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#26 Jul 18, 2008 8:03 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

You are correct!


#27 Jul 18, 2008 10:01 AM

Juice box
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

Doppelgangergang wrote:
Fletch_Talon wrote:

and to counter that point, the reason I (and assumedly other old spyro fans) are peeved about the reboot is the fact that it took away the old spyro,-----

That's what a reboot is intended for.

Even so. That is one of the reasons why I am upset about the reboot. Because it WAS rebooted.



#28 Jul 20, 2008 2:43 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

CeruleanCharizard wrote:

Right, this is coming from a British, female, 16 year old gamer, who first picked up a controller to play the original Spyro the Dragon game. Everything stated in this reply is strongly opinioned. This reply is also a FREAKING BIG WALL OF TEXT! You have been warned! wink

What I initially loved about the very first Spyro the Dragon game, was the protagonist. Being only about six years old, you tend to always love the good guy, and Spyro was a dragon. I'd never seen a 'good guy' dragon before, as they're normally portrayed as evil, never mind a small, cute purple dragon. At the time, Spyro was pretty unique. The 'Spyro' portrayed today retains those features to an extent, but while the Spyro I know and love had that cocky air about him and his slight rudeness, which would be personality flaws, the 'Spyro' portrayed in TLOS series is pratically a Gary Stu. He has a very noble nature, humble in his abilities, and has many more abilities than anybody else. Also, what the hell has happened to Sparx? Seriously, he looks like a weird alien now.

Another Spyro favourite of mine, which has been mentioned by other people, were the sillyness and fun of some of the characters and challenges in the original games. The gnorcs that mooned you and then acted scared as you turned to face them, Sheep in UFOs, most of the level intro and outro cutscenes of Spyro 2... ehehe, before I go on, the games were very enjoyable in this sense, and added to the overall charm and character of the first trilogy. The storyline wasn't exactly on a par with an RPG, but it was enjoyable and the characters were all different. TLOS, on the other hand, has a cliched story, featuring a 'chosen one'. Also, I hate the Cynder character. So. frigging. Emo.

Limted fire breath, WHAT? Also, multiple breaths was an idea I thought up as a kid, meaning it is a bad idea indeed. Also, TLOS games appear to be simple button mashing (don't get me wrong, I love fighting/beat-em-up games, but TLOS series seem to be a bit more dumbed down than the average fighting game), and my research into the games suggest that they are a hell of a lot easier than Spyro 1. Tree Tops and Haunted Towers rank among my favourite levels if only for the super hard Supercharges. The original trilogy games were also lengthy, and offered great rewards at game completion. This is the reason unlimited gems is also a bad idea.

One last thing before I leave this thing alone. I advise those who haven't done so to get hold of one, two or all the original trilogy or at least research into them. I had to research into the new games to construct my argument even if I refuse to play them, simply because my favourite characters, settings and storylines have been shoved to one side by a crummy third party developer.

Thanks for taking the time out to read this if you did! XD

i agree with most of that, however most people who are arguing for the new series have previously played the original trilogy (im pretty sure)

i on the other hand have not, mostly because the only console i have that can play new beginning is my DS and that would bring down my rating of the game by a lot i believe


#29 Jul 20, 2008 5:43 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

Yeah i agree Cerulean Charizard, you picked up some pretty god pints there.
But yeah, ANB was easy TEN was hard, and i mean hard!


#30 Jul 21, 2008 6:40 AM

From: Australia
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

Fletch_Talon wrote:

and to counter that point, the reason I (and assumedly other old spyro fans) are peeved about the reboot is the fact that it took away the old spyro, now the closest thing we have to my knowledge is mario galaxy and despite that being an awesome game, its no spyro 1,2 or 3

I dont like it how the reboot just took away the origanal spyro completly but i think its good that it took away ETD and AHT because they werent really very good games.


#31 Jul 21, 2008 10:29 AM

From: HR Croatia (Eh!)
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

I love bouth,old and new,and here are reasons:


1.Great levels
2.Sparx dosen`t talk
3.Great characters
4.It haves speedways


2.Great cutsceens
3.Better bosses


Thanks to YellowBananas!


