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#1 Aug 02, 2018 6:14 PM

From: Town Square
Registered: Sep 20, 2016
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Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

My optimism for the remake has faded because of this. 2 and 3 Reignited will become lost media because of this.


#2 Aug 02, 2018 7:27 PM

From: Artisans
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Actually you would just need to update your copy of Reignited in order to play Spyro 2 and 3. … -the-games



#3 Aug 02, 2018 10:54 PM

Award: Globmod
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Aura24 wrote:

Actually you would just need to update your copy of Reignited in order to play Spyro 2 and 3. … -the-games

that doesn't disprove what Egg Thief said - on the contrary, it backs it up further.

and i for one am pretty disappointed by this. i wasn't planning on a physical version because i'm not shelling out hundreds of dollars for a PS100000 or whatever lolololol, but for the people who were going to, this is a pretty big kick in the teeth for them. hmm and it seems so unnecessary, too. like what reason could they conceivably have (other than the "other people do it too!" excuse) to make the others digital-only??

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#4 Aug 03, 2018 12:00 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
Posts: 2,077
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Here we go.  Ok.

I'm honestly flabbergasted at the number of people that are truly disappointed with this news.  And I honestly don't get why the magnitude of unsatisfactory is so great.  I suspect it's hyperbolic outrage, maybe a reason for people to finally blame Activison for everything they hate about video games.  And by outrage, I'm mostly refering to the Spyro subreddit's reaction to this news.

The biggest concern is about not having access to the downloadable content that is needed in the distant future.  Do we really think this will happen anytime soon?  Are we really concerned that PSN is just going to close its doors and never open again?  To me this is like being mad about a game that is only available to download on steam, and that no physical copy means it will never be guarunteed to the player.  What?  Am I missing something?  I think the only way I can see this as a bad thing is if they eventually produce future PlayStation models and refuse access to old downloaded games, or you're a gamer who forgot it's 2018 and doesn't have reliable internet.

For the first one, yes I think if Sony comes with a PS5 and you are not able to play legacy titles on it, then they should be ashamed and the consumer-base will retaliate.  Not allowing backward compatibility would be devastating.  However, I think the limitation of backward compatibility is mostly retained in physical copies.  As disc technology changes, it makes readers a lot more specific to their design.  But what if you could just download the games you own on the consoles you own?  Making games downloadable isn't an option that is being pushed because its 'trendy'.  It's being pushed because it makes it more convenient for everyone.  This also ties in with the reason for waiting for it to come to PC.  Because you know.  PC Master Race.  I plan on buying RT on Steam when it inevitably becomes available there some time next year and I don't think Valve is planning on destroying the gaming hobby of literally millions of people and closing their servers.

And for the people that don't have good internet.  Man, I don't know what to tell you.  I was downloading full games onto consoles 10 years ago.  And my internet then was pretty terrible, but still was able to download a game within a reasonable time.  The internet speeds today have quadrupled in speed form ten years ago, and the rate of increase is also accelerating.  And for people that have no internet, I'm pretty sure the people playing reignited trilogy with no internet access accounts for about 0.01% of the population, if that.  And I find it ironic that some of the no-internet people have expressed their displeasure...  on the internet.

So why?

I think there are two possible reasons why 2 and 3 are downloaded required.

It could be because there is not enough space on the disc.  Yeah I know, I don't buy it either.

I think the real reason has to do with finalizing the game.  Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon may not be completely done yet, and by doing it the way they are doing, they provide a window of opportunity to finish parts of those games that need touching up.  Maybe, Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon are only he disc, but only 95% of it is finished.

I also think people forget how frustrating it was when old games would release and have bugs and glitches in them that could not be fixed because patching wasn't a thing.  In Year of the Dragon, there is a game-breaking glitch that causes you to not be able to finish the game 100% if you left a speedway level the first time without getting the eggs.  Something like that would not be a problem in today's age of downloadable content.  Even as recent as the second Skylanders game, there was an annoying bug that kept players from unlocking all achievements with Legendary Chop Chop.  As far as I know, no downloadable patch was insisted.  I don't think Toys for Bob is going to have rolling updates for RT, but I do think they'll want to make sure that if there is a game-breaking glitch, that they'll have a way to fix it.  Or you know, maybe you want a broken game.

And don't say that should be a reason to push the release date back.  You're never going to have a 100% clean game at launch.  There is always something that will go wrong.  I can rest easy that when that happens, RT will be a polished game BECAUSE it has downloadable content.


UPDATE: … -the-games

Last edited by riverhippo (Aug 03, 2018 12:06 AM)

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#5 Aug 03, 2018 12:12 AM

From: Artisans
Registered: Dec 15, 2007
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

You'd think Acti would give out a full statement on this issue by now.



#6 Aug 03, 2018 12:20 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
Posts: 2,077
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Aura24 wrote:

You'd think Acti would give out a full statement on this issue by now.

They did, but it did not ease the masses.

“The global launch date of Spyro Reignited Trilogy is Sept. 21; and we’re excited for fans to play all three reignited games on that day.

