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#1 Oct 30, 2009 4:04 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(this rp takes place a few years after dotd spyro is a little older but not big big XD cynders no were to be found however >.> spyro gets a little worried and gos out to look for her but later on he learns theres someone plotting something after he finds these red sparking gems... blood gems.. and these armored knights... planting them around to open a time portal... but to get the rp to start off its ground we need a good rp'er of a spyro... 3 lines each rp'er heres my profile... what i just said was the plot of the story nothing more... spyro starts off in that vallay of avater... or watever its called XD ok my profile....)

=====Name: Basil
full name:Dark Master Basil
Looks: thats very simple look at my avater XD
Age: 20 (young drake)
hight: 7-9 feet tall (short for a nether black dragon)
length: 12 feet long (13 feet long if you count the doubled daggerd axe)
Diet: younglins/anything i can fit in my jaws in this case i mostly feed on whelps (rarely drakes)
Armor: head peiece with a long crystal horn used as a lance is weak to thunder, chest plate protects oncoming elements...is weak to earth, Arm Bands/plated gloves: protects againsts all elements but ice wing armoe and back and tail armor protects all elements, is weak to fire
Element: Nether Fire (nether fire effects steel,ice,earth, and wind types...basic fire and basic water can blow out his breath)
special powers.... (when you guys do fight me in the end as a final battle i have 2 forms) (full armored King: is entirely coverd in dark crystals these crystals change color to red blue and green and is weak to the fallowing elements, fire= red, blue=ice, green=earth, as the crystals fall off me you may target my flesh to damage me over time i will break off my armor and fight you dragon to dragon/no armor...after a short bit i will draw out the sheild to diflect and toss your elements back at you...white crystal dagger... elemental attacks only the 1st half of my form as the other half u must hit me with your little body parts, wings claws teeth tail's etc.... useing elemental attacks will make me heal... after the 1st form i will transform into my ture form... Dark Nether Black Emperor Dragon.... my armor on me will be immunte from all forms of attacks save 1... you will have the crystal daggers elemental.. Holy Strike... (cuts thro my kind like a hot knife thro butter) but you will only damage me slightly... only spyro can seriously land a death blow apon me..... as in after my armors all stripped off slam that dagger into my flesh and i will be defeated.. but as you fight me as my 2nd form..i will have my dark queen around to help me...and you guessed it... cynder... (she cant play cause she thinks rping here is pointless so she asked me to do her part so ill just use her shadow to aid me ^^)

(all these levels are of my creation been working on my fan fiction since well... when the very 1st spyro began im no marry sue i eat marry sues >.< if you think these are a bit to violent well thats what i was aiming for XD ok the music is the levels and some are boss fights etc... lastly i dont god mod...im defeatable as such i even post weaknesses... the only time when i wont post is when you guys fight your shadows XD what you do the shadow dose...so be smart take on your friends shadows to beat em...theres 4 stages...here they are...
The vallys and green plains areas the realms theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W0Oqp2_ … re=related
===Basil's Creations=== (1st stage is your homes then these things come rolling in)
Dreadnoughts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvz65ao- … re=related

Dreadnought x2 (enormous half mile sister ships.. they surve the carriers of my armies....(2 will be sent to the dragon realms to cause havoc.. they will keep moving and drop off soldiers after every other area in the realms... the troops they carry are nothing more then magical suits of armors... be like kicking garbage cans around for fun XD there that easy to kill they can be tripped too to be killed... there not that smart XD after the dreadnoughts get blown up.. u move on to below, you fight me after you destroy both dreadnoughts to test your strength aka as the 1st boss expect me to go easy on you (The Black Dragon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge9eoK3F … re=related
===Basil's Flag Ship===
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi_Ba649 … re=related

