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#1 Jul 19, 2012 7:12 PM
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Hard Missions
I'm new here so bear with me but Tree Tops and Metalhead are giving me fits. There's this island in Tree Tops that's so far away and a cliff above the lyre where you fly into the portal to go back home. I can't get to neither one can anyone help me out please?
#2 Jul 20, 2012 7:23 AM
- Nobololol
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Re: Hard Missions
Ok. First I know that Tree Tops is hard. But why does so many people say that Metalhead is hard? Toasty was harder.
But I try to help you with that Tree Tops thing. If you mean the place I'm thinking you have to use 2 supercharges. Start from the island that is next to the island you want to get into. Supercharge to next island with pillars. then without stopping jump to the ramp that is next to that island and from there jump to the island that is right to the island you started from. The island you started from has a ramp on the side. Jump there and from there you should be able to jump and glide to island. If you glide into that whirlwind just turn around in air and you get into the island.
If you meant the island that is next to the island with supercharge and ramp this is how to get there. I don't know if this helps at all.
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#3 Jul 20, 2012 3:51 PM
- Namba
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Re: Hard Missions
The last one. With Gnasty Gnorc. That was the only challenge I found to be really hard.
Today I'm gonna get high and see if the Nixon tapes sync up to Pink Floyd.
#4 Jul 20, 2012 4:30 PM
- Stormy
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Re: Hard Missions
That Tree Tops thing gave me problems for literally years. Not as bad as Haunted Towers though. XD
If you can follow those green and brown thieves that run away from you at the beginning of the level, they'll actually lead you to the exact places you want to get to.Here's a video walkthrough of the level by yearofthe. Skip to 2:54 and 5:00 for the parts you need.
What's the problem you're having with Metalhead?
#5 Jul 20, 2012 6:30 PM
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Re: Hard Missions
Theres a place where there's gems and it's high up and a great distance where I can't get to.
#6 Jul 20, 2012 6:47 PM
- 36IStillLikeSpyro36
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Re: Hard Missions
Theres a place where there's gems and it's high up and a great distance where I can't get to.
i suspect you want to go to that part of the level near the beginning, where you go up those stairs to where you look down and there's that green stuff below. then glide down to the right on the left side of the green stuff, where you can barely get through a doorway. explore there, and when you're done, there should be a whirlwind.
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#7 Jul 20, 2012 7:07 PM
- Clock-la
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Re: Hard Missions
The last one. With Gnasty Gnorc. That was the only challenge I found to be really hard.
Welcome to Nya Nya Nya please just call me Tatsumina no Mikoto Cocona! NYAMO!!
Oh the indignity.
#8 Jul 20, 2012 7:45 PM
- Stormy
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Re: Hard Missions
You guys figured out Haunted Towers and Tree Tops right away? It took me years. Literally. D:
#9 Jul 20, 2012 9:44 PM
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Re: Hard Missions
Thanks for all the help now the only two missions I'll need assustance with is Haunted Towers and Wizard Prak which is in Magic Crafters World.
#10 Jul 20, 2012 10:29 PM
- Namba
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Re: Hard Missions
Luti wrote:The last one. With Gnasty Gnorc. That was the only challenge I found to be really hard.
I think the time I actually beat it was a fluke, but then I remember being really *bleep*ed off that the dragon next to it didn't open up and I had to go all the way back and get all the treasure... never could and still yet to do it if I can find the right memory card... good thing those things are flash memory, because I remember having to replace the batteries for my N64 memory card... all that work gone because Nintendo couldn't make their memory cards flash.
Today I'm gonna get high and see if the Nixon tapes sync up to Pink Floyd.
#11 Jul 20, 2012 11:07 PM
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Re: Hard Missions
Finally finished all of them!! Only one left!! Thanks for all the help!! Really means a lot to me!!
#12 Jul 21, 2012 1:41 AM
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Re: Hard Missions
Beat the entire game. Now onto Spiro 2: Riptos Rage!!
#13 Jul 21, 2012 1:54 AM
- Stormy
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Re: Hard Missions
Congrats on beating the game!
#14 Feb 19, 2013 7:38 PM
- MoonDragoness
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#15 Feb 20, 2013 6:59 PM
- Ogaaboga
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Re: Hard Missions
Ok. First I know that Tree Tops is hard. But why does so many people say that Metalhead is hard? Toasty was harder.
But I try to help you with that Tree Tops thing. If you mean the place I'm thinking you have to use 2 supercharges. Start from the island that is next to the island you want to get into. Supercharge to next island with pillars. then without stopping jump to the ramp that is next to that island and from there jump to the island that is right to the island you started from. The island you started from has a ramp on the side. Jump there and from there you should be able to jump and glide to island. If you glide into that whirlwind just turn around in air and you get into the island.
If you meant the island that is next to the island with supercharge and ramp this is how to get there. I don't know if this helps at all.
toasty was super easy imo
just gotta flame then jump flame on the dogs and they cant touch you and he cant attack you himself
I am doing a 120% Spyro the Dragon walkthrough over at
and i plan to do all the PS1 Spyro games over there as well as many other things so be sure to check it out
#16 Feb 23, 2013 12:45 PM
- Nobololol
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Re: Hard Missions
Nobololol wrote:Ok. First I know that Tree Tops is hard. But why does so many people say that Metalhead is hard? Toasty was harder.
But I try to help you with that Tree Tops thing. If you mean the place I'm thinking you have to use 2 supercharges. Start from the island that is next to the island you want to get into. Supercharge to next island with pillars. then without stopping jump to the ramp that is next to that island and from there jump to the island that is right to the island you started from. The island you started from has a ramp on the side. Jump there and from there you should be able to jump and glide to island. If you glide into that whirlwind just turn around in air and you get into the island.
If you meant the island that is next to the island with supercharge and ramp this is how to get there. I don't know if this helps at all.
toasty was super easy imo
just gotta flame then jump flame on the dogs and they cant touch you and he cant attack you himself
It's not hard but harder than Metalhead.
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#17 Feb 24, 2013 12:10 AM
- Ogaaboga
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Re: Hard Missions
im playing through the game again, ill message again when i get passed him to see how he is in current comparison
I am doing a 120% Spyro the Dragon walkthrough over at
and i plan to do all the PS1 Spyro games over there as well as many other things so be sure to check it out
#18 Feb 27, 2013 5:05 PM
- ccrogers15
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Re: Hard Missions
Nobololol wrote:Ok. First I know that Tree Tops is hard. But why does so many people say that Metalhead is hard? Toasty was harder.
But I try to help you with that Tree Tops thing. If you mean the place I'm thinking you have to use 2 supercharges. Start from the island that is next to the island you want to get into. Supercharge to next island with pillars. then without stopping jump to the ramp that is next to that island and from there jump to the island that is right to the island you started from. The island you started from has a ramp on the side. Jump there and from there you should be able to jump and glide to island. If you glide into that whirlwind just turn around in air and you get into the island.
If you meant the island that is next to the island with supercharge and ramp this is how to get there. I don't know if this helps at all.
toasty was super easy imo
just gotta flame then jump flame on the dogs and they cant touch you and he cant attack you himself
All of the levels were easy to me besides tree tops and haunted castle which required brainpower to figure out.
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