“As with most games today, downloading an update after purchase is quite common. The language on packaging and on the web is to let players know the requirements for Spyro Reignited Trilogy.” … /#/slide/1

It's almost like if it hadn't said 2 + 3 require download it wouldn't have been a thing.  But because the labeling called out those two titles as part of the DL needed, people flipped.

Last edited by riverhippo (Aug 03, 2018 12:21 AM)

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#7 Aug 03, 2018 3:42 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:

They did, but it did not ease the masses.

“The global launch date of Spyro Reignited Trilogy is Sept. 21; and we’re excited for fans to play all three reignited games on that day.

“As with most games today, downloading an update after purchase is quite common. The language on packaging and on the web is to let players know the requirements for Spyro Reignited Trilogy.”

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's not really a "full statement".

"The global launch date of Spyro Reignited Trilogy is Sept. 21; and we’re excited for fans to play all three reignited games on that day." <-- this means nothing in context

"As with most games today, downloading an update after purchase is quite common." <-- "other people do it so lol, why not?"

"The language on packaging and on the web is to let players know the requirements for Spyro Reignited Trilogy." <-- stating the problem and saying nothing further about it.

three sentences with no substance.

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#8 Aug 03, 2018 4:37 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
Posts: 2,077
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

I agree with you that it's not substantial.  But it just felt like what Activision might call a 'statement'.  I wonder if TfB would be able to shed any light on it.  I would expect them to be way more transparent about it, assuming they are allowed.

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#9 Aug 04, 2018 12:43 AM

Registered: Oct 13, 2016
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:

Here we go.  Ok.

I'm honestly flabbergasted at the number of people that are truly disappointed with this news.  And I honestly don't get why the magnitude of unsatisfactory is so great.  I suspect it's hyperbolic outrage, maybe a reason for people to finally blame Activison for everything they hate about video games.  And by outrage, I'm mostly refering to the Spyro subreddit's reaction to this news.

The biggest concern is about not having access to the downloadable content that is needed in the distant future.  Do we really think this will happen anytime soon?  Are we really concerned that PSN is just going to close its doors and never open again?  To me this is like being mad about a game that is only available to download on steam, and that no physical copy means it will never be guarunteed to the player.  What?  Am I missing something?  I think the only way I can see this as a bad thing is if they eventually produce future PlayStation models and refuse access to old downloaded games, or you're a gamer who forgot it's 2018 and doesn't have reliable internet.

For the first one, yes I think if Sony comes with a PS5 and you are not able to play legacy titles on it, then they should be ashamed and the consumer-base will retaliate.  Not allowing backward compatibility would be devastating.  However, I think the limitation of backward compatibility is mostly retained in physical copies.  As disc technology changes, it makes readers a lot more specific to their design.  But what if you could just download the games you own on the consoles you own?  Making games downloadable isn't an option that is being pushed because its 'trendy'.  It's being pushed because it makes it more convenient for everyone.  This also ties in with the reason for waiting for it to come to PC.  Because you know.  PC Master Race.  I plan on buying RT on Steam when it inevitably becomes available there some time next year and I don't think Valve is planning on destroying the gaming hobby of literally millions of people and closing their servers.

And for the people that don't have good internet.  Man, I don't know what to tell you.  I was downloading full games onto consoles 10 years ago.  And my internet then was pretty terrible, but still was able to download a game within a reasonable time.  The internet speeds today have quadrupled in speed form ten years ago, and the rate of increase is also accelerating.  And for people that have no internet, I'm pretty sure the people playing reignited trilogy with no internet access accounts for about 0.01% of the population, if that.  And I find it ironic that some of the no-internet people have expressed their displeasure...  on the internet.

So why?

I think there are two possible reasons why 2 and 3 are downloaded required.

It could be because there is not enough space on the disc.  Yeah I know, I don't buy it either.

I think the real reason has to do with finalizing the game.  Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon may not be completely done yet, and by doing it the way they are doing, they provide a window of opportunity to finish parts of those games that need touching up.  Maybe, Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon are only he disc, but only 95% of it is finished.

I also think people forget how frustrating it was when old games would release and have bugs and glitches in them that could not be fixed because patching wasn't a thing.  In Year of the Dragon, there is a game-breaking glitch that causes you to not be able to finish the game 100% if you left a speedway level the first time without getting the eggs.  Something like that would not be a problem in today's age of downloadable content.  Even as recent as the second Skylanders game, there was an annoying bug that kept players from unlocking all achievements with Legendary Chop Chop.  As far as I know, no downloadable patch was insisted.  I don't think Toys for Bob is going to have rolling updates for RT, but I do think they'll want to make sure that if there is a game-breaking glitch, that they'll have a way to fix it.  Or you know, maybe you want a broken game.

And don't say that should be a reason to push the release date back.  You're never going to have a 100% clean game at launch.  There is always something that will go wrong.  I can rest easy that when that happens, RT will be a polished game BECAUSE it has downloadable content.

UPDATE: … -the-games

Guess I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm actually flabbergasted by all the people who are ok with this. The servers for Reignited will go down at some point. That is guaranteed. We are already seeing it with ps3 and 360 games. The patch needed to make 2 and 3 playable will not be able to be downloaded. If I buy a physical copy of a game, I should be able to play it 20 years from now. Not to mention all the people with very poor internet or none at all. Yes these people would be a small minority but they exist and buy physical copies of the game for that very reason. This is a very anti-consumer practice.

"Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."


#10 Aug 04, 2018 8:16 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
Posts: 2,077
Gems: 1,093

Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

supercoupe91 wrote:

Guess I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm actually flabbergasted by all the people who are ok with this. The servers for Reignited will go down at some point. That is guaranteed. We are already seeing it with ps3 and 360 games. The patch needed to make 2 and 3 playable will not be able to be downloaded. If I buy a physical copy of a game, I should be able to play it 20 years from now. Not to mention all the people with very poor internet or none at all. Yes these people would be a small minority but they exist and buy physical copies of the game for that very reason. This is a very anti-consumer practice.

The servers for Reignited will go down at some point. That is guaranteed.

I think you mean PSN/Xbox Live.  Right?  I don't think it's fair to suggest that ps4 games will be unavailable for digital download or digital purchase decades in the future.  The ps3 generation to the ps4 generation suffered a blowback of incompatibilities, which was not made even by the ps3/ps vita cross play.  It's a tragedy for sure.  But I don't think that will be the norm going forward.  It's in Sony's best interest to keep games convenient for its consumers, and convenience is exactly the reason why digital downloading games is such a trend.  To me, downloading games should be just like downloading music, or software, or anything else you buy digitally.  Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Steam, Gog, Vudu.  All of these are marketplaces that have digital media you can buy and have forever on the account you have them.  That is, until the Amazon servers go down, or the Google Play servers go down, or the itunes servers go down.  Joking aside, will it happen?  Well sure, probably.  Carl Sagan says what's improbable in a few years is inevitable in a few hundred, but I doubt it will be anything to truly worry about.

If you're worried about buying a game on a console that you think has a failing infrastructure, then maybe you shouldn't use it.  This is one of the main reasons why people go PC for gaming.  That may not be for everyone, I understand.  One could also switch to Xbox, where their marketplace for digital games is actually pretty fluid between the 360 and One.  You claim that games are leaving the marketplace, but I find that to be completely opposite.  A lot of people don't know the original Spyro trilogy is available for digital purchase on ps3 right now, something that never had to be available, but is.

Steam has been ruling the console marketplace programs in this industry in terms of legacy titles.  And because of that, console companies are having to fill the gap with loyalty.  There are games you can buy on steam that released in the 1980s.  I have all four playstations and am kind of a fanboy of Sony's game machines, but I have to admit their biggest fault was the lack of backwards compatibility, and insisting that new generations completely throw out the old playbooks.  They are getting better, but you cant buy into sony's consoles without also acknowledging the idea that games aren't free to transfer like they should be.  And like I implied, I expect that to change.

The patch needed to make 2 and 3 playable...

Yes, it seems that way.  Although it's not 100% confirmed that this is the case, and the jury is still out on if the label says what it means.  It's possible that 2 and 3 would be playable, but just without a patch that removes game breaking bugs, just like the game breaking bugs that existed in the original releases of the trilogy.  As we all continue to wait and ponder, I can't help but think it would be ironic if the reason why this patch exists at all is because fans kept requesting things that Toys for Bob was insistent on honoring, like the ability to swap music tracks.  We wanted changes, they gave us changes, and now we're unhappy with the method of change.  It just feels like we're being fussy, and I can't honestly feel like I'm being cheated.

If I buy a physical copy of a game, I should be able to play it 20 years from now.

Before 2018, when was the last time you plugged in a PS1 and played the original Spyro games?  For me, I played the Spyro original trilogy last, probably around 2012.  I still have my PS1, and all of my discs.  And I played the original trilogy again 100% twice on each game in 2018.  But not using my discs.  I did it on my laptop.  Now I'm not saying that emulation is the answer to all that exists in old school gaming, but it certainly does help.  When I have a laptop (that isn't even that powerful, as say, my desktop gaming computer) that can play games from ps1, ps2, gba, snes, nes, n64, gamecube, genesis.  The pile of old consoles gathering dust in my closet starts to look pretty darn useless.  It's nice to keep old things as mementos, but the freedom to revisit the games without requiring the preparatory hardware is a technological marvel, and I think it would be a shame to not put it to use.  Three years ago, I threw away my SNES and 20 games for it in the trash, because I was moving and they were taking up unecessary space.  My heart sank when I did it.  But since then, I never regretting the decision to get rid of it, because I never needed it to play those games.  I suspect in 2038, computer technology will be able to render the graphics in the visually appealing version of Spyro that Toys for Bob is arting for us with much ease.  And you know, who knows, maybe emulation is something the console companies will do better at in the future.  It sure would make things a lot easier.  Here's hoping.

Not to mention all the people with very poor internet or none at all. Yes these people would be a small minority but they exist and buy physical copies of the game for that very reason.