Dark Wyvern (links are the level/boss themes) (2nd scene after you sink my battle ships Frown bazterds <.<)

http://kofler.dot.at/40k/units/Imperial … leship.gif

(this airship is enormous!!! is about 3 miles long and is the 2nd level...aka you go thro the ship to find anything to find my HQ...aka my citadel....also after you do...you must destroy the dark wyvern... the boss is the ship it'self... theres 6 main areas... main deck...the 2 wings the main canons, the reactor.... then the ship will set a crash corse to the dragon city... as in you need to destroy the bridge.../the commandering area..so it will turn and sink into the ocean.... the boss is named Dark Crystal Knight.... a crystal with a will of its own... you get gems by hitting this thing like crazy.. it has a 9 foot long lance and a large thick black armor... after you destroy the armor it will use a long sword Deathblow allelements die if you get struck...aka you will lose your breath till the knight is defeated... hes weakness is melee attacks...after he dies the ship crashes into the ocean... and you all will plan to storm my citadel..
Dark Crystal Knight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOK4Q4zr … re=related )

===Dark Citadel=== (3rd level a flying citadel with a tornado holding it afloat ^^)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMX6mkbF … re=related
the 4th level of the series... aka its a long climb to reach the roof....^^

you will face all your dark sides... then the throne door will open.. but cynder will be waiting for you...her shadow.... you fight her...shes the grown up form with new powers... a equal match to spyro... after you defeat her... we will fight...but we shall speak before talking... remember im way larger then cynder dont think im easy i am not >.>

Cynder The Dragon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTXPRb8n … re=related

====The Dark Aged Realm=== (ur on a differnt moon strangly you can breath on it... you can see universes stars... etc etc...)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FAU9eJj … re=related

the shortest area ull be in nothing much here but my dark crystals gems gold etc these dark gems dont suck your breaths out... there just black gems that give off dark energy nothing more... this place is entirely the home of my species... ull see beautiful gem statues made from all sorts of gems crystals etc... and right before you enter...ull see armor sets... strangly enough there all your elements...they give you all permanent mana... so you dont have to worry about losing any... they give you helm chest plate cuffs and tail armor and if you fall in combat they will revive you 4 feet away from combat... this even includes if i actully eat you in any way you just got your butt saved by the armor...after revive you lose the armor... sadly only spyro cant have any armor since theres no purple crystals...sorry whos playing spyro >.>

(basil's theme Before you fight him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz8XbVxU … re=related )

Basil Form 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XovPVwOv … re=related

Basil Form 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiGSFTlh … re=related

after im defeated i will use my nether power to pull that dagger from me so i may heal that death wound... after that i will flee like a coward... hey its better to live another day then to die right?! also my love wouldent take it...as in idk what she will think... Frown but yeah i will rise up again to take vengence which means more fun for you guys Smile

(the levels are based on my own creations... these enemies are my own creation...orginal if you may say.... this rp will need at least 3 lines per post to keep it going... i know theres great rp'ers out there better then we all know... i need rp'ers that make sence unlike 1 or 2 rp'ers who dont im not speaking names...so elite rp'ers only thank you... or players who can squeeze out 3 lines... just 3 is alright... but they gotta make sence XD every detail... idc who you be but heres the list of characters needed..

volteer.... (hes the smart one he is needed cant beleave that ehh? if theres no volteer ill be him cause i type alot XD)

Vulcan....(yes i mean you vulcan XD)


mole commander and crew

Cynder (will be rp'ed by me since mistress cynder dosent like to rp here... and she will be adult form...)

cheetah tribe members

and thats all for the main characters...

fan based characters idc go have fun smile but i need at least the main characters to be filled 1st... you can do a 2nd character/main character to use too... like im doing im basil and cynder... good luck and have fun....in the end of each chapter you will all get gems..10 each... end of the game you will earn 100 each smile now no double posting... AND no meta gaming


#2 Oct 30, 2009 6:58 PM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Heh, I'll join. Dont Have a Bio for Dark Vulcan yet, but yeah, i'll join. I can push out 3+ lines, so it shouldnt be a problem.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#3 Oct 30, 2009 9:31 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

VulcanMetalDragon wrote:

Heh, I'll join. Dont Have a Bio for Dark Vulcan yet, but yeah, i'll join. I can push out 3+ lines, so it shouldnt be a problem.

>.> do ur profile then XD long and descrpition and element weakness... sorta like i did... long as possible...


#4 Oct 30, 2009 10:20 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Birthday: 18 November
Gender: Male

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

1 word: WHOAH.
How on earth did you manage to come to this idea? This is no RP, this is a full game! I will join in, BUT we've got the problem here that you've already telled what you are gonna do. Oh well, nvm.

