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#1 Oct 25, 2009 5:35 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

the legend of spyro:the dark master

hi ppl im makin an RPG and im gonna need ppl to play characters if u want to be a type of character in this RPG pm me, i will list the names of the characters who are in it
Ignitus (AKA the chronicler)*
The Dark Master (AKA Malefor)*
if all of these characters are taken and you still want to be in it i can allow some new characters you make yourselves, you have to pm me if you want to add a character (ps. cynder is taken by me) the ppl who r taken will have a star beside their names

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#2 Oct 25, 2009 8:46 PM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

I'll add mine so that you don't have to.

Name: Nathan Shade
Age: 20
Looks like: Grey scales, black chest, metallic serated tail, blue eyes
Elements: Fire, Poison, Earth, Fear
History: Nathan Shade was betrayed by a ancient spirit and forced him to destroy his homeland. After that he has never trusted anyone, he has also become uncontrollably violent.
Personality: He is nice, strange, rather snappy, a bit of a massorchist, malicious, twisted.



#3 Oct 26, 2009 8:23 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

ill put in my fan charater aswell

Age: 24
Apperence: Deep red scales, a blood red underbelly, light fire eyes and dark orange and red wings.
Element: Fire
History: Born into a cult he was force to work with the larger and older dragons in the cult. He was ofton beaten and bulied apon. at the age of 19 he ran. He crossed mountains, thick forests and large plains. Over the years he harden his scales and his mind.
Personality: Likes to be alone, strange, gets angery quickly, Torrmentful. (He is like a person you would run from if he was following you)

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#4 Oct 26, 2009 11:01 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Found ya!
I'll put in my fan dragon as well:

Name: Phobos Temporos
Age: 25
Appearance: Cobalt-coloured scales, silver chest, eyes coloured like fire, wings coloured in red and black with a silver lining, has a tail which can give electric shocks and spikes in a line from hist tail to his head.
Elements: Time, Electricity, Darkness
Abilities: Is able to stop time for a short while, can vanish into shadows and can time travel.
History: Originally from the dark side, Phobos did not like the thoughts of the others. His mother was very strict and forced him to learn dark magic. After he was forced to kill 7 light Dragons in order to stay alive, he became mad, killed his mother and flew away into the raging storms of the dark world. He changed sides and wants do do anything to eleminate the dark side. His father, a light Dragon, was gone when Phobos was born. Phobos wants to find his father and fight the dark side.
Personality: Mysterious, wants to reach his goal, aggressive (sometimes too much), reckless, adventurous, maybe unreliable to others, according to his history. He is more powerfull at night.

Yup, that's it.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#5 Oct 26, 2009 1:02 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

ok but we rlly need to have da main characters flame and ember arent so important but they help me make RPG (must make list of chars)

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#6 Oct 26, 2009 1:35 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

better type in my thingy
colours:dark purple/black scales,ruby red wings with purple/black lining
elements:poison,fear,shadow and wind
abilities:is able to sink through walls and the ground,can cause tidal waves with wind tornado,scares enemies dead and and has fatal poison
history:was taken by gaul the ape king to be poisoned by the dark master's powers to become evil but wuz eventually freed from his poisonious powers
personality: can be very firey and angry wehn annoyed enuff ,does not liked to be bugged,can be deathly scary when using her fear element at maximum(muwahahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!) (srry force of habit) can also be lovable, nice, heroine figure, actions are acrobatic and fast. (woot i can kill the DM , gaul and gigantic trolls at the same time any day!!)

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#7 Oct 26, 2009 1:40 PM

From: In my own fantasy world. Im al
Registered: Sep 02, 2009
Posts: 360
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Age:Decesed (new chronicler)
Colors: Red, orange, yellow.
elements: Fire
Abilities: See partialy into the future, telekenisis, telepathy, very good memory.

~My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma~


Rurikredwolf wrote:

TWilight vampires are not vampires. They are a different species. It's called 'retarded'.


#8 Oct 26, 2009 1:44 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Well, at least one char we need is picked wink

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#9 Oct 26, 2009 1:46 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

actully three standard chars were picked cynder (me),spyro(blade) and ignitus(naegling) big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#10 Oct 26, 2009 1:48 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

hey lets play chase the gem!!!!! woot cuz im bored so lets all play chase da gem!

