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#51 Oct 31, 2009 4:11 PM
- Apoc
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Nathan flew back into the Temple and went back to sleep
#52 Oct 31, 2009 4:20 PM
- MrXLink
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Nah, I'm fine." Zephyr said. "There's another option. The bandits could also have attacked this village to distract us, and now they are attacking Cindran, the city in the mountains, to steal the magical sapphire. If we don't leave within 10 minutes we are too late, or we get there to see that we were wrong. It's your choice. I do not care about a big gem and the lives of those villagers, but I guess some of you do."
"Those people have bothered me too much. They attacked me, like I was an enemy or something. They've seen me as one for years, and they do not change their minds. So I do not care if they die or not, but if you guys go, I'll join."
Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes
#53 Oct 31, 2009 4:28 PM
- Apoc
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Nathan woke up when he leaned on his wound
#54 Oct 31, 2009 4:30 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Mull didn't open her eyes. That sort of thing gave you trouble. People tended to think you were awake. Why lose your cover just because you happened to be concious? Instead, she regulated her breathing and focused with her feet. She was on the ground but no-one seemed to be around. She cautiously opened one eye, and rolled it around with the reluctant slowness which said that the user really didn't want to do it, but "may as well in the circumstances". There really wasn't anyone around. She then realised that while the fact of her location was fairly evident, the events leading up to her lying on the ground were somewhat mysterious. She could remember taking off to follow, who was it, some attackers of, a village. And then, she was sure they hadn't seen her. And yet. But that was right. They hadn't seen her, but someone else had. A scout maybe? More strange behaviour for a bandit band. If they had known, why not let them follow so that she was far enough from a town to be dealt with easily. Well, she could orientate herself well enough with the stars. She could make her way back to the village, and at least get something to eat. She'd practically single-handedly saved their village.
Mull wasn't what could be called humble, although she'd be the first to say she was.
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#55 Oct 31, 2009 4:37 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Ophelia watched Mull fly away and thought Well, she has a point. Now's not the time for introductions. I can talk to her later.
After overhearing Mitch and Zephyr's conversation, she bounded over to them and said, "We may never know exactly why this village was attacked, but both of those options you have seem realistic. What concerns me most is Cindran. That sapphire must stay safe. So as soon as I'm done here, I'm travelling there as a precaution. We can't be too careful."
"First off, we must ensure that all the survivors are gathered and also that there are no bandits in hiding. After that I'm going to go to Cindran. I'm pretty sure that green dragon will take care of where the bandits are going."
She turned away from them and scanned the area. Most of the more valiant villagers were finishing off the last few foolish bandits, who now were clearly outnumbered.
She turned back to Mitch and Zephyr. "Are you boys with me?"
((OOC: I've added some more details to Ophelia's profile on the first page. It'll explain a bit more.))
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#56 Oct 31, 2009 4:41 PM
- Apoc
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Nathan got up and was in a homocidal mood. He went out hunting
#57 Oct 31, 2009 6:58 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
As Mitch and Zephyr gathered survivors, Ophelia scanned the area. Dead bodies scattered the bloodstained ground. Collapsed homes surrounded her and the air was thick with ash and smoke.
She took a drink from a water bucket and used her ice to put out the last of the flames. Tears filled her blue eyes.
"Wow, this brings back memories." She looked to the sky and watched the clouds drift by. She then whispered, "I miss you Daddy."
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#58 Oct 31, 2009 7:05 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Daddy?" Mull chuckled, "It's a strange time to be thinking about family wouldn't you say?" Mull was quite pleased with that entrance. It almost completely made up for her ealier mishap.
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#59 Oct 31, 2009 7:17 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Ophelia bit her lip. Obviously no one was doing to understand. She looked at Mull and said as calmly as she could, "I called him that when I was a child, and it's stuck."
She quickly wiped the tear off her cheek. "I'm going to Cindran. I feel the sapphire isn't safe. Will you join me? You seem strong."
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#60 Oct 31, 2009 7:25 PM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Mitch accepted to go before he left to find survivors. He went around putting out a few small fires and took some stuff of a few corpses. He needed the money. he walked on, telling the survivors to flee to a save area. When he was done he let out a sigh. As a ranger (or whatever you call him) he took some dirt and smelt it. It had a strong stench of blood, dragon and strangely a earthly smell not from this area. "humm..." he muttered quietly as he walked. Mitch manged to savage some food and put it in his pouch. He had enough for a week at the most.
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#61 Oct 31, 2009 7:34 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"What? You'd rather go protect a crystal than help people? You looked like a nice person as well. Anyway, what makes you think that the acursed thing's in danger?"
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#62 Oct 31, 2009 7:40 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Ophelia once again was careful in her words. "The citizens are safe now. We'll make sure of it before we leave. I'm going to escort them to the temple. My friend Nathan can keep an eye on them. He's injured, so he's not up to much action." I hope he hasn't gone out. she thought.
"And about the sapphire... I'm not sure. I just have a feeling they are going to steal it for money. We need to protect it."
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#63 Oct 31, 2009 7:48 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Rubbish. Your precious gem is safe. The people who attacked this village are heading North-West, practically opposite to Cindran." Mull cracked her knuckles, "Don't you think it's strange behaviour for anyone? Who does this sort of thing, burning a town for the fun of it? Bandits are out, they didn't steal anything. Warlords are a good guess, but why? Why attack a town for the sake of it? You know what this smells like? Politics. Some idiot wants to unite the lands."
