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#176 May 17, 2009 8:36 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

When the dragon came down, some mud would splat up, and come even under his wing. I got hit by the dirt, and became a dirtball. "Bleh.." I said, and tried to shake it off. I didn't know why, but I kind of liked that I was someone else than I always was. Since he was depressed in the real world, and kind of hated himself, he accepted this new form of his, and smiled softly.

I'd be back


#177 May 17, 2009 9:01 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
Posts: 2,126
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I felt a sudden surge of happiness for some reason. I couldn't tell what it was though.


#178 May 19, 2009 10:53 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

"Ok!" I called forward, yet again running. "So," I said when I caught up to the female dragon "After we reach the shelter what then? We have a place to stay for the night, but after that?"

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#179 May 20, 2009 7:02 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

i looked at lance. The rain still came down getting my Fur damper. "We choose when we are there and We could easy get some food. i'm one of the fastest predator in this "worild" " I said looking ahead.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#180 May 20, 2009 10:03 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I ran into the cave, the others falling in behind be and shook off, sending water from corner to corner. "Well," I panted, "I didn't see anybody put me in charge, we all need to decide what to do next."


#181 May 22, 2009 5:18 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

i ran into the cave after her. i sat on the floor. cold and wet I didn't feel happy. "I guess your are in charge. You see to have the most power." I said getting up. I took some  sticks from the back of the cave took two stones and started to make a fire.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#182 May 22, 2009 6:03 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

"Hey, jack, you're not going to get anywhere with that. Both of those sticks are damp, and the stones wouldn't provide enough spark to light the fire..." I explained. "Anyway, Why shou-" I stopped, looking at the back of the cave, having seen something during one of the flashes of thunder.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#183 May 22, 2009 1:53 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

After they arrived in the cave, I came from under his wing, and flew around. "Wow! I arrived dry!" I said, and laughed at the others. "Thanks for your help." I said looking at the dragon. I looked at the others talking. "W..What's that?.." I asked when I noticed something in the back of the cave.

OOC: Maybe this is a nice moment for another dragon to enter? ;]

I'd be back


#184 May 27, 2009 1:16 AM

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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I had almost ignored the figure,I was too shocked, looking at Jack. "You seriously think I should be in charge?" That's about the time I saw the figure. "Oh, boy..." I muttered.


#185 May 27, 2009 8:09 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5,068
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

OOC: I'll try to pop back in.

I went outside and saw a group of dragons going down a hill, I run in that direction and stop on the hill. "Well, looks like I'm not alone." I start to run and I suddenly trip. "Doh!" I roll down the hill causing my new purple scales to get covered in mud.



#186 May 30, 2009 5:59 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I heard something. "Did anybody else hear that?" I asked. I padded up to the entrance to the cave, and saw a muddy dragon laying in the mud. "It seems as if I have found Spyro."


#187 May 30, 2009 6:08 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

i also ran out and saw spyro. "yep. Thats spyro" I said looking at the dragon in the mud. T?he rain started to harden into hail. "*bleep* i muttered.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#188 May 30, 2009 6:14 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I smacked my tail over his shoulder. "Watch your language!" I muttered, imitating a nag.


#189 May 30, 2009 9:08 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5,068
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I get up and shake my head. "Oh great, I'm all muddy now." I spot the others and notice one of them looks like Cynder. "Ok...apparently we've either got zapped into a video game or we somehow gone to Spyro's world."



#190 May 31, 2009 12:36 AM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I walk down to him. "We're in Spyro's world, or atleast, that's what we think. We have no clue how it happened, but mind as well live wiht it, right? Would you like to come in the cave? Oh, and I'm Leah. Who are you?"


#191 May 31, 2009 1:57 AM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5,068
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

"I'm Eric.  And I'm not too sure about that cave."



#192 May 31, 2009 2:26 AM

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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I tilted my head in confusioln. "Oh? What's wrong wiht it?"


#193 May 31, 2009 9:49 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

i was rubbing my shoulder. "god *bleep*'it" i muttered quitely. "i'm Jack." i said to Eric. i looked about the more i looked i started to think it was Spyro's world.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#194 May 31, 2009 1:05 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5,068
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

OOC: Everyone kinda forgot about that figure lol

"That's why." I point a paw at the figure.



#195 May 31, 2009 6:29 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

“Spyro’s world?..” I muttered, and sighed. “Whatever it is, it doesn’t sound to good.” The others didn’t seem to interested in him, and he turned around, looking at the character who hid in the end of the cave. “That also doesn’t look too good…” I turned around, and noticed the new purple dragon was pointing at me, but he probably tried to point at the guy/girl behind me. I flied towards them, and I looked at the purple dragon. “Your name is Eric, Right? I thought I heard that. My name is Gerben, Nice to meet you, I guess…” I sighed, and flew back into the cave, and the rain turned into hail. “I’m terrified of water…” I mumbled. I came closer to the ground, and rested myself against the wall of the cave. “If you guys don’t mind, I’ll take a nap.” I said, and closed my eyes.

OOC: Sorry for not replying for a while. lol

I'd be back


#196 May 31, 2009 6:50 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

I turned and face the back of the cave. "Oh...Yeah, that could be a problem..." I turned to Jack. "Do you think we should leave?" I fliched as hail hit my back. "Ah, crap that hurts." I muttered.


#197 Jun 11, 2009 12:58 PM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

OOC: Last chance for whoever wants to jump in and catch up.

"Don't be so hasty, this may not be what it seems..." I stepped forward, examining the back of the cave.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#198 Jun 15, 2009 1:28 AM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

"Jack, be careful." I called as he edged closer. "It could be anything."


#199 Aug 11, 2009 8:40 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

Ooc:Ok... Your 2 months are up... And don't say that we should have given them more time!

"It could be nothing, just a trick of the shadows" I walked closer.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#200 Sep 23, 2009 1:19 AM

Registered: Aug 16, 2009
Posts: 19
Gems: 0

Re: Changes (a different kind of Spyro Role Play)

are sentenels in this one


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