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#76 Jan 04, 2009 1:48 PM
- arthapenn
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
I find A New Beginning a bit childlish, after playing Dawn of the Dragon. But it does not mean I will not continue to play it. If I feel like bashing Cynder, I will play A New Beginning. If I feel like having an ally, I would play Dawn of the Dragon.
I loved flying.
#77 Jan 04, 2009 10:31 PM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Eh ANB wasn't that did seem childish in some areas...but I gave it the benefit of the doubt in terms of it was setting the story into motion with this young dragon who was coming into his own.
ANB has gotten the best reviews of all three games...on average anyways...but for me DotD is still gonna be my favorite...for pretty obvious reasons....I'll play any of them for a good time though.
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#78 Feb 22, 2009 3:02 AM
- Xythal
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
I'd say Dawn of the Dragon is the best of them all, and even among the best games I've ever played. Sure there is some flaws in it that certainly could been improved, but it really captured me. So for me it's a certain "Yes"!
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#79 Feb 23, 2009 5:39 AM
- grievous16
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Only someone who HATES Spyro AND Cynder would say no to DotD!!!!! I like it because Spyro shows he isn't the cocky wanabe of a dragon on ANB and TEN and because Cynder got HOTTER and cuter than before
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#80 Feb 23, 2009 12:01 PM
- spyrosparxfan1
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Out of the TLOS series i would say DotD may have been the best, yet it did have its flaws. But DotD being the best Spyro game ever is a definate no for me. The original 3 games were my favorite, but don't get me wrong, DotD was actually fun to play at times. I did get some enjoyment out of completing this game, and i bought it because it meant supporting Spyro the Dragon.
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#81 Feb 23, 2009 2:53 PM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Only someone who HATES Spyro AND Cynder would say no to DotD!!!!! I like it because Spyro shows he isn't the cocky wanabe of a dragon on ANB and TEN and because Cynder got HOTTER and cuter than before
Wow... how did you know? I DO hate Spyro (new) and Cynder! … -126748393
#82 Feb 23, 2009 8:41 PM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
grievous16 wrote:Only someone who HATES Spyro AND Cynder would say no to DotD!!!!! I like it because Spyro shows he isn't the cocky wanabe of a dragon on ANB and TEN and because Cynder got HOTTER and cuter than before
Wow... how did you know? I DO hate Spyro (new) and Cynder!
Now now play nice with the fanatic lol.....btw he really is in love with Cynder lol.....I like the game and everything but that's a little extreme even for me.
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#83 Feb 23, 2009 8:44 PM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
B-But, who else will I poke fun at?
>.> Kjakings... … -126748393
#84 Feb 23, 2009 9:10 PM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Oh but you can still have fun with them for the heck of it lol....especially someone who is smitten with Cynder lol......poke fun at them whenever you see fit as to provide great entertainment
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#85 Dec 09, 2009 6:07 PM
- Backstabber?
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
ANB has gotten the best reviews of all three games...on average anyways...but for me DotD is still gonna be my favorite...for pretty obvious reasons....I'll play any of them for a good time though.
ANB may have a slightly higher average score (metacritic), but DotD has the most positive reviews, not to mention the highest rating given to any spyro game post-YotD.
I love this game. The only people that seem to hate it are the spyro stans that are hopelessly trying to rekindle the magic that they felt when they were eight years old and playing the first game. Honestly, it's NEVER going to feel like that for them again, and they should probably just give up on the series.
#86 Dec 09, 2009 8:09 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
RedDragonX wrote:ANB has gotten the best reviews of all three games...on average anyways...but for me DotD is still gonna be my favorite...for pretty obvious reasons....I'll play any of them for a good time though.
ANB may have a slightly higher average score (metacritic), but DotD has the most positive reviews, not to mention the highest rating given to any spyro game post-YotD.
I love this game. The only people that seem to hate it are the spyro stans that are hopelessly trying to rekindle the magic that they felt when they were eight years old and playing the first game. Honestly, it's NEVER going to feel like that for them again, and they should probably just give up on the series.