I'll join in with a very strong Dragon this time. I need to be on some other side or something...

[/New Entry]
Name: Xephar
Age: Unknown
Height/Length: Unknown
Appearance: He can look different in color from time to time, but has 6 wings, scales made out of pure crystal, purple-coloured flames like manes. His eyes are deep red and his wings are as dark as the night.
Side: Dark. Teams up with Basil and Vulcan.
Diet: Can eat everything, but lives from energy.
Armor: Fully forged out of a specific type of gem known as Temporite, or "The Gems of Time". This substance is pretty much unbreakable by normal force, and highly resistant to magic, but not fully. A magical lance made partly out of Temporite and partly out of pure crystal. Owns a bow with Light Arrows. Also has the sceptre of time. (See further info)
Element(s): Temporal arts (Time), a very little bit of Spatial magic (Space).
Weak to: Light (or electricity) and Space [Altho he knows a bit of Spatial magic. He can use a bit of his own weakness]
Special Powers: In his own "distortion" world, he has full control over time and his magic is the strongest there. In other worlds, he can stop time temporarily, he can time travel and warp. Is able to make holograms and he can move certain objects by magic. His strongest attack is the Temporal Blast, which costs him all of his energy he has.
World: Distortion World, a place between Avalar and the Dragon's World
History: Mostly Unknown. He is known as "The Dragon of time", since he has mastered that ancient kind of magic. Very few Dragons have actually seen him or met him.
Personality: Extremely aggressive, has no mercy, mysterious, never has regrets, doesn't care about pain.

Further Info:

Distortion World: I have made this world up before pokemon did, believe me or not. It's filled with darkness, little bit of purple. No one is living there, only shades. Small islands made up of dark stones float around. You need at least wings to live there, because in the centre of this world is a sphere of gravity. If you get in there you will be sent to eternal void. In other words; eternal nothing, and it will so lead to your death. As the story of pokemon tells us [I like it if I can "steal" this piece from it], The world needs a world in which everything is opposite to the normal world. Time and Space are not stable, but this world is required to keep the "normal" world stable.

The Elements of Time and Space: I've always been fascinated by the 2 of them. 2 of the four ancient elements. It is said that the 4 ancient elements: Light, Darkness, Time and Space, were essential for creating the/a world. The 4 spirits of those elements are practically unbeatable, but their elements can be mastered. So does Basil (probarbly) master the power of Darkness and Xephar Time. That these elements are the oldest of them all, will not mean that they are the best/most powerfull of them all. In fact, each element is equally strong to each other, as long as you know how to use it.

The sceptre of Time: The most important item that the element of Time requires. This sceptre is needed to keep Time in control. The staff is made of titanium, gold, crystal and of course Temporite. In the centre of the 4 hooks, that are on top of the sceptre, lays THE gem of Time, meaning THE stone that holds the element. This sceptre has been made rarely. There are only 10 of them in the entire universe. Xephar owns one.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JUlNMAklhs [for battling Xephar]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VJ3Jc6H3Jg [same. Reminds me to a ghost at a clock tower]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz3w6W3-5qg [also same]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLLjibR_c4Q [Excellent for battles in Dist. World]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5_RXlrU7y0 [Had to be in it]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2EoDKvphnM [Speaks for itsself. Theme song.]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2sd8UMUaIk [Also theme, kinda quiet and lonely, good for a sad, peacefull moment]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhNY9mTHgFA [Listen fully, then you know what I mean. It just fits very good. For facilities, when they are chased, have to run.]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZCthpGRNn8 [same as above]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUXhSvvxmN0 [Sad moment]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOEDTigM2wg [Gooooood battle music, stops at 5:00. Realize that battling Xephar occurs in different locations, so warping from time to time.]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx8t8ntH … 2&index=40 [Dist. World music]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWTkd9Uskzo [Also Dist.]

Well, that's enough info 2 u? wink I want to make this one something big. Your time waves was a good title for me, since I like time.

EDIT #1: Added more music, changed sides.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#5 Oct 31, 2009 12:00 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

amazing i knew there was a good rp'er here! ill make a ooc topic too cause we need a spyro before we begin...


