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#51 Feb 17, 2008 9:17 PM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
OCC:Dang..I was gone sooooooo long I for got I edit it.
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#52 Feb 18, 2008 5:59 AM
- ratchet
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
OOC: Lol, lets wait for Hero
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#53 Feb 18, 2008 5:21 PM
- Hero58
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
OOC: Ok im back was just playing xbox 360 live
Wedger: Oh heya we got everything under control *puts a sack over varse* there that will stop him from sneezing anymore dust on the city vyper...
Vyper: on it *flys up into the sky and uses his wind breath cleaning the entire city of it's dust*
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#54 Feb 19, 2008 12:49 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Illadin was stting on his honches, wondering about what his next move should be, and rejoicing at his latest victory against his chosen adversary. The dragon had finnaly done what he was aiming to do for 15 years, unseated one of the 2 purple dragons, the Dark Master.
"How did I pull that one off again?", pondered Illadin, still relsing his victory, "Oh yes, his tail, oversized brute thought that the tail had no blood vessles. Fool, once his tail was severed it was only a matter of making shure I livved to see him bleed out.", Illadin though to himself, remembering with crule vividy the way the tail came cleanly off and the blood spashed into pools all over the fortress floor.
A small noise shook Illadin out of his memorys, casting about for the noise, a small, light blue dragon with green eyes and light green streaks in the blue. The dragon was... sniffing one of Illadin's books.
"SILABUS!" hollered Illadin getting to his 4 feet," JUST WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THING YOUR DOING!?!?!?!"
The little blue dragon made a mouse-like sqeak and skittred out of the room leaving a puff of dust in his wake.
The sight of Illadin's son made him go back down memory lane. He remembereed how he had meet the childs mother, how long it seemed before they were alone to get to know each other, how well they paired up. He also remembered another pair that fit togher well, long lost friends of his.
"Wonder how Blaze and Frost are doing? Last time I saw them they were getting ready to have kids... thats been.. like... 12 years..."
With that though Illadin moved out of his study, down the tourch it halls, and into the the famly room where his wife was sleeping soundly. She was quite tired from keeping up with a hyperactive 15 year old.
Illadin though waking her to say he was leaving for a time, but she looked so beatuful sleeping, like an angle. instead of waking her, Illadin kissed her lightly on the forhead and tiptoed off to the cave entrance.
Illadin was just about to leave when a small voice piped up behind him
"Where are you headed dad?" it asked, Illadin turned to see Silabus standing behind him looking at him intently.
"Im just going to visit some freinds, I wont be gone longer that a day or two." ansered Illadin, moving to leave
"Then take me with you, you won't be gone that long you say and you diddn't even wake mommy up to tell her."
"How mush flying have you done lately? All I see you ding is spending your time in my library sniffing books!'
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh! You'll wake your mother with all that shouting," chided Illadin," Fine,, you can come... but don't tell your mother."
"Where the hell are Blaze and Frost now?" pondered Illadin as he was making his 9th pass over a sunbathed hillside," It shouldn't be so hard to find a family of dragons!"
"Daaaaaaadddddddd, My wings are tired" wined Silbus
"Just a little farther..." ansered Illadin, not thinking about his childs plight
"Can't we try looking for them on the ground? My wings are going to fall off!"
"Looking for them on the ground will take too long, and we should find them soon..."
"At least let me rest on your back wile you fly..." offered Silabus, this made the already agatated Illadin snap
"FINE "READ THE TITLES" AS YOU SAY" retorted Illadin with a finality in his voice that said that disscussion was over.
On the 11th pass Illadin finally found the family of dragons, as Illadin and Silabus were going in for the landing, Illadin said in a harsh wisper, "Mind your manners, these dragons have more than earned your respect... say hello to Mr.Blaze and his wife or whatever they want you to call them, then you can go and play around with their kids. BUT KEEP YOUR PAWS TO YOURSELF!"
"Fine..." replied Silabus
"Blaze!" greeted Illadin as he and Silabus landed,"long time no see!", almost as Illadin said this, Silabus slid sylently away from his preoccupied fathers side and began looking for the other children that his father had told him were wondering about.