Not so much for me. I hate the storyline and most of the characters. They are all sues and the plot is, essensally, LotR and every other fantasy cliche.
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#87 Dec 09, 2009 9:28 PM
- Aura24
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
RedDragonX wrote:ANB has gotten the best reviews of all three games...on average anyways...but for me DotD is still gonna be my favorite...for pretty obvious reasons....I'll play any of them for a good time though.
ANB may have a slightly higher average score (metacritic), but DotD has the most positive reviews, not to mention the highest rating given to any spyro game post-YotD.
I love this game. The only people that seem to hate it are the spyro stans that are hopelessly trying to rekindle the magic that they felt when they were eight years old and playing the first game. Honestly, it's NEVER going to feel like that for them again, and they should probably just give up on the series.
I agree. Instead of whining and complaining to Insomniac, who obviously has better things to work on, like their shooter games, they should just move on to another game franchise they like. It would be much better if they agree that both the Old Spyro and the New Spyro are awesome in their own universes, and just stop complaining about changes every game franchise go through.
#88 Dec 09, 2009 10:51 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Aura, didn't you previously say that you hated DotD becuase of the changes? And now you are saying we shoudl go along we changes? Hmmm
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#89 Dec 09, 2009 10:54 PM
- Aura24
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
That was a few months ago when I said I didn't like DotD because of the changes. But that doesn't mean I don't like the other LoS games because of it. I'm sure they'll correct their mistakes and make a better and longer Spyro game, one without sudden plotholes to the storyline.
#90 Dec 10, 2009 7:32 AM
- Murn
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
I gotta say, this is my favourite Spyro game. Sure, there's the graphics, and the story, and the co-op, but the reason I enjoyed it so much was the fact that Spyro is growing up, as I am. See, I was six when Spyro 1 came out, and loved it. Still do, actually. But now, 10years on, I'm alot older, and a little bit more mature, and it's nice to see Spyro growing too. But nothing stops me from pulling out the old PS1 and playing Gateway to Glimmer, and loving every minute of it, even if I could probably recite every line in my sleep.
First impressions aren't my strong point, nor are second or third. It takes a while, but people start to like me, eventually.
#91 Dec 10, 2009 3:15 PM
- Apoc
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
DOTD best game ever? Nah, DMC is waaaay better
#92 Dec 10, 2009 6:34 PM
- Aura24
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
I still enjoy playing the old Spyro games too, the first PS1 Spyro game was the reason I got into dragons and I began loving the franchise when I realize there's going to be more games. And I completely agree with Murn, with Spyro growing up along with the audience who played his very first game that started this franchise.
#93 Dec 11, 2009 12:29 AM
- cynderwannabe
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
I think this is the best one so far im sure there will be more
#94 Dec 11, 2009 1:12 PM
- Flamme
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
LoL the people that thin kDOTd is the best Spyor game ever are Fankiddies that play the TLOS Trilgoy and has never play the other Games ôo.
DOTd is crap!
#95 Dec 11, 2009 1:21 PM
- Flamme
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Only someone who HATES Spyro AND Cynder would say no to DotD!!!!! I like it because Spyro shows he isn't the cocky wanabe of a dragon on ANB and TEN and because Cynder got HOTTER and cuter than before
Aha, I knew not at which I hate Spyro DOTD because I hate ôo. Thanks to you have enlightened me TLOS Fan kiddy oô. Yeah, the fan was DOTD Kiddy so all the 9 to 13 years of age may DOTD. If I had read ANB was childish have you ever played other Spyro Game oô And when I read a wannabe spyro dragon in ANB and TEN was I could kill the TLOS oô fans. Apparently you have no other Spyro game usually played by the cartoon graphics and cuddly desing fits Spyro but regardless oô. If you are reading Spyro was ordained oô wohll the sunset. Well if you have no idea how great gameplay and Leveldesing looks and a well-told story without an error so you can find oô DOTD only good. Luckily, there are still people who are entitled not to find it oô. Oh yes just like in Spyro ANB and TEN is gone, he has always oô so you're always running around with him oô naja oô fly up to DOTD with the wannabe.People with a claim as I can foist no *bleep*, oô by the French.
