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#1 Nov 12, 2006 8:07 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Next game suggestions

For my curiosity's sake, and because I want to know what gamers want, I'm asking everybody what they would suggest in the sequel game to A New Beginning.  Do you want something added in or taken away? Or both?  What do you think would make this new chapter of Spyro better?

This is simple enough but please please PLEASE I'm asking you to be decent in this topic.  No shouting or cursing or general putting down of this game.  If you think you have a good idea to make it better then say so.  If you didn't like something and you wish it wasn't there, then say so. WITH REASON.  Give a decent explaination of why you think an aspect of the game works or does not work.  Something MUCH better than "I JUST DON'T LIKE IT" To be honest most strangers don't care about what you think unless you have credibility.  So if you are going complain, make it as mature sounding as you are able. 

I can't stress enough how much I hate it when people bash games and don't tell me, the reader, why they don't like it.  Really, you come off as a *bleep*.

So anyway....let the wishful thinking begin!...opinions?


#2 Nov 13, 2006 1:07 PM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
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Re: Next game suggestions

If they were to make it an action game, maybe they should apply in their thoughts the need for difficulty levels. It just makes the game more easier to learn and more intensifying to be challenged.

I also think that there should be more varieties of enemies. Redundancy is usually the pathway to the downfall of a game.



#3 Nov 13, 2006 4:22 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Yeah. the constant army of monkey men who did the same tricks over and over again got old quickly.  Their only variance was size and costume design.  With a few "out of the circle" enemies who weren't much of a threat.  If anything they could have given the monkeys a larger variety of attacks.  Something outside of slashing with their claws. Or hitting Spyro with a staff.  It was nice that some of them tried to use machinary.  The train is memorable.  But the turrets are just too easy to avoid. 

Also many people want Sparx's job as the "health meter" to be brought back.  But I think I know the problem with that.  The explosions in this game can be big enough, along with other fighting activity, that you the player would probably loose sight of Sparx on screen quite often.  So you can't even see if you're on low health or on medium or high health.


#4 Nov 14, 2006 6:33 AM

Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 270
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Re: Next game suggestions

If they want to use the Cut-scenes , they should just use a full 3D view , not part 3D , part Game console.

Cynder is just too easy to beat. i managed to beat her without losing a health on my second try O_o

Honestly , they only give out one extras.. come off it. If they want the game to be more fun [although rated one of the few tops on Nintendo console], They should put in more extras.


#5 Nov 14, 2006 1:13 PM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
Posts: 2,060
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Re: Next game suggestions

An example of a good extra is to be able to play another character in his/her own storyline, like being able to play as Dark/True Cynder in her own story.



#6 Nov 14, 2006 3:01 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Yeah the only extra was the Elijah Wood interview, right?  It was interesting but by far it wasn't enough.  The next game  could possily host a score of two player mini games that are unlocked through the single player. At the least, something to pass the time.


#7 Nov 14, 2006 3:01 PM

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From: Australia Mate!
Registered: May 21, 2006
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Re: Next game suggestions

That would make the game better, but would be very hard to do. you would almost have to make seperate games. ANB used the whole 2.3gb of the gamecube disk. they dont got any more room to expand/be sloppy.



#8 Nov 14, 2006 3:30 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Well at the very least it would be in their best interest to give the next game some longevity.  It was incredibly short with nothing much to do afterwards.  There are no note worthy cut scenes to watch again besides maybe 2, no mini games, only One review.  The game should at least be LONGER next time.  It's hard to get people to buy a game they can beat in under  3 days.

And for the sake of homage  to the older games, the worlds could broaden out a bit.  The way ANB played it felt like Jak and Daxter: Dragon Style.  No  exploration included.  It would be nice if rolling hills, caverns, and forests were more open for the players to see.  Obviously the world of Spyro the Dragon is very beautiful place.  The PS2 has enough power to capture beauty and players like eye candy.

Also periodic breaks in the repetitive activity would be greatly appreciated.  Just like the train chase in Munitions Forge.  Things like that give the game more variety.  Maybe  a  breaker should occure in every level at least once.  Or be broken up into small parts.  Because near the end of ANB,  the levels became long and drawn out and almost grating because no end was in sight.  The sad thing about THAT is that the game is  short, but does not make up for this in variety.  A short game can be appreciated if the repetive action is broken up every once in a while.


#9 Nov 16, 2006 2:38 AM

Ekard Shadowreaver
Registered: Oct 28, 2006
Posts: 16
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Re: Next game suggestions

Shouldn't this technically go in the "What would you like to see in future games" topic?

Yeah, anyway, as for the sequel? I dunno....I would say to possibly get rid of the multi-element flame breath. While I did think the Electric Breath was pretty cool (I kept having visions of like, Spyro using Force Lightning in a sense >XD), they were--for the most part I feel--largely unneccesary.

I feel a relationship between Cynder and Spyro could work. Now, don't get me, I for one mainly support Spyro and Elora....but a relationship between Cynder and Spyro would be much more interesting to see than one between him and Ember (who, if I recall correctly, wound up falling for a mole whose name I cannot quite recall at this point).

