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#51 Nov 26, 2006 11:28 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
OK, no I'm not entirely out, because I thought I was the only one left...
"As long as the moon shines, I shall be invisible for a while..." he creeps hastingly to the seashore, looking at the horizon of the large sea. "Dragon of Spirits... why am I looking for you? I'm not supposed to! I am Kamui, the fierces... never mind. I might curse myself from doing that... but... no, it should be Falgaron that I'm looking for... Falgaron! My twin brother surely knows... I just hope he doesn't get a wrong perception about me right now... but... what if I... *switches to evil side* eat him up... there's no point of a creature being here if it's not going to be in my sight, but after that it's all over... hahahahaha... after my questions are answered, I'm a bit positive that he'll say that it's his fault why I'm here!"
#52 Nov 26, 2006 11:28 AM
- trexsiah
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Re: Be a Spyro character
keystone: i will have to kill you.
do you like my avatar. btw who is that? he is shadow_the_hero. my pet
#53 Nov 26, 2006 11:37 AM
- trexsiah
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Re: Be a Spyro character
*kocks on Cailean's door*
do you like my avatar. btw who is that? he is shadow_the_hero. my pet
#54 Nov 27, 2006 12:08 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"I don't feel any good at all... before I can plan, the night must end first, because I'm going to sleep for tonight, which is a rare thing I do..." Kamui doesn't want to do something extraordinary for a while, and the moon still keeps him invisible, as long as it's shining. "Not only I don't feel good, I don't feel good because I think that something's still not right... What... Why... Whatever! I'll just... sleep for a while..." And in this seashore, the White Hound sleeps unseen.
I'm doing this because it will take a while before I could post again.. maybe the next 3 days...
#55 Nov 27, 2006 12:18 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Rest, something we all must have, and yet, I do not wish to stop and rest. Things are changing, and not necessarily for the better..." Cailean threw on a cloak and walked out into the night. All was still. The air itself seemed to have stopped dead. It was eerily quite. Walking down to a nearby beach, He finds himself sitting on the sand, watching as the tide ebbs in and out. All is quite. "I am not the only creature on these sands. Yet, I shall let him sleep. We shall talk soon enough." He sat on the sands and watched the waters all night.
...enough said...
#56 Nov 29, 2006 9:12 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Surprisingly, I found an opportunity to go on the Internet for a while.
Kamui softingly asleep, is having a dream of which he is consciously enacting.
He was in the ice plains, where he lived originally.
"...I'm not supposed to be here."
"YOu are forced to be here once again." A voice said.
"I'm not done in that world yet! Why are you defying my objectives? Who are you anyway?!"
"Kamui, it's a shame that I'm talking to you, I'm supposed to kill you right now..."
"You! Could it be..."
Alone, he's activated his bloodlust already, in search for the creature he wants to kill.
"I will eat you, I will kill you! Your soul..."
"Your soul is weaker than mine, Kamui."
After that, a wildfire came out from nowhere and Kamui was engulfed, making him escape from the dream and back to sleep.
"This is why... I will have revenge... World, look out, for I will soon kill you all, all defiants of my objective!
#57 Nov 29, 2006 9:45 AM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Cailean looks as a pulsating aura breifly appears around Kamui before it fades back into the darkness.
"If you were not so overprotective of yourself, I could help you. Why do you push those who wish to help you away. You are not alone in this world. I feel your pain, your anguish, your wish to kill. But I also feel sadness in your heart. Why do you flee?"
Kamui begins to stir. He looks up and senses the presence near him. "Do not flee, we are safe, and as long as you trust me, I shall not hurt you. All I wish to gain from you is knowledge. Will you answer my question as to why you are like this? Will you tell me why you seek revenge. We have plenty time." Kamui seems to ponder for a minute before answering
...enough said...
#58 Nov 30, 2006 11:58 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
" can see me...?" Kamui stands up properly, as if he got a full night sleep already. "...oh, dawn's breaking". The sun is a bit visible from this angle already.
"This isn't right... do I really have to tell you?"
The dragon continues to stare at Kamui, leaving him in a frozen state.
"...I'm not supposed to be talking to you... I'm afraid of you... but, if you are telling the truth..."
Kamui puts in a serious face and stares at the sea for a moment before answering back.
"...It's horrible, just horrible... you have to stop me from remembering it too much..."
The dragon continues to stare at him, leaving him in an emotionless state and only sorrow is now in him.