#6 Oct 31, 2009 12:17 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Name: Vulcan (Dark Ver.)
Age: Young-Mid-aged Drake
Height/Legnth: Head-Feet: 10'11"/Head-Tailtip 14'11"
Appearance: http://i28.tinypic.com/15hn2ma.jpg
Side: Dark. Sides With Basil as his Minion and Ship Commander.
Diet: Normally Consists Of Dark Energy From Gems and Dark Ions from metal that can be Composed into His Energy source. It is Very Rare for him to be seen eating Any Life
Armor: Complete Body is covered in 4-5" Dark tinted Steel. Everything is Covered from Head to Toe with it, except his Eyes.
Element(s): Metal. Can Manipulate and Contort All Types of Metal, as well as Drain it's Ions for Energy.
Specialty: Can Use His Dark Energy and combind it with the Ions from The Nearby Metals that have ben Unearth to make a Dark Ion Beam, Focusing on One Enemy/Object and Draining 1/3 of His energy into a Medium Sized, Strong 2 1/2 Second Beam. After The Use of This Beam, and due to Common Survival Thoughts, He doesnt Use This More then Once every 100% Power Charge.
Weak to: High Currents of Electricity(that is, if he isnt Grounded, and even morso if you combind it with water.), Very High Heat, and Blunt Objects/Weapons(ex. Maces, Earth Pillars, etc.)
History: Starting Out as a Common Dragon Whelp, He was Infused with a Dark Crystal, after Walking into a Planned Out Trick Made By Basil for an Amulet that would Grant Him Increased Age. His Soul Is now Infused with the Dark Crystal and currently Masked by Darkness. Upon Being Turned Dark, He was Recruited by Basil and Made His Minion. He was then Soon Ordered to Command one of the Dark Master's Dreadnaughts. He is Still Currently in command of one.
Personality: Mostly Obediant towards The Dark Master and Hostile with everyone else, It is Uncommon to see a Nice side of him out of anyone BUT the Dark Master.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#7 Oct 31, 2009 8:54 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Gender: Male

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Good job, Vulcan! You look like a Red-eyes black metal Dragon! [I play yu-gi-oh too much]
Oh, and I forgot to put this in, for my world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWTkd9Uskzo
That music is just perfect! As if I made up a new twilight. I'll add it in main post as well.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#8 Oct 31, 2009 10:55 AM

From: Sigil
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Name: Nathan Shade
Age: Young adult
Height/length: unknown
Side: Neutral. He's a massorchist and a muderer.
Diet: Anything that's edible, he'll eat anything that isn't tied down.
Armour: Just a breastplate.
Elements: Fire, Fear, Earth, Poison
Specialty: He is an unmatched fighter, he has the ability to read his opponent's moves.
Weak to: Shadow, Electricity, Ice, Wind
Objects/Weapons: He has his Amulet and handgun
History: He wasn't always like he is, a few years ago he was a peacful dragon until his home was invaded by demons. He was aided by an ancient spirit who betrayed him, as a last resort he destoryed his homeland. After that incident he went mad.
Personality: Macarbre, sadistic, he will be nice when he wants to be.



#9 Nov 01, 2009 4:36 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(reminder with out spyro the rp can not start... once we have spyro.. spyro player look at the 1st post to understand his place)


#10 Nov 01, 2009 4:21 PM

From: Sigil
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Well, who's gonna be Spyro?



#11 Nov 01, 2009 4:37 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
Registered: Sep 13, 2009
Posts: 2,226
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Someone, I asked Karmadragon already.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#12 Nov 01, 2009 4:51 PM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
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Age: 32 years old
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Oh good, I can't wait to get started



#13 Nov 01, 2009 7:03 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Plz post everything in the OOC area.... thank you...


