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#26 May 05, 2009 11:21 PM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Age: 29 years old
Gender: Female

Re: Robbed of Peace

Cyndersparx closed her eyes, resting peacefully against the grass.
Amy did a barrel roll out of the shelter of the tree, holding up her shotgun and pointing it to the left and right.
   "Hmmmmm..." She flicked her tail, looking around at the vast landscape and putting her gun away.
Suddenly there was a rustling sound. Startled, AMy reached into her belt and pulled out a cherry bomb. She flung it in the direction of the sound, causing a huge explosion, a plume of smoke rising into the sky.


#27 May 05, 2009 11:41 PM

Taco Godess
From: Flying with digital representa
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Alanda entered her room. There she found Nara, her most trusted servant, gathering dirty laundry.
"Nara." she said. "Give me that laundry." Nara froze and turned around, a confused look on her face.
"Uh, yes, Princess." she said, handing Alanda the clothes.
"And while your at it, get me some clean blue robes to wear."
Nara wouldn't question her, but her eyes told Alanda she knew what she was up to.
"Yes, Princess." she said, and Alanda could of sworn she grinned.

Alanda was now wearing the blue robes, just another face in the crowd. She really didn't care if she had to do laundry. At least it meant she was outside, not trapped in a palace. Gripping her basket of laundry even harder, she made her way down the streets of her kingdom and to the place where woman gathered to do laundry. Without her purple robes and jewels, no one would recognize her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gina sat down on a conveniently placed stump and adjusted her turban. She'd just recently graduated and was planning on heading out of Gypsy Road. No doubt she was staying in the Forgotten Worlds for a while, but as to where in the Forgotten Worlds...
She shook her head and stood up.
"Why should I waste time thinking of where I will go? I should just go. I mean, I'm a Gypsy after all, and that means... uh... I need to keep moving." She wasn't really comforting herself, but it felt better to talk out loud.


#28 May 05, 2009 11:51 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Leaf walked about, keeping an eye out for burdock root. She had decided that, from now on, she would keep up her to-be ways, but also have a much more free, easy-going life, like her mentor, Small Cloud Where Birds Fly (Cloud). She didn't exactly know where her paws were taking her, she just hoped for the sight of a tail swaying in the distance would apear.


#29 May 05, 2009 11:55 PM

Taco Godess
From: Flying with digital representa
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 1,120
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OOC: Remember, this is Spyro with Spyro fancharacters, not Warriors...


#30 May 06, 2009 12:45 AM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Age: 29 years old
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Amy waited until the explosion calmed, the smoke around her slowly clearing into a thin fog, then it disappeared. Whatever it was, she had killed it. Replacing the wild look in her eyes with caution she continued on, pausing as she heard a deep rumble sound from her belly.
  "Gah, No wonder I'm hungry. I haven't had anything to eat for 3 days now." She remarked, clutching her stomach. Taking a quick look around, she realized that it would be hard to find food in this empty area.
   "Well there has to be a dragon around here somewhere." She instantly began running, her senses alert for any sign of life.


#31 May 06, 2009 5:48 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Robbed of Peace

shadow made his way passed the market stall of the ally and got a shop. he opened in and walked in. his dagger hide slightly up his sleave. the mole at the desk took one look at shadow and started to walk away. shadow closed the door.


Cara stood outside the door before it shut in her face. She guessed she should give up but she saw a window. She flapped her winds and she looked into the window. she didn't like what happended next.


Shadow walked to the mole. the mole was asgainst the wall. "No hiding." shadow muttered. The dagger slipped into his hand. The nole blinked but Shadow had stabbed him. He picked up a map and some parchment. he put it in his robe. He cleaned his dagger on his blood red robe and looked at the window. "Come in Dragon, i'm not going to hurt you."

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#32 May 06, 2009 6:22 AM

Registered: Nov 21, 2007
Posts: 1,863
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Nearly getting hit by the cherry bomb, Josh cursed at it and ran to see what it was.
Finaly spotting something Runo went down closer to see a creature sun bathing and decided to roar at it.

fFe2.gifClicks would be appreciated, Thank you!


#33 May 06, 2009 6:22 PM

Registered: Aug 03, 2008
Posts: 125
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Re: Robbed of Peace

((*is late but the stupid god-*bleep* watching thing stopped sending him emails*))

Karnak was flying high above a distant forest, but not really flying; for him, flying was the business of mind, and not body. He telekinetically kept himself aloft, making probably one beat with his rather stubby wings once a minute. Other dragons used to ask him how he flew so effortlessly, and he just smiled a toothy smile and said, rather unhelpfully, "That would be telling." Which gave Karnak a rather unfair reputation as someone who didn't give a straight answer, which wasn't true, not at all. Karnak did give straight answers, he disliked people who gave cryptic ones himself, which also gave him a reputation as a hypocrite, but he didn't even know where to BEGIN starting to explain how he telekinetically kept himself aloft, nor how he tried to explain the process with much better memories telepathically. They, not being psychic dragons, just couldn't wrap their heads around it, which ended up being poor Karnak's fault. As a result, he didn't have many friends, or any at all for that matter, but it suited him just fine. He liked being alone, without the pestering questions and asking of favours of those who claimed to be his friends disturving his thoughts and his peace.

Karnak touched down, far more lightly than a normal dragon could, by a peaceful, tiny shining lake in a forest clearing surrounded by oak trees, being fed by a small and quiet waterfall and exited by a little babbling brook off in the trees to the east. Karnak often stopped here as most animals couldn't get there, and more importantly it was quiet. This was one of the few places that was naturally quiet, not the unnatural, muted lack of noise that followed a large or dangerous predator, but a kind of peaceful quiet, that all the animals in here were content and were loathe to disturb other's contentment just to make some noise. He walked the small way to the small lake to take a drink, and was nearly bowled in as a shattering roar, made all the louder by the previous peace, sounded behind him and he caught a flsh of black horn before he was plunged into the icy water. The size of the lake on the surface was deceiving, because underneath it was a veritable kingdom. Dozens of kinds of fish and other sea creatures, some of which Karnak hadn't ever seen before, which was surprising, since he was a habitual knowledge-hunter, swam here, scattered and fleeing by his crashed arrival. Karnak looked up through the water, and saw a rippling form hovering above the surface, and he flexed his small wings and pushed upwards with his mind, turned slightly, and disappeared.

He came out behind the dragon, who he now recognised as Blackstar. Blackstar was pitch black all over, even down to his claws, and his evil eyes. Blackstar was also a bully, and especially liked terrorising people who were atleast five years younger than him, abusing his shadow powers to nearly choke them to death. Karnak had recently caught him torturing a five-year-old with a tendril of shadow magic. Tha hatchling's eyes had been wide, and the flesh between his scales blue, and close to suffocating. Karnak had sent out several quick telekinetic blasts, and Blackstar had been flung against the opposite wall, making several large cracks and sending people running. Blackstar had fired back, but was completely unprepared for someone who did nothing but practise with his powers fight back, or someone to fight back at all. Karnak had just been trying to subdue Blackstar, but it was obvious the shadow dragon had been aiming to kill. But, Blackstar