#55 Feb 19, 2008 12:59 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Blaze and Frost: It's great to see you Illadin. *notice Silabus slipping away* I guess your son wants to meet our kids. Well, he's going to get to know a lot of dragons at one time, seeing as how we have 3 sons and 3 daughters. *look at each other and smile*
Crystal: *is the first to notice Silabus* Oh hello there. My name's Crystal. What's your name?
#56 Feb 19, 2008 5:36 AM
- ratchet
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Rapid: Ahhh Wedger, your never glad to see me... Owell, Whats happened Since.... then
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
#58 Feb 21, 2008 2:50 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Silabus wondered up to a hilltop, he was nearly to the top when another dragon came into view. The dragon was a "she", she was a deep deep blue.
"Hi, would you happen to be one of Blaze's kids?", as Silabus said this he heard the distinct voice of his father shouting
Instatly, Silabus thought about where to hide, not finding any trees or shubbery he hid behind the blue dragoness hoping that her colors would conceil himself from his fathers sight. It worked and SIlabus glanced around the blue dragoness to see his father talking animatedly to Blaze again.
#59 Feb 21, 2008 2:56 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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#60 Feb 22, 2008 3:03 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Silabus came out from behind Crystal slowly, slightly asheamed from his cowerdly flight. As he came from behind Crystal, he heard Eclair's voice, her words moved so fast the Silabus had a tiny bit of trouble understanding her. She was a bright yellow with a tint of blue in her horns.
Silabus had only moments to take this in when another dragon came over into his line of sight, this one was red streaked with black. This one however spoke in a way Silabus could understand.
"Would you all happen to be children of Blaze? Or just... umm," Silabus stopped in mid sentence and wispered into Crystals ear
"Pssstttt, what's your name?"
#61 Feb 22, 2008 11:01 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Crystal: *laughs* I told you before, my name's Crystal. The one with the brain who can't keep up with her tongue is Eclair.
Eclair: Hello there. *registers what Crystal just said* Hey!
Crystal: That one who looks exactly like dad is Huo Yán.
Huo Yán: Nice to meet you.
Crystal: The red and yellow dragon is my brother Enfer.
Enfer: What's up?
Crystal: The green and brown dragon is my 3rd brother, Aftershock.
Aftershock: Hmph, I could've introduced myself you know.
Crystal: He has a bit of an attitude. And the ice blue and dark blue dragoness is Shuang, who looks exactly like our mom.
Shuang: Nice to meet you.
Enfer, Crystal, Aftershock, Eclair, Huo Yán and Shuang: And yes, we're all Blaze and Frost's kids.
Frost: Hey there Illadin. So, how have you and Alana been?
#62 Feb 24, 2008 10:19 PM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Silabus instantly took in only 2 things. One was that Blaze and Frost had way too many kids, and the other was that Aftershock was probally a pompus butt.
"Ya know," began Silabus, talking directly to Aftershock,"it doesnt rellay matter who intorduces you, facts are Im prbally going to be reminded who you are anyways. What? With the 5 other siblings, I can't remember where I put my dads books halve the time!"
#63 Feb 24, 2008 10:28 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Enfer: Uhh, I wouldn't get Aftershock mad Silabus, he can be pretty nasty when he gets mad.
Aftershock: Oh shut up Enfer!
Enfer: Why don't you make me? Your brain's even slower than your feet!
*Crystal, Huo Yán, Shuang, and Eclair laugh*
Aftershock: Okay, that does it! *charges at Enfer*
Enfer: *steps to the side, then trips him with his tail*
Crystal: *whispers to Silabus* They do this all the time. Enfer is usually the one who wins, because he's always a step ahead of Aftershock.
#64 Feb 24, 2008 10:52 PM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
"What an cluts!" though Silabus as Aftershock hit the earth with a puf of dust rising around him, "Even I could see that comming!"
Silabus leas over and askes Crystal ina quiet voice, "So, do they fight unntill Afterashock is comatose or just tired?"
#65 Feb 24, 2008 10:59 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Crystal: Well, Enfer usually pins him down, or knocks him unconscious if Aftershock's being particularly stubborn. Plus, Aftershock usually charges wildly. Enfer plans his moves carefully, just like dad. That's how dad became the leader of the Peace Keepers Realm.
