When he mutates, his scar begins to glow, until in his final form, it is like a beacon. It also has a tendancy to explode if struck enough, severely injuring him.

Personality: Sadistic and bloodthirsty. Also very cunning, and can set up ambushes and various traps easily. Hates dragons with a burning passion, and will do everything in his power to destroy them all as vengeance. He is also insane, and doesn't always listen to reason.

Background: He was once a high ranking member of the Darkness Pack, and was more merciful and had random kind moments. However, that all changed when the dragons, for reasons unknown, launched a genocide against the Darkness pack. He was the sole survivor of it, making him the last of his kind. Rumor has it that Krucifi isn't his true name, but rather one he gave himself after discarding the other name. He has a history with Zyrnoth's family, having attacked them over the years.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#3 May 09, 2009 6:36 PM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
Posts: 531
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Hmm...I think I might do an Ice dragon...try something new, you know?

Hi, Red. Haven't seen you in ages.)

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#4 May 09, 2009 6:40 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Scar, you must join Spyrochat)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#5 May 09, 2009 6:45 PM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
Posts: 531
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(What? I don't know all the bloody places around here.)

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#6 May 09, 2009 6:45 PM

From: 'Old Hick'
Registered: May 04, 2009
Posts: 72
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Name: Reevan

Ages: Approximately 23.  He can't exactly remember

Gender: Male

Species: Liitalo

Appearance: Reevan is a Liitalo. But what is a Liitalo? It's basically a large, bipedal saurian-like creature standing at about five feet at the shoulder, alotting an extra foot for the head. Of course, they are bent over, so this can be an illusion as to the actual size; for references sake, they are about the weight of 400 pounds (Provided specimen is an adult male), and no, I won't be converting it to kilos to help you poor, poor metric-users. The tail is small, deformed; it is only about four feet long in Reevan. The scales, which are typically a mix of dull orange, red, and brown, in the minority, and a majority a wide variety of greens, are odd in this one. He is mostly half muddy brown, half dusty green, with several red and oranges in the face and arms. His tail, however, follows the traditional mix, and is nearly all green with a few speckles of dull orange. Reevan's box-like head gives plenty of room for a mouth of his size, about a three-quarters of a foot long and filled with serrated, yellow teeth. His eyes, like most Liitalo, are a slitted yellow-green; there are no whites, but instead that color, while the pupil is black as always. His arms are long, even by his species' standard, and while they do not have very long or sharp claws, they contain something important; opposable claws, and a wrist. His legs are of the typical saurian fashion, containing fair-sized claws at about two inches.

Clothing, Weapons, Armor, Etc.: He wears a threadbare jacket composed of some now unidentifiable animal. It apparently had a mixture of scales and skin, or perhaps it was scaly to start with; its just thin rags now, though. It's only large enough to go over his back and let his arms pass through the arm-holes. The rag does have a couple of small pouches crudely stitched in, however, and they are deep; they can contain a fairly large number of items. He also has a wooden axe, but this is just carried around for sentimental value; the blade was composed of merely hardwood, and broke off long ago.

Personality: At heart, he's a jolly, hard-working fellow.  However, due to his previous actions, he is wracked by guilt, sorrow, and more recently, anger.  He tries to work to suppress these extra emotions, and this works suprisingly well... Or would, if his work wasn't mostly setting up ambushes and executing them, which just fuels his guilt.  Being a workaholic, he sometimes forgets to eat, making him slightly emaciated.  Reevan is typically a good judge of another's strength, and uses this to pick out weaker targets for his theiving.

Other: He was previously a weaponsmith, but he has no access to the materials his village used. Therefore, he cannot make even the primitive weapons and tools he used to, as all the materials he has found outside of this village have provided unsatisfactory.

Powers: Reevan is the first known of his kind to have developed minimal fire-breathing capabilities. Using a special fluid seperate from his saliva, but generated in the same general area, he can hack up a small wad of greasy, greenish fire. It takes a great load of time for him to generate enough to do this.

Bio: Long ago, Reevan was the weaponsmith for his village. However, he was also the entertainer. Being the first Liitalo to be able to spit fire from his mouth, he was revered in that small community for his 'divine gift', and was given the name 'Ree of Flames'. However, when a rambunctious village child jumped on his back for a joke and smacked him on the head- that constitutes a challenge- he ended up accidentally triggering a flame-spit. This caught a large section of the village on fire, and after burning it down- it was mostly wooden- he was exiled. With his previous skills not being of much use in the outside world, outclassed in nearly everything by other races, he is now degraded to little more than a roadside bandit. Fortunately for him, he has a good knack for choosing weak targets.  He hopes to find another village of his kind where he can redeem himself and bury his guilt, but the only Liitalo village Reevan has ever known of is his own, which is of course the one that exiled him.

