#26 Jan 20, 2010 9:36 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"Perhaps we knew each other in another life." Serthal responded, "My name is Serthal, and I would love to get to know you better." He said as his pupiless eyes stared at her. She certainly was beautiful, and her shy attitude made it all the better. That other dragon looked too far up in his duties to do anything fun. Serthal supposed he should tag along just for now.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#27 Jan 20, 2010 9:39 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"Um...OK." Ophelia felt a little uneasy around him, but he seemed nice... So far. She smiled at him. "I'm Ophelia." She looked at Meadow as they entered the house. "So, is Cyril here?"

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#28 Jan 20, 2010 9:57 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Meadow looked back at Ophelia and shook his head a bit "He wont come anytime soon. He said he was sending someone to help us out but that he himself was not going to come."

The house was not very different from the rest, despite belonging to the chief. The only difference was that there were a few avalar flags on the walls and a red carpet on the floor though it looked a bit old and had a few holes near the edges. Chief Prowlus was sitting there behind a table, writing a letter. He looked up from the paper when he noticed Meadow came in, along with Moss, Ophelia and Serthal.
"So you finally arrived." he stood up while he was saying that. "It was fast of a response from Cyril." He put his hands on his desk while looking at them. "I will make it short, though I would like to have a delightful conversation with you, time is short." He put the plume down on the table and looked at them again. "Two of my best warriors went missing two days ago at the top of the waterfall north of here. I want you to find them and bring them here."

Meadow looked at the chief, not getting why he was not saying anything at all. "But, Chief, what about the....." Meadow was interrupted by the chief "Meadow, you know I dont believe in that kind of stories. I think the safety of our people is more important that solving that old puzzle" the chief looked away from Meadow and spoke to the dragons again "The only thing you have to watch for are grumblins and the fog, you wont be able to see anything near the center of glacius lake. The later it gets, the thicker the fog is, go before midday."

Moss listened carefully but was confused as well. He looked up at Meadow, as if asking what else the chief is not telling them. Meadow noticed the look then looked at Ophelia and Serthal. He sighed, disappointed at the chief.


#29 Jan 20, 2010 10:09 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"So instead of just simply sending out a scouting party, you called upon the dragons. Wonderful. I love doing other's dirty work." Serthal commented sarcastically. He was starting to get the picture as to what was going on here now. He half expected some grotesque monster to pop out though.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#30 Jan 20, 2010 10:47 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss looked at Serthal in surprise, that was definitely not something to do, Meadow did so too.

Chief Prowlus sat down on his chair again. "They are too scared to go up there." his tone was quieter, trying to contain himself "I went there myself with two of my warriors. There was no enemy there, they were all dead already. Half eaten or just bones of animals and grumblins." He reached for his sheathed sword that was sitting beside his chair. "We aproached to Glacius lake because I heard voices, I thought it was my men, but was not so, when we got there, we could barely see eachother, voices went silent. We walked into the water towards the "Blue Hole" as they call it. Whatever."

He grabed his sword and unsheathed it, holding it vertically with one hand, there are clear marks of a bite on the blade, lizard like teeth and due to the size of the bite, it definitely is a big monster that did it. "Then this snake thing popped out of the water and attacked us and I cut it's *bleep* head off as arrows did nothing to it." He sheathed his sword and put it away. "More of those things started to pop out, they were taken care of but after the last one was killed, a large lizard like thing came out of the water wielding a mace and blowed us away like scarecrows."

The chief narrowed his eyes and looked straight at Serthal "Now you think it is a complicated enough situation to request the aid of the mighty dragons?"


#31 Jan 20, 2010 10:55 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"Not really, no." Serthal responded, "But whatever. I'm already here, so I may as well help." He shrugged, "that and this interests me for the moment."


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#32 Jan 20, 2010 10:58 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Chief Prowlus put his sword away and motioned them to leave, not wanting any further discussion with them. (Waiting for Saphira now)


#33 Jan 21, 2010 7:32 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Ophelia sat and listened to the conversation for some time. Big lizard thing?! That didn't sound good... However she was flattered that Chief Prowlus had seen her as worthy enough to go and find the missing dragons.

"...OK then!" She said. "We'll do our best." It then came to her - she was going with Serthal. And she was still deciding whether she liked him or not. Although he seemed a little sarcastic, at least he wasn't dangerous.

"The top of the waterfall then? OK, let's get this done." She gave a small, respectful bow to the chief, nodded at Moss and Meadow politely and then walked out with Serthal.

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#34 Jan 21, 2010 7:41 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss nodded after all that was said. "We will find them, chief." He looked at Ophelia and Meadow.
Meadow nodded back at the two and turned to go outside. Moss followed him outside then looked at Ophelia "So do you know where are we going? erm... Ophelia... is your name, yes?" he asked quietly to her.

Meadow heard the question "I can guide you there if you are not sure." He held onto his walking stick while waiting for an answer.

((Also, Saphira, we are going after two cheetah warriors that went missing, not dragons.))


#35 Jan 21, 2010 7:43 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

((Oh, sorry.))

"Oh, you're coming too?" She smiled at the pair. "Don't worry, we'll find your friends. Meadow, do you want to ride on my back?" She asked, crouching.

