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#276 Mar 21, 2008 8:05 PM
#277 Mar 21, 2008 8:34 PM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Crush: He just saved avalar from you!
Ripto: *returns to normal size then starts fading away* What-?
Crush: What the heck is going on *gets of ripto*
Gulp: The amulets magical propraties gave him the ability to live forever and now thats its destroyed he wont be alive anymore because he surpassed his life span!
Ripto: THATS ISNT OVER!!! *fades away into dust*
Crush: He's dead?
Gulp: *nods*
Crush: Yeah! We beat him! Nice job siegfried!
*wall fades away*
Crystal: What was that noise? *limps into castle and climbs up stairs into room* Woah wheres ripto?
Crush: He's gone for good! siegfried destroyed his amulet which was keeping him alive and without he dies and thats what happend!
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#278 Mar 21, 2008 8:41 PM
#279 Mar 21, 2008 10:52 PM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Crush: If you're father was here right now i'd bet he'd be pretty proud of you.
Crystal: Mhm, well good thing to know that ripto wont be causing anymore problems anymore...i wonder what ever happend to spyro though o.o
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#280 Mar 21, 2008 11:23 PM
- ratchet
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
*In the distant future, Rapid and Spyro awoke to the sound of horns*
Spyro: Where are we?
Rapid: Probably locked up...
*Rapid slowly opened his eyes and saw a riptoc bringing him food, very simple food, only one piece of bread*
Riptoc: Enjoy...
*Rapid lifted his numb fingers and started eating, before he did that he broke it off into 2*
Spyro:So... Ripto won?
Rapid: I dont know... but we have to get out of here, my powers are weak at the moment... itwill take time
*Back in the present, in Winter Tundra, Sentrake had arrived in the Castle*
Sentrake: Where is Ripto?
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#281 Mar 21, 2008 11:26 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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#282 Mar 21, 2008 11:34 PM
- ratchet
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Sentrake: Geez, this Ripto was a tough cookie! So.... i guss we should go and start rebuilding, go and find wounded bodies
Check out my Youtube account:
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#283 Mar 21, 2008 11:40 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Angel: *T* Well, I'd better see if Siegfried's okay. *starts walking to the castle*
Riptoc: Hold it right there traitor! *hits her with his club and sends her flying into the castle, hitting into Siegfried and they're sent rolling headfirst into a wall*
Siegfried and Angel: *knocked unconscious by the blows to their heads, but are locked in an embrace while unconscious*
#284 Mar 21, 2008 11:43 PM
- ratchet
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Sentrake: Hmmmmm, where is Rapid?
*In the future, Rapid and Spyro were being brought out into the stadium which was once Winter Tundra Arena (the place where in Spyro 2 you battle Ripto), it was much different, the ground was rough dirt, a Riptoc was sitting on a chair on a platform, he was obviously their leader*
Leader: Greetings dragons, my name is Sal and the leader of this empire
Spyro: We allready know *Spyro was pretending they were from there so they wouldn't get suspevious*
Sal: Nonsense, you are time travelers *Sal looked At Rapid and smirked yet Rapid looked back at him blankly*
Rapid:We come from Mystic Marsh
*A big laugh ran down the crowd*
Sal: "Mystic Marsh" is the name of our junkyard... or was some time ago
*Rapid cursed under his breath*
Sal: Take the away.... and execute them...
Check out my Youtube account:
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#285 Mar 22, 2008 3:16 AM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Crush: yo! what happend!
Crystal: More followers of ripto!
Crush: *see's the others unconsious* You go see if there alright i'll take care of him....*to riptoc* HEY! You picked the wrong guy to mess with! *charges at riptoc*
Crystal: *runs over to the others and taps them slightley* come on guys wake up...dang there uncontious...
Other riptoc: HEY! Gte them!
Crystal: Dang! *gets battle spear and snarls at them*
Riptoc: Pfft she's wounded we can take her *all charge at her*
Crystal: CRUSH HELP! *moves backwards*
Crush: Huh? *turns away from the other riptoc* crystal! *runs back towards her*
Riptocs: *grabs crystal and ties her up*
Crystal: *struggles* hey! this is no way to treat a lady! LET ME GO!
Crush: LEAVE HER ALONE! *charges at them with club then suddenly gets knocked out cold by something and falls to the floor*
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#286 Mar 22, 2008 9:23 AM
- Luke924
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
"Hey! What happened to Crush?" Ripple asked, noticing he was unconsions.
"I don't know." Luke said, stopping to peck a Riptoc. "But he's pretty vunrable while he's unconsious. Make sure no one attacks him Ripple, and try to wake him up if you can."
"Oh, Okay!" Ripple replied, pulling himself over to Crush to keep an eye on him.
#287 Mar 22, 2008 3:15 PM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Crystal: *bites a riptoc while she's tied up then kicks another* Back off!
Riptoc: Dang it women!
Crystal: *snarls at the riptocs then yells at the others who are uncontious* COME ON GUYS YOU GOTTA WAKE UP!
Crush: *twitches a bit while he's uncontious*
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#288 Mar 22, 2008 4:33 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Siegfried and Angel: *wake up, and then notice the embrace they're in and blush* Sorry... *they see the Riptocs ganging up on Crystal* Hey, leave her alone! *Siegfried unsheathes his sword and holds it in his right hand, while Angel holds her sword in her left, and they charge at the Riptocs*
#289 Mar 22, 2008 4:44 PM
- DragonPrincess
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
*Mistyfur is biting one of the Riptocs hard on the leg and it wails in pain*
Mistyfur:Now THIS is a challenge worth my time besides ShadowClan.