Other: He is terrible at searching for food.  This is a part of why he's a bandit, because he couldn't otherwise work up the money or find food himself.

I hope this was acceptable.)

All of my eggs have died.
... Good thing I have recipes for this.


#7 May 09, 2009 6:50 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Scar: http://www.spyroforum.com/topic-7163-if … ochat.html

Kip: You and your long character bios...:P)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#8 May 09, 2009 6:52 PM

From: 'Old Hick'
Registered: May 04, 2009
Posts: 72
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(They aren't that long... I think.)

All of my eggs have died.
... Good thing I have recipes for this.


#9 May 09, 2009 7:08 PM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
Posts: 531
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Eh...I tend not to chat on sites that I'm not too familiar with.)

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#10 May 09, 2009 7:10 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Ah, ok then. Join when you want to though.)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#11 May 09, 2009 7:39 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
Registered: Feb 27, 2008
Posts: 4,845
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Age: 33 years old

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Awesomeness.... Now time for my character....

Name: Petalance

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Earth Dragon

Appearence: Rose pink scales and bright blue eyes. Her stomach is creamy pink with a line of mint-green down both of her sides. Her horns are dark pink as well as her claws. On the end of her tail is a pink membrane in the shape of a flower petal, she also has one of these on each elbow and three on the back of her neck. Her wing membranes are also creamy pink with mint green on the edges. She has a very slight build, but more than makes up for her lack of strength in agility, rare among earth dragons.

Powers: Earth attacks similar to what Spyro has, and she is a very good digger. Her fury goes like this: she unleashes millions of rose petals which then turn into sharp pink crystals which pepper whoever she was aiming it at.

Background: Happy and chirpy, she loves to be outside and exploring. She has no problam meeting new people. Her past is nothing interesting, she was raised in earth clan and then went out to exlpore.

"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."


#12 May 09, 2009 8:20 PM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
Posts: 531
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Name: Koyuki (It means 'Powder Snow')

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Apperance: White dragon with ice-blue horns and wings. Has green-blue eyes. Blue underbelly, icicles for a tail-tip.

Powers: As she is an Ice dragon, she can use the Ice Breath, as well as many other ice attacks. She usually uses her claws and tail-tip above all when fighting melee-like.

Pros: She is an Ice dragon, and so can easily survive is sub-zero temperatures. Since Ice and Water dragons are closely related, she is a strong swimmer. However, she can only swim in ice-cold water, like the waters of the Arctic.

Cons: Like I said, she can only swim in ice-cold water. Also, she may pass out if she's in a very hot area.

Personality: Koyuki is very bubbly, and extremely energetic. However, she can be annoying. She hates it if people try to fight her battles and can be argumentative when angered, but usually she's quite happy.

Background: (Not sure if Ice Clan exist here, but if they do, she's from there. If not...well, I'm screwed for ideas.)

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#13 May 11, 2009 6:37 AM

Registered: Mar 16, 2009
Posts: 531
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(Hello? Is this place going to die like Damia's Revenge? D:)

Donate gems to me, biatch, and I give you cuddles.


#14 May 11, 2009 10:49 AM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

(No, Red is gonna start today I think. He was busy yesterday and the day before)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#15 May 11, 2009 11:02 PM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos


Age: 17

Gender: Male (Twilight Dragon)

Appearance: His scales are black as midnight and his belly has the luster of pure gold. Two horns protrude from the side of his head and curve up in a crescent shape. One single horn extends from the back of his head to create a seemingly crown shaped helm. His eyes are a deep saphirre while the membrane under his wings is the same crimson color of Cynders. His tail ends with two sharp blades shaped like a crescent moon.

Characteristics: Very gentle and very passionate. Prefers using manners over force when necessary, but has vast power within himself granted through unknown powers. A very curtious gentlemen who shows a deep passion for life and love. This is believed to have derived from his hard upbringing. He does however remain blissfully unaware of his darkest past.

Powers: Has shown the ability to control objects with his mind. His powers derive from pure darkness, and as a result he does not willingly unleash his powers. The full extent of the darkness within his soul is still unknown.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#16 May 11, 2009 11:16 PM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

(RPG officially starts here: The dark clouds circled high above the ruins of a once proud city. Statues lay broken upon the stone paved streets and fountains that once made the city glisten in the morning light were dry and barren. Thunder was echoing across the landscape as what little sunlight there was began to disappear from the land. Not a single soul could be found amongst the streets, all but one...)

