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#476 Jan 11, 2010 5:20 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

The twins slowly walked another direction, too injured to do really anything. Aura still couldn't speak, but hinted that something was damaged through writing on the ground. they had to get to a healer, and fast.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#477 Jan 12, 2010 4:36 AM

From: In the caves of the dragon rea
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Slinx walked forward slowly to not attract much attention. "What is this place?" He asked himself, he looked around for any guards or watchers every few half mile.

OOC: (Are there any guards or watchers looking out to the outskirts of the city?)



#478 Jan 12, 2010 10:04 AM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

((I don't think so. Mainly at the palace.))

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#479 Jan 13, 2010 5:31 AM

From: In the caves of the dragon rea
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)


Slinx was at the city's wall, he looked for a way in. He found none so he flew over without anyone noticing, "this place is huge" he said to  himself softly.



#480 Jan 13, 2010 8:16 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"That's a really stupid question... thought Colum. He then made face of surprise when he remember that his mind was still conected to Ulkna's. Severing the mental bond, Colum spoke aloud, "Right-o, now who should I ask for? And what should I tell who I asked for? And where should I start to look for who I'm supposed to tell what to who Im supposed to tell it to?"

The boy waited for a responce. A moment passed with no reply (more along the lines of maybe 2 or 3 seconds but he was an impatent boy), to fill the sylence, the boy answered Ulkna's question as he saw fit. "When I look at someone, I never see it as something so black and white as "friend" or "foe". I mearly try and see intenctions..." "more specifically what they have to do with me" thought Colum as he continued, "I mearly see you as a potential client... in a manner."



#481 Jan 13, 2010 3:59 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Stupid is it? That's nice... Ulkna was finding it difficult to stay connected with Colum's mind. It was as if his hand was gripping on hard, but something was pulling him away. Nonetheless, his grip remained strong.

Listen, Colum, don't make me hate you. I don't want to kill you, but if you anger me further I may not be able to control my actions. I can only dismember you when I am awake, however, since our minds are connected, I won't hesitate to give you the worst headache imaginable. Got it?

Ulkna sighed. It was no good, his mind was losing it's touch on Colum's. Look, go to the palace. There will be guards at the entrance, so explain thoroughly who you are and what's happened. Ask them for Idris, and then lead him and his men here. That's all I ask. You got that?

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#482 Jan 22, 2010 8:55 PM

A Guy
From: New York City
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Zeel neared, watching out for Colum. Soon, they had run into Ulkna again. Oh, not this guy again... he thought. All he noticed was Colum looking at Ulkna - he was unaware of any conversation between them. Seeing as Ulkna was unconscious, he decided to ask Colum a question.

"This man has given us enough problems already. Can we just kill him and be done with everything?"

"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."



#483 Jan 24, 2010 11:04 PM

From: In the caves of the dragon rea
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Slinx walked around in warfang.

(Who am i looking for again?)



#484 Jan 25, 2010 3:04 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Colum was surprised with Zeel, "I thought you were aginst wholesale murder." He took a few steps toward the dragon, grinning in an oddly kind manner, "why does he deserve death?" he asked  in a tone the convayed no taint of sarcasm or anger nor any emotion besides wonder, " From where I stand, I can't see any reason to end his life."



#485 Jan 25, 2010 6:42 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

[[Eh... BUMP?]]

Link silently followed Aura and Aurgal, the idea of being strong with more people in his mind. "What are you guys planning to do now?" he asked gently.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#486 Jan 25, 2010 9:21 PM

A Guy
From: New York City
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"Who says it's murder? After all the slavery he's put me through and the recent torture fest, I would say it's justice..." Zeel responded with anger, "though I do suppose that since he hasn't done anything to you, you wouldn't see my point. Very well, then, you lead, I follow."

"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."



#487 Jan 25, 2010 10:12 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

((Well at least the RP is coming back into swing again - good job guys. I notice that Rurik's characters are looking for a healer. I have been meaning to bring in another character for some time, and Lucy is the perfect candidate for this. I'll bring her in now. Rurik has approved her, so I can't see any problems.))

