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#26 Apr 13, 2007 7:49 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

I really like your story and i agree that the first three games WERE the best but i know two things.
a:I hate how ETD brang ripto back from the dead like that, and i would never make up a story with him in it (and it cant be before can it except if spyro hadn't met ripto you can tell how in spyro 2 how spyro doesn't reconise him).
b:Gnast gnorc, well we all know hes alive its says in the spyro 2 manual, but it also says I DONT THINK GNASTY GNORC WILL EVER MESS WITH SPYRO AGAIN.
and i dont think he will, i mean, spyro stole all Gnasty's stolen treasure.

But anyway, thats my opinion, i really like the creativenees of your story and stuff, not putting you down smile


#27 Apr 13, 2007 4:53 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

In regards to Gnasty and Ripto returning, don`t forget that both characters have been confirmed to be alive (by Insomniac themselves) during the epilogue of YotD. Also, about them returning, allow me to point you to an interesting topic on SFA, my friend. That`s where I got part of the inspiration for this concept. I wonder what ETD would`ve been like if IG had been able to continue working on it?

Anyways, glad you like the overall idea. Hopefully, I`ll have more soon.


#28 Apr 15, 2007 2:11 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Well, here`s a couple of new realms for you all to see:

Earthen Hollows

Home World: Autumn Plains Citadel, Avalar

Primary Residents:  Earthshapers

Specific NPCs:

Brother Grok
Brother Wrok
Lil` Brother Trok
Big Brother Brok

Backstory: While they`ve antagonized the fauns and satyrs in the past, now even the crass, craggy Earthshapers are blighted by the presence of the newly-reawakened Forbidden Ones. To make matters worse, several of the Earthshapers have been immobilized in stone, an ironic prison for the stoney civilians. Can Spyro put past wrongs behind him and lend aid to these once-terrible titans? Well, duh!

Main Objective: Help Brother Grok free his immobilized brothers

Side Quests:

Pass through five chambers full of Forbidden Ones and prove yourself to Brother Wrok
Help Lil` Bro Trok destroy the Forbidden Eggpods scattered around Earthen Hollows
Find the four keys needed to free Big Brother Brok


Forbidden Metalbacks
Forbidden Brutes
Forbidden Screechers
Forbidden Grunts
Forbidden Stone-Bowlers
Forbidden Mages*

Battlefield Trenches

Home World: Autumn Castle Interior, Avalar

Primary Residents:  Breezebuilders and Landblubbers

Specific NPCs:

Colonel Blub
Beaky the Breezebuilder (pelican)
Major Glub
Gully the Breezebuilder (pelican)
Lieutenant Blug
Diver the Breezebuilder (eagle)

Backstory: After the end of the previous war between the Landblubbers and Breezebuilders that occured during the progression of Spyro 2: Ripto`s Rage!, these former enemies have joined forces in light (or should that be shadow?) of the invasion of a new, common enemy, the Forbidden Ones. Together with Spyro`s help, these two military factions may just be able to ward the Forbidden Ones off and away from Avalar...or at least liberate the no-man`s land that they now occupy.

Main Objective(s): Help Colonel Blub and Beaky the Breezebuilder see Operation: Daring through four phases - Flying Bomb, Radar Retrieval, Silver Rain, and The Showdown.

Side Quests:

Use Major Glub`s new Hovertank to recapture the turrets while exteriminating the Forbidden Ones piloting them
Locate Gully and liberate Lieutenant Blug with the Professor`s Supercharge Potion
Engage and destroy the Forbidden Ones` flying air ship (Sgt. Byrd required)


Forbidden Metalbacks (kind of a staple, really...)
Forbidden Brutes (see above)
Forbidden Stingers
Forbidden Spitter
Forbidden Gunner*
Forbidden Artillery*
BOSS: Forbidden Commander

NOTE: Sgt. Byrd`s theme song plays during your exploit in Battlefield Trenches.

Introduced Enemies:

Forbidden Mage

Surprisingly adept Forbidden Ones, Mages wield staffs with which they attack at close range and shoot fireballs at you from far away. They are difficult to approach, so long-range projectiles affect them best. However, they are vulnerable to any attack that can successfully hit them.

Forbidden Gunner

These Forbidden Ones are inteligent enoguh to capture and pilot various vehicles and warcraft, most notably turrets like those found in Battlefield Trenches, which makes them dangerous around machines. Fortunately, once you get close they are easily dispatched, being far too feeble to fight back on their own. Unfortunately, they often cover this weakness with guards, of the large, strong, and ugly kind.

Forbidden Artillery

Large, stomping beasts, these rather bizarre Forbidden Ones consist of a wide, squat body supported by four stumpy legs with a narrow head perched atop a long, flexible neck protruding from the top of the creature. They have two attacks besides squashing you beneath their powerful legs: They can fire arcing shots at you from afar with their heads, covering a virtually 360-degree range, as well as drop explosive eggs as they walk, the eggs acting like mines.

