#476 Jul 24, 2014 8:27 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: "You're right. Should I call Zur?"


#477 Jul 24, 2014 8:33 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: *Shakes his head and puts a hand up to stop her.*

Argil: "No we don't need him yet. Your other Soulbreaker abilities should be enough. Only call him. When the chips are all on the table. When were in a tough bide. If we make it past Mundus and Scion. Without to much damage call him for Malefor. That's when really need Zur. Malefor will pull out all the stops to annihilate. Us save Zur for Mally. Only if you need too. If not you'll know when to call him."

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#478 Jul 24, 2014 8:56 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: Oh, Well... Okay. He really wants to help, I did him a huge favor before some years, and he wants to assist me back. However, By your command, I'm obeying.


#479 Jul 24, 2014 9:19 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: "You don't need to say that Xandra. I'm your friend not your commander. If anyone's in charge it's you Edgar' and Rossiel, and Pharika. But okay whatever floats your boat."

Argil: "And don't worry he'll get his chance he will. But you shouldn't call our pal till we need him. Okay I'm ready. The castle is far but if we keep going we should reach it!"

Marx: "Straight path leads right to the castle. We may encounter resistance but we can take it!"

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#480 Jul 25, 2014 4:12 AM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: "Should we use stealth instead of just rushing into the castle?"


#481 Jul 25, 2014 2:59 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: "Yes. There's a forest nearby. If we move along the underbrush should be there in no time. But stay hidden. The forest should shield us so shouldn't be too much of a problem."

Argil: "One more thing. We we get there we should try to take out The Golem and Gert as quick as possible. It am not be easy but gotta try. Then we use teamwork on Mundus as well as split up to face him same thing for Scion. Use The Void Shield me and Marx gave you at the right time to avoid his un summon. But remember it only works once so use it well. Once we take him out. Mally it is but Xandra gets the final blow. But if we get lucky maybe this time Edgar will put him down for good. Anyway we teamwork Mally and bombard him to defeat. Him if he tries to teleport try to stop him if he escapes we'll find and take him down again until he's ether dead or exiled. As for Mundus and Scion we have to try to slay them for good. The sooner their out of the way the better. If not we keep trying till we do. And Xandra call Zur. If he wants to help no way were going to deprive him of the opportunity."

Last edited by Mr. John (Jul 25, 2014 3:06 PM)

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#482 Jul 25, 2014 7:30 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: "Great thinking. I'm ready, by your signal."


#483 Jul 25, 2014 8:31 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: "Alright now."

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#484 Jul 26, 2014 8:45 AM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: "So, let's move, guys." *walks to the end of the forest*

Pharika: *moves slowly near Xandra*


#485 Jul 26, 2014 11:11 AM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

*Edgar and Rossiel are nowhere to be seen* ((don't worry, you'll see why tongue))

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#486 Jul 26, 2014 12:33 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

((Guys I'm worried about Blaise do you think he's still in the RP? Sure hope so and hope he catches up. Should we wait for him for a couple of days before continuing on?))

Argil: "How you doin this is Argil and my pal and bro Marx. The realist dragons in the room."

Marx: "If me and Argil had a nickel for all the times. We got beat up as kids we would have 0 nickels."

Argil: "Cause what we aren't is S.A.W.F.T. Sawft. We see a pie we humbly accept it say thanks. And eat that pie thanks and goodnight." *They continued on following behind everyone. They had been practicing that for the dragons in their village and it was also a tribute to two awesome human dudes they read about. wink*

Argil: "The motor mouths disappeared huh? Guess we'll catch up with em. "  *He followed the others.*

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#487 Jul 30, 2014 8:08 AM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

(Look, I think Blaise has quieted. He's not active in the forum, and not here. So I think we have no problem.)
Xandra: *flies near Pharika* *stands on her tail* "We'll be back soon!"

Pharika: *enters the ground with Xandra*


#488 Jul 30, 2014 11:43 AM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Edgar and Rossiel are standing near the backwall of the castle shouting to the rest:

Edgar: "Hey, coming?"

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#489 Jul 30, 2014 12:16 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

((Okay understood.))

Argil: "Nice disappearing and reappearing act motor mouths yes were here." *He stood next to the wall ready to move as did Marx.*

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#490 Jul 30, 2014 4:09 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Pharika: *raises from the ground, near a mountain with a great view on the castle*

Xandra: *jumps on the mountain* "Okay... Where is Malefor?"


#491 Jul 30, 2014 4:14 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: *Points up.*

Argil: "Very top floor. We have to get through The Gert. Golem, Mundus and Scion before we get to him."

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#492 Jul 30, 2014 4:26 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Xandra: "Okay, Pharika." *whispers her something* "Tell this to the team."