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#36 Jan 21, 2010 7:55 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"That look sso wrong." Serthal commented from the sidelines. "I mean, once you think of it, it does, doesn't it?" He said to Moss randomly.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#37 Jan 21, 2010 8:00 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss nodded at her question, feeling a bit more comfortable thanks to her smile "Well of course. That is why I came here" He gave her a small smile back.

Meadow shook his head but smiled "Not right now Ophelia, I still need to get ready to be of some use." he looked thoughtful for a moment. "Go first if you know the way. I will catch up with you there." He then turned around and started to walk towards his house, clearly marked as the healer's place.

Moss watched as Meadow left "Alright, Meadow. We will clear the way for you then." After saying that he heard Serthal mumble something. He looked towards him, getting a bad feeling from him again. He was about to say something to answer but held it back, he just shook his head and started to walk out of the village.


#38 Jan 21, 2010 8:51 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"Very funny." Ophelia rolled her eyes at Serthal's comment, but gave a cheeky smile all the same. "Oh, everyone's leaving. Let's go to the village gates and wait for them there." She started to walk towards them and decided to make conversation with Serthal. After all, they were travelling together - they had to know each other. "So, um... oh, where are you from? Around here?"

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#39 Jan 21, 2010 8:55 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"I fI told you, your head would spin so fast it would pop off and fly into the sky." Serthal said with amusement, "But No, I am not from around here. You?" She loved very fine indeed


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#40 Jan 21, 2010 9:05 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss rolled his eyes at Serthal's comment while walking. Still trying to figure out why Cyril would send him along. So far, the only reason he could find was that Serthal was strong.
He looked back while walking for a bit, he then shook his head and kept going at their same pace though. He looked around for enemies or anything interesting, also trying to remember the valley.


#41 Jan 21, 2010 9:33 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"Huh. Here and there." Ophelia replied. "I travel a lot, so I don't stay in the same place for long. But I've stayed around this valley for quite some time. It's really beautiful." She wandered off into a brief daydream, then turned to Moss. "Where did Meadow go?"

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#42 Jan 21, 2010 9:38 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

He looked back at Ophelia "He said he was meeting us later at the waterfall" He sighed, not liking to admit it "I dont remember exactly where this waterfall is. Something tells me to keep going ahead, though... Do you know?"


#43 Jan 21, 2010 9:43 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Ophelia reared up onto her hind legs and peered over the trees. "I think it's a bit further on, past that bunch of trees. I've flown around this valley lots of times, and passed it occasionally." She dropped down again. "Let's wait for Meadow there." She said, stretching her wings and taking off, skimming the river as she flew.

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#44 Jan 21, 2010 9:54 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss watched her quietly and nodded "Alright, you lead" He spread his wings and ran for a bit until he could take off. A clear example of his poor flight skills. He looked ahead and around, making sure to not crash into anything. He then looked back at Serthal, motioning him to come with his head.

He then looked ahead and tried to catch up with Ophelia.
(I will wait for Rurik now)


#45 Jan 21, 2010 10:05 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"The guy probably fell off something. Wouldn't doubt it to be honest." Serthal said as he flew past Ophelia, trying to at least keep himself amused. He hoped that this ended soon. That payment wasn't that worth it but he supposed that Ophelia could make up for it.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#46 Jan 21, 2010 10:10 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

As they got closer to the huge waterfall, Ophelia ascended sharply and landed at the top. A tremendous view of the valley was before her. Looking behind her she saw a forest. "That's where we need to go right?" She took at small drink from the river, then said, "At least we can see Meadow coming from up here. When he does, I'll go down and help him up."

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#47 Jan 21, 2010 10:24 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

"You sure it's only helping you'll be doing? Perhaps I you could 'help' me." Serthal commented as he landed a few feet to her right. Serthal half expected something to grab him from behind.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#48 Jan 21, 2010 10:28 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss had a hard time to ascend as sharpy as Ophelia, in fact, he couldnt, he flew away a bit, turning back and ascending and then 'landing' which consisted crashing into some bushes to stop. His head popped out of the bushes and shook quickly, getting the leaves off. He then crawled out of the bushes and stood up, shaking the leaves off his back.
After recovering from that, he tried to say something but took a few tried due to the embarrassment "Uh... well... the chief said something about some lake up here.." he turned his head towards the forest "Is it that way?"


#49 Jan 23, 2010 3:25 PM

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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Ophelia ignored Serthal's comment and turned her head towards the forest behind them. "I think so." She said to Moss. "The river looks like it goes on for a few more miles. If we follow it, maybe we shall come to the lake eventually." She turned back to the valley. "Come on Meadow. Where are you?"

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#50 Jan 23, 2010 6:01 PM

From: The Well Of Souls
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Re: Stories Of Avalar: The Blue Hole

Moss walked to the edge and looked down for Meadow.

Meadow was looking up at the top of the waterfall wondering if they made it. He then saw Ophelia first then Moss. He smiled at them and waved. He was no longer carrying his walking stick, which was mostly for mere comfort and not necessity. He didnt wait for anyone to come down and help him up, he simply jumped high, grabbing onto a rock, then pulled himself up, grabbed onto another rock and impulsed himself with his legs, in an interesting display of fitness, he soon landed on top and looked at his dragon friends. Was kind of unexpected since Meadow always carries a walking stick and is always leaning into it, making it seem as if he was hurt or just old.
"Please forgive me for taking so long. I had some things to do."

Moss looked kind of surprised at first, he was not really expecting Meadow to be that agile. "D...dont worry about it, Meadow."


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