Having a PS4 without internet to me, is like having a computer without internet service, or like having a cell phone without a SIM card.  A fridge without food inside it.  A cupboard without cups.  Owning a car without the ability to drive it or not access to gasoline to make it run.   You get the idea.  People should know that a console like the PS4 is highly digital and requires software updates for itself and its games.  If that is something you can't do, then maybe you shouldn't have a console that needs the internet for practically every feature it has.  I have empathy for people with poor internet connections, especially the ones in rural areas who have no choice but to buy expensive data from one company that controls a regional monopoly.  Physical discs can help cure the symptom of poor internet availability, but it doesn't help solve the issue.  If the issue is on the internet companies, I really don't think its reasonable for game publishers to be as caveman as possible and manufacture discs.  It's crazy.  I remember when the Xbox One was announced and they basically were trying to say all games will be digital, and people threw a fit, probably for the same reasons you would here.  But here's the thing.  They were right.  Digital gaming didn't even creep slowly on us either, it took us by storm.  A couple years ago, a friend of mine bought me a PS4 game, it was a physical copy.  And before we opened the package, we both just looked at the case of the game and said almost simultaneously, "why did he get me a disc?"  It was that moment we realized how useless physical games were for us and I haven't seen a new game disc in my home since.  To give you a frame of reference, I have a desktop gaming computer that is two years old.  I fitted it with a CD/R drive for whatever purpose I would need it for.  24 months, and I haven't opened the disc tray once.  Not one time.  Not for windows, not for software for accessories, not for music, not for games.  CD/R drive could be faulty and not work, and I wouldn't even know it.  Every few months I look at that funny button on the top of my tower and realize its a button I've never pushed it.  Welcome to the future.  A future in which practically all media is just sent to us through the air and where desktop computer disc readers are about as useful as the collection of unused RCA cables in my basement.

Now...    let me close my long *bleep* rant with condolences.  Over the past few days I have been educated on the extreme frustration of some people in the Spyro fandom by this download news, and even some insight from friends who aren't Spyro fans, but completely agree with the grievances of the fandom.  I still disagree overall, but I am sympathetic to the people that this displeases.  It's not fair that we're only finding out about this now, as well.  It puts fans in a tough spot.  My biggest issue with the drama is that its really bringing the vibe down for what has otherwise been a very positive development process.  And the game is still going to be great, I am confident, and everyone who wants to play the three games, will have a chance to play the three games.  I just wish people wouldn't talk as if this is the last straw.  It was barely the first of none the way I see it.  It bothers me that millions of people learned this week that there is a Spyro remaster, not because of how great the game is looking, but because of all the download outrage and drama.  It makes me feel like disconnecting altogether from the fandom as launch approaches.  But honestly, I would rather share the stories of playing the new game with dozens of Spyro fan anons.

Last edited by riverhippo (Aug 04, 2018 8:27 AM)

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#11 Aug 04, 2018 3:40 PM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
Posts: 17,365
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:

My biggest issue with the drama is that its really bringing the vibe down

... is that really what this is all about? should people stop complaining just so we keep the "good vibes" going? 

riverhippo wrote:

It makes me feel like disconnecting altogether from the fandom as launch approaches.

why in the world would you want to "disconnect from the fandom" over something like this?

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#12 Aug 04, 2018 8:43 PM

Registered: Oct 13, 2016
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Gender: Male

Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:
supercoupe91 wrote:

Guess I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm actually flabbergasted by all the people who are ok with this. The servers for Reignited will go down at some point. That is guaranteed. We are already seeing it with ps3 and 360 games. The patch needed to make 2 and 3 playable will not be able to be downloaded. If I buy a physical copy of a game, I should be able to play it 20 years from now. Not to mention all the people with very poor internet or none at all. Yes these people would be a small minority but they exist and buy physical copies of the game for that very reason. This is a very anti-consumer practice.

The servers for Reignited will go down at some point. That is guaranteed.

I think you mean PSN/Xbox Live.  Right?  I don't think it's fair to suggest that ps4 games will be unavailable for digital download or digital purchase decades in the future.  The ps3 generation to the ps4 generation suffered a blowback of incompatibilities, which was not made even by the ps3/ps vita cross play.  It's a tragedy for sure.  But I don't think that will be the norm going forward.  It's in Sony's best interest to keep games convenient for its consumers, and convenience is exactly the reason why digital downloading games is such a trend.  To me, downloading games should be just like downloading music, or software, or anything else you buy digitally.  Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Steam, Gog, Vudu.  All of these are marketplaces that have digital media you can buy and have forever on the account you have them.  That is, until the Amazon servers go down, or the Google Play servers go down, or the itunes servers go down.  Joking aside, will it happen?  Well sure, probably.  Carl Sagan says what's improbable in a few years is inevitable in a few hundred, but I doubt it will be anything to truly worry about.

If you're worried about buying a game on a console that you think has a failing infrastructure, then maybe you shouldn't use it.  This is one of the main reasons why people go PC for gaming.  That may not be for everyone, I understand.  One could also switch to Xbox, where their marketplace for digital games is actually pretty fluid between the 360 and One.  You claim that games are leaving the marketplace, but I find that to be completely opposite.  A lot of people don't know the original Spyro trilogy is available for digital purchase on ps3 right now, something that never had to be available, but is.

