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#1 Aug 24, 2006 8:27 PM
- Spyro
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Do you think Astrology works?
Hi, do you think Astrology...not horoscopes...are real, where there are 12 different signs that define you.
I read my astrology definition (I'm a Pisces) when I was 12. Up until that time I was shy, creative, a writer caring and easily saddened. I never had read before the definitions of any of the 12 signs. I was flipping through a book and read all 12. I thought Pisces was the most like me, as it described how I was. So I humored myself and figured out what I was according to my birthday...I was a pisces! I thought it sounded like me and I was. Everyone says they are so vague you think each one is like you, but I didn't!
So I half think they are significant, I'm not gullible or anything, it just seemed too freakily coincidental to be just...a coincidence!
What do you think?
I'm talking about the 12 signs and how they define you, not daily horoscopes.
#2 Aug 25, 2006 3:05 PM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
Ž · My vote goes to no... I mean, just take a look... Most astrologers just say that it's an amazing group of stars that form some figure, called constellations. Our horoscopes was based on 12 of those constellations found, namely Capricron, Aquarius, Pisces, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus, Gemini, and some other 3 that I can't remember (sorry), and these are just... group of stars above the sky. There isn't any siginificance of it, the only attracting part of it is that they form sort of figure. Heck, just imagine, the constellation that composed only of 2 stars... symbolizes 2 dogs? WTF, that isn't near anything.
#3 Dec 06, 2006 3:10 AM
- Shyro
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
What is Astrology?
#4 Dec 06, 2006 9:01 PM
- Kamineko
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
I think it's ridiculous that people believe giant balls of gas, rock, and dust can have an influence on your personality.
If anything people may act according to their sign because of believing it. In essence because you believe in it, you find more evidence supporting it, or at least be more willing to.
Similar to how some people claim to see angels/God/heaven while having a near-death experience.
#5 Jan 24, 2007 9:48 PM
- Hurricos_McBreixo
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
I beg to differ Atresac, because I mean, If we can be affected by the Moon, who's to say that the stars can't affect us too? Studies show that the Moon can have just as much an impact on us as it does to the Earth's oceans. If it were to leave us by means of destruction or being knocked out of orbit all balance in Nature would collapse into chaos if there is nothing controlling it's waves. I mean, criminy, the scientists are already talking about how in the future some island volcano is going to blow and cause this huge tsnunami to come roiling over to the US and flooding all states by the coast and how Lower Manhatten is going to be underwater and crud like that but that's not the issue at the moment. Not everything that is told is false you know, it's all just a bunch of half-lies and half truths. Sometimes we don't know what's really for sure and what's not. I could write a veritable thesis on this but I really don't want to at the same time (mostly because my free time is limited), but everone is entitled to thier opinions of course, which makes threads like this fun. Just seeing what others think.
#6 Jan 24, 2007 10:55 PM
- Klone
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
I never have been one for astrology and the like, though I do believe I am quite like my sign. Gemini ~ The twins. I don't know why, But I've always seemed to fit this description. If you don't know it, then go look it up on Google, there are plenty of sites.
...enough said...
#7 Jan 24, 2007 11:13 PM
- Stormy
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
I'm an Aries, but the description doesn't fit me at all. I don't believe in it. It doesn't make sense that everyone born in a certain month would have the same personality.
Plus, my religion does not allow me to believe astrology.
#8 Jan 25, 2007 12:39 AM
- Spyrorocks
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
I'm an Aries, but the description doesn't fit me at all. I don't believe in it. It doesn't make sense that everyone born in a certain month would have the same personality.
i agree with that.
#9 Jan 25, 2007 7:27 AM
- Zekira Drake
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Re: Do you think Astrology works?
Ž · Although most sources of Capricorn did say some things about me, I don't think it's very accurate. True, the moon has effects, but it really hasn't been proven if stars did have some other effects. We're not sure, so I can't form a conclusion. (that brings back some memories that I don't intend to mention) But I'm proud to be Capricorn. ^_^ W00t, many people are born on January, heh.
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