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#1 Jun 23, 2013 10:57 PM

From: The Between
Registered: Apr 01, 2013
Posts: 316
Gems: 0
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Male

Dragon Cards

A Dragon Card is a very rare and very powerful card that can unleash great powers. There is only one of each card. These are the only known cards on earth:

Basic Elementals
Flaraus: Red, unleashes huge flame.
Thrustus: Yellow, a thunderbolt comes crashing down.
Icuaus: Blue, creates a snow storm.
Earcuas: Green, makes dirt and stone towers rise.

Advanced Elementals
TechCard: Orange, invented by humans, stolen, controls machines.
Clonius: Aqua color, clones any living thing mindless, under user's control.
Portulus: Purple, creates portals to anywhere in the dimension.

Super Elementals
Light: White, makes ppl bear the pain of all who he/she hurt.
Dark: Black, simply tortures ppl.

Here is what's going on. An army of dragons known as Jrauk, want all of the Dragon Cards for themselves. They are lead by King Jakusia. You are a dragon, and no matter what your story is, you are told about the Jrauk army and go to find all of the Dragon Cards before Jakuasia.

Notes: Dragons here do not use elemental breaths like in TLOS. Only fire. Dragon Cards, when used, take a lot of energy from you. If you use two in the same hour, you will faint.

I'm Sear & Burst the twins. Sear, red dragon blue snout & wing flaps. Burst, blue dragon red snout & wing flaps.
I'm leaving for now. I'm *bleep*ed off at Stormy. I need my time anyway, and I'm getting no enjoyment out of this forum, which is what a forum like this was partly made for. For people to be happy. I am not happy.


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