Steam has been ruling the console marketplace programs in this industry in terms of legacy titles.  And because of that, console companies are having to fill the gap with loyalty.  There are games you can buy on steam that released in the 1980s.  I have all four playstations and am kind of a fanboy of Sony's game machines, but I have to admit their biggest fault was the lack of backwards compatibility, and insisting that new generations completely throw out the old playbooks.  They are getting better, but you cant buy into sony's consoles without also acknowledging the idea that games aren't free to transfer like they should be.  And like I implied, I expect that to change.

The patch needed to make 2 and 3 playable...

Yes, it seems that way.  Although it's not 100% confirmed that this is the case, and the jury is still out on if the label says what it means.  It's possible that 2 and 3 would be playable, but just without a patch that removes game breaking bugs, just like the game breaking bugs that existed in the original releases of the trilogy.  As we all continue to wait and ponder, I can't help but think it would be ironic if the reason why this patch exists at all is because fans kept requesting things that Toys for Bob was insistent on honoring, like the ability to swap music tracks.  We wanted changes, they gave us changes, and now we're unhappy with the method of change.  It just feels like we're being fussy, and I can't honestly feel like I'm being cheated.

If I buy a physical copy of a game, I should be able to play it 20 years from now.

Before 2018, when was the last time you plugged in a PS1 and played the original Spyro games?  For me, I played the Spyro original trilogy last, probably around 2012.  I still have my PS1, and all of my discs.  And I played the original trilogy again 100% twice on each game in 2018.  But not using my discs.  I did it on my laptop.  Now I'm not saying that emulation is the answer to all that exists in old school gaming, but it certainly does help.  When I have a laptop (that isn't even that powerful, as say, my desktop gaming computer) that can play games from ps1, ps2, gba, snes, nes, n64, gamecube, genesis.  The pile of old consoles gathering dust in my closet starts to look pretty darn useless.  It's nice to keep old things as mementos, but the freedom to revisit the games without requiring the preparatory hardware is a technological marvel, and I think it would be a shame to not put it to use.  Three years ago, I threw away my SNES and 20 games for it in the trash, because I was moving and they were taking up unecessary space.  My heart sank when I did it.  But since then, I never regretting the decision to get rid of it, because I never needed it to play those games.  I suspect in 2038, computer technology will be able to render the graphics in the visually appealing version of Spyro that Toys for Bob is arting for us with much ease.  And you know, who knows, maybe emulation is something the console companies will do better at in the future.  It sure would make things a lot easier.  Here's hoping.

Not to mention all the people with very poor internet or none at all. Yes these people would be a small minority but they exist and buy physical copies of the game for that very reason.

Having a PS4 without internet to me, is like having a computer without internet service, or like having a cell phone without a SIM card.  A fridge without food inside it.  A cupboard without cups.  Owning a car without the ability to drive it or not access to gasoline to make it run.   You get the idea.  People should know that a console like the PS4 is highly digital and requires software updates for itself and its games.  If that is something you can't do, then maybe you shouldn't have a console that needs the internet for practically every feature it has.  I have empathy for people with poor internet connections, especially the ones in rural areas who have no choice but to buy expensive data from one company that controls a regional monopoly.  Physical discs can help cure the symptom of poor internet availability, but it doesn't help solve the issue.  If the issue is on the internet companies, I really don't think its reasonable for game publishers to be as caveman as possible and manufacture discs.  It's crazy.  I remember when the Xbox One was announced and they basically were trying to say all games will be digital, and people threw a fit, probably for the same reasons you would here.  But here's the thing.  They were right.  Digital gaming didn't even creep slowly on us either, it took us by storm.  A couple years ago, a friend of mine bought me a PS4 game, it was a physical copy.  And before we opened the package, we both just looked at the case of the game and said almost simultaneously, "why did he get me a disc?"  It was that moment we realized how useless physical games were for us and I haven't seen a new game disc in my home since.  To give you a frame of reference, I have a desktop gaming computer that is two years old.  I fitted it with a CD/R drive for whatever purpose I would need it for.  24 months, and I haven't opened the disc tray once.  Not one time.  Not for windows, not for software for accessories, not for music, not for games.  CD/R drive could be faulty and not work, and I wouldn't even know it.  Every few months I look at that funny button on the top of my tower and realize its a button I've never pushed it.  Welcome to the future.  A future in which practically all media is just sent to us through the air and where desktop computer disc readers are about as useful as the collection of unused RCA cables in my basement.

Now...    let me close my long *bleep* rant with condolences.  Over the past few days I have been educated on the extreme frustration of some people in the Spyro fandom by this download news, and even some insight from friends who aren't Spyro fans, but completely agree with the grievances of the fandom.  I still disagree overall, but I am sympathetic to the people that this displeases.  It's not fair that we're only finding out about this now, as well.  It puts fans in a tough spot.  My biggest issue with the drama is that its really bringing the vibe down for what has otherwise been a very positive development process.  And the game is still going to be great, I am confident, and everyone who wants to play the three games, will have a chance to play the three games.  I just wish people wouldn't talk as if this is the last straw.  It was barely the first of none the way I see it.  It bothers me that millions of people learned this week that there is a Spyro remaster, not because of how great the game is looking, but because of all the download outrage and drama.  It makes me feel like disconnecting altogether from the fandom as launch approaches.  But honestly, I would rather share the stories of playing the new game with dozens of Spyro fan anons.

