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#1 Sep 11, 2011 2:13 PM
- spyro17
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There could be a legend of spyro 4
There could some day be a legend of spyro 4 and the mane villian could be a carichter from cynders past that has never been menchind in the legend of spyro series.
i'm back baby
#2 Sep 11, 2011 3:53 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
If this "villen" is so "villenus" from cynders past then WHY would they of never been mentiond ever? did she just forget to bring this little fact up that there was more than just Gaul and Malefor?
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Oh the indignity.
#3 Sep 11, 2011 5:32 PM
- Latias fan
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
*After the events of Dawn of the Dragon.
*Spyro and Cynder were sitting on the edge of a cave in the Valley of Avalar*
Cynder: Look at it Spyro. Look how beautiful our world is.
Spyro: Yea. I never though i was strong enough. But i did it i saved the world. Now that Malefor is dead, we can leave the world in the others hands.
Cynder: Yea umm about that.
Spyro: What is it honey?
Cynder: Yea there's an entire league of evil beings that Malefor was a part of. Well not really part of so to speak. More like butt monkey of that group.
Spyro: So what you're telling me is that there's MORE of them? And stronger than Malefor?
Cynder: Yea pretty much.
Spyro: Why did you not tell me this sooner?
Cynder: You never asked
Spyro: You dumb broad.
*Spyro pushes Cynder off the cave and she falls in the river*
Spyro: I gotta do everything by myself now because everyone in this world is a freaking moron.
*Spyro streachs his wings and flys off to...somewhere*
The End
#4 Sep 11, 2011 8:27 PM
- spyro17
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Well actully he would be not at the same rank as gaul and malfore but he would be a great archer yeah i kind of thout of the charicter and he could be cynders fraiend ho she forgot about or just did not want spyro spark or enyone else to get hurt or get them draged into more danger then they have all ready goten into and he could acctuly come out so the second place you go to is totaly destroyed by him and his minyans and in one of the cutscenes they could show him and his minyans actully attacking and village and he would be one of malfore's minyans that are archers and could be attcking because of how malfore was his master and he died so he wants payback on spyro and cynder because of how she betrayed them and help destroy malfore. They would return to the dragon city and then go to some random village and that could be the destroyed village.
i'm back baby
#5 Sep 12, 2011 9:11 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
i think this viniverse of spyro's better off how it is TBH
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#6 Sep 19, 2011 10:17 AM
- spyro17
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
well yes but some people might want to see what happens in the legend of spyro 4 and others might just want to continu the legend of spyro series and the rest will just hate it maby.
i'm back baby
#8 Sep 21, 2011 1:09 AM
- JazzJackrabbit
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
I honestly hope they just remake the series from scratch.
How I see a reboot of The Legend of Spyro:
*remakes of current TLOS
*prequel/parallel game featuring Cynder
*prequel featuring the Guardians and flashbacks to Malefor's youth
*shooter featuring Hunter while Spyro and Cynder are frozen
And just to go out on a limb:
Yo, Spyro
I'm really happy for you, but Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the best platformers of all time.
#9 Oct 10, 2011 7:03 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
^ you must be higher than the sky.
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#10 Oct 10, 2011 7:25 PM
- JazzJackrabbit
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
^ you must be higher than the sky.
I could throw ponies in the mix as well, and there would be no contradiction in canon (except for the Jazz Jackrabbit stuff, as it would be a reboot to his series)
Yo, Spyro
I'm really happy for you, but Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the best platformers of all time.
#12 Oct 11, 2011 12:10 AM
- JazzJackrabbit
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
I think Jazzrabit here has been reading too much of the WMG section of Tvtropes
I had to go look that up because I didn't know what it meant. All my theories are my own.
Yo, Spyro
I'm really happy for you, but Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the best platformers of all time.
#13 Oct 14, 2011 9:45 AM
- spyro17
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Yes but who says it has to be just another legend of spyro game like at the end of the game they could have cynder lay an egg and then have it hatch and there could then be a feature that alos you to play as spyro and cynder's baby so you would then have spyro,cynder and then there baby to play as and also in this one there could be a feature that alows you to keep all of the excperianc that you gaind from dawn of the dragon and there could be 3 more exctra bars for the elaments and some more crystals for your health and breth bars just like in fable 3 what ever you did in fable 2 efects fable 3.
i'm back baby
#14 Oct 22, 2011 5:50 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
If there is a LoS 4, I will kill the nearest person
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#15 Oct 22, 2011 8:39 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
If there is a LoS 4, I will kill the nearest person
TBH i'd rtather they left spyro alone from now on.
but realy affter DOTd a NEW reboot?
serriosly skylanders is'nt what I want spyro to turn into so...just pull the plug on him nd let spyro die with what little of his dignity activition did'nt suck out from him.
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#16 Nov 26, 2011 10:40 PM
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
I hope so to be honest. I know old schoolers would really want to see le purple dragon having his own 'look' again, but still...there's something I really like about the TLOS trilogy Maybe because it's so srs bsns. Everything is so dramatic. <3 they'll stop with "TLSO" but fo su' they'll continue the story. Ignitus the new Chronicler, Terrador the new leader of the elders (heard that somewhere..) there are a lot of hints going around. but they are just tiny details
#17 Dec 08, 2011 10:28 PM
- bane dragon
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
The "I kill the nearest person if TLoS 4 comes out" is kinda overkill, but if after the "good end" of the trilogy they find some new way to add the level of angst in the 3 it's following, I think the first thing I'd do is write a summary of how and why the new game sucks worse than any other Spyro game in existance (including DotD), which will then be followed by filing the game away in the "never ever ever play again, ever" pile and probably me losing complete faith in them ever reviving the series to anything beyond "mediocre".