Pharika: *returns to the team* *transforms back to a Dragon* "Quickly, I have something to say. You were right- Malefor is in the top floor, and the others are down. They have heavy guards and armory as Xandra saw. We should kill the elite, than the weak, than move the Malefor."


#493 Jul 30, 2014 5:07 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: *Looks at a new schematic he found amongst the rubble. It showed the ten floors with henchmen on it. Up till the fifth floor. That's where The Golem was. The fourth floor had The Gert. 3rd Mundus and 2nd Scion. First Malefor's heavily guarded and with guards. Plus him. He showed the team.*

Argil: "Alright here we go?" *Argil looked up as a dead Golem came flying down and landed in a nearby lake. Something rose above the ground and The robotic Megalosaurus Gert was being ridden by Marx.*

Marx: "Took care of The Golem and reprogrammed The Gert. It's on our side they were tough but took them down. Healed up now let's go. Mundus is up next. He patted The Gert and it ran smoothly up the castle to the third floor. Argil followed he moved up the wall at fast speeds. Till he and Marx were in Mundus's room lighting swirling around it.*

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#494 Jul 30, 2014 6:42 PM

From: Israel
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Pharika: "Great. By your moves!" *transforms to the Pelakka worm again*


#495 Jul 30, 2014 7:24 PM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Rossiel: "Hey Edgar."

Edgar: "*he looks at Rossiel* Huh?"

Rossiel: "Put a spin on this

 video alae: Volatus (Video Wings: Flight) 

*A pair of angel wings made from pixelated entities appear on his back* That's how i managed to use my phone"

Edgar: "Heyyy, nice.

ametis imitio (Copycat spell, Edgar learns the ability that target is using (works like Sharingan :P))

I hope you won't mind *he laughs a bit*"

Rossiel: "*he seemed to ignore Edgar's sentence with a smile on his face* So let's go. *they both fly up to the rest*"

Edgar: "Hey, what's up, Mundy? *Draws his Edge Fencer gently and carelessly* It's been a while since we last met. How about a kiss from your little friend? Or a better idea. *he stops* How about a kiss from This? *He points Edge Fencer at Mundus*"

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#496 Jul 30, 2014 8:56 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: *He and Marx smiled upon seeing their friends. They called Edgar and Rossiel motor mouths as affection nicknames cause. Their tongues could spew venom faster then a rattlesnake rattling it's tail. But Mundus still had not shown lighting cackled and swirled.*

Argil: *He ran down the side of the building sending an electric ball the went down the rest of the floors. Killing Malefor's other forces. The only ones left were at the door. Guarding Malefor's door. He picked Pharika and ran up the building gently till he reached Mundus's floor. Then did the same with Xandra except putting her on his back he ran up the building softly then landed softly inside the room.*

Marx: *The Gert has missiles ready and it roared gently.*

Marx: "Guys remember. Destroy his crystal. That's how we defeat him. If he has a new weakness. We'll figure it out and beat em. Don't let him summon Malefor. Or call Scion we'll deal with them in time. And I think our guest has arrived.*

*Electricity swirled then struck the floor. It cleared revealing Mundus.*

Mundus: "Pathetic fools. You just don't get it do you? Master Malefor is unstoppable. You have no chance. Scion and Master need not bother with you I'll finish you hear." *He unleashed a burst of lighting bolts at the team.

Argil: *Rolled out of the way. But Mundus caught him and shocked him with a blade of electricity. Leaving Argil shocked and dazed. Mundus slammed Argil down. And pulsated electricity through him shocking him.*

Argil: *Went flying back damaged and shocked Mundus put a hand on him about to finish him.*

Mundus: "Your going to pay for killing me before. Argh." *Mundus went flying back having been hit with balls of ice taking damage.*

Argil: *Got up damaged but ready to go.*

Argil: "Your just going to plain pay. And also shut up. Master this master that. Have you heard yourself you sound like a broken tape recorder." *He punched Mundus cracking through his Armour revealing some of his crystal and sending him flying.*

Argil: "Guys your turn." *He jumped behind the others waiting for their move.*

Mundus: *Went after Argil. Argil tried to punch him but Mundus slammed him down and punched him. Argil went for a kick. Mundus just tossed him aside with a lighting strike. Argil did a flying kick. But Mundus bit him and shocked him with a burst of pulsating electricity.  He tossed Argil aside. Argil was bruised, beaten and scratched steam emanated off him.*

Mundus: "Why don't you just die? Already?" *He grunted through chattered teeth.*

Argil: "And let you and Mally take over our world? Over my dead body!"

