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#26 Dec 30, 2009 8:51 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
Posts: 5,167
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Birthday: 14 October
Age: 32 years old
Gender: Male

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

(Can we stop using chatspeak, S240? It's against the rules to do that, you know. Along with script forming, as that is what it looks like you are doing,)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#27 Jan 02, 2010 10:59 AM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

OOC:ooc will be used like this please.rurik whats rong with chatspeak?

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#28 Jan 03, 2010 1:25 AM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
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Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

(it is against the rules, first off. It shows lazyness and is frowned upon by others who care for writing. I will not allow it. This is my warning. I will take disaplinary measures if this is ignored.)


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#29 Jan 03, 2010 2:21 AM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
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Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

OK, for the chatspeak and scripting rules, see this post. You can continue this RP as you normally do.


#30 Jan 03, 2010 8:02 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
Posts: 284
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

OOC: its ok dark dragoness its fine with me, lets continue i'll try & do better.


#31 Jan 03, 2010 6:40 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

OOC:ok you all heard the mods
S240 and i have done enough posting other people please post with your characters now

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#32 Jan 06, 2010 11:13 AM

Registered: May 16, 2009
Posts: 82
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

hers some charictors of my own.


Race: Humagon mostly human buthave dragon wings tail and horns.
hair/horn coler: white.
skin: white.
wing membrane: blue
items: sword shield element amulet amulet


Race: humagon.
hair coler: blond
horn coler: blue
tail coler: green
wing membrane: blue
skin: tan
items: healing potions speed potions straingh potions time amulet

background: Bacuma and Calvina are good friends who have been cast away from the humans but when they met up they rebeled showing that even though they are diferent they can still be helpful. So the humans let them return in exange fortheir help in shops and blacksmiths however soon thehumans took advantage of them and kept them inslave camps but escaped and now they live at the temple and watch over Spyro and Cyder.

JsCs.gif ba6i.gif vRaS.gif

help my dragons or get sued.


#33 Jan 06, 2010 3:43 PM

From: Don't turn around...
Registered: Nov 14, 2009
Posts: 217
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

If I can join I have 3 in the character sheet. Do you need a bad character to be working fpr malefor or something?

I have no memory of this place...


#34 Feb 06, 2010 12:32 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

nuuuu, but you can if you like.
adding new char for myself. its in darkmasterbasil's RP

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#35 Feb 06, 2010 3:48 PM

From: The Sun drenched sands
Registered: Oct 03, 2009
Posts: 88
Gems: 0
Gender: Male

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

I'd like to join TDDQ. Here's a char sheet for you:

Name: Galvore

Age: Unknown (Possibly 30)

Gender: Male

Species: Dread-Ape (Dreadwing-Ape hybrid)

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 96 lbs

Appearance: Snow white fur covering all the parts on his body where it would normally cover an Apes. Only, it also covers his neck and shoulders like a Dreadwing. Black skin with a light purple wing membrane. Has the basic head of a Dreadwing with left horn broken in the middle. Also has the long tail of an Ape only without the tuft on the end. Making it appear rat-like. His eye color is white, making him appear to be blind. But can see quite well. Long fangs that overlap his lips. Has a scrawny build, especially by Ape standards. Walks upright most of the time. Wears the common black, spiked armor that Cynder's forces wore in ANB. Also has a black, evil-looking pouch slung around his waist. The contents are unknown.

Backstory: Galvore was created by Gaul as an experimental "super-soldier." But the amount of magic and spirit gems it took to successfully create him was so immense that Gaul decided it was best not to make anymore. In order to save resources. Galvore exselled in every test, beit physical or mental, that Gaul could throw at him. But he was forbidden to take part in combat against the Dragons. Due to Malefore claiming he was "Illegal". (Gaul made him without Malefore's permission.) Malefore ordered Galvore to be destroyed. An order that Gaul was more than happy to execute. (He didn't like the fact that Galvore was a better combatant than him.) Galvore fled the Well of souls and sought refuge in Concurrent Skies. Where he hid from the Ape forces (Including Cynder) for the entire time for the evnts of ANB-DotD.

Personality: Smug, intelligent, and calculating. Galvore has a habit of underestimating others. He loathes both the forces of the Apes and Dragons, and seeks to create his own world order. He loves to rub in the fact that Cynder was a fromer tool of Malefor to her. Just to get under her skin. But, despite all this, he is actually a coward.

Abilities: Posseses the screech and fireball spewing abilities of a Dreadwing and the magic using knowledge of an Ape. But also has an Intellect that can surpass anyone.

Strengths: Is an expert military stategist and excells at ranged combat. Is also an expert flyer. Along with a very sensitive sense of hearing.

Weaknesses: His underestimating tends to be his downfall. Along with his cowardly nature. Isn't a very good hand-to-hand combatant. But will fight that way if need be.

Let me know if you like him. He's an evil nutral char.

Sometimes you just need a little less stress, and alot more cake.

Roll the Sun! Praise the Sun!