Arus walked among the dead streets. It was hard to find any place of true solitude in the world anymore, but this place was always deserted for reasons unknown even to him.

"Freaking rain....." muttered the black dragon under his breath. Small, yet heavy drops began to descend from the heavens above. With each step he took forward a very eerie sensation continued to crawl up his spine.

A large bolt of lightning broke the atmosphere as the dragon's blue eyes turned upwards.

"I'm beginning to regret this little decision." growled Arus as he turned his eyes forward again; catching a slight movement out of the corner of his eye.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#17 May 11, 2009 11:34 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

Zyrnoth, on the other claw, was enjoying the rain, as it put ease on his scales. He was, after all, a water dragon and needed all the water he could get to survive. It also meant that he may not have to soak his body in water for today if it rained hard enough. However, there was the deal with the thunder...and with thunder, electricity came. He didn't like that...

So he continued to quietly pad through the ruined city, interested in the fallen buildings and ruined roads. He had no idea what had happened, but wanted to find out. Not like he could have yelled out if anyone was there, though...there was no way of knowing if 'he' was there and waiting. Zyrnoth had earned himself some sort of sadistic stalker that seemed to want to murder him more than anything.

He scrached his chest, trying to avoid the tubes that connected this...thing to his chest and lower neck. It was hard to describe it, but it was circular is shape and it seemed to have a glass cover on it. Inside, however, was swirling dark liquid that, if stared at long enough, would seem to be alive. Four small, yet strong, tubes connected it to his chest from all four corners of the machinery. Plus, on top of that, it was welded into his flesh, so tearing it off wasn't an option unless he wanted to tear off his scales as well.

Though, he just wanted to lay down...he was getting lazy again...and hungry...


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#18 May 11, 2009 11:46 PM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Another bolt of lightning pierced through the dark sky above. Arus was always proud of his own skills. Being born into a family such as his certainly had its advantages...but also had its curses.

Blue eyes pierced through the environment around him, it was long before he managed to catch sight of another distinctive dragon form. Thinking quickly, the dark dragon darted into the cover of some nearby debris.

"Another dragon huh....never thought I would see that around these parts..."

He could practically sense the emotions of the draconic figure from his own position, another one of his many talents.

"Best stay hidden for now....."

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#19 May 12, 2009 12:07 AM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
Gems: 0
Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: Chains of Chaos

Zyrnoth found a small house that he could squeeze into, even if barely. However, as he tried to get into it, the tear in his wing caught onto a peice of debery and somehow managed to get stuck there. He had no idea how, but it was impossible to dislodge. Growling to himself, he remembered how he had gotten the tear...

Still growling, he managed to unhook the lodged debris and slip inside...only to find darkness greet him. It was fairly large, and demolished belonging were inside. "Hey look...a bed..." he said as he yawned despite not being tired, and the fact that the bed was ruined really didn't make him that tired...

Besides, there was no telling if that stalker was going to come out and murder him...


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#20 May 12, 2009 12:13 AM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Arus watched as the dragon made his way into one of the abandoned structures. The night had fallen and the thunderstorm was becoming worse.

"Now's not the time for screwing around..." spoke the black dragon before turning his back. He did notice just how paranoid the younger looking dragon was.

"Perhaps I should stick around for just a little longer....I have a strange feeling about this guy."

He then made his way into the ruins, looking for his own spot to bed down for the coming fury.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#21 May 12, 2009 12:46 AM

From: 'Old Hick'
Registered: May 04, 2009
Posts: 72
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Reevan was just coming out of an alley om the streets of the ruined city, grunting at the sharp bits of stone that occasionally jabbed at his bare, scaly feet.  In his hand, he held a heavy-looking chunk of rock that appeared to have been a part of a tail of some priceless statue.  Clunky, slow, prone to chip... It wasn't a very good weapon, but then considering how he only needed enough force to knock out a target quickly, it served its purpose.

He had just seen a dark-looking dragon walk past the alley, though perhaps it was just a moving shadow, or some other trick of light.  There was about to be another storm, after all... And considering he had no home, that was tough luck for Reevan on the streets.  Considering how the same rule applied to many of those he had robbed, Reevan just accepted it as karma.  Moving quickly, however, he verified that it was a dragon indeed.

"Dragon, hm... Not worth it.  Barely carry anything, usually, and that last one nearly ripped me apart before I got that luck shot in.  But maybe a den he's heading towards..? Yes.  Dragons always keep their treasures at their lairs, or so I've been told..."