#32 Jul 21, 2008 12:22 PM

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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II


1. Not so linear
2. Great interesting levels, and original bad guys
3. Collectible things (Gems, orbs, dragon eggs)
4. Great music
5. Made up a very popular character
6. Sparx didn't need to talk to be funny. XD


1. Story (even though it is really cliche)
2. Harder
3. More developed characters

As you can probably see, I like old Spyro much better due to the reasons above.



#33 Jul 21, 2008 2:34 PM

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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

[sub]As you guys probably know from the previous thread, I like old Spyro better. .__.

I find the new Spyro games, for lack of a better word, "nerdy" (please don't take offense at this; it's only my opinion) because of the cliched story mentioned previously, the constant, mindless fighting, the "elemental breath types," and the rest of the reasons that CeruleanCharizard has already sufficiently explained.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the story; it's one of the best I've seen in a game, even if the basic concepts of it have been done many times before. But when the only reason I'm playing the game to the finish is because I want to see the end of the story, it gets pretty tedious, and, let's face it, fighting the same stupid monkeys over and over again with no apparent purpose gets repetitive, not to mention frustrating. Throughout all the levels in ANB, my heart sank whenever another cutscene appeared and showed me yet another set of monkeys that needed bashing. Even at the beginning of the levels, I couldn't wait for the end of them; they're maddeningly linear, but I guess with a clear cut path, no places to explore, and no collectibles, there's not much point in playing the levels over. 

As CeruleanCharizard mentioned, we could have done without the elemental breath types. For starters, can someone explain to me what exactly "Earth Breath" is? Don't dragons breathe fire? Electricity? Ice? Earth? What's the point of them? To make the game "cooler," with new, upgradeable moves? Games don't need the elemental-fire-fury-of-Ignitus'-deadly-inferno to be enjoyable; on the contrary, I find that too many of these unnecessary moves distracts from the actual purpose of the game.

By complete contrast, the original Spyro games had at most three standard attacks, but it still had challenges that were fun, unique, and, well, challenging. Why is that? Because, in many of the original Spyro challenges, you had to think. The games had puzzles, a feature which the "Legend" series sufficiently lacks. What is the best way to finish this speedway quickly, I'd ask myself. Where will I have to start from to make that glide? Where should I put these plants so I can make it up to that ledge? With all the elemental combat stuff added in the new games, the concept of thinking is almost totally lost, unless you count thinking about how "hot" evil Cynder is or what a great couple Spyro and Cynder would make.

Now, the first person to tell me I can't accept change is gonna get it, and I'm not kidding.[/sub]


#34 Jul 22, 2008 9:13 AM

From: Australia
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

Yes, I fully agree that one of TLOS's flaws is that it doesnt have puzzles.(i forgot to put that in that post of mine where i went through the stengths and weaknesses of the games). I liked it how the origanals made you think. TLOS doesnt make you think but its still pretty fun. I also wish TLOS had something to collect and that its linear.


#35 Jul 22, 2008 11:15 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

@ Stormy

listen, i really liked your post, and i wanted to send you a gift voucher, but i got lazy and decided to just send money

so your package is in the mail, $10 in 10 cent coins, i hope you can accept change


#36 Jul 22, 2008 3:19 PM

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Re: The fight between old and new Spyro: Round II

[sub]Haha, thanks, Fletch_Talon. Sarcasm-filled rants are mah job; glad you enjoyed it. big_smile

I forgot to mention, I don't like the fact that they felt the need to erase all the previous games. Some of them were pretty bad, I'll admit, but I don't think a complete reboot was necessary.

I would have absolutely no problem at all with TLoS if they had just designed a new character, not Spyro. If they're going to call the games "Spyro," I'd expect that they'd at least have something in common with the original trilogy besides the titular character.

Had they not named ANB "The Legend of Spyro" I wouldn't have looked twice at it, and it would just be another game that I don't care much for. [/sub]


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