"It started... when slowly us wolves were disappearing. It was a big issue to us, and my brother Falgaron, although wants to be with us, is a tamed wolf and lives in a ranch of the pesky humans, who was killing our kind. Their killing is unecessary in my thought, so the question Why started to bother me... Then one day, the humans came for us again... and... I couldn't control myself... I was in a state of being overpowered and I just... ate them... until they were bleeding in my stomach. While in that event, a human sent a tamed Saurian to fight with me, but my power conquered all... I almost killed the Saurian... but I just left him unconscious and went straight for the human trainer, but an interruption happened... an interruption..." From this point, he can't look directly at the dragon's eyes anymore, and therefore he closed his eyes and just looked at the ground, as if he was crying, even though he wasn't. "That human trainer tamed Falgaron for crying out loud! I couldn't believe he even forced my brother to kill me... I didn't want to... but as necessary as it may be, I went on to try and kill Falgaron... I didn't want to, I didn't want to! I was fortunate that I was frozen by him, because I didn't want to kill him! And sometime soon, I think more hunters came to hunt me down, but they instead tried to hunt down Falgaron... forcing him to run... and soon the ice broke, and I ate those hunters up... then when they were bleeding in my stomach once again... it happened... the wildness inside me conquered me and I was thirsting for blood... those humans... are my main target... and all I can remember from that is I ran quickly into the civilized places and I assaulted many houses... before hiding back into the forests... I can't remember what happened after that, but I do remember more after asbout... 3 months... I heard the cries of the wolves... when I got there, the pack was being burned... and I was too late to save them... I was angry, the question Why was needed to be really answered! It got worse until..." From this point, a few tears were flowing down his face. "I saw him... the wolf that is closest to me... my brother Falgaron burned these wolves down! I know it's not him... I know it's not him! I know it's not him... he's just... possessed... yes, that's it... possessed by the instinct that isn't supposed to be in him... realizing this, I began to run from the place sad, instead of angry... until I fainted into the cold plains... after I woke up, I had to commemorate... 'what was happening in this place? Now I'm alone? Now that Falgaron's converted, there's no one to help me now...' I said. After that, a few eagles came down from the sky and attacked me, and I was angered so easily because... 'even the innocent animals are attacking me?! Why?! WHY ARE YOU ATTEMPTING TO MAKE MY LEAVE?!' , and from that point on I started to kill like crazy... I couldn't take it anymore... even the animals defy me now... all attempting to kill me, in my search for the remaining wolves. I've killed eagles, dragons, hawks, wild dogs, wild monkeys, everything, as they were opposing me! 'I'm really alone...' I said, because I couldn't count on anyone anymore... and my final objective was to search for the last remaining wolf... 'Falgaron... come back to us...' And my endless search for him, and the answer to my question Why started... a morbid journey with a lot of executions of the hunting humans and all who gets in my way... until one night, I slept in an icy field and I had a dream wherein the Goddess of the Moon and the Priestess of Ice were torturing me, and I couldn't fight back for they are so powerful... they were toying with me! From that point on, I also believe that the heavens is also opposing my cause... and I'm totally alone now! 'I couldn't rely on anyone anymore! I have to kill you all... I have to kill all!' after I woke up, I felt the pain through my eyes, and the a portal opened... a portal that led me to what I call this world 'An Apocalyptic Abyss', since at first I'm not supposed to be here, and I felt that I've been tortured by the heavens that's why I got here. But after pondering a bit on my own, I realized that I was destined to be here... I had to search for something... Search for revenge... and the search for... my brother! I'm sure there's more to kill in this place, more defiers of us wolves! I got my hopes back up when there were pack of wolves here, and no humans in sight... but all other creatures must be killed... you must understand... I couldn't just trust anyone who is not within our bloodline! But... you are different... I couldn't attack you properly... your presence freezes my body and as if a force was driving me away from my anger... when I see you, I feel different... a good but hurting aura passes my veins... I don't want to talk to you, but are you sure that you can help me?" Kamui then looks at the dragon with a sad but blank face.
"Just one last question... who are you anyway? I don't even know your name..."
Hey Klone, I have to tell something. PMing you right away...