The Liitalo shook his head at himself.  Talking to himself... It did keep his voice from being too hoarse for when he had the occasion to use it, but...

Nevertheless, he set to following the black dragon through the twisting streets, discretely as he could, just in case the dragon had himself a little hoard.

"Those little scraps of metal I got from that last jerk ain't going to get food.  Just have to do it for the food... Maybe I can find them after this," he muttered to reassure himself, while knowing his attempt to console himself on the other issue wasn't going to work.  Conversations with the self always had that drawback.

All of my eggs have died.
... Good thing I have recipes for this.


#22 May 12, 2009 1:09 AM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Another scuffle against the cold stone. Arus was use to being stalked, if only he knew by whom. He could sense the creature from a mile away whatever it was, his emotions poured off him like the brightest beacon in the darkest of nights.

"It would seem we have several visitors in the most uncommon of places...best to keep things quiet for now...."

He continued forward despite the situation, it was important that he find cover. Such things like rain and lightning could only remind him of the deep darkness residing within him.

"Two individuals in this city....that's two more then I've ever seen before....what could possibly be the meaning of this.."

Arus cracked his neck slightly as he continued unphased into the darkness. Only his thoughts guiding him.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#23 May 12, 2009 1:33 AM

From: 'Old Hick'
Registered: May 04, 2009
Posts: 72
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Reevan cursed slightly as the dragon went into darker territory, and also at the noises his feet made as the hard scales scraped against the cobbled stone, however softly he tried to walk.

"I should have kept those little pads of leather he used as shoes... Certainly, they would have been far more useful now than that pitiful amount of moldy grain I got for them," he thought aloud, albeit very faintly, to himself.

At any rate, he had to go closer to his target, now that he couldn't see him as well.  The Liitalo could only hope he didn't realize he was being stalked- and very incompetently, at that, as Reevan was well aware- and bolt for any shelter available.

All of my eggs have died.
... Good thing I have recipes for this.


#24 May 12, 2009 1:48 AM

From: New Hampshire
Registered: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 5,457
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

"I've never sensed this much inner turmoil" spoke Arus gently. He finally manged to seek refuge in the form of a nearly hidden stone chamber. The room was fairly simple,  a small rotunda in the center with ashes from years past sat in the center. No windows decorated the walls, built with the intention of withstanding sieges, and on the far side was a single stone table.

"Well...not exactly home but it's better then being out there." Arus moved over to the table quickly and flopped down on his side. Another one of his many gifts was the ability to keep himself mentally attached to the world around him in all states of mind...even sleep.

"I still sense him nearby....well.....it's not important now." spoke Arus with a light growl as he set his head down upon the rough stone. He then closed his dark blue eyes, hoping that his dreams would not be filled with the horrors of his past once more.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#25 May 12, 2009 2:00 AM

From: 'Old Hick'
Registered: May 04, 2009
Posts: 72
Gems: 0

Re: Chains of Chaos

Growling softly, Reevan crept closer.  He had just managed to catch the dragon steal away into a passage around here... Or at least, that was what he thought.

At any rate, he thought, I'm not here to beat the guy up, just to rob him blind when he leaves.  So, no conflict.  Just find a place to dwell while you wait for the dragon to exit, see if he left anything...

Of course, the Liitalo was doomed to be disappointed.  He'd managed to find a small shelter, a hole crudely hewn into the respectable, though weathered rock that the city was composed of. 

Small, stuffy, and strewn with nasty things, at least there was a slow rat feasting on rotten bits that Reevan was able to club.  Some rations, he thought, as he observed the remainders of the rat that could be scooped up.  Not much. 

Peering into his own pack of rations, a large, smelly pocket in his vest, he found the following: a salted, stinky fish that would soon be inedible... Some green thing that used to be some sort of meat... Grimacing, Reevan got rid of the rancid meat, throwing it out for bait.  At least maybe a rat could try and get it... Maybe some more fresh meat would be had.

His more pampered life in the village before hadn't prepared him for the trials on the road, and his stomach still hadn't adjusted to eating garbage, as he previously would have thought his current fare.  Putting what he could salvage of the rat in the pack as well, hoping some of the preservative salts of the fish would rub off on it and make it last a little longer, Reevan went out into the gathering storm to observe the entrance.  Maybe the dragon would leave before the storm...

He would gradually creep closer and closer, until the Liitalo was almost peering through the door.

All of my eggs have died.
... Good thing I have recipes for this.


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