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#1 Feb 11, 2015 5:00 PM

Registered: Feb 11, 2015
Posts: 16
Gems: 0

The king is here more or less


Name: Red ((for friends the call him red the dragon))

Age: 22

height: medium

weight: medium ((he have agile highlights))

side: neutral

History: son of the great bromogt the king of old dragons he grow learning how to be a good king and help his brothers dragons but one day his father disappeared some dragons say he was dead by humans hands so he start to hate the human race he can't stay whit human but he can get along whit dragons ((if they are good)) he can be a bad dragon but he have a good heart

Status: single, king,

Dream: the war between dragons and humans can end in peace

Ban reason: explicit fan fiction


#2 Feb 12, 2015 7:46 PM

Registered: Feb 11, 2015
Posts: 16
Gems: 0

Re: The king is here more or less

Red: finaly after a long jorney i come to a new land i don't know what aventures awaits but i ready i born ready i have no fear to nothing "scream" LISTEN TO ALL DRAGONS YOU'RE KING IS HERE

Ban reason: explicit fan fiction


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