I HATE this stupid job! Were the ranting thoughts of a young woman who went by the name of Lucy. Her black hair tied up into a bun (mainly so she didn't dip it in beer accidentally), an old, torn, filthy dress, no shoes. She looked a right state. Seriously, why me?! Cleaning up vomit and serving some guy! There MUST be better ways to earn some money, right?

She was scrubbing the bar in Warfang's main pub, which went by the name of 'The Siren'. Drunken slobs surrounded her, shouting abuse at one another, fighting and vomiting. Lovely. Lucy scowled as her boss Morgan waddled in. An overweight slob himself, she wondered how he had the nerve to command her all over the place. Ah well, it puts bread on the table I suppose... She thought. And I made it to Warfang. Hardly the happiest place in the world, what with that psycho king of theirs, but nonetheless... Not bad.

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#488 Jan 26, 2010 3:45 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

The doors suddenly burst open and two bloody dragons that looked exactly the same barged through the door. The male, who had a large gash across his eye to the point where he kept it closed, shouted, "In case no one noticed, we're injured. Someone heal us." He demanded.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#489 Jan 26, 2010 10:03 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

((Note that Lucy won't be a major character like Ulkna, Colum, Link etc. I'll just bring her in when I see a use for her.))

"Huh?" Lucy looked up from her scrubbing and gasped. "Dragons! Oh how wonderful!" She threw her cloth down and rushed over to greet them, but stopped and gasped as she saw the male dragon's huge, bloody gash across his face. "Good grief, what happened to you?! Here, come with me." She said, leading the dragons to a door leading to some stairs and ignoring enraged glares from Morgan.

Once out of the tavern, Lucy led them up the stairs. "Sorry it's a tight squeeze." She said, "But please, once up here, make yourselves comfortable." They arrived in a small, but cosy room with a fireplace. "Don't tell Morgan I let you come in here." She grinned with a small wink. "What happened to you two?" She asked while preparing a bowl of water.

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#490 Jan 27, 2010 8:20 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Colum diddn't like the way Zeel phrased his statemment. His leading and Zeels following gave him the impression that Colum would fall off a cliff, and Zeel would watch him hit the ground, or some such nonscense.

Putting phrasing out of his mind Colum turned and beconed for the dragon to follow him. As he took a few paces away from the bleeding heap of flesh known as Ulkna he spoke in a voice that was ment to be persuading, "It can't be that bad. You'r alive, you have no permant injuries, you'r in good mental health ("kinda," he thought), you'r not starving. Admit it, you don't have it too rough compared to some others out there." Colum grinned at his oun humor, "You may have more trouble havving me as your owner then that big black dragon, I don't think killing ever came up unless he was threating you!"



#491 Jan 27, 2010 1:19 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Slinx walked around in warfang.

(Who am i looking for again?)

((Oh, sorry! ^_^ Aurgal and Aura are with Lucy. Try Colum, Zeel and/or Link.)) wink

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#492 Jan 27, 2010 2:12 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"Some idiot attacked us. We retaliated. My sister lost her voice and I may have lost my eye." Aurgal said  as his blood dripped to the ground. The blood made it look like he was bleeding out of his right shoulder, as if he had just lost it, "Fix her first." He stated as Aura looked at him with confusion and held a mirror in front of him, "I'm fine." He said.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#493 Jan 27, 2010 7:15 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Lucy wandered over to the dragoness. "Lost her voice?" She said bewildered. "Did this have something to do with the attack? Who was it?" She realised she was asking too many questions, so she shut up and resumed filling up the bowl.

She filled it with warm water, then sprinkled in a powder, swirling it around with her hand. She then tossed in a cloth and placed it in front of the male dragon. "Here, give it a wash. And that powder I put in... It'll keep infection away and help to ease the pain. You'll notice that working later."

She turned her attention to the female. She prised her mouth open and peeped at her throat (being careful of having her hand bitten off). She examined her carefully, but found nothing that would help her to cure her. "I'm sorry, but..." She looked at the male dragon. "...I don't know what's happened. Neither do I know how to cure her..." She stood up and sighed. "By the way, what are your names? I'm Lucy." She smiled.