OK I get it, you've fully embraced the digital future with digital games and emulation. That's cool with me. Everyone should be able to game how they please. But there are still a good number of people who want physical media. Saying "this is how it is now so deal with it" is very anti-consumer. Now if backwards compatibility and legacy titles are handled the way you mentioned in the future, that would largely netigate the issue so I hope you're right. Also, you keep mentioning tfb. They have done a fantastic job and this issue has nothing to do with them. This is solely on Activision. BTW I've always played through the original trilogy every one to two years on original hardware using the original discs. Emulation is great but there's nothing quite like popping in that disc, hearing that epic ps1 boot up screen, and holding an original Dualshock when I play my all time favorite games. One more thing, for the love of God, please do not throw away any more classic consoles or games!!!

"Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."


#13 Aug 05, 2018 12:38 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

36IStillLikeSpyro36 wrote:

... is that really what this is all about? should people stop complaining just so we keep the "good vibes" going?

I have so many friends that learned about Spyro because of the drama, because it's mostly what is being talked about right now.  If you check the subreddit today, there are only two topics on the front page that have over a 100 replies, and they are both about the download drama.  Every other topic has less than 20 replies.  It's like 90% of what we're talking about, and it was fine for a couple days, but it's vexing right now.  In part, some of my explaination of my viewpoint is just me venting.  I do appreciate the civility here, so thanks.  I really do hope that all three games are on the disc in some sort of basic form and that it's all a misunderstanding.  Imagine the silliness this would have all been if that were the case.  It's safe to say we're making a mountain out of an anthill.   Btw, Spider-Man went gold last week and comes out September 7th, so it's possible RT isn't even gold yet.  So that might be why we're waiting for official response, because maybe they don't actually know yet.

36IStillLikeSpyro36 wrote:

why in the world would you want to "disconnect from the fandom" over something like this?

Spyroforum is great.  No complaints for this place.  I'm mostly talking about where the Spyro fandom is hot.  It just seems like there are a lot of crybabies out there, and it's fine for opinions, but it gets really heated and toxic for some reason, and I don't get it.  I'm used to fandom, I know all fandom deals with toxicity, especially when we're this close to a release.  But sometimes it makes me lose faith in the community when a large portion of us are willing to burn the bridge because of something I consider a minor inconvenience.  Like for No Man's Sky's release in 2016, if I had chosen to play that game, I would have totally ignored the NMS subreddit and forums because they would not help my interpretation of something I purchased to enjoy.  I'm fully capable of determining my own opinion.  I used these sites for joy, and when people use it to be angry, it takes the fun out.

supercoupe91 wrote:

OK I get it, you've fully embraced the digital future with digital games and emulation. That's cool with me. Everyone should be able to game how they please. But there are still a good number of people who want physical media. Saying "this is how it is now so deal with it" is very anti-consumer. Now if backwards compatibility and legacy titles are handled the way you mentioned in the future, that would largely netigate the issue so I hope you're right. Also, you keep mentioning tfb. They have done a fantastic job and this issue has nothing to do with them. This is solely on Activision. BTW I've always played through the original trilogy every one to two years on original hardware using the original discs. Emulation is great but there's nothing quite like popping in that disc, hearing that epic ps1 boot up screen, and holding an original Dualshock when I play my all time favorite games. One more thing, for the love of God, please do not throw away any more classic consoles or games!!!

What should I do with them then?  Sell them to a thrift store for $5?

I'm 32 years old.  And this isn't really relevant, except as a 32 year old geek, I have a box of old cables.  Every geek in their 30's has a box of cables.  USELESS CABLES.  I have to throw these out eventually.  I always think that I'll need a mini-usb cord for something, but I never do.  I have three Skylanders portals.  WHY?  The most useful thing I have in this box is a long orange industrial extension cord, and I have never used it since I bought it 10 years ago.  I don't know man.  Eventually you just have to give it up.  I can't be a packrat forever.

And with the games themselves, my memories with old games is based on what I saw on screen.  I take no joy in the memory of blowing on game cartridges to make them magically work.  The analog stick on my DS1, DS2, and DS3 are all sticky, maybe because of neglect, but mostly because they are very used.  I use a DS4 for emulation, and maybe it doesn't quite work 100% to nostalgia for GBA games, or N64 games, but it's enough for me to enjoy reliving the memories on the screen.  And anyways, I'm so used to the DS4, I use it for basically everything, emulation and new games.  It's a quality controller.

I think it's cool that there are people out there that are willing to build their own video game museum.  But 5 or so years ago, I realized that wasn't me.

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#14 Aug 05, 2018 1:18 AM

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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

I'm going to wait and see what exactly it means before worrying about it. If it's just a bit of code that unlocks 2 and 3, and they're already on the disk, that's fine with me.

Being able to play the game independently of someone else's network working or not is important to me, though. I like being able to play my old games on my old consoles. So if you have to connect to the internet any time you want to play it and/or it's not on the disk... that's pretty stupid.