#59 Nov 30, 2006 9:37 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Cailean looks at Kamui unblinking. 'There is so much more pain in his heart that I had thought.' after a few more seconds he looks out to the sea. "Sit down." Kamui blinks at the request but nether-the-less, sits down next to the dragon. "I wasn't always a dragon. I was once human. I went to school, learnt, did what I had to do. My name you asked? Well, it appears that I am now called Cailean. You may call me that if you so wish. I am an outlaw in my own right. Do not believe that you are the only one to have suffered loss and evil has spread through you. You see..." Cailean looked back to Kamui
" see...many years back, I was...strange for a child like myself. I could control the winds, bring rains, drought, landslides. I could control the Elements. Most humans would have seen this as a gift, a power, they would have worshipped me as a god. My Father, however, thought it...unatural, like gifts of the devil, though he thought that a little beating would get my power out of me. Every day I went through torment at his hand, scars only just healed bled fresh blood anew onto the ground. for 2 long months I endured these sufferings, tormented and hurt by my own flesh and blood, my own father!! Slowly, however, I began to realise that my abilities were changing. I could summon burning flames into my palm, and feel no pain. The flames however, as should have been an ominous sign, burned black, black as my heart and soul were slowly becoming. Finally one day, I managed to summon enough strength to call forth the most evil of the dark elements: Erif, the dark elemental form of Fire, and killed my father. Both savouring and repulsing what I had done, I fled to the highlands of Scotland, the only place in the human realm that I could call a home. They were a harsh place to live. I survived on little more than what I could kill, field mice, and the occasional bird. Slowly, the power I had thought so highly of and praised, even misused, consumed me." By this point, tears were falling freely from Cailean's face, however he continued on, each sentence becoming more harshly pronounced, his breathing ragged, "When no more than 3 months after my first kill had gone by, I had become more evil than you can possibly imagine. I had become what I had fought silently and discreetly. I had become what has come to be known as a Dark Commander. These Dark Commanders, they can summon to them and force to do their bidding evil creatures from the darkness that shrouds them. Dark Knights, feared throught the realms and Shadow Warriors were what I had to control now. My powers had left me, I was darkness itself." Cailean looked to Kamui, his eyes red and blotchy, his scales glistening from the light of the sun on his newly fallen tears.
"Then, how is it hat I speak to you now if you were so consumed by darkness. You say that you can help me, and yet it seems that you were unable to help yourself. How can I put my faith and trust into one who called for outside help?" Kamui's voice was not angry, but puzzled.
"Ah, yes. Well, I didn't look for outside help. It found me. About 6 months after I killed my father, A great elemental spirit came to me. He, who is know in the realms as the legendary Alachna'an, saw potential in me and my abilities. When he attempted to reason with me however, I became hostile. Alachna'an however was not detered by my display of ignorance, and forced his way into my soul. Ah, what pain. I shall never experience that much pain ever again."
"What pain do you speak of, dragon?" Quizzical once again, Kamui asked.
"You see, when a spirit enters your body with your consent you do not feel pain. However when a spirit forces itself into your soul, that new spirit supresses your soul so much that in some cases you can die from the inside. The spirit can either choose to supress you, or attack your mind and heart seeking a way to bring Light back to you and expell darkness. Alachna'an took both routes. Pain beyond pain bled through me like being hit by a thousand blunt daggers. The process continued for many moons, and I never felt the pain subside. every waking moment I was in pain, so much so that i simply could not sleep! After the task was completed, the darkness was no more, and I was but an empty shell. I had no more independant thought than a flea and now more power or strength than the weakest of creatures." Cailean turned back to the sea, a small smile on his face. "Alachna'an was highly sympathetic. He soon began to train me once more in the ways of mental and physical control and power. by the time 20 moons had passed I was as powerful and as strong as I had been before my venture into darkness. He then began to teach me of the Pure Elements, and how to utilise them properly once more. 5 moons had passed before I had mastered the basic spells and elemental abilities needed in life. One night, Alachna'an left my body to go and check on things in other realms. He had a feeling that something was happening in the Dragon Realms that he wasn't aware of. He left, and I was on my own again. I began to write down the beginnings of a spell. I soon began to recite it. sooner than that, I had surpassed what I had written so was I in the flow of the Elements. The words I spoke flew into me, and I felt myself begin to change externally and internally. I was growing broader, larger, my hands began to morph into claws, a tail began to grow. After roughly 2 hours of recital, I feel into a deep sleep that I did not wake from for several days. When I awoke and examined my self, I realized that my spell had changed me. I had become what you see now, Kamui. I had become a dragon." Cailean smiled to himself, and turned once again to Kamui.
