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#2826 Jul 19, 2009 8:40 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
Posts: 5,068
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Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

OOC: Kinda drifted off it...gonna try to get back into it.

"The Dragon God King?  You sure are crazy." Inferno said, his eyes burning in hatred as he looks at his father.



#2827 Jul 19, 2009 8:45 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

malefor "with that power i'll be unstopable and i finaly fond what i need"

malefor hold up a wierd ball with writing on it

OOC: do you know whats happening?



#2828 Jul 19, 2009 10:10 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
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Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

OOC: I'll just try to come up with something for this part of the story if it's ok with you Flames. Welcome back Lancer.

"The Dragon God King Terrador have you ever heard of such a creature?" Asked Spyro.

"Yes I've heard  of him Vystyker is his name years ago a war was waged in the Dragon Realms an evil dragon warlord named Nafia wanted to rule the lands using the power of an Orb called the King's orb a powerful dragon named Vysyker who was pure hearted stopped him. Vystyker was then granted with amazing power and became the Dragon God King his power was so great though that he sealed himself away in the Island of Naga no one has seen him since he is still alive but to enter the Island you must have a secret key of some kind!" Terrador shrugged.

"It's what I've heard but  there just rumours mind you still if Malefor wants this power it must be real!"

"Think of that kind of power whoa what a tale!" Said Hunter.

"Yeah but seriously I think big purple boy over there needs a hobby insted of hunting down things that might not exist!" Said Sparx.

"Hmm?" Said Spyro thinking.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2829 Jul 20, 2009 1:55 AM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

OOC: i like the idea but i think we should come up with and easyer name to remember how about altor

malefor "might not exist well the orb i hold is all the proof needed and the orb is also the key to the island and once i have altors power no one will be able to stop me"

the orb started to glow then flashed and a golden portal opend and malefor walked threw and it started to close

aiden "we need to hurry!"



#2830 Jul 20, 2009 10:48 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
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Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Altor will never let someone like Malefor have his powers but we must hurry!"

Spyro, Terrador, Cyril, Sparx, Hunter and Volteer ran or flew in through the portal after Malefor.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2831 Jul 20, 2009 6:49 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

on the otherside at the island and there was a golden temple on a hill and the front doors were open and malefor was inside

malefor "i comand altor dragon god king to come forth!"

this giant dragon apears inside http://leashe.deviantart.com/art/Cloud- … -109947179

altor "who dares speek to me in such a tone!?"

malefor "i malefor dark master of the dragon relms am here to chalange you!"



#2832 Jul 20, 2009 7:01 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

Spyro and the others had just arrived and ran in after Malefor.

"Not so fast Mr. Purple and Ugly" Said Sparx.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2833 Jul 20, 2009 7:09 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

altor "and just who are all of you? more chalengers?"



#2834 Jul 20, 2009 7:12 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Please big boy were here to stop Mr. I'm so evil over there he wants to misuse your powers" Said Sparx.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2835 Jul 20, 2009 8:54 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

malefor "do you acept my chalange or what"

altor "i acept but when you loose you will spent all eturnity in hell"

aiden "what you cant fight him it's a trap!"



#2836 Jul 20, 2009 9:39 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Who's trapping who again?" Asked Sparx.

"Altor don't he's tricking you!" Said Spyro.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2837 Jul 20, 2009 9:58 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

altor "as if this over compitant fool could beat me"

altor snaped his fingers and they were outside

altor "let us begin"

malefor shot a humongus purple furry at altor and altor shot a golden negy ball that was even more powerful and pushed it back and malefor jumped out of the way

altor "not bad for a mortal"

malefor then fired a ball made of every element at altor but altor blocked it with his hand and just then maefor apeard behind altor with the orb and he held out the orb and a beam of white light hit altor an took all of his power altor the fell to the ground

altor "no it cant be how did he get the orb"



#2838 Jul 20, 2009 10:46 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Spyro destroy the orb it's written in legend that it should give Altor back his powers!" Said Terrador.

Spyro breathed a ginormus fireball mixed with Electricity at the King's Orb it hit it and exploded on impact but the orb was unharmed.

"Ha, Ha, Ha I think not!" Said a voice it sounded like it was coming from the orb.

"Who's there?" Asked Spyro.

"Oh not who but what Hahahahahaha!" Laughed the voice.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2839 Jul 20, 2009 11:09 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

malefor "oh great it's talking again"

aiden "again"



#2840 Jul 20, 2009 11:18 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Oh yes again and guess who's back!" Suddenly a energy wave was released from the orb the energy started to turn into the figure of a dragon and suddenly a huge black dragon with ocean blue eyes emerged from the orb he was the same size as Altor and had a scar above his left eye.

"Here's Nafy!" The dragon said his eyes turning red.

"It's Nafia" Said Terrador.

"Great another creepy evil dragon oh joy!" Said Sparx sarcastically.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2841 Jul 20, 2009 11:50 PM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

malefor had disapeared with the orb and arived back at the world they were in before

aiden "crap he got away and now he has all that power"

malefor obsorbed all the god powers from the orb and turned into this dragon but had the same horns as before http://genzoman.deviantart.com/art/Gold … n-79449817

malefor "now no one can stop me"

malefor created a ball of blue energy and he threw it and it went undergroud and malefor disapeared then the world eploded

malefor "i'm going to injoy this"

malefor said at another world

aiden "hey spyro terrador do you know this guy?"



#2842 Jul 21, 2009 12:05 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

Nafia snapped his fingers and suddenly the world was repaired and all the damage that had been caused was gone all who had been killed at Malefor's hands were revived.

"Hey I thought you were evil?" Asked Sparx.

"Of course I am but I should be the one who defeats Altor and destroys the worlds of the Dragon Realms I am so very evil after all Hahahahaha!"

"Nope never met him" Spyro Said sweat dropping.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2843 Jul 21, 2009 12:09 AM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

aiden "terrador mind telling us about this guy"



#2844 Jul 21, 2009 12:15 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Yes you sly devil you are the most handsome and greatest looking dragon of all time aren't you now where's that dating add I found a long time ago I do need an evil dragoness by my side for one as sexy and cute as myself!" Said Nafia admiring himself in a mirror.

"What's to tell he's the evil warlord Dragon Nafia he was the one Altor battled he even almost killed Altor at one point during their battle!" said Terrador.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2845 Jul 21, 2009 12:20 AM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

so he's a warlord like malefor well thats just freaking great now we have two of them to worry about one of them is almost as strong as a dragon god and the other one is a dragon god now what huh now what spyro!?



#2846 Jul 21, 2009 12:25 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
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Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Cool your jets slick Nick don't you think if he was going to do something he would have by now take a look!" Said Spyro.

Nafia was still admiring himself in the mirror. Spyro and Terrador sweat dropped but suddenly Nafia patted them all on the shoulders.

"Why so glum chums?" He Asked.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2847 Jul 21, 2009 12:31 AM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

aiden "well to start every evil villin and there grandma is poping up out of knowere and the only person who might can stop all of this is lying over there"

aiden pointed to altos



#2848 Jul 21, 2009 12:41 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Not exactly there is another way!" Said Nafia.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2849 Jul 21, 2009 12:42 AM

Flames of Glory
From: at home in my chair on my labt
Registered: Jul 05, 2008
Posts: 1,453
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

aiden "wait hold on a second are you ofering to help us?"



#2850 Jul 21, 2009 12:44 AM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: dragon wars spyro vs the darkmaster

"Ah what the heck I've got nothing better to do so why not chums!" Said Nafia.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


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