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#11 Oct 26, 2009 4:12 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Name: Dark Master Basil (the new dark one to take the dark powers of malefo/his dark crystals and reform them into something more useful... -=not his powers just these dark gems that he uses=- and use them right...not for some religion thing >.=.> )

age: young (20 years of age but looks older)

19wwqA.jpg (thats model that was created for me on wc3 for my spyro series)

Mate: Cynder The Black Dragon (on this site shes known as MistressCynder)

element: Nether Fire (acts like fire mixed with ice and fire with shadow, black nether dragons breath it)

Current Location: unkown... but is wandering the world.... enjoying the sights and sees of the world...(trying NOT to be a destruction freak like malefor....)

(creations: unkown to everyone as my armies are gathering/being made...but for some reason i have 2 of my floating fortresses out at sea letting everyone look and watch the massive ships turn there warship cannons... ) (imagin ww2 battleships made of blackish gems to keep spyro from messing my 2 beautys up >.> they can be still be sunk... use your smarts to sink em... but as for now there neutral nothing more then curious site sees and rumors....  )

Powers: nether healing warp... (is only used for emergency's) this power is related to basil's race of the nether dragons... is able to become a full nether dragon for only for 5 seconds and heal all wounds and death blows...however... due to him being part living flesh... this ability will make him deathly ill after use weak slow and very vurnable and can be permamently killed off if hes not careful... he uses this ability if only if hes cornerd and is very near death... thats possibly why he got the nickname Death Dragon... (he cant use this ability again for 1 full hour when his eyes are red thats when he can perform this)

(goals: unknown atm...)

(there be my profile ^^)


#12 Oct 26, 2009 4:14 PM

Registered: Oct 18, 2009
Posts: 60
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

can i be Malefor? He PWNS  :-P

'My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you. My master is good and smart, he made this collar so that I may- SQUIRREL!... So that I may talk,' - Dug, PIXAR's 'Up'


#13 Oct 26, 2009 4:23 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Classic_Spyro wrote:

can i be Malefor? He PWNS  :-P


dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#14 Oct 26, 2009 4:27 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
Gems: -92
Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

We have 7 now... what's your goal? 10?

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#15 Oct 26, 2009 4:30 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

im bored so lets play a game lets play ask stupid question get stupid answer

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#16 Oct 26, 2009 4:31 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

acyully... start the rp... a beginning and everyone else will soon fallow...


#17 Oct 26, 2009 4:38 PM

Registered: Oct 18, 2009
Posts: 60
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

8D Thanks so much!!


is Malefor a rubber duck?

'My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you. My master is good and smart, he made this collar so that I may- SQUIRREL!... So that I may talk,' - Dug, PIXAR's 'Up'


#18 Oct 26, 2009 4:48 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Classic_Spyro wrote:

8D Thanks so much!!


is Malefor a rubber duck?



#19 Oct 26, 2009 5:27 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

mad  (:)  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  mad  <_<

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#20 Oct 26, 2009 5:31 PM

Registered: Oct 18, 2009
Posts: 60
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

ANYWAY... Is this set after DOTD?

'My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you. My master is good and smart, he made this collar so that I may- SQUIRREL!... So that I may talk,' - Dug, PIXAR's 'Up'


#21 Oct 26, 2009 6:28 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

If it says Legend of.... I guess so...

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#22 Oct 26, 2009 7:00 PM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
Posts: 3,874
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Age: 32 years old
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

I've returned, I'll start the RP.

Nathan was asleep, it was early.



#23 Oct 26, 2009 7:13 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

cynder walks over to nathan 'wake up,come on get up! we've got training today, dont care if da fricken DM is dead we've still got sum fricken trainin today *bleep* >_<  >_<  >_< !!!!!'

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#24 Oct 26, 2009 7:25 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

Spyro soon followed. "Just leave him, it will be his fault" Spyro said with a yawn. He was tierd himself but wasn't going to sleep now, not while he had to train.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#25 Oct 26, 2009 7:27 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: the legend of spyro:the dark master

'fine but when he walks in that door late he's gonna hear another lecture from cyril heheh' they both walked into the training room where cyril wuz waiting for his training class cynder slightly nodded her head at cyril

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


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