#36 Feb 09, 2010 5:39 PM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

good character. im now rating characters with a grade.
A+ is no flaws and good work
A is good work
B+ above average
B is brilliant
C+ need to work on it
C under average.
F need better characterisitics

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#37 May 27, 2010 1:46 AM

From: warfare the city of dragons
Registered: May 20, 2010
Posts: 28
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

I like to join this roleplay  Here's a char sheet for you:
name: Shadow
age: 1000
Gender: female
tail tip:a curved blade
Main color: black
Under belly: is black
Elements:  Shadow
Abilities:  Shadow fire
Personality: she nice to people but she is serious in batte
Weakness: no Weakness
Side: good
Armour:She Wears black Armour with glowing red lines going thru it
Species: become a human
Height: 7'8"
Weight: 96 lbs



#38 May 27, 2010 10:37 AM

From: Lofty Castle
Registered: Nov 28, 2007
Posts: 2,678
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Birthday: 26 August
Gender: Female

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

((In case you didn't notice, this RP has been dead since February, and TDDQ is hardly around any more. Try not to bump old threads in the future, OK?))

Avatar by Phoenix_Flyer


#39 Jun 13, 2010 10:14 AM

the dark dragoness queen
From: at the cherryfalls of ice crea
Registered: Aug 19, 2009
Posts: 331
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

yeah but look who appeared from the abyss

dragonanimated_312839.gif Lunae wants some friends please visit her sometimes TY seasons greetings from TDDQ


#40 Jul 25, 2010 2:27 AM

Registered: Nov 21, 2007
Posts: 1,863
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

name: Zeke
age: About 19
elements: Water
abilities: Can heal himself when in water (To a limit)
personality: Kind, childish, unless you make him angry- whatever you do don't do that, serious when danger, lost e.t.c
weaknesses: Electricity
side: Good
bio/history: Zeke sticks to caves and loves exploring them, outside he enjoys flying around and caring about nothing.
If you make him angry he will shoot a torrent of water at you until you drown... :3

fFe2.gifClicks would be appreciated, Thank you!


#41 Jul 25, 2010 6:15 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

Oh time to bring back the dead.

Name: Jack

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Apperance: Two legged winged raptor like creature, Yellow and orangeish scales with spikes on back to tail, Tail tip shaped like a avail of spikes

Personality:Jack was often a calm and friendly fellow, He however when it comes to villains and revenge goes to extreames and often a bit mad when it comes to Punishing them that was before the day his foster parents died and were killed,Since then certain people he see's must live are important, he values life only if he see's fit. yet he has no problem with killing villains and people of get in his way Apart from that He is a anti-hero..He has plans for something big, When punishing villians he loved to tortue them..and ruin them for thier sins, he has become a monster in the process of exterminating monsters and villians.
He is cunning, cruel..and insane.

Powers: Seems to know well about combat, His spikes and claws seem to be able to form into a more solid object bulit for crushing and pounding, His claws can rotate for a odd reason, He also can infect a bio-morph into the ground giving him strange minion like creatures or infect creatures but this requires alot of enegrey and often worns him out..after a few days the minions can do this aswell however most rp's defeat him before he gets the chance. (The minion creatures are more like Aliens or starship troopers bugs...kinda more like a giant lizard monster with the strengh of a grublin)
Can breathe some sort of element out of his mouth to dangerous damage and has a secret lust poison that can turn any thing into a raging horny batsard.

Weaknesses: Due to him being like a marvel symbiote (think venom getting beaten up and turning into liquid) Physical attacks work only near deah..when turning liquid state Fire and Ice seem to work effective. however he has a weakness of the mind, this often driving him to the edge of isanity that he might destory himself along with whatever his objective...Again strange enegery pop out when enraged but it seems to make him attack anything

Notes:Knew a Dragon who fostered him before he was killed in battle, This drove him to master a plan.

Second Form.

Before Jack becomes like he will be at the OC sheet.he will start at like a small blue sludge and become a symbiote (LOL Spyro symbiote...Senom
However in this state he is killed easily and will be crushed unless he finds a host..once bonded...well pretty much feeds off the host untill he can turn into his real form. Read Symbiotes on Wikipedia or Marvel. If he bonds to another host that host will know all the powers from people Jack bonded with. However he loses this after he becomes in his final real form.
The Host will become 2x powerful then it already is but there is a risk

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#42 Aug 07, 2010 5:22 PM

From: Not telling you, perv.
Registered: Jul 24, 2010
Posts: 16
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

this rp is dead. YOU BUMPER.



#43 Aug 11, 2010 5:40 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

Mine was done on the same day the above user has.

You just bumped it with no content.

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#44 Oct 23, 2010 6:27 AM

New Member
Registered: Oct 23, 2010
Posts: 1
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Re: The Legend Of Cynder:A New Beginning

invigorating. You've got about 20 seconds of a reader's time to either sell them the game or turn them off.

The key elements to the tagline are


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