#1 May 25, 2009 11:33 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 69
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REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

Okay, I found out about this glitch on my own a few weeks ago when I did the swim-in-the-air glitch at Coastal Remains.  As far as I know, no one else has ever discovered it, so I thought I'd share it with you!  I call it the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch:

1. First, what you have to do is use the swim-in-the-air glitch in Coastal Remains(the way I do that is by going into the water pool where the lift to Sunken Ruins is, then swim over to the rocky wall in the far left corner, jump up out of the water, charge into it, jump, charge into it...repeat until you are outside the boundries and are now swimming in the air.  Make sure that when you star the next step, you are swimming high enough in the air, so that the barrier won't block you from going higher, but not too high.

2. Find the area where the lift to Cloudy Domain is.

3. Don't go into that small nook where the lift is (which you might not see there because of the whole swimming in the air thjing, that happens sometimes), instead, look over at that area that you can normally only access from that electric-breath activated platform thing (you guys know what I'm talking about, right?).

4. Fly over to that area.  Fly over the walled ridge there a little bit, and keep going into the blue void.

5. After a short while of flying in this direction (less than a minute I think, maybe even less than 20 seconds), you'll see a small tunnel thing that looks like the tunnel you normally take to get into that area you were just in. 

6. Now at this point, you might be thinking "Did I just loop back around?", but in fact, turn around, you should just barely be able to make out a glimpse of the place you left behind (wow, I sound like someone in one of those parallel universe books/movies).  So where are you?  Go through the tunnel.  You will now find yourself in an area that looks about the same...but it's not.

7. While the general landscape looks the same, here are the differences:

     1. Moneybag's shop thing isn't there.
     2. The electrical lift isn't there (at least, I don't think it is - I'll go back to confirm it).
     3. There is still a lift there, but it looks like the lift to Sunken Ruins!
     4. While the lift still goes to the area where Cloudy Domain once was, all that's left is a small platform.
     5. Even with the swim-in-the-air glitch in Coastal Remains, you can only get to Cloudy Domain from that lift.  In Parallel Coastal Remains (I need to come up with a better name for the place), you can get up to Cloudy Domain (well, what's left of it) simply by flying there, though feel free to take the lift.

8. Parallel Coastal Remains only is made up of that small part.  If you go a little out of it's boundies, you'll see it is actually a small island (I guess Parallel Island could be a nice name, what do you guys  think?), with water even surrounding it (though it's almost like Illusion Water - you pass right through it).

9. If you want to go back, just find the tunnel again and, as Dory says in Finding Nemo, "just keep swiming!"


#2 May 30, 2009 11:33 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 69
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

Okay, I was slightly wrong: go into the little nook thing where the Cloudy Domain lift is, THEN go up a little to get out of the boundries and just keep swimming i THAT direction.

And yesterday, when I was in the Parallel World, it remeinded me of Coraline, because only that part of Coastal Remains was there.

I mean, beyond the house in that movie/book, it's just white, and the cat says to Coraline "this is the part she hasn't bothered to create"  It's sort of the same way with this place.


#3 Jun 12, 2009 4:14 PM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 69
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

I would make a video of the glitch, but I don't know how to make videos, sadly.

And  just thought of something...maybe that part was a test area for that place and they forgot to take it out of the game and just left it in the void?


#4 Jun 20, 2009 1:34 PM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 69
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

Wow, I'm actually surprised that no one has replied to this yet!

And does anyone know if there's a swim-in-the-air glitch for Stormy Beach?


#5 Jun 28, 2009 8:41 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

No, the swim-in-air glitch only works in costal remains and dragonfly falls... I'll have to have a try at the coastal remains one though, I never got around to it, and when I do that, I'll check out the Parallel Island big_smile.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#6 Dec 21, 2009 3:24 PM

gaile the dragon
From: dudes and dudettes im not tell
Registered: Dec 20, 2009
Posts: 31
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

have you ever heard of the glitch:walk underwater? i did it in dragonfly falls in the big ocean thing where the pirranahs are and i jumped in the water and i was walking underwater lol

dragonanimated323923_.gif this is Layla plz click her she would like some friends


#7 Dec 22, 2009 1:59 AM

Registered: Jan 06, 2009
Posts: 13
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

I've got there before. It's actually the loader for Cloudy Domain-When you enter the lift, you'll be teleported there-then go up(loading Cloudy Domain...) then, once you get to the "Cloudy Domain plataform out in the nowhere", you'll be instantly teleported to the actual Cloudy Domain.

When you were thinking of Coraline, the Floating Ilsand, along with the plataform, would actually pose of that "colored tunnel" from the movie. It's a transition point between the two levels.

You CAN do the glitch the other way around. In Cloudy Domain, still with the swim-in-air on, fly east. Fly east. And, did I mention, fly east? (Look in the map to se where east is). Also fly east. You get to that "plataform". Swim down, and, ta-da! Coastal Remains.

Man, that was a lot for my first post after 10 inactive months.

It's possible to fly outside of the speedways.
Spyro 1, 10/10/2008


#8 Dec 22, 2009 7:55 AM

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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

Spynder wrote:

And does anyone know if there's a swim-in-the-air glitch for Stormy Beach?

I have found one.
Go into the cave that leads to molten mount.
In the room with water and two big rocks, find the target box next to the biggest rock and get in the air between the rock and the box. Then charge through the rock and water below.
I have recorded it, in the end of this video


#9 Mar 25, 2010 4:52 PM

Registered: Aug 02, 2009
Posts: 169
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

gaile the dragon wrote:

have you ever heard of the glitch:walk underwater? i did it in dragonfly falls in the big ocean thing where the pirranahs are and i jumped in the water and i was walking underwater lol

Oh yeah I do that all the time. all you have to do is jump on the corner of on of those floating peices of wood so it sinks a little but your still on it and the aim and then you fall under water but you can breath fire and stuff.

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#10 May 21, 2010 6:59 PM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 13, 2009
Posts: 69
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Re: REALY interesting glitch I found: the Coastal Remains Parallel Glitch

igorseabra4 wrote:

I've got there before. It's actually the loader for Cloudy Domain-When you enter the lift, you'll be teleported there-then go up(loading Cloudy Domain...) then, once you get to the "Cloudy Domain plataform out in the nowhere", you'll be instantly teleported to the actual Cloudy Domain.

When you were thinking of Coraline, the Floating Ilsand, along with the plataform, would actually pose of that "colored tunnel" from the movie. It's a transition point between the two levels.

You CAN do the glitch the other way around. In Cloudy Domain, still with the swim-in-air on, fly east. Fly east. And, did I mention, fly east? (Look in the map to se where east is). Also fly east. You get to that "plataform". Swim down, and, ta-da! Coastal Remains.

Man, that was a lot for my first post after 10 inactive months.

I know, I forgot to put the Swim-in-the-Air Cloudy Domain way to get there, but I found out that way shortly after I found the first way. smile

Long time no see by the way, I haven't been here in awhile.


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