Speaking of Elora, seeing her in the game--alongside Hunter and Zoe and the rest of the gang would be great. Sparx having a romantic interest would probably be pretty cool.

Personally, I would like the chance in the game where the purple one could play a decidely more antagonistic role...but, you still control him. Like, for example, the game sort of gives you moral choices that determines whether you walk a light path or a dark one. It would never happen, but it would be *bleep* awesome. >XD Of course, that would never happen...

I can't eat my fork without my corn!

...Hold up, wait a second....


#10 Nov 16, 2006 2:43 AM

Award: contest mod
From: Minnesota
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Re: Next game suggestions

I liked how Cynder turned out in the end. It was a surprise. I was expecting her to be Spyro's mom or something.

(who, if I recall correctly, wound up falling for a mole whose name I cannot quite recall at this point).

By the way, his name is Bandit. wink


#11 Nov 16, 2006 3:07 AM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Light and Dark paths?  Thats a level of maturity I don't think Spyro will ever reach.  And glad of it.  Reminds me too much of Shadow the Hedgehog. *shudders*  But Shadow was on the fence of good and evil anyway.  What reason does Spyro have to be evil?

Why in the world does everybody need to fall in love with somebody else? I mean technically Spyro is barely above hatchling age. I don't think he should be thinking of the opposite sex that way.  At least not yet.

Anyway, the older games had more flying levels.  I'm not sure but I think at least one per homeworld. I really enjoyed those levels because they were free.  In ANB the flight path is fixed like in Star Fox games, but too easy to pass.  If you DIE in one of those flying levels....we need to talk.  Also there were just not enough of them.  Getting chased by Cynder could have been much more fun, and challenging if the flight path was not set on a rail system. But they had a good idea of having Spyro fly to each new world.(Unfortunately they did this only ONCE!)  In this case they could take a page from WindWaker's book, and just like how Link sailed across the ocean to get to each world, Spyro can fly across mountains, ocean, open plains, canyons or anywhere to reach the new world.  And have to dodge obstacles like bad weather and evil minions.  Spyro's world is a magical one, I'm sure they could do BETTER than WindWaker in the World travel aspect.

And sometimes I feel Ice breath and Earth breath are the most un needed.  But since these powers come with the storyline, I doubt they will be taken out.  But Electric Breath kicks tail.  I have gotten out of so many scraps with it.  I don't feel like loosing health to an enemy so I just tossed them off the nearest ledge and they died!

(It's a shame most game developers don't listen to their fans.  If so we could write an essay. A smart non bashing or degrading essay, about our opinions of the game.  If we worded it correctly we could tell Krome what we prefer without it feeling like a "List of Demands" )


#12 Nov 17, 2006 3:55 AM

Ekard Shadowreaver
Registered: Oct 28, 2006
Posts: 16
Gems: 0

Re: Next game suggestions

YES! That was the whole reason I loved the Electric Breath....I mean, you could toss an enemy off one, and they fall maybe like....three feet...and they still die?

I was like ROTFL when I found that out. >XD

In any case, I just thought it something interesting....like, I dunno if you ever played Jak and Daxter, but if you ever played Jak I and Jak II, you notice that Jak in Jak II is SERIOUSLY more badass in Jak I....but then again, he got pumped like full of dark energy and stuff. Maybe one of the bad guys from the Spyro series could do something similar to the little guy?

In terms of romance, while I admit it would be interesting, you do have a point. But, then again, I base my ideas more along the lines of a teenage/young adult Spyro to begin with....not a youngling. I had a couple of plot ideas for games....but, it was just something I would have thought interesting. I don't expect them to be viable, or actually taken seriously.

In regards to your exploration idea, I personally thought Wind Waker was a bit....too expansive....but, that's was the exploration and travel aspect of it all....spending, like, half an hour sailing a talking boat from Point A to Point B in certain areas before I got that darn warp song...I'm pretty sure Twilight Princess is gonna be even MORE massive, though. XD Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand, though, I do have to agree. Spyro would have benefited from a similar method of travel and exploration. I miss the massive, open ended worlds of the old games....(sounds hypocritical, doesn't it? XD)

I can't eat my fork without my corn!

...Hold up, wait a second....


#13 Nov 17, 2006 4:29 AM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Well Cynder was transformed by the Dark Whatsamawhosit.  But if they did the same thing with Spyro a lot of people might consider it too copy cattish to Jak.

And since Spyro flies, he'd obviously travel faster than Link on water.  And if it took a whole half our to get from one island to another in WindWaker you were most likely lost.  It never takes that long on purpose.  You can't be serious about the 30 minute thing.

EDIT:Oh and speaking of water, who thinks Spyro should get his ability to swim back?


#14 Nov 17, 2006 4:36 AM

Ekard Shadowreaver
Registered: Oct 28, 2006
Posts: 16
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Re: Next game suggestions

Yeah, you have a bit of a point there...but, still, I was just providing an example. Regardless of whether it was due to outside forces or of his own free will, I still think an antagonistic Spyro would probably be pretty interesting if presented--or approached--the right way.