Much like the Mages, Artilleries are best dealt with from a safe distance, preferably sheltered in this case, although one major distinction between magician and monster is that only fire, projectiles and explosives will damage these walking warcrafts, who can take a good deal of punishment before going down.

I will create a topic (or at least dedicate a future post) to the major bosses in the game, one of which is the Forbidden Commander.


#29 Apr 15, 2007 2:15 AM

The Chickmagnet
From: Ohio.....HATE IT
Registered: Aug 11, 2006
Posts: 705
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

cool big_smile



#30 Apr 23, 2007 7:33 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

After accidently posting the bosses on this topic (sorry about that), I`ve since edited this post and created a separate topic for the bosses themselves. It shouldn`t be too far from this topic on the list. Enjoy!


#31 Apr 24, 2007 5:50 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Crossfire wrote:

In regards to Gnasty and Ripto returning, don`t forget that both characters have been confirmed to be alive (by Insomniac themselves) during the epilogue of YotD. Also, about them returning, allow me to point you to an interesting topic on SFA, my friend. That`s where I got part of the inspiration for this concept. I wonder what ETD would`ve been like if IG had been able to continue working on it?

Anyways, glad you like the overall idea. Hopefully, I`ll have more soon.

Well insomniac are pretty stupid putting that there, i mean "the spyro problem" i love insomniac but one question? why didn't ripto die in that lava, if spyro goes head fist into the lava he dies, or does ripto have lives or a magic dragonfly himself


#32 Apr 24, 2007 9:18 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

It could be that Ripto`s kind are more resistant to extreme heat, hence why Spyro couldn`t hurt him by simply torching him (although fireballs do work, but an exploding fireball is different from a pool of molten lava). I don`t think Ripto`s species was ever revealed, but I call them Reptisaurians (or simply Reptisaurs), at least for now (it`s at least more creative than "Riptoc", isn`t it?). Crush and Gulp could also possibly be Reptisaurians, perhaps a subspecies of such. It would explain why they could survive falling boulders, rockets, bombs, and what looks like exploding nuclear barrels.


#33 Apr 24, 2007 10:59 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

hmmmmm, yeah
but the spyro enter the dragonfly manual should have explained it
now what you should do is put some story how ripto survived and why gnasty wants to take over again


#34 Apr 26, 2007 5:11 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Well, I`ve already given one explaination how Ripto could have survived, and he could also have used magic. He`s a video game villain; an unwritten law states that 50% of all video game villains have to return. The other 50% either turn good, die off for good, or both. As for Gnasty, when you consider that he and Ripto both have encountered a potentially powerful ex-dragon that controls countless legions of ruthless, fearless weapons of mass destruction, you can see why he`d risk a second try at defeating Spyro.


#35 May 07, 2007 8:41 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Hey, sorry I haven`t posted for anything for a while, everyone. Numerous other matters like schoolwork and a brief, recent virus have kept me preoccupied. But, I will continue my work on both this topic and the one listing boss strategies, so keep checking; I`ll have something up sooner or later.


#36 May 08, 2007 5:50 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Crossfire wrote:

Well, I`ve already given one explaination how Ripto could have survived, and he could also have used magic. He`s a video game villain; an unwritten law states that 50% of all video game villains have to return. The other 50% either turn good, die off for good, or both. As for Gnasty, when you consider that he and Ripto both have encountered a potentially powerful ex-dragon that controls countless legions of ruthless, fearless weapons of mass destruction, you can see why he`d risk a second try at defeating Spyro.

well yeah, but it would be a bummer if he did return, cause i mean WHY CANT WE HAVE NEW VILLIANS
TLOSANB was good in that way cause it had cynder!


#37 May 21, 2007 2:30 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Well, technically, there is a new villain in the form of Kaos. This time, Ripto and Gnasty are the henchmen, much in the same vein as Crush and Gulp or Bianca pre-YotD.


#38 May 25, 2007 1:13 AM

From: USA
Registered: Mar 27, 2007
Posts: 586
Gems: 147

Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

The villian in ANB really wasn't Cynder, but the Dark master, and the new game will have Spyro and Cynder fighting him, in all liklihood..


#39 May 25, 2007 1:17 AM

Registered: Oct 24, 2006
Posts: 1,070
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Agreed with SpyroFriend.


#40 May 30, 2007 6:06 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Er, sorry I haven`t been updating lately, everyone. What with schoolwork and other fun stuff to keep me preoccupied, I haven`t had much time to work on either this topic or the bosses one. But, I do want to continue progress on this thing eventually, and apparently people have been checking back here now and then (many thanks), so I should have something up sooner or later.


#41 Aug 10, 2007 9:18 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Well, I`ll have another realm up soon, although I`m not 100% sure about this one.


#42 Aug 10, 2007 7:41 PM

Registered: Jun 09, 2007
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Crossfire, try not to double post next time smile



#43 Aug 10, 2007 8:01 PM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Sorry. Actually, that was my third post in a row, but I deleted the second one when I decided to start working on another realm. From now on, though, I`ll try simply editing my current post rather than make a new one.