"You have been a wolf, all your life. I have not been a dragon for all my life, and found the new body difficult to walk in. I fell down an awful lot." The wolf and the dragon shared a small chuckle at that. "Alachna'an returned, and was both pleased and annoyed at what I had done. He scorned the use of the Elements to change bodies, though he did find it much easier to see me as a dragon and wielder of the Elements, than a human. He returned to my body and soon, we performed the ritual to conjoin our souls. The ritual went perfectly, and he and I are now one. We have been together now for 4 years in spirit, and are still going!!"
"Then, now that you have explained yourself, how do you plan to help me overcome my need for blood and revenge?"
By teaching you control and the ways of power resraint, as was taught to me so long ago by my friend Alachna'an. I do not expect you to accept my offer of help...not help...friendship, but at least make a consideration about it. I have all the time in the world." The sun, now fully risen beat down onto the unlikely pair on the beach, the tide steadily moving, like a calming song of nature.
okay, so I know that some of you are wondering why I am using Artemis' character as well as mine? well, Artemis has given me the ability to use his character for the time being, as he may not be on the internet for a while. All I had to do was make sure that I didn't COMPLETELY FOUL UP THE CHARACTER!! ^_^ well, Here is my attempt. There is not an awful lot of Kamui dialogue, but there is enough so that Cailean's words do not become a long boring speech!!
To Artemis: I hope you find that I have not destroyed the character and that I have proven my self worthy enough to be called an author/writer. Thanks for the temporary ability to use Kamui, and I hope you are back online soon to read this!!
Yours, most gratefully,
...enough said...
#60 Dec 01, 2006 6:07 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"I... I don't know... you couldn't count me on much when it comes to being with others... but I guess... you're different." Kamui, now blank faced, realizing how much change he'll have to face when going with this dragon. "But I still need to let my instinct drive sometime... the bloodlust... can be controlled... retaining the power inside me but controlling my targets... I could still be a powerful one. Are you really sure that I can achieve such a control?"
Kamui, quickly realizing the bright sun, had to leave.
"Ah, why of course, time for morning breakfast. You see, I don't always hunt for vengeance, I sometimes need the raw meat I get from everywhere. I'll meet you up back in the cave where I first hid, that's practically what I'll make a 'house' right now..."
Then he left, quickly through the plains he ran, and looked for innocent Fodders to chew on.
Darn, I couldn't think of a good plot line as of now...
#61 Dec 01, 2006 4:36 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Cailean smiled "He is ready to accept the help of others. That is good. We can now move onto more pressing matters." Teleporting to the cave that Kamui had described, he sat on the floor of the cave in a meditative position. "He will have to learn how to control when his bloodlust arises. I can sense he will be quick to learn the techniques I shall teach him, though getting through to him shall be the hardest part to teaching him. He will be stuborn at first. I shall have to be patient." a deep sigh rumbles past his throat. "It's going to be like teaching a much more powerful Kieran ALL over again. I will wait for him." With that Cailean started his meditation.
Meanwhile, Kamui raced accross the plains having caught his fill. Both eager and anxious about seeing Cailean again, he sped faster towards his destination, all the while thinking about what Cailean would teach him. How could his bloodlust be contained...controlled.
"Ah, you have arrived. Come, let us begin."
...enough said...
#62 Dec 02, 2006 3:06 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Uh, I think he's seeing an illusion of me again..." Kamui was only speeding through and near the cave, but not actually inside the cave yet. As he was speeding through, he missed the opening of the cave and actually went straight toward the side of the cave. "Ouch, darn." His horns struck through the wall, and his snout also got stuck due to the added power from the speed he was going through. "Argh, come on... come out..." He had problems with it, and he still had to electrecute his horns before he can even get out of it. "Darn, that wasted my power..." And he walked into the cave.
"You said you can, but I can't agree too much. But if you say so, then fine..." After that, he pondered a bit on what he said. "(What the hell did I say. If he did prove his power to me then I should follow some ways) Oh, sorry for that speaking manner. So what's to begin with?"
Suddenly, he can see an illusion of himself behind the dragon. "What the... excuse me for a very short moment..." He went up to the illusion, and when he touched it, it disappeared into thin air. "I'm discovering something about me..." While he was still behind the dragon, he concentrated on the front view of the dragon, and tried to see himself if he was there. An illusion of him was created. "Haha...haha! I couldn't believe that I had such powers from the wind. Do you know as to why I'm able to do this?"
"The dragon's eyes looked serious on Kamui's. "Oh, um...sorry, yeah back to the point. What is it that we'll begin on?"