It's me Gian style!^^
#290 Mar 22, 2008 7:38 PM
- Luke924
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Ripple shot a jet of cold water in Crush's face to try and wake him up.
#291 Mar 22, 2008 7:39 PM
- DragonPrincess
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
*Mistyfur goes to bite another Riptoc*
It's me Gian style!^^
#292 Mar 23, 2008 1:46 AM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Riptoc Guard Leader: Get um! i'll take this one away!
Crystal: HEY BACK OF!
Riptocs: *charge at siegfried and angel*
Crush: *coughcough wakes up* Eh thats cold!
Crystal: Crush!
Crush: Crystal! thanks ripple *charges at riptoc leader guard and smacks him with club*
riptoc: Hm ok it's a fight you'll get! *pulls out metal staff and charges at crush*
Crush: *club meets leaders pole* Give up man riptos dead!
riptoc: So? Just because he's gone dosnt mean we can step down we follow his words and stay evil and try to take over the world in honor of ripto supreme ruler of all! You should of stayed with him, with us! he was the one who took you in when no one wanted you and raised you, he was the one who taught you what you know now, and he was the one that gave you a chance at life when you're parents didnt care!
Crush: I'm not beliving that nonsense anymore, i dont think they ever ment to abandon me! Something must of happend, and you probably know!
Riptoc: Mabye so, but im not speaking the truth! *pushes crush backwards*
Crush: *falls over*
Riptoc: *puts staff to his neck treathning to choke him* But since you're about to perish i'll say...ripto needed strong right hand men trust worthy ones...and strong he said he wanted to raise them as hachlings so they would always belive in him. and the only way to do that was to find an infant riptoc, eliminate the parents and take it in never speaking of it's parents...*chuckle* I should know i was there to witness ripto slaughter yours himself!
Crush: WHat!? *kicks riptoc of then hits him with all his streignth with his club, then grabs him by the neck* Tell me what happend or i'll kill you!
Riptoc: Fine, i tell you a small detail i left out, he killed you're mom instantly but your dad was still alive but badley wounded, ripto thought he would die soon, we cheaked back the next day and he was gone, only you're mother lifless body remained! Now let me go!!!
Crush: Gladley *throws riptoc father into castle*
Riptoc: *hits wall and falls unconsious*
Crush: *helps crystal out of net*
Crystal: *hugs crush* Thank you! and im sorry about you're mom and dad...riptos such a jerk
Crush: I know, but it's ok, that was long ago i wont let it upset me, im just happy to know that they did care about me, and that ripto wont do anything like that anymore.
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#293 Mar 23, 2008 1:51 AM
#294 Mar 23, 2008 2:00 AM
- ratchet
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Sentrake: Where is everybody... hello??
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
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#295 Mar 23, 2008 2:20 AM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
OOc: Im confused...
Riptoc: Yow!
Crush: I think there all gone
Crystal: then let's get the heck outta here...hope no more evil dooers try to show up.
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto
#296 Mar 23, 2008 2:23 AM
- Misa
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Lisa: Cmon, try to hurt me, i dare you
*Riptocs charge at her*
*Lisa jumps up and kick them, does back flip and punchs 2 Riptocs then ebrows another 2 in the gut*
Lisa: Go the fauns!
Thanks spyros#1fan <--- An awesome pokemon site, go on!
#298 Mar 23, 2008 11:19 PM
- ratchet
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Rapid: What the hell? what happened.....? Gee, i wish Rapid was here
*Faward in Time, in the distant future, Spyro And Rapid had been locked up, and a slicer was facing them, it wasn't turned on yet*
Rapid: You dont have any regeneration powers... do you?
Spyro: Not the last time i looked!
Rapid: How are you going to get away from this?
Spyro: Dont worry, i have a plan
Rapid:You better!
Check out my Youtube account:
Spyro Timeline: … eline.html
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#299 Mar 24, 2008 2:06 AM
- KingSkarl
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Re: Insomniac Spyro RPG
Crush: Yeah, lets gets outta here...*starts leaving*
Mysterious Riptoc: *tackles him from behind*
Crush: God! I though we finished them all off
Crystal: He dosn't look like he works for ripto...
Mysterious riptoc: *puts a spear to crush's neck* You! Tell me where i am or else!
Crystal: hey! Back of *pulls out battle spear*
Mysterious Riptoc: Stay out of this missy!
Crush: You're in winter tundra! Now get of me! Why do you ask anyway are you lost?
Mysterious Riptoc: I guess you can say that, i was hunting and some animals ate my markers so i couldnt find my way back to my cave.
Crush: Well it'd be nice if you didnt threaten people!
Mysterious Riptoc: You cant trust No one these days! So i take procautions, you look like one of riptos followers!
Crush: I was, then i left him and we just defeated him.
Mysterious: Good, that no good riptoc took my family away from me, and i'll never forgive him.
Crush: He did that to me to, you'll get over it
Mysterious Riptoc: *grabs crush by neck* Hey they were family! I Will NEVER forget them! I should just kill you for saying that kid!
Crush: *chokes* Okay okay im sorry let me go, and i am not a kid!!!
Mysterious Riptoc: *lets go of his neck* good dumb riptoc *starts walking away*
Crush: *snorts and glares at him*
Crystal: Sheesh What a jerk...
"Crush, Go through the portal you idiot!" ~ Ripto