#14 Nov 02, 2009 10:14 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(BEGINING THE PROLOG BEST OF LUCK THERES 5 CHAPTERS IN THIS counting 6 IF you all collect the light gems....BEGINNING NOW!!!!)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0hfFyhY … re=related

In the dragon realm... legends begain.... a purple dragon was born.... every one thousand years....

long ago before spyros time a purple dragon was born... he was named Malefor.... with his amazing ability to use all the elements at his will the elders were amazed at his power...but his greed for power got to the whelp... and so he created a new type of power.... darkness.... his personality changed with each passing day and his looks became quiet a horror to look at... even his purple color was tainted by the dark power...

over the next passing years.....

the 4 elders discovered what Malfor was up to... and banished him... his vengeance grew....he started to hate... the dark crystals he created took possession of his very soul... malefor was feared malefor became the Dark Master.... over time the elders seen the mountain growing... in size it had the head of the dragon head as if hell bursted forth....into the world...

that day....

malfor become the very embodiment of hatred the hate he felt was so strong that he wanted everything to go away... even the world... the 4 elders in armor managed to confront malefor.... but even there speeches couldent make malfor return to the world of light.... they had no choice... malefor had to be brought down...

the elders lured malefor into the world between light and darkness... the battle was fierce... blood spilling and over time it seem the dark lord wasn't even tired... soon the elders brought there elements together as one! thus striking the dark lord down... in his weakened state... the 4 elders conjured up the seal upon malefor... with him weakened he couldn't do a thing... with eyes full of hate and anger.... finally the elders sealed him away.... and peace returned....

soon another thousand years had passed....

a legend was foretold that the dark master would return upon the world... this news brought fear to the elders.... and did there best to keep there sight upon the future.... what was worse they needed the birth of the purple dragon.... to prevent the destruction of the world....

the remainders of the dark armies stormed the temple and thus...  every egg was smashed by the dark masters troops... but one... Cynder's....

luckly.... I Ignitus.... managed to save spyro's egg...

in time... we were losing the battle... but the war wasn't lost... spyro became the legendary hero and defeated the dark armies and his generals...

Cynder.... was saved by the dark masters evil....

Gaul... was cast into Oblivion....

sadly... malefor returned.... and was about to destroy the world... spyro and cynder managed to defeat malefor... forever... but... malefor's
remains were everywhere... the dark crystals were still scattered through out the world.... infecting creatures with the dark energies...

....6 years later....

cynder was missing after the defeat of malefor.... even i....Ignitus... cant see her location... something is wrong... theirs a power blocking my eyes... but i do see the dark remainders of malefors elemental evil...

there marching there remains to warfang... spyro... as the dark forces go on there path...give warfang time defeat malefors remaining armies... theirs a large dark crystal in malefors mountain... shatter it and i maybe able to find cynder...

(spyro starts on the bottem of the malefors mountain... there are only 2nd class elemental armies... theres also the moles with there blades and dragons combating the enemy armies... they will all fall less then 6 posts... then you will face malefors soul... the dark crystal that holds his reminding hatred... when it shatters... malefor will be only but a memory... and the dark armies will halt but.... thats when the fun really begins... there you go THE PROLOG!!!)


#15 Nov 06, 2009 9:46 AM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
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Age: 32 years old
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Ooh, looks good. Who's gonna start?



#16 Nov 09, 2009 6:11 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(((REMINDER ALL OOCS GO TO THE OOC CHAT_unless your rping....)


#17 Nov 12, 2009 11:35 AM

From: Sigil
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Are we gonna do this?



#18 Nov 12, 2009 4:54 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(were waiting on kama... aka spyro >.< unless someone here can get a better spyro we cant start :'( ....)


#19 Nov 12, 2009 5:15 PM

From: Sigil
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Oh, where is he?)



#20 Nov 12, 2009 6:14 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(( hes not here... he has work like 400 hours a day... sad )


#21 Nov 15, 2009 7:34 PM

From: Sigil
Registered: Oct 04, 2009
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Age: 32 years old
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

((F**k, that's a lot))



#22 Nov 18, 2009 4:45 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

I'll be spyro. im trying to be a voice actor, so this will be a start.


#23 Nov 18, 2009 5:40 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(begin! we been waiting for um... forever say? XD ill pm everyone in the rp that we have a active spyro... begin let this spyro 4 begin!!!)

look at page 1 for prolog...


#24 Nov 18, 2009 5:51 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

yeah i looked at the prologue. this is going to be my first role play, so if im doing something wrong or can improve please comment on how i can do better.


#25 Nov 18, 2009 6:14 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

for one dont do ooc here... ;/ we have a ooc time waves so post all questions there... remember each post has to be over 3 lines...go nuts XD


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