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#26 Mar 05, 2015 11:23 PM

From: California, United States
Registered: Jan 20, 2013
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Re: Spyro Horizon (mobile)

Sorry to say, but if the game was finished, I doubt much hype would be surrounding a game where you play as Spyro... driving cars... Even if the game had: developers who know what they're doing and can make a game, a decent budget, and maybe a following, it would still not see the light of day due to copyright issues. Not only does the whole idea just sound... foreign to me, but it probably does to everyone else, too. Need for Speed + Spyro sounds like something out of a fever dream to me. Sorry if my post was a bit blunt.

Swaffy wrote:

I'm not sorry if I offended you.


#27 Mar 05, 2015 11:48 PM

From: USA
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Re: Spyro Horizon (mobile)

I've got to agree with you Flapjacks. I just personally don't think this type of crossover would work.

I love my staffies!


#28 Mar 14, 2015 5:49 AM

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Registered: Feb 22, 2015
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Age: 26 years old
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Re: Spyro Horizon (mobile)

it should work, just install the 3d models and i need voice actors for this one.

This idea i came up for this one has a reference to Shaun White Skateboarding and Burnout Paradise because this game needs a built-in radio station, on Shaun White Skateboarding, you get to choose any random song and the DJ starts off the recording with "This goes for my pal Spyro..." or something like that and then plays the requested song, and one reference from Burnout Paradise also involves the DJ, but still saids somewhat: "Hey guys, there's a purple Saleen S7 firing up the streets, that must be our pal Spyro, go dragon go!" ...or somewhat like that.

So, what does that Saleen S7 look like? Well, the original design was made by NFS2112 of DeviantArt. and this image must be the solution to that mystery car below.

'Spyro's Saleen S7' by NFS2112 of DeviantArt.

He made that car on Midnight Club Los Angeles (PS3)

Flapjacks, where did you get thay hype info. from? that doesn't make any sense.

SpyroGirl101, Why do you have to agree on him, his info i just read doesn't make any sense.

and HunterFan, Do you wanna know why Ryan is on Spyro Horizon, because on Spyro Horizon, Spyro actually needed someone to help him out behind the wheel and he kinda needs more confort while driving, Ryan joins in so that Spyro might need at least 3 friends (including Ryan, Cynder, and Hunter) to help him with his driving skills. And yes, i will assign Hunter to the car you've requested, but i might have to add more performance upgrades on Spyro's, Cynder's, and Ryan's personal cars. and no, Ryan will NOT be driving that ugly Nissan, he will be driving the BMW M3 GTR from NFS MW. and you think he's an old man? he's actually not. let's take a look at what he looks like.


As you can see, Ryan is the man with the racing helmet. not the woman in the orange clothing or one of the audiences out there.

Reminder: Please don't post any negative comments about this, that's definitely gossiping the game.THAT MEANS YOU FLAPJACKS!

Last edited by spyrothepalmontcityracer (Mar 14, 2015 6:35 AM)

Ban reason: Email harassment


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