Argil: *Punched Mundus cracking his armour further. He kicked him and revealed the crystal even more. Argil did a flying kick. And Mundus went flying back damaged and bruised the crystal almost fully revealed. Argil took his place behind the others.*

Mundus: "Argh I will kill you all." *He sent a grenade and bursts of lighting at the others.*

Last edited by Mr. John (Jul 30, 2014 11:19 PM)

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#497 Jul 31, 2014 8:52 AM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Rossiel comments Mundus' arrival: "You poor thing... Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door?" *he readies Soulblade*

Edgar: "Remember what i used to say about teamwork?"

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#498 Jul 31, 2014 9:27 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Marx: "You don't even need to say it bro you okay?"

Argil: "Well a little shocked and bruised but other then that fine."

Marx: *Nodded and The Gert fired off several missiles and a laser from it's mouth. Marx combined that with several earth daggers and it blasted and fully exposed. The crystal. But Mundus healed and repaired himself till. Marx exposed him with a flameball barrage. That opened up his crystal more.

Mundus: *Grunted in pain. And fired an electric grenade that shocked The Gert it skidded back. Marx grunting also taking damage he was zapped and banged up but hung on. Marx has it fire a laser from it's mouth that exposed the crystal even more.*

Mundus: "Argh. Darn it!" *He blasted an arc like electric barrage at the team. Argil, Marx, and The Gert evaded.*

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#499 Jul 31, 2014 10:21 AM

From: Straight Outta Poland
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Edgar: "*laughs like he was insulting Mundus*

estalphe (i explained it too many times :P)

*A barrier appears protecting Edgar and Rossiel* Rossiel, see his crystal? *looks sugestively at Rossiel*"

Rossiel: "*understands, and pulls out two handguns. One Pitch-White - Luce  And one Pitch-Dark - Ombra. Both guns had golden engraving on the side, saying "Luce & Ombra" Rossiel throws Ombra to Edgar* I'll try it your way for once."

Edgar: "*catches Ombra* Remember what we used to say?"

Mundus: "Wait... DON'T DO IT!"

Edgar and Rossiel press their backs against each other, pointing the guns into Mundus's weak spot, and they both say:* JACKPOT! *They both fire from the handguns, unleashing two powerful waves of Dark and Light energy, circling around each other, and hitting Mundus's weak spot shattering it into pieces, Mundus moaning in pain*"

Mundus: "NO!! I HAVE THE POWER OF THE GODS! *and then he disappears*"

Rossiel: "Not too classy for someone's dying words..."

Edgar: "*throws up Ombra, for Rossiel to catch it, what he does short after that*"

Rossiel: "*puts away both handguns*"

Never ask what I'd do for a klondike bar. No one wants to go down that road.


#500 Jul 31, 2014 1:59 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: The Legend Of Spyro: Days of Fear

Argil: *Put his hands up a blue colour glowed from them the colour of healing it healed his bro and Gert. And himself and they looked rejuvenated and. ready to go. Argil made a electric grappling hook and pulled himself up to Scion's floor. Marx followed on Gert.*

*Scion emerged from a portal to The Void with a smile.*

Scion: "Argil and Marx how good it is too see you and finish you off for good!"

Scion: *Flew at them trying to un summon them. But Marx thrust a flaming dagger to keep Scion down to the into his tail. Scion grunted in pain. Marx impaled him with an earth dagger. And Argil struck an ice sword through his heart. And and electric axe through his skull. Scion teleported and healed himself and let loose a jet of flames. The Gert fired a laser but the flames over powered it and struck The Gert, Argil and Marx they grunted in pain and went flying back smoking. Scion unleashed a fireball barrage. The brothers were pelted with fireballs. And Scion slammed them hard into the ground.*

Scion: "I un summon you!" *He used his un summon as a portal appeared prepared to un summon the brothers.*

Argil and Marx: "Void Shield." *They uses the void Shield and did not go into the Void at all.*

Scion: "That Void Shield you learned it no matter it only lasts once. So your going to perish in the Void. *Argil and Marx kicked him in the face Argil created four ice ropes which tied down and slammed down Scion. Marx impaled Scion with an earth throwing star to his tail. Scion grunted in pain as Argil ran up his back and stuck an ice staff through his back and into his heart and through his stomach. Marx created a flaming sword and lodged it into Scion's skull. Scion was trapped and helpless. Argil struck an electric axe into Scion's heart.*

Scion: *Coughs up blood.* "I am done not bad. But Master will finish you." *His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his dead body fell over the weapons dissipated. Argil healed himself, Gert and Marx. Then did his own un summon while Marx threw a spell in. Scion got sucked into The Void. His body dissolved into a skeleton do to Marx's spell Oxygenizer which melts things or living beings down at a near molecular level till they were nothing but a skeleton. Just like the Oxygen a Destroyer from Godzilla. The skeleton smashed into pieces as the Void portal closed. Argil and co waiting for the others.*

Last edited by Mr. John (Jul 31, 2014 10:15 PM)

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


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