As for the possibility that the games aren't done yet, it really wish they could just get back to pushing release dates back instead of always having to download a patch as soon as you buy it.

We're getting the digital version, so it won't affect us either way, but I wanted to have a physical copy at some point so I wouldn't have to worry about servers going down and stuff like that. hmm


#15 Aug 05, 2018 2:57 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

I really thought they were going to delay the release.  Not because of this situation we're in, but because it's Activision and Activision always seems to push the release date for their non-FPS games.  It happened to Crash, so I expected Spyro RT to come out in 2019, even when it was announced for September earlier this Spring.  But the closer we got to the end of Summer I started realizing the release date might actually be achieved.

In other somewhat good news, someone on reddit and a few other places pointed out that the Crash N. Sane Trilogy had a second run of physical copies that coincided with the Switch and PC release, and all newer copies of the game have version 1.4 on the disc.  There are still a couple updates that are not on the disc, but it hints at the possibility that Spyro RT, if it gets shipped incomplete to begin with, might get a re-print next year that has an updated version of the game that includes bug fixes, quality of life features, and yes, full data of the three games that don't require an internet connection to complete.  While not being a fully acceptable alternative, I hope this puts people's worries down a little that a non-internet version of the game would not be available.

Last edited by riverhippo (Aug 05, 2018 2:58 AM)

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#16 Aug 05, 2018 4:21 AM

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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:

I really thought they were going to delay the release.  Not because of this situation we're in, but because it's Activision and Activision always seems to push the release date for their non-FPS games.  It happened to Crash, so I expected Spyro RT to come out in 2019, even when it was announced for September earlier this Spring.  But the closer we got to the end of Summer I started realizing the release date might actually be achieved.

In other somewhat good news, someone on reddit and a few other places pointed out that the Crash N. Sane Trilogy had a second run of physical copies that coincided with the Switch and PC release, and all newer copies of the game have version 1.4 on the disc.  There are still a couple updates that are not on the disc, but it hints at the possibility that Spyro RT, if it gets shipped incomplete to begin with, might get a re-print next year that has an updated version of the game that includes bug fixes, quality of life features, and yes, full data of the three games that don't require an internet connection to complete.  While not being a fully acceptable alternative, I hope this puts people's worries down a little that a non-internet version of the game would not be available.

I would say that this is a very likely scenario as Activision loves money and they know fools like me will double dip

"Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."


#17 Aug 05, 2018 10:37 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

supercoupe91 wrote:

I would say that this is a very likely scenario as Activision loves money and they know fools like me will double dip

Yeah Activision is a greedy company that focuses way too much on the satisfaction of its shareholders and doesn't mind ripping the customer off in the process.  As long as it leads to more sales.

However, multiple production runs for games is the industry standard.  And I don't think Activision is purposely holding off a quality physical version just so people decided to buy the game twice.  Even if the game was delayed for 6 months, the game would eventually be re-released on a more updated version than the one that launched, it's not like they know what day the final patch will be released.  And because we lack the full story of what needs to be downloaded, I say Activision is innocent on that account.  HOWEVER.  I would like to charge Activision for around 14 counts of miscommunication and 3 counts of false advertising since we can indeed prove those to be true.

I made the decision to double dip as soon as I learned it was very likely (not confirmed) coming to PC/Steam.  I hate that it's Activision I'm giving money to, but I cannot help but buy a title that I'm pretty sure is going to be one of my most cherished games to play.  Skyrim was a game I bought three times.  I bought it once for PS3, then I bought it for Steam.  And then I bought it again on PC when I finished out the DLC.  With the DLC and all, I probably spent around $120 to play Skyrim,  a game with no microtransactions.   Worth every penny.  I don't mind putting money into a game that I love.  So I'll be spending at least $80 for Reignited Trilogy, and maybe $120 if I ever get a Switch.

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#18 Aug 05, 2018 2:42 PM

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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

riverhippo wrote:
supercoupe91 wrote:

I would say that this is a very likely scenario as Activision loves money and they know fools like me will double dip

Yeah Activision is a greedy company that focuses way too much on the satisfaction of its shareholders and doesn't mind ripping the customer off in the process.  As long as it leads to more sales.

However, multiple production runs for games is the industry standard.  And I don't think Activision is purposely holding off a quality physical version just so people decided to buy the game twice.  Even if the game was delayed for 6 months, the game would eventually be re-released on a more updated version than the one that launched, it's not like they know what day the final patch will be released.  And because we lack the full story of what needs to be downloaded, I say Activision is innocent on that account.  HOWEVER.  I would like to charge Activision for around 14 counts of miscommunication and 3 counts of false advertising since we can indeed prove those to be true.

I made the decision to double dip as soon as I learned it was very likely (not confirmed) coming to PC/Steam.  I hate that it's Activision I'm giving money to, but I cannot help but buy a title that I'm pretty sure is going to be one of my most cherished games to play.  Skyrim was a game I bought three times.  I bought it once for PS3, then I bought it for Steam.  And then I bought it again on PC when I finished out the DLC.  With the DLC and all, I probably spent around $120 to play Skyrim,  a game with no microtransactions.   Worth every penny.  I don't mind putting money into a game that I love.  So I'll be spending at least $80 for Reignited Trilogy, and maybe $120 if I ever get a Switch.

