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#1 Jul 18, 2018 1:36 AM
- Aura24
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#2 Jul 18, 2018 3:24 AM
- 36IStillLikeSpyro36
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Re: Colossus Playthrough
once again, this looks awesome! look at the texture of the metal vases! i think i could watch them flame those goats all day. that is really satisfying, for some reason.
i seriously never thought if we got a remake, it would turn out this well. i was sure (whoever made them) would mess them up somehow. a concern i've mentioned a few times was favoring performance over gameplay, as a lot of fans seemed to be doing with the fan-made screenshots and stuff. that companies, desperate to appease our bloodthirst wish for new classic Spyro stuff, would focus so much on making the games into these cinematic masterpieces, the games themselves would suck. or worse, that whoever got their hands on classic Spyro would butcher it into whatever weird fanfiction the developers got in their heads. but the few creative liberties Toys for Bob are taking so far (changing the voices of the orange guys, giving that Spyro 1 dragon a hat, etc) are .... pretty darn reasonable and understandable! they LEGITIMATELY seem to "get" Spyro, and it hasn't gone unnoticed! and i never thought i'd say this, but i'm really glad they snatched Spyro up before some other studio did.
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#3 Jul 18, 2018 3:44 AM
- FuturisticEggThief
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Re: Colossus Playthrough
Is just me, or do I hear the chanting noise from the original version of Colossus' music in the BG music of this version?
#4 Jul 18, 2018 6:41 PM
- Gekoncze
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Re: Colossus Playthrough
I like it mostly I still like the original intro a bit more, and I liked the original voices of the monks more.. and them in general x) In the originals, they looked more... silly? but that was making it a bit more funny : D
Last edited by Gekoncze (Jul 18, 2018 6:42 PM)
#5 Aug 03, 2018 3:24 AM
- RangerOfIthilien
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Re: Colossus Playthrough
I miss the WAIAIAIUM but everything else looks amazing
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