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#1 Nov 04, 2006 1:13 PM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
Posts: 2,060
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Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

I've been in Singapore-Malaysia since Tuesday, and now I'm back here in the Philippines on Saturday. I just have to type my thoughts and experiences about this thing, and I tell you, I'm having a hard time telling them.

First off, let's see Singapore's location on the map shall we...

yup, some call it the 'little red dot on the map'

But to my surprise, it's actually quite a rich country. Comparing currencies, you get over 50 cents for 1 Singaporean dollar...

Because of the small space, I really was quite astonished that all the buildings were built vertically. And after hearing what my mom said about residency here, they really are trying to reserve space:

"You want a home, you get from an appartment. You want a garage, you buy a parking space from the parking lot"

Now what to see here... actually I don't remember, but heck was this one pirate-free country. They have very good IT stores, and let me tell you the electronics section of (window) shopping is what I'm really after for travelling.

After Singapore, now it's back to Malaysia, which I've come for the second time now. The malls named 'BB Plaza' and "Sung Gei Wang" are very big malls which sell a lot of stuff, but you can guarantee that all of them are just home-made. Heck, I bought a lot there, A LOT OF GAMES LOL. That's what I was looking forward to, really. Some theme parks were quite common, but I never felt so ouch-headed in my entire life when I rode the ride that involves being held upside down for a very long suspension time, *bleep*. Anyway, back to the joys of looking.

Now what's my shopping experience this week?

"OMG now their talking! Speak of the old games!"

-Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon. Huh, quite unexpected to see it here, but I'll buy it anyway. Just have to test it right now.
-LoS: ANB for the GBA. Okay now I'm not impressed at it, but at least I got something new to play while I'm away from the PS2.
-Spyro Orange for GBA. Even more Spyro LOL. I just hope this will be good. Yes, I did find the adventure type of game I was looking for... this was it. Although they stocked up on too many mini-games, I missed the feel for an 'easy' adventure game right now.
-Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs. Now that I've seen this, this is the start of the 'hard' adventure type games, typical to Season of Ice for GBA. I have hard times of this, and I'll probably want a walkthrough/FAQ right now.

But of course, it's not only Spyro that I look at here!

-Devil May Cry 1, I finally grasped it. Some are saying that this has the best storyline among all DMCs, and after 1 yrs. 7 mos. of looking, I can finally play it.
-Devil May Cry 2, I don't care if this sucks, what's plain sure is I'm a big DMC fan. I might try this soon, though.
-Digimon Rumble Arena 2. OH NO, it called me back. 2 years ago I was a big Digimon fan for 3 years, until others struck me... now... they're trying to recover me to this? Digimon... *bleep* I do miss them. Having doubts about it, I didn't buy Digimon World 4.
-Destrega. I actually missed this game, I played this about 4 yrs. ago before it got wrecked, and now it's time for another Fighting game that is different from others.
-Legion of Heroes/Rival Schools. Darn, another fighting game that I miss, but this time it's quite... unusual, the very first 3d fighting game for the PS1 which I missed so much, too.

WTF I don't remember anything else right now. Let me recover my thoughts first..



#2 Nov 06, 2006 7:32 AM

From: Singapore
Registered: May 26, 2006
Posts: 511
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

Wow! you went to singapore? I live there, in Sengkang.

Spyro go!



#3 Nov 08, 2006 11:09 AM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
Posts: 2,060
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Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

Darn, why didn't you say so LoL. I would've tried to spot wher eyou lived there, and probably you don't have your own house... I've been told that each building is shared all because of the lack of space that Singapore has...



#4 Nov 09, 2006 7:02 AM

From: Singapore
Registered: May 26, 2006
Posts: 511
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

Oh.  :-[

Spyro go!



#5 Nov 09, 2006 7:45 AM

Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 270
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

I Still have 2 old PS1 Spyro games and some couple of PS1 games. Speaking of.. nvm


#6 Nov 10, 2006 11:13 AM

From: Singapore
Registered: May 26, 2006
Posts: 511
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

Really? where do you live in singapore Theory?

Spyro go!



#7 Nov 10, 2006 1:25 PM

Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 270
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

Somewhere around BPP. but i won't tell my actual place due to sercurity measures ;-)


#8 Nov 10, 2006 9:39 PM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
Posts: 2,060
Gems: 0

Re: Travelling out of the country; I couldn't make up my mind when I did.

And in Singapore, I saw that piracy is a very strict infraction in Singapore, as I didn't see any pirates anywhere around this country/city. That's a good thing to hear, but very unfortunate for people from poor countries (like me, wherein 1 Sing$ = around 32 PHP T_T)



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