Aftershock: *gets up* Okay, now you're asking for it! *creates a shockwave that's meant to send Enfer off his feet*
Crystal: Hmm, Aftershock's finally thinking.
Enfer: *flies into the air* Hello, dragon, remember? I can fly, that won't work, genius. *smashes Aftershock in the side with his tail, sending him to the ground* Time for the endgame. *pins Aftershock to the ground*
Aftershock: Darn it! Why can't I beat you?
Blaze: *was watching Enfer and Aftershock's fight* Enfer certainly is the fighter. Anyway, Illadin, I have something you probably won't expect. *turns into his human form (since you don't know what it looks like Brom, he has shoulder length jet black hair, still has his scarlet eyes, and is wearing scarlet armor with golden plating on the shoulders and a golden flame-shaped insignia on the chestplate. He has 2 swords sheathed and on his back, underneath his black cloak, and a shield on top of the cloak)*
#66 Feb 24, 2008 11:29 PM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
"The resion you continue to lose is because you need a posative IQ to fight with any uslefullness, brute force is useless without proper dicaplin" said Silabus in his best inpersanation of an achent, wise dragon.
"What the hell Blaze!!?!?!?!?!" hollered Illadn as he shot a few feet away from the human before him in pure shock.
#67 Feb 24, 2008 11:34 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Blaze and Frost: *laugh* It's a gift from the Water Dragon. It happened 7 years ago. *Blaze turns back into a dragon*
Aftershock: Where'd you hear that, your dad? Because from what I hear he could be pretty sel- *Enfer covers his mouth before he could finish. Aftershock bit down onto Aftershock's paw*
Enfer: OW!
#68 Feb 24, 2008 11:46 PM
- Hero58
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Wedger: *finishes the building at last* there we go good as new! and hopefully varse doesnt break it again
Sasha: wow the building is huge
Wedger: ya it's like a skyscraper at NY
Sasha: Uh...NY?
Wedger: New york city
Sasha: thats 3 definition words they should call NYC
Wedger: they do...
Sasha: oh...
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#69 Feb 25, 2008 12:35 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
"What," bagan Silabus in a flat tone, " you heard that my dad can be an *bleep*, selfish, cold, uncaring, evil? If you have, you have some very truthful contacts then." Silabus said this without batting an eye, almost without any emoution or feeling at all. "And I wasn't kidding about brute power and stupidity, that stuff will get you killed, man."
Illadins heart was still pounding in his chest, but he knew no danger would befall him, "That's a nice party trick... and it has other uses I take it?" asked Illadin, trying to steer the conversation and avoid any personal topics the he wished to duck out of
#70 Feb 25, 2008 12:36 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Enfer: Well, that's what our dad says. He says strength means nothing if you can't touch your opponent.
Aftershock: Wow, you must really... hate your dad.
Blaze: Well, if I'm ever hit by magic discharger, it's always good to fall back on, so I can actually fight without feeling the effects, and still be at top performance.
#71 Feb 25, 2008 12:44 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Silabus comment back, "Well, you could say that... but lets talk about something happy as I diddn't come here to think about what I live with."
"But isn't changing into human form magic?" asked Illadin, slightly confused
#72 Feb 25, 2008 12:46 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Crystal: Yeah, enough talk about sad things like this.
Blaze: Well, technically it is. But the thing is, magic discharger takes a few minutes to fully kick in, so I'd be able to switch into human form before I ran out of magic. Then, I'd be able to fight as a human normally. Turning into a human uses up magic, fighting as a human doesn't.
Frost: By the way, I think our children would like to meet you. They're over there. *points towards the group*
#73 Feb 25, 2008 12:54 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
Silabus though for a moment then said, "How bout this, let's play a little game. We all sit in a circle and I ask one of you a question, you anser me then the person I asked gets to ask me a question. how does that sound?"
Illadin glanced around Blaze to see a group of about 7 dragons clustered, "What the heck? How many kids do you have?"
#75 Feb 25, 2008 12:58 AM
- Brom the Wise
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)
"OK then," said Silabus, sitting between Crystal and Aftershock, "How old are you?" Silabus asked Huo Yán
"ONLY 6???" said Illadin in shock, "OL....OLNY 6?????"