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#1 Dec 30, 2007 12:01 AM
- chrisgregory05
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So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
What's the deal with that random platform in the middle of nowhere? You can JUST see it from the Super Bonus World portal, but its impossible to glide to. Has anyone used an action replay or anything to make Spyro fly, and get to it?
#2 Dec 30, 2007 1:46 AM
- Gwenio
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Re: So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
There are extra lives out there, but you need a game shark to reaci it.
#3 Dec 30, 2007 6:37 AM
- YellowBananas
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#4 Dec 30, 2007 9:39 AM
- bmah
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Re: So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
A Game Shark is a cartridge device which basically allows you to modify the game you're playing into doing stuff like glitches and cheats. Many weird glitches and places you're not supposed to go to can only be accessed by a Game Shark. For more info, check out this link:
The remote island in Midnight Mountain was originally to be accessed by a whirlwind, but the game programmers later scrapped that idea. However, they forgot to get rid of the island. Here's a Youtube video of someone flying to the island via a Gameshark or some other cheat device:
#5 Dec 30, 2007 11:32 PM
- sleva10
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Re: So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
It's just 3 extra lives there really, and it is possible to get there without gameshark. I used the proxy jump glitch and glided from the top of the sorceress's dome.
A movie of it (gamesharked, hacked litterally):
#6 Feb 25, 2008 9:45 PM
- monstermonster321
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Re: So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
that is amazing!! i've always just thought you couldn't get to it, and then accepted it!
what is proxy jumping, perchance??
i thought i knew mostly everything about spyro
but i was sadly mistaken, haha!
#7 Feb 25, 2008 11:27 PM
- bmah
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Re: So, on Midnight Mountain, on YotD....
Proxy jumping is taking advantage of a glitch that allows you to inadvertantly spring yourself way up high. I'm not exactly sure how it works; from youtube videos, it looks like you try to get yourself stuck between corners or something - then you somehow boost up into the air.