I hear ya. I have both the ps4 and Xbox versions pre-ordered and will also be getting the Switch version when it comes out. I did the same thing for Crash.

"Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."


#19 Aug 05, 2018 9:27 PM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

God bless RGT 85 thank goodness I watch his channel else I wouldn't have known.
Second favourite gaming channel after GameXPlain thank you man you, rock.

It's not exactly a good thing, but it's not completly bad ether From what I understand only Spyro the Dragon is on the disc, you must download Spyro Ripto's Rage, and Year of the dragon to get them. Shouldn't be too much trouble.

But for those that don't want to buy it I get it. Hopefully sales are still strong, and the game does well.

This is to all the people out there that, want this game, please but it if you want it. These are the original 3 Spyro games, remastered if you want, nostalgia, charm, and a fantastic game get if not. Well you've made the right choice ether way. All the best.

I'll see how this plays out for the Nintendo Switch Version, maybe I'll get it maybe not still going to enjoy the game in some way. We'll see. Also a Nintendo Switch version was never confirmed so that's not even set in stone at this, point.

Still liking forward to game.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#20 Aug 06, 2018 3:55 PM

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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

This is seeming to me like a good reason to avoid pre-orders. When there's a possibility that they can announce something like this a month before, when most of the pre-orders have probably already come in, that tells me there are good reasons not to trust game companies with your money until you can know for sure you're going to getting what you expect.


#21 Aug 06, 2018 9:56 PM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

I tend to agree that pre-orders are a bad practice for producers and consumers both.  I did it because I was confident that this title was something I wanted to invest my time in, and the deal for me wasn't going to be broken by some of the things others have.  My standards are pretty low, lol.  If they gender-swapped Spyro for the entire trilogy, I would still be ok with it.  I would think it would strange, but I wouldn't cancel my pre-order.  Most of the games I play the most are games I pre-ordered, that is to say, maybe one or two titles per year.  I went from playing a lot of games a little bit to playing few games a religious amount.

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#22 Aug 07, 2018 12:47 AM

Mr. John
From: Idol Springs
Registered: Feb 12, 2010
Posts: 8,358
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

It's a good point, wouldn't pre-order unless you know you can, trust company.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Cayla Mills


#23 Aug 08, 2018 2:19 AM

Registered: Aug 07, 2018
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

I heard that all the games are on the disc (someone from Activision did say this I don't remember the name tbh. but  the source  is somewhere on Youtube I can confirm because that's where I heard it from with screenshots to back it up on the video.) there will just be an update patch for spyro 2 and 3. The reason why the box cover says download required is proballybecause that these games are unbeatable (may be lacking some levels that may need to be downloaded.) without the patch or if beatable they are really glitchy and unfinished. (I didn't want to say unplayable because I believe Activision can get this right as they did with the Crash Inssane Trilogy.)



#24 Aug 08, 2018 7:09 AM

From: Dallas, Texas, USA
Registered: Apr 10, 2010
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Spyro3Fan200 wrote:

I heard that all the games are on the disc (someone from Activision did say this I don't remember the name tbh. but  the source  is somewhere on Youtube I can confirm because that's where I heard it from with screenshots to back it up on the video.) there will just be an update patch for spyro 2 and 3. The reason why the box cover says download required is proballybecause that these games are unbeatable (may be lacking some levels that may need to be downloaded.) without the patch or if beatable they are really glitchy and unfinished. (I didn't want to say unplayable because I believe Activision can get this right as they did with the Crash Inssane Trilogy.)

Yes the source of that was a DM from one of Activision's CS channels, and was confirming, then confusing, then questionable, and found to be faked, and then proved to not be faked, to being confusing again.  The lack of definitive answers on whether or not 2 and 3 are playable/beatable on disc only are still up in the air, and why some are running around flailing about it.  We're getting close, but with enough patience we will find out if the launch discs will have all three games or not.  We may not find out until the day of launch.

Wake me up...    when September ends is here...


#25 Aug 10, 2018 7:10 PM

Autumn Plains
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Re: Spyro Reignited 2 and 3 is download only.

Could someone please advise me as to why people are saying its a bad thing for the games to be downloads? I have not owned a Playstation for at least 12 years, I had the PS2 and that was it so I do not understand any of the chat about downloads etc. I always buy my games in a physical copy (I have a Nintendo Wii and 3DS)
Please forgive my possibly unbelievable ignorance here! I was going to buy a PS4 console in order for me to get the new Spyro Reignited Trilogy.

I'd appreciate some advice on whether I should buy the game as soon as its released or if I should wait it out and see if it will be released as all 3 games on the CD's later on? Either way I still plan on getting the game but I'd like some help about why a downloaded game is possible a bad thing?

Oh and if I pay £29.99 for the Spyro Reignited in physical copy and then have to download games 2 and 3, will it cost me more money on top of that to download the extra content?

Thank you!

Last edited by Autumn Plains (Aug 10, 2018 7:11 PM)


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