#44 Aug 11, 2007 6:37 AM

Spyras the Dragon
From: Midnight Mountain
Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 174
Gems: 0

Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Any voice-acting needed?

A True Spyro/Cynder and Flame/Ember Supporter!


#45 Aug 12, 2007 5:17 AM

From: Right behind you! AHH!, United
Registered: Jul 03, 2007
Posts: 1,129
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Wow, this is really good! Keep up the great work!
Heh, looks like you could find all your employers here too :-P.




#46 Aug 12, 2007 6:12 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Spyras the Dragon wrote:

Any voice-acting needed?

Thanks for the offer, but I`m not actually making this game. It`s just a fun little hobby of mine, to write this stuff out and let others know my ideas. You could think of it as a fanfiction, but from the viewpoint of a video game producer rather than just a writer. I`m simply unloading my imagination here, and enjoying the compliments it`s earning.


#47 Aug 12, 2007 8:41 AM

Spyras the Dragon
From: Midnight Mountain
Registered: Jul 25, 2007
Posts: 174
Gems: 0

Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Oh... well, maybe in a few years then. X3

I could always use help on my game, too... ^-^

A True Spyro/Cynder and Flame/Ember Supporter!


#48 Aug 12, 2007 5:59 PM

From: NYC
Registered: Aug 10, 2007
Posts: 143
Gems: 0

Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Wow, this sounds fantastic! I would die to play this game. I love the new Buddy System. Sgt. Byrd and Spyro would rock!



#49 Aug 15, 2007 2:40 AM

Registered: Apr 02, 2007
Posts: 78
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Okay, while I`m not 100% certain about using this one, here is another idea for a world, although it has several uncertainties regarding it`s construction. But here is what I`ll work with for now:


Home World: Possibly Avalar or Forgotten Realms

Primary Residents: Web Surfers (anthropomorphic spiders)

Specific NPCs:


Backstory: Set in a forest of giant trees, the Website is the prime hangout for a race of eight-limbed hang-timers known as the Web Surfers, a group of spiders that wear glasses, backward caps, aloha shirts, and board shorts, combining the terminology and cybernetic knowledge of computer geeks with the stylin` stunts and speech mannerisms of surfer dudes.

When they aren`t surfing the Net on their personal laptops for the latest photos of the surrounding planets, they`re grinding up their radical web hangout on their web-boards, specialized technological surfboard-esque devices capable of maneuvering on the sticky web they`ve spun. Lately, however, those wicked Forbidden Ones have been totally crashing their boarding fests. Looks like Spyro`s going to have to lay some righteous smackdown on those gnarly party-crashers.

Main Objective: Use the web-board Spin lent you to locate and destroy all Forbidden Spider eggs; afterward, take on the Forbidden Araqueen
Side Quests:

Defeat Shred in a web-board race
Defeat Thrash in a trick scoring competition
Torch all the Forbidden Spider webs blocking Burn`s course


Forbidden Spider
Forbidden Widow*
Forbidden Tick*
Forbidden Araqueen (BOSS)

Forbidden Widow

A much bigger arachnid than the Forbidden Spider, these serve mainly as egg guardians, showing up to impede your progress whenever you approach an egg cluster. Squashing those eggs is harder with a Widow nipping at your tail, so break out that fiery mojo of yours (or anything else proved time and time again to thwart bigger baddies), and scorch that spider. Just watch out for the long-range venom spit...

Forbidden Tick

Exclusive to Website, these irritating buggers latch on and try to pull you off the web-board. Pulling off tricks throws `em off just fine, though. Just be aware that the more that latch on, the heavier and slower Spyro gets, and the harder it is to throw them off. They don`t call the Forbidden Ones evil demons for nothing, you know.

NOTE: This realm has little footwork involved; most all of it is spent riding a web-board, thus Spyro uses his flame and board tricks to attack enemies. This is also one of the few times in the game Spyro doesn`t have a Buddy with him.


#50 Aug 15, 2007 8:56 PM

From: Spring Savanna (A Secret World
Registered: Nov 28, 2006
Posts: 252
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Re: My idea for a Spyro game...

Ah it's nice to see more creative minds around here. Even though you say you won't even bother working on this, I'll support you every step of the way. If you need voice actors, I'll gladly do it. If you need someone to do programming, well, I may have only a little experiance in that area but I'll help out as best as I can. I can even get the programs you need. In short - go for it! *salutes you*

I'm working on doing some drawings for possible characters and worlds even as we speak, 'may need a little work till it looks the way I want it but I'm getting there! Lol, I haven't done any fanart of Spyro in a long time until now.

*talks in a Sgt. James Byrd fashion* Man does it feel good to be back in action!

Hurricos.EXE logging out! Carry on solder and keep up the good work!


Personal Quote: "Live, thrive, embrace your inner instincts, tear yourself from the burden of the world, so that you may finally... be free."


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