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#51 Nov 20, 2009 11:37 PM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

MrX-Link wrote:

Xephar grinned as he flew towards a big, black pyramid of darkness, lost in this never-ending place. He touched a few crystals, which began to rotate and shoot bolts of darkness, opening a small dimensional hole. At the same time, a giant portal opened just above the swarm of tin soldiers. As magical dark crystals glew up in the world between worlds and vanished in the small hole, whole shadow creatures fell out of the great portal. The creatures appeared in defferent forms: small, weak and swift ones, medium-sized, well balanced ones and large ones, who are very slow but difficult to beat due to the Temporite armor on their bellies. After this army came out of nowhere, the portal closed, as if nothing happened.

From the other world, Xephar looked how his soldiers prepared for attacks. "That will do for now." he said silently.


((((SPYRO reply to me or vulcan...links god modding atm... and the post is ignored.... thank you vulcan...))


#52 Nov 21, 2009 1:43 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Spyro) Look out sparx, (S240) narrowly missing a shot from the cannon. (Spyro) its begun, hurry sparx we have to find ignitus & the others. (Sparx) Man its dejavu all over again, i say when this war ends we move to another city, somewhere peaceful. (S240) spyro ignores sparx while heading to warfang he sees the same ship vulcan rode in front of warfang, but saw some creatures moving in the woods behind warfang & automatically thought its a ambush. (Spyro) grrr their gonna attack from behind, i'll need some help before i can take on that army, i got to get help. (Sparx) Man spyro now i wish cynder was here too aya. (Spyro) sparx tell me if u see ignitus or the others. we have to let them know its a trick. (S240) So spyro & sparx fly over warfang searching for ignitus & the others.


#53 Nov 21, 2009 1:55 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

-=the dark dragon sprays his Black death nethery breath at the resisting forces still the main dreadnought fires deadly at warfang... i finally catch my eye on a dot in the heavens as i smile to my self to test my trurths against him=-

????:vulcan... engage... -=moments later i fly right by spyro  heading to the larger ship... spyro mistakes that dark dragon as cynder for its color and for it has cynders scent...'for being with' vulcan fallows behind to confront spyro=-

-=the armies get closer to warfang by every step=-


#54 Nov 21, 2009 2:09 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Spyro) cynder? (Sparx) what where? (Spyro) sparx thats cynder, hey cynder! cynder! (Sparx) spyro u sure thats cynder? (S240) but before spyro could answer & chase after cynder. Vulcun cuts in front of spyro. & spyro growls at vulcan. (Sparx) Ahhhhh. (S240) as he yells seeing vulcan again


#55 Nov 21, 2009 2:24 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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#56 Nov 21, 2009 2:34 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan grinned as He charged the Incomming army, slicing them Down with ease as their Weapons mearly get deflected by his Armor. He Grinned before laughing evily, spraying them with Metal Darts from his maw, impaling a whole line in front of him as He made his Way towards spyro. Once he made his way out of the army, he turned around, gave off another crippling screechroar, before slamming his foot into the ground, Unearthing an Entire Wave of Tree-sized Metal Spikes around the enemy. He Grinned, seeing the little Pawns where he wanted them as he slammed his Wingtip into the nearest Spike, cracking it as the rest spread to the Others. He Turned and Flew off before the Spikes exploded outwards, sending sharp and fine shrapnel pieces into the air, hitting anything within the Area, and decimating almost half, if not more, of the defence front of Warfang. He Saw Spyro in the distance and Thrusted his wings downward, boosting his speed towards the whelp before intercepting. Seeing his face, he Grinned. "Hello Again. Missed me?" He said with a smirk before Biting lightly into the dragon, and flying down towards the ground, towards HIS playing Field, and letting go of him while at Speed and stopping, sending the dragon full force towards the ground.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#57 Nov 21, 2009 3:01 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Sparx) SPYRO!!!! (S240) as spyro gets closer to crashing he uses his fire breath the slow the impact as a last minute move, but as he does he feels his fire breath is much stronger, & it does help him to a complete stop. As he hovers & sees the ground completely burnt, he wonders what just happened. (Spyro) what is this? my fire breath was never this strong(S240) but spyro gives a smirk at vulcan. (Spyro)well i'll ask questions later, time to fight. (S240) spyro gives his wings a speed boost & uses a combo of electricity with his earth element to turn into a electrical boulder hitting vulcan in the chest thus stunning him. (Spyro) Hey vulcan its bad to be made of metal, cause ur one huge lightning rod, when electricity hits. (Sparx) Whoooo! go spyro kick his shiny but!!!


#58 Nov 21, 2009 3:11 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan didnt take notice on the flame breath, not seeing spyro use the crystal from before, but noticed the Electrical Boulder shot at him. He tried to dodge, but to no avail as his wing was clipped. He gave off a Screech in pain as he felt the electricity surge through his body, paralyzing him momentarily as he fell to the ground with a thud. He Began to twitch before regaining Motor functions and getting up. He looked towards the Whelp before Growling, Inhaling deeply and exhaling the Metal darks again, hundreds every second at him in a stream, focused on Spyro. He Gave a Growl as he exhaled.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#59 Nov 21, 2009 3:25 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(S240) As spyro saw this he turned into a flaming boulder & came towards vulcan, all the spikes melted & surrounded the boulder which now was a metal flaming boulder hurling towards vulcan. he aims at the ground that causes a shock wave & a huge explosion of flames both coming at vulcan. (Sparx) Go spyro show him whos in charge!


#60 Nov 21, 2009 3:39 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan watched as the metal darts hit the Boulder and melted around it. He growled in fustration before seeing the whelp smash into the ground as the boulder. He was almost knocked off balance from the shockwave but regained it, enough to see the explosion of flames head towards him. He hopped up into the air, dodging the flames and landing back down on the charred earth with a crash, slamming his feet into the ground and unearthing Giant Metal spikes, 6 of them in the area of Spyro. He knew that we was going to dodge it, but the main cause of these Spikes was for Elemental Use.
"it's Only going to get Harder for you, Whelp." He grinned as he Shot another Burst at Spyro

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#61 Nov 21, 2009 3:46 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

-=is feeling worrried for vulcan now feeling he might get slain in battle as i use my power to deactivate the crystal absorbed by vulcans body... as he resumes his whelp form...knowing it will make things more fun... as im flapping in place watching spyro before flying off with vulcan behind as his orginal form... his whelp form.... the lesser dreadnought fires rapitly now scareing off the enemies as it seeks to retreat as the larger army attacks=-


#62 Nov 21, 2009 4:02 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan Grins as he continues to exhale hundreds of metal darts at Spyro before stopping for a moment, letting out a small screech and clutching his chest. He Begins to stumble back, clutching his chest, where the Gem that Basil put in him was, and let out several louder screeches in pain. His eyes begin to flicker from Purple to red, before going to a Solid red state. His Body begins to shed of it's Dark armor, His wings begining to Mutate with skin and bone, and started to grow front limbs. He continued to screech in pain, his Normal age and form begining to return. His Armor started to reappear on his Body, the Silvery Titanium armor starting to wrap around where they previously were, from Head helm, all the way down to the Breastplate and Bodyplate, to the tailplate. His Horns started to Reappear, Sprouting from his skull and pointing back and out in a Boomerang shape. His Silvery and gray scales starting to reappear as he finally reverts back into a Whelp, the same size as Spyro. As soon as he reverted back to Normal, he briefly passed out, his eyes stopped glowing red and reverted back to the silvery state too. He gave off a groan.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#63 Nov 21, 2009 4:30 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(S240) As spyro melted all the metal spikes coming towards him. &  As he finally gets a clear view, he sees vulcan stopping & turning little, this surprised spyro as he remembers seeing the same happen with cynder years ago as he fought her. He flies towards him to get a closer look as sparx cant believe what he saw. (Sparx) What the heck? does every dragon have a curse? (Spyro) What? what happened to him? (Sparx) beats me one minute hes trying to kill u the other hes in pain, i say finish him now. (Spyro) Be quite sparx, i wont do that. (S240) spyro asks (Spyro) hey vulcan u ok? (S240) but all vulcan did was groan. (S240) spyro could feel a gentler spirit in him, but something still told him to becareful, spyro nugged him to see if he would move. (Spyro) hey vulcan u ok? (Sparx) i say we leave him & say he slipped. (S240) spyro just starred at sparx in a serious way & sparx got what it meant, it meant to be quite. (Spyro) hey vulcan?


#64 Nov 21, 2009 4:44 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan groaned again as he was nudged, weak from the energy being mostly drained from him. He groaned for a few more seconds before opening his eyes again. He lifted his head up and looked around weakfully before seeing Spyro. He gave off another groan, Getting upto his Paws slowly and letting his wings sag down and out, too weak to put them back in. He Looked at Spryo and shook his head.
"What....What Happend? Ugh...why do i feel weak? It feels like...something Just sucked the Energy from me..." He said, staggering back before sitting, feeling himself slowly lose energy each second. He felt something fall out of his helm, watching the Item fall to the floor. He noticed it was a Light gem. "Huh...what was that doing in my Armor?" He asked.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#65 Nov 21, 2009 4:56 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Spyro) u mean u don't remember? how odd. well i don't know how to say it but. we were fighting, & u tried to kill me & sparx. (Sparx) Yeah!!!! (Spyro) shhhh sparx!, hey isn't that the same gem he stole from us when we first met at malefors mountain? (Sparx) yeah it was. (S240) As spyro held it, it glowed & infused itself into spyro. Spyro growled as he felt it infuse itself into him. (Spyro) Ahhhh that hurt, unlike last time. (Sparx) i guess when u touch them they become part of u & restore u back to normal health. (Spyro) i guess, but vulcan u don't remember taking this from us? or what just happened?


#66 Nov 21, 2009 5:06 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan shook his head.
"Nope. None of it. I dont even remember the battle that we just had, that you said about. The Last Thing i remember is a Large Black Dragon with a Red Underbelly and armor, Holding me by the throat and forcing a Crystal Down My throat...Then Pain. The Rest from There is Blacked Out." He said, trying to get up onto his back legs, but to no avail. He was still weakened from The Revert. He Looked around before looking back at Spyro. "Although, I do know who you are. You're Spyro...correct?" He asked, looking at him before changing the Subject to a more serious Matter. "Are there any Crystals around that i can absorb to regain my Energy and Strength? I can use One Or two..." He said, continuing to look at Spyro.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#67 Nov 21, 2009 5:16 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(S240) Spyro thought about what vulcan just said. & thought (Spyro) "could that be the dragon i saw flying thinking it was cynder? hmmm well theres time for that later & how did he know who i was?, but at least i have a clue of what been happening." (Spyro) Ummm yeah theres some crystals behind u. i'll help u over there. (Sparx) WHAT!!! he just tried to kill us &ur helping him get back strength. what if he goes back to his evil self huh? (Spyro) sparx enough i'm going to help him, i can feel something different about him, so give it a rest, plus he can help us stop this invasion. (S240) sparx just glared at spyro, but expected spyro to do something like that it was of his nature to be kind.


#68 Nov 21, 2009 5:27 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan Nodded as he turned towards the Crystal. He got up with help from Spyro and started to slowly walk towards The Crystals. While Walking, He looked up at Sparx.
"Yes, While...the possibility is True, That the Evil Dragon can possibly revert me back to Evil using the Energy from him, i doubt it will Be soon. Dont Get Too Worked up over me.I Have Some Powers That are Unique only to my Sub-element." He said with a chuckle as he finally reached the Crystal. He sat down and pressed his paws against One. The Power soon started to fade from the crystal and transfer into him. He felt the Restored Energy flow throughout his Body. He smiled as he felt it before Getting up and stretching out his Body, tail, and wings before standing up completely. He turns back towards them. "Thanks." He said, looking around.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#69 Nov 21, 2009 5:38 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Sparx) Nice spyro u hear that he'll turn evil again. (Spyro) sparx! (Sparx) Ok but if he trys to kill us again its on u. (Spyro) dont worry about him vulcan im glad to help, im sorry about hurting u by the way. sorry i'd like to talk more, but i have to stop this invasion before they destroy warfang, i could use your help, would u like to help me? (S240) Spyro looking at vulcan waiting for his response.