(**There might be something here people who haven't played the 3rd LoS game might not want to read. you have been warned**) If they make it, and I know I've posted this somewhere else before, it should take place in a continent far away from where the first 3 took place, since the 2 seemed to have no intentions of going back anyway.(**Ok, you should be safe now**) Second, it should be a more "fun" game (lighter tone and dialogue, instead of the black comedy and feeble jokes). Third, and this might be criticized by LoS lovers, take out the auto-fly (or at least limit it to specific scenes where such is necessary), the mp bar, the 3 non-main elements (earth, lightning, and ice (and if you want dual-play/2-player poison, fear, and wind), and the 2-part element attack. They just overpowered the player by the time they had them maxed and made the gameplay into more of a "find the right attack before the big thing in front of you slices you into lunchmeat and puts you on a sandwich". Four, and this is completely serious, GIVE US A JOKE BOSS. I miss the days when bosses in humorous fantasy games weren't out for your blood and guts so much as playing a bully or getting overly elaborate revenge for being picked on. Finally, Bring back the sprawling multi-level system and collectable side-quest items. I don't care how they do it, but the world feels bigger in a game when it's not all crammed into one space while holding the analog stick forward (or strafe-jumping sideways during some bosses) without even bothering to turn it, because you'll just hit a solid wall of nothing. Nothing in the LoS games makes me more annoyed than the fact that the "worlds" feel more like trails dug to keep you from seeing the lack of a designer's full creativity (the bosses looked extremely well-done, as did the enemies, but it felt like they put so much thought into the attacks and enemy appearances that they ignored flow and level depth almost entirely. The closest they came to actually having the detailed level design of the old Spyro (and one of the only reasons I'd ever play it again) was DotD, but they ruined it by interrupting the actual playing with cutscene breaks every 3 minutes. What made the original 3 good was that what takes whole cutscenes by themselves now flowed easily back then ("enemy appears" cutscene now was fit into an at most 3-second game stop of an enemy (usually one of the wizards) conjuring them back then. This could happen outside of game-breaking scenes within seconds and without breaking the fun flow of the game at all)). The lack of fun side-quests was just the missing icing on the cake. Sure there were a few quill things in one of them, and hard enemies that were more of the "find the right attack before blah blah blah" than actually harder fights in the 3rd, but jumping around it excedingly boring patterns to reach something that doesn't do much of anything to the story or fighting a harder enemy for a piece of armor or something that doesn't change gameplay much doesn't come anywhere close to the excitement and little bit of pride you feel after a difficult flying bonus world, or even a lot of the side-challenges, especially in the 2nd and 3rd original games, where the gems and other items help you on your way towards 100% and a special world or a secret power-up.
tl;dr If a new spyro game comes out, I hope it's a slimmed down (gameplay-wise) huge world with fun down every path and a severe cut to the "angst" budget.
#18 Dec 10, 2011 10:00 PM
- MoonDragoness
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Rurikredwolf wrote:If there is a LoS 4, I will kill the nearest person
TBH i'd rtather they left spyro alone from now on.
but realy affter DOTd a NEW reboot?
serriosly skylanders is'nt what I want spyro to turn into
so...just pull the plug on him nd let spyro die with what little of his dignity activition did'nt suck out from him.
I would have to agree, unless they remade the original games or something along those lines.
#20 Jan 06, 2012 4:44 AM
- Jackson117
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Sure whatever Until I see it with my own eyes I'm calling BS
Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster
#21 Jan 08, 2012 4:29 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
new as of yet to be confirmed rumors tell of a 4th LoS game coming between 2012 and 2013
Thank god for the end of the world.
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#22 Jan 28, 2012 5:50 PM
- spyro17
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
hey it might not happen
i'm back baby
#23 Feb 04, 2012 5:11 PM
- dragonfan#86
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Where did you hear that there was going to be a legend of spyro 4?
#24 Feb 04, 2012 6:26 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
Where did you hear that there was going to be a legend of spyro 4?
Theres no proof at all. It was made up or just bad fanfiction, as far as we know theres nothing news wise of TloS 4.
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#25 Jan 26, 2019 5:11 AM
- MysticalIce
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Re: There could be a legend of spyro 4
tbh i might be a little late on this but... there could be a possible new legend of spyro because of the fact that at the end of DotD before Ignitus becomes the new chronicler, Ignitus asks if there has been any trace of spyro the chronicler says each time a dragon dies their name is written in a certain book he said he couldnt find spyro's name anywhere which means he is still alive also proven that you see spyro and cynder flying in the sky together. now if they were to make a tlos4 it might be about at first Ignitus/The Chronicler finds spyro and guides like maybe hunter and sparx that you can play as until you get to the point of finding spyro and cynder. once you do you can have like a 4 player game by playing as either spyro, cynder, hunter, or i guess sparx although tbh i cant think of what he can do. but then the other part would be like you trying to stop someone or something that is trying to summon malefor like as if malefor is stuck in a sort of spirit realm that were all of the spirits from the dead dragons go. and maybe the dragon that is trying to get him back is like some dragon king that can make bodies for the spirits that ask for it but for a great price which is like more power or something like that. but i doubt they will create a new tlos game not for a while at least.