And considering the Wind Waker theory, yeah, that was a bit of an exaggeration. XD It just felt like that long, really. Besides, what I did was I was just merely exploring the map....I essentially just deliberately tossed the mission at hand aside and figured I would gallavant around the map and learn my way around the overworld....screw around, if you will.

I can't eat my fork without my corn!

...Hold up, wait a second....


#15 Nov 17, 2006 4:41 AM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

I liked making Spyro swim around because it's like underwater flying.  And since you got more chances to make him swim than fly, I always made him swim even when he didn't need to.  It was fun.  And I think the next ANB game should include Swimming among Spyro's abilities.


#16 Nov 17, 2006 7:03 AM

Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 270
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Re: Next game suggestions

Although i wish those are back , i have a feeling it may never come back since Krome studios is holding him now.


#17 Nov 17, 2006 4:33 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Maybe if you barrage Krome with enough e-mails they'll consent to your request.


#18 Nov 17, 2006 6:54 PM

Award: Admin
From: Australia Mate!
Registered: May 21, 2006
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Re: Next game suggestions

Or they will just sue you for harrasment.



#19 Nov 18, 2006 7:36 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
Gems: 0

Re: Next game suggestions

I want to believe that Krome will listen to fans to some extent.  They've already taken Spryo off the beaten path.


#20 Nov 24, 2006 4:35 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
Gems: 0

Re: Next game suggestions

I've known one or two people who sent a game developer so many e mails (intelligent well thought out emails)  that the company actually decided it was worth them discussing her concerns with them.


#21 Nov 28, 2006 4:13 PM

From: Avalar
Registered: Nov 16, 2006
Posts: 38
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Re: Next game suggestions

Ok, here's something I think a few people might actually get.  TLOS is going to be a new series, Ala Xenosaga to Xenogears.  it may feature in the future some similar themes and Ideas (mabye even worlds? Hello, Avalar?) but it's not going to be the spyro we know and love, this thing has already going down a sort of "Golden Axe/Streets of Rage" path with the new Volley attacks.  It is as if Krome Studios wanted to attempt to fix up the mess that Vavandi caused (and man, was it a big one).  I haven't gotten a chance to actually play the game, but from what I read on it, that's what it sounds like to me. 

Original Series "Spyrogears" for nickname purposes
1.  Spyro the Dragon
2.  Ripto's Rage (Gateway to Glimmer)
3.  Year of the Dragon
[Vavandi comes in and screws everything up (well, in some people's opinions)
4.  Seasons  of Ice
5.  Seasons of Flame
6.  Spyro Fusion
7.  Enter the Dragonfly
8.  A Hero's Tail
1.  The Legend of Spyro:  A new Begining


I still can't wait to give it a try though, I"ve always wanted to see spyro doing Combination attacks

Today I beat it, and it sounds ALOT like Xenosaga Episode 1, with all this talk about "The Dark Master"
(Xenosaga Episode 1 said "Udo") I have a theory that in the next one, Spyro and Cynder are going to be involved somehow together.  I'm not saying Romanticly, but, still.

** Further edit

Speaking of Elora, seeing her in the game--alongside Hunter and Zoe and the rest of the gang would be great. Sparx having a romantic interest would probably be pretty cool.

That is not going to happen according to my theory, read at www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Xenosaga for more info on the Parallel game world's theory

<b>Elora Quotes</b>
<u>Spyro II</u>
<i>I'm a faun, you dork!
Hunter, stop fidgetting!
Is it working Professor?
<u>Spyro III:  Year of the Dragon</u>
<i>Just enjoy the party</i>

<B>Elora, please come back!</b>


#22 Feb 13, 2007 6:40 PM

From: Dallas Texas
Registered: Nov 08, 2006
Posts: 39
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Re: Next game suggestions

Well whatever happens.  I hope they do a good job.  But I don't want Spyro to TOTALY go down the Jak path.  As in really dark story line from an originally light hearted game.


#23 Feb 13, 2007 9:58 PM

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Re: Next game suggestions

That seems to be where it's headed....


#24 Feb 21, 2007 9:44 PM

Gnice Gnorc
From: Ireland
Registered: Feb 20, 2007
Posts: 47
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Re: Next game suggestions

I say,
BRING BACK INSOMNIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



#25 Mar 29, 2007 5:29 PM

From: USA
Registered: Mar 27, 2007
Posts: 586
Gems: 147

Re: Next game suggestions

It is obvious that Cynder and Spyro will have a relationship in the next game, possibly the begginning of a romantic one... All the signs are there.. Cynder ans Spyro were the only survivors of the brood that the Guardians were charged to protect, hence they represent the future and hope of the dragon race. After all Ingnitus says that the dragon race's survival depended on those eggs. Since they are the only survivors, in order for the race to survive at some point, Spyro and Cynder will have to mate..


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