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#1 Feb 26, 2008 12:20 AM
- Spyrojoe19
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- From: My Happy Place
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Interactive Gameplay
It is a type of gameplay where the player is able to choose the fate of the character. This is most prominently seen in the WWE wrestling games of '07 and '08. This is turn, gives both games EXTREME replay value, as you are able to choose tens of paths for a superstar to take, not to mention the many different superstars you are able to choose. For example, if each superstar has five different endings, and you have 30 different superstars, then you can play the game ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMES AND END WITH A DIFFERENT ENDING EVERY TIME!!!!
I believe that this feature would be an excellent feature for the next game, The Darkest Hour. Imagine Spyro is in a difficult situation during a fight or even choosing which path to travel out of an area. You, the gamer, would be able to CHOOSE where the story is going and how it will go. This, also like the above game, would IMMENSELY ADD to its replay value. What do you think about this idea? Any questions? Suggestions?
Think of it like this.....instead of watching the storyline unfold, YOU can unfold the storyline!!!!!
Spyro the Dragon and System of a world is complete!!!
#2 Feb 26, 2008 3:51 AM
- RaidonMakoto
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Re: Interactive Gameplay
Something like KOTOR? Interesting thought, although it would be hell on canon...
A Guy: Now THAT'S the Raidon I know.
#3 Feb 26, 2008 7:38 AM
- ratchet
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- From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Interactive Gameplay
Raidon has got a pont there. I dont think Krome are great enough to make that possible, but i like that idea.
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
Connecting TLOS to the originals: … inals.html?
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