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#26 Aug 09, 2009 8:24 PM

From: United States
Registered: May 11, 2009
Posts: 411
Gems: 40

Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Why Was This Game Even Made

Spyro: The Disaster


#27 Aug 23, 2009 7:43 PM

From: Agloe, NY
Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 164
Gems: 0

Re: 'Better' names for this game

EloraRocksCynderSucks wrote:

Spyro: DOTD Stomper
Spyro: Enter the Experience
Spyro: Best Day Ever
Spyro: For the love of cheese buy this game!

Which game did you play first?
The originals or the crappy ones made by other companies that just suck in general?

I say:
Spyro 4: Time to Break Out the Pointless New Breaths
Spyro 4: So Glitchy it Hurts
Spyro 4: Let the Headaches Begin
Spyro 4: It All Goes Downhill from Here, Folks

Click? ->v8D8.gif :3
My DA/Youtube is Kiveah.


#28 Aug 23, 2009 7:58 PM

Cynder is cute
Registered: Mar 04, 2007
Posts: 1,759
Gems: 0

Re: 'Better' names for this game

Spyro: Enter the Glitchland
Spyro: So Much Colors That It Makes You Want To puke
Spyro: Wow, there sure are alot of clones of one person in each level
Spyro: Lamest Boss battles ever

    The levels were pretty good though.


#29 Aug 28, 2009 1:41 AM

From: Agloe, NY
Registered: Nov 17, 2008
Posts: 164
Gems: 0

Re: 'Better' names for this game

Cynder is cute wrote:

Spyro: Enter the Glitchland
Spyro: So Much Colors That It Makes You Want To puke
Spyro: Wow, there sure are alot of clones of one person in each level
Spyro: Lamest Boss battles ever

    The levels were pretty good though.

I played this game when it first came out and loved it, and then I played it again recently and couldn't make it through 5 minutes. x_x

Click? ->v8D8.gif :3
My DA/Youtube is Kiveah.


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