I couldn't think of anything right now, except for the fact that he could create a mirror image through the help of the Tempest Wind...[/color]
#63 Dec 02, 2006 5:02 AM
- trexsiah
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Re: Be a Spyro character
keystone: atofter full moon? the gods tust me. gods,give me power. mwhahahhahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHhhahaha. *mopuhs into darkness*
do you like my avatar. btw who is that? he is shadow_the_hero. my pet
#64 Dec 02, 2006 12:35 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Okay, first we shall start on control. This will not be difficult, at least to begin with." Cailean looked at Kamui for a couple of seconds then continued. "It is also quite dangerous, at least from where I am standing. Okay so, what I want you to do is concentrate souly on killing. I want you to concentrate on you bloodlust, let it fill every escence of your body, let it spread and rise to the surface." Kamui closed his eyes and did as he was told. He could feel his lust for death and blood rising within him, evil spreading through him. "Now, concentrate only on the sound of my voice. the Bloodlust will rebel, but you can handle it. Concentrate only on the sound of my vioce." Kamui growled as a pulsating dark arua surrounded his body. He did as he was told but his Bloodlust fought against him with everything it could. Just as he was about to collapse from the pain, the agony subsided, and he fell to the floor, panting. "Excellent. For a first attempt at supressing your will you did quite well. You nearly gave into it didn't you?" It was not a question, but Kamui bowed his head from his position on the floor. "Well, it is a start. Have a rest, it is well deserved."
...enough said...
#65 Dec 02, 2006 12:51 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Must... resist..." Kamui was walking slowly away as if he was injured, and a few seconds later he fell on the floor motionless. "Darn... this doesn't look good." While on the floor, he just had to close his eyes, as if he was already tired for the day. "This isn't right, I might go into an oversleep here. My mental consciousness does effect the way my body works..."While his eyes were closed, he could hear some cries of wolves from inside him. "Huh? Where's that noise?..." Kamui then opens his eyes and quickly stands up, but then falls back on the floor again so quick because of the attempt to control. "Cailean... do you feel anything unusual? I don't feel so safe at all... I think someone's messing with my mind again... or maybe someone's messing with the world again..."
#66 Dec 02, 2006 1:07 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Cailean stood with his back to the wolf. "There is always someone messing with the world. Evil, Good, Benign, they all do it. It was once me. All you have to do is accept that fact and continue with life. Are you rested, or do you require some more time to recover?" When Kamui did not move from his current position, Cailean walked over to one of the walls of the cave and sat against it. "While we are here, we might as well have a conversation if you are willing."
...enough said...
#67 Dec 02, 2006 1:31 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"But what's there to talk about for a while?" Kamui thinked for a moment about what. "I'm having 2 things crossing my mind: it's either there are too much things to talk about, which is our experiences from what's been happening to us, or there's nothing to talk about, since we're merely trying to solve something for now.
#68 Dec 02, 2006 1:42 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Hn, you never were one for sociality." Kamui glared at Cailean. "Seriously, trying to outstare me is not the best way to earn my respect. Tell me Kamui, have you ever seen a human and wanted to rip it limb from limb?" Kamui just stared and nodded. "Ha, I thought as much. I have that experience al the time. You see, though I prefer this body, I have managed to recreate the image of my human body." There was a flash of white light, and where Cailean had sat was now a young male. Kamui growled at the sight the child, wondering why he had ever trusted Cailean in the first place. "Relax. It is not as if I am going to kill you for fun now, is it?" Cailean hurriedly transformed back to his dragon form. "I hate that body, but I have to use it when I go about my business in highly populated areas. For you to have one would be highly useful for you, do you not agree?"
...enough said...
#69 Dec 02, 2006 1:51 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"I... I'm not sure." Kamui thought for a moment about this. "... I feel that I don't want it, and I don't see the need for it. As I remember what my brother said to me about life as a human, I may say that it's tough and rough, and some things are just too much to be done despite it's reasons. It doesn't look too good in my view. Although he did say that human also enjoy the most pleasures and leisures, he also told me the root of where they get it, and I... feel that this root that is spoken of is very valuable to me. Actually, I'm a little confused at all this, and as far as I can understand it, that's how I feel."