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#494 Jan 27, 2010 8:20 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"The susposed king of this place did this to us." Aurgal responded. He started to go into detail until he saw the cloth in front of him. Seeing no real point it it, he tried it out anyway and began to wipe away the blood smeared over him. That was, of course, until he heard the human state that there was nothing she could do.

"What do you mean, nothing you can do? Human suposedly can do anything, now fix her!" He bellowed in rage and pain.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#495 Jan 27, 2010 9:30 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"You mean Ulkna? Yeah, I haven't come face-to-face with him, and I don't intend to. But I've heard he's a real nasty piece of work. What were you doing confronting him? You're both lucky you aren't dead."

Lucy recoiled as the male dragon suddenly bellowed at her. "Hey, calm down! No one's perfect! I can handle most things, but unfortunately this is something I just can't do! Back off!" She stopped as she realised the possible consequences of making a bad-tempered dragon angry. She took a breath and calmed down. "I'm sorry. I simply don't know how to handle this. Unless..." She thought for a moment. "Tell me what happened. What caused her to lose her voice? What did Ulkna do?"

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#496 Jan 27, 2010 9:47 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Aurgal sighed and rubbed the blood off of his face. he felt there and growled when he felt nothing. The *bleep* took his eye out! The surprise of not having it must have made off his other wounds not hurt so much. "Fine." He said in defeat, beggining to tell everything in detail.

(You know what happened, so assume like half an hour past by the time they finished)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#497 Jan 27, 2010 10:03 PM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

Lucy sat and listened to Augal speak with both facination and horror. This dragon Ulkna... He sounded like a demon from Hell rather than a dragon. "I see..." She whispered when he had finished speaking. "Torture?! Ripping limbs off without even moving?! What were you two thinking?! He's not a normal dragon, that's for sure."

She turned her attention back to Aura. "Maybe... It's shock? Maybe the pain of the torture has made her mute temporarily?" She was just guessing now - she had never had to deal with this before. And neither had her mother. "I am sorry, but I can't help you. However, if I have an idea of what to do, I can inform you."

((Just assume she knows their names.))

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#498 Jan 27, 2010 10:32 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"Blood started to come from her mouth and she has indicated taht it was near the area where the chest meets the neck. Something must have ruptured there." He sighed as Aura nodded in agreement, reading something that she found on the floor, "Do you have an eye patch? My eye was torn out." He said as he started to feel pain.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#499 Jan 28, 2010 1:06 AM

A Guy
From: New York City
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"Yeah, you should try be -" Zeel began, but he cut himself off. "I guess it doesn't really matter. Just do whatever you'd like..."

"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."



#500 Jan 28, 2010 8:37 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
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Re: A Dark Age Dawns... (Please read warning in 1st post)

"Oh danmit," thought Colum, his smile sliding off his face like molases off a peice of toast, "Zeel swollowing anger is worse then a *bleep*ed off chick saying "fine" I know it's gonna  bite me in the *bleep* if I don't put it down now."

Colum crinckled his face into a halve smile havle froun of concentration and darted his eyes to the ground left of Zeel's front paw. He was trying to look contemplative as if concidering what the dragon had said. This was a trick he used when he wanted to buy time or defuse a bad situation. After a moment of pretending to think, Colum took a few short steps over to Zeel and stopped facing the dragon's nose, looking him in the eye. Colum lifted his arms and began to stroke Zeel's cheek with the back of his hand. The boy made short sounds every so often, when he made the sounds he would open his mouth, have a flash in his eye, and then falter. Another trick he had learned over time, pretending to not know what to say but try and talk anyways.

Once he had done this a few time, the boy dropped his head (still petting Zeel), then lifted it to look to his right, not looking for anything in particular, dropped it again and kept it still for a second or two. FInally he raised it, looked Zeel in the eyes (as best he could givven the location of dragons eyes in comparason to human's) and said in a soft voice, "Such things will never happen to you again..."



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