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#64 Oct 31, 2009 7:54 PM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Mitch looked about. Nothing. Just some simmering wood and ash. He nodded and begun to walk back. The air was still full of malice. "Malice lays heavy in the air." he muttered to himself. He walked back to the dragoness he had agreed to go with. As he got into view he saw there where now 2 dragoness. He didn't stop he walked on. "OK all the citizens that I saw have fled. So now what?" he asked them.
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#65 Oct 31, 2009 7:56 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Well, after I get something to eat, I'm tracking those *bleep*s down. Not that that's any of your business. What'd you do to help?"
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#66 Oct 31, 2009 8:06 PM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"That Ice wall." he muttered. He suddenly didn't like her at all. "Anyway I don't really care what you do. Good luck with it." he said to her. His breath became cold and could be seen in the air. He put his pouch on the floor took out a vile and scooped up some dirt. He pushed a cork on the top. Mitch put the vile back and put the pouch back on his back.
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#67 Oct 31, 2009 8:48 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
((OOC: Cindran was the name of the city. ))
Ophelia carefully edged away from Mull and faced Mitch. "Are you ready?"
She turned back to Mull. "You seem to have made your point. We all tried with our greatest effort actually. But if you want to travel alone, then we won't stop you. I just feel that the more of us there are the easier this will be. But the decision is yours."
Feeling quite content with herself, Ophelia crouched, ready to take off. "I just need to get something. Wait for me here." She told Mitch. "I shan't be long." At that she lunged into the air and followed the gentle evening breeze to the temple.
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#68 Oct 31, 2009 9:00 PM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"OK." he said with a light nod. He put down the pouch after she left and took out some of the scavenged food. He took a water skin and a small leg of meat. He eat the leg of meat slowly but left no part behind. Then he took 2 swigs of water then put the water back and tossed the bone into a wrecked house. "That was good." he thought in his head. He Yawn lazily and walked over to a bit of wood a rested against it.
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#69 Oct 31, 2009 9:06 PM
- Aceedwin
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Well, have fun with your shinies." Mull called mockingly. How pathetic. They were more interested in some Sapphire than actual lives. She wasn't even sure what the acursed thing did. Apparently it held up the ecosystem, four different species, the power to destroy the universe and it was consious all at the same time. Let the wanderers protect some antique, she'd sort whatever was going on.
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#70 Oct 31, 2009 9:22 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Ophelia landed on the temple's balcony and entered. Nathan was absent. She wandered to her collection of belongings. She rummaged in a bag and pulled out a large dagger, with a mirror-like blade and red pearls on the handle. She tied a holster around her waistline and placed the dagger inside so it was next to her left hind leg.
Never hurts to have extra protection. she thought. At that she took off again and landed shortly after in the ruined village next to Mitch.
"Sorry about that. I'm ready now. Are you? At least we can see if they are after it. If not, we can simply follow them like that green dragon." I'll have to find out her name later. she thought.
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#71 Oct 31, 2009 9:30 PM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"I'm ready. I got supplies as you might of seem so I'm ready." Mitch said. "Oh by the way, what's your name? I never got it." He asked her. He looked at her weapon. 'Wow' his mind said. He blinked a few times. "We shouldn't take the path, bandits would see that coming, also highway dragons travel along these roads." he added look to the way out.
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#72 Oct 31, 2009 10:40 PM
- MrXLink
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"No one would see me." Zephyr said, a bit of proud of his flying techniques, traveling at the speed of light and therefore arriving at exactly the same moment as he left. "But how can we stay invisible for the bandits without taking that path?" The mountains are practically inaccessible, except by that path. Anyone knows how to teleport?" he shouted.
He knew this was hopeless, according to the balance of elements. "This may sound very stupid and egoistic, but if you guys tie a rope around yourself and tie the other end to me, we can travel very fast as well, so they would probarbly not see us." "Or you can wait untill you have found another path or you take the normal path, get discovered and countered by all their forces. The gem is important. That Dragon does not know what he's saying. We all know the power of that thing, right? It must not get into the wrong hands!"
Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes
#73 Nov 01, 2009 9:41 AM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
Mitch looked at Zephyr. "well I have crossed the mountains before without the path. It's pretty simple to do." he looked at Zephyr and looked at his features. "You came travel at the speed of Light, can't you?" he said studying Zephyr. "i guess we could do it your way but It is pretty risk-y. I mean the mountains go beyond breathing auditude. Me and her," he said looking at Ophelia. "might not be able to breathe." he finished.
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#74 Nov 01, 2009 10:09 AM
- MrXLink
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"Hmm... yes." Zephyr replied. "It's very, very risky for you guys indeed. If we'd only have a thing which gave you air... Of course, someone with wind as an element can do that, but I don't see anyone who has that over here..."
Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes
#75 Nov 01, 2009 10:14 AM
- Karmadragon
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Re: The Eye of the Storm
"So i guess we have to take the risk and try to get over the mountains without the path unless we find a wind element dragon 1st." Mitch said "So what should we wait or go now, as every second we waste is more time for those bandits to get there." He added.
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