#70 Dec 02, 2006 4:14 PM
- trexsiah
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Re: Be a Spyro character
*siffnis* keystone: so he has done it aigan, Cailean i need you aftofrkeystone: *siffnis* Cailean i need your blood
do you like my avatar. btw who is that? he is shadow_the_hero. my pet
#71 Dec 18, 2006 11:05 PM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"That's what I said when I was first told that I could learn to morph between forms. I dried out bloody murder and refused point blank to agree to it. In the end though, I was foolish not to. A human civilization is living on this planet, Kamui, Humans dominate this planet. They care NOTHING about the Earth, water, and air. They pollute it, and kill everything they can find in their way. They are mad animals. Yet, ultimately, they rule this planet. We cannot dispute them. In time, a civilization had built up around the forest I had lived in. I could not leave. So, I decided that for my own good, I would choose to learn this transformation technique. I have never regretted it." Looking at the look on Kamui's face, he quickly added, "Though, what you choose is up to you. Whatever you feel comfortable with. And speaking of comfort, we seem to have become too comfortable. Come, time for the next lesson."
...enough said...
#72 Dec 18, 2006 11:34 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"I'll never have to think about humans for a while." Kamui said, irritated at the discussion. "Well then, it's better we proceed. So what's next?" Is all he can say for a while. Still, he keeps on toying around his new found power of wind-illusion by simply making two illusions behind him while he was walking. "Hah, I really think I'm going to enjoy this power I found." Then while he had an empty mind, he had to ask something. "Cailean, do you know of the spell that chants 'Doxtray Sinistray Admoy'? Because you came from human and just transformed into a dragon, I'm highly sure you don't recognize much of this spell."
#73 Dec 19, 2006 12:08 AM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
" 'Doxtray Sinistray Admoy?' I have never heard of such a spell. What I have learnt is through experimentation. I am now one being, who can change between forms at will. Though, I prefer those two forms, I have a third." Kamui seemed to flinch. "Relax, you will see it in time. You might even be, a little more pleased with that from than this or my human forms." Inquisitive eyes and bared fangs made Cailean sigh. "You still do not trust me, do you? But you listen to me because you believe I am of a greater rank than you, correct?" A nod. "I summised as much. Well, let us continue with training. This step is to deal with your endurance and your strength of will. Stand in the middle of the room." as Kamui did so, Cailean kicked him hard so that he fell to the floor. "Get up!" Cailean's voice was filled with rage. A whisper in Kamui's mind, a message. 'Do not worry. I am not doing this because I am angry with you. This IS the test. Try not to fight back. We will end when I deem it time.' Another kick, this time to the chest. "I said, GET UP!!" Kamui obliged. What was going on with this mad man?
...well that was slightly lame ^_^;
...enough said...
#74 Dec 19, 2006 1:12 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Be a Spyro character
"Is this right..." was the thought in Kamui's mind. Kamui tried to think of something else, seeing that this test may require his emptyness. Another statement entered his mind: "Ecce Narcisso Draconus Attractivae..." which led to Kamui smiling, seeing that who he is talking to right now is part-dragon. "Ecce Narcisso Draconus Attractivae..." kept entering his mind. As this was so, this led Kamui to a sadistic sort of laugh. After this, he was feeling no pain at all, which led to him crazily laughing "Hahahaha, whatever." Although Kamui refuses to get up, he made an illusion behind Cailean to touch him. "Touch him as much as I like... I never did say that I was a disturbance..."
Seeing from what has been going through Kamui's mind, it seems that random things just enter. He still feels nothing, and thinks about random things. The next thing that entered his mind was "Energie di cosmi estinti gridano sangue... dalle terre del igñoto senzia pieta..." which he thought about as to where he heard it. He remembered that it was the first enchantment to say that a dragon is the smartest and very powerful. "I couldn't just be moving on my own." Then Kamui closed his eyes, sadistically laughing. "I'll wait 'till you get tired, hah!"
...still lame as ever eh.
#75 Dec 19, 2006 1:39 AM
- Klone
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Re: Be a Spyro character
Cailean seemed satisfied that Kamui was able to laugh it off. He continued to hit Kamui for about 10 more minutes, through which time Kamui continued to laugh. 'Ah, he is going to be in so much pain tomorrow.' Cailean stopped. "Good, that was excellent." Kamui continued to laugh. "May I ask what you are laughing at?" Kamui was laughing too hard to speak, so he took out a claw, and scraped the words into the ground. "Ecce...Narcisso...Draconus...Attractivae???" And he too burst out laughing. "!!" he said between laughter, as Kamui continued to writhe on the floor in laughter. They laughed for quite a while.
And you thought yours was lame...-_-
...enough said...