#70 Nov 21, 2009 6:10 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan nodded, looking around more.
"So...There is an invasion. Great. When ISNT there an invasion." He said, shaking his head and laughing to himself. He looked up at Spyro and nodded. "Sure, I'll Be Honored to Help." He said with a smile. "First, Where is the Enemy? And...what are they?" He asked, seeing smoke rise off from the distance and hearing the Deep Bass-filled Sounds of Cannons going off. He reached for his Helm and Pulled it down. It Clicked two times Before locking into place over his Skull.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#71 Nov 21, 2009 6:14 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

-=a random axe hits vulcans head but it was like he ramed into a castle he felt all vibrationally...not to mention seems the dark gem prevents dark weapons from hurting him to badly... but his ears was still ringing.. they also saw the battle ship the smaller metal dreadnought fleeing from the mouth of the bay shooting its rear turrets hoping to scare others off but fails to... soon the rear turret blow ups and the turret head comes straight for sparx!=-


#72 Nov 21, 2009 6:27 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(Spyro) well they r (Spyro) then spyro sees something heading toward sparx.(Spyro) sparx look out! (Sparx) What? (S240) spyro uses his light breath to intercept the turret. (Sparx) ahhhhh, that was too close, spyro thanks, but we have to end this now before i get hurt & or killed! (S240) spyro then turns to vulcan u ok? the enemy r in those big ships but first we have to take out the small ship & the army thats attacking from behind, we'll split up, the enemy is basically wymrils bug like creatures & stone like to. we have to hurry, sparx hold on tight, its going to be a long fight (Sparx) um well im still nauseated from the last battle & well (Spyro) come on. (S240) spyro picks up sparx & tells him to hold on to his tail. then both spyro & vulcan r off.


#73 Nov 21, 2009 6:45 AM

From: Somewhere in the Valley of Ava
Registered: Sep 19, 2009
Posts: 50
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Vulcan Simply shook off the Impact from the Axe, taking it out from his Helm and chucking it to the side. His eyes glew red as he mended his armor before they returned to normal. He had his eyes fixed on the Lesser Dreadnought out to sea, and nodded when Spyro gave the command to split up.
"Right! I'll Take the Ship. That should stop the front from being Bombarded. Meet Back Here?" He asked, turning towards Spyro but realizing he was gone. He Quickly rushed off towards the Sea, taking flight. He thrusted off quickly, heading out to sea to Intercept the Fleeing Vessel.

~Vulcan The Metal Dragon~


#74 Nov 21, 2009 7:01 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

(S240) spyro looked back at vulcan & saw him fly towards the ship. he wondered if he could trust him, but quickly focused on the army, he told sparx to "hang on tight" as he dove & started to use his new fire breath he quickly realized it was destroying all the enemy soldiers easily. spyro flew over & doused them in a cloud of fire, then he shook the earth as he slammed on the ground, & for every crack in the ground he used his light breath, to go thru the cracks & scorch his enemies. meanwhile sparx was just cracking jokes (Sparx) Spyro u think those metal suite could be melted to make me some armor & oh maybe a sword? (Spyro) uh sure sparx whatever u say as he laughed a bit.


#75 Nov 21, 2009 7:09 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
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Re: The Legend of Spyro Time Waves (read 1st page for rules/theme/etc)

Boss: Underworld Battle of Dreads... … re=related … e-ship.jpg

-=the ships aa cannons start its wave of attacks trying to flee but sides of the ship blow up showing the dark gems on the belly gone... easy targets for vulcan=-


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