Was the mess kalr everything is how you can develop a Spyro developer studio only movie license games has made oô. And then this love story, I immediately vomit -.-.People with a claim as I can foist no *bleep*, oô by the French.
Was the mess kalr everything is how you can develop a Spyro developer studio only movie license games has made oô. And then this love story, I immediately vomit -.-. You should not develop video games can only come from oô *bleep*. Objectively oô DOTD is the worst Spyro game and objectively Entrange Libellues is a small dirt pile, the have a lot to cope with 4 platforms oô. Yes, I would never be a Developer Studio is a great franchise like Spyro enter the only games oô has developed into films, and then ever so puny little French studio was clear that no games can do. Your still not even been brought up with him and a fat lip ôo book now risking their fans since not even correct it since new and does not understand einsteiger spyros principle. you ought to be ashamed of what it put into the world to. have not even learned their first spyro games played what I know, and so had maintained a *bleep*. you should be truly ashamed.
#96 Dec 11, 2009 1:34 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
1. That kid is banned
2. English please. I can barely understand it with those two o's. Various other mistakes make it harder, but if you are not native Engrish, then...
3. you repeated the same sentance twice
4. Some of those words I have never heard of. Refer to 2 please.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#97 Dec 11, 2009 5:25 PM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
LoL the people that thin kDOTd is the best Spyor game ever are Fankiddies that play the TLOS Trilgoy and has never play the other Games ôo.
DOTd is crap!
That's more then enough flamming please. If you're going to downgrade something based on your own personal opinion then please do it in a respectable and mature manner. That and yes please work on your English.
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#98 Dec 11, 2009 6:28 PM
- Apoc
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Now, in my opinion, DOTD is the best of the trilogy but not in the series. TLOS wants to be Devil May Cry when it grows up(when that happens, I'll be dead and buried), I still fail to see how Malefor sounds like Mundus however, they just start with an M, big whoop that's like saying Prey stole Mafia's character because their names are both Tommy(which is true, their names are Tommy). The combo system is rather cliche and has been used before DMC and GoW, same with the upgrade system, racing games use the upgrade system now. I got bored watching ANB, TEN got boring later on(but I still love the GBA version of TEN) and DOTD is only barely playable. Now I haven't played these but after watching them, you get my point. Sierra said:
"Hey lets take a generic character(he's no longer original seeing as he's had so many games) and try to make a mind blowing game to bring him back from the grave."
So far he's only out of the crematorium but not out of the coffin yet. Where as TLOS wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. Sierra took a generic character and, guess what? They made a generic game. And there is Cynder's personality changes, boo hoo, why am I crying? No idea and I don't care, Sierra ruined a perfectly good character by being stupid.
#99 Dec 16, 2009 4:04 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
>_< NOT IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Infact its the WORST IMO I liked EtD and all the rest but this game is (no joke) the only game I have play'd and said..."i hate this!"
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#100 Dec 16, 2009 4:12 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?
Only someone who HATES Spyro AND Cynder would say no to DotD!!!!! I like it because Spyro shows he isn't the cocky wanabe of a dragon on ANB and TEN and because Cynder got HOTTER and cuter than before
-_- my GOD! Its an opionion I hate DOTD cynder and fact i hate evrything WITH DOTD but i LIK'ED Emo cynder and TeN and AnB spyro. He was betoer on the old game's thought..he had a more fun personallaty. and cynder was not "hot" or "cute" she looked like a Anorexsic parrot. in teN and AnB she looked fine but EL killed her and her VA used to be perferct and EL killed her by hiering.....IT.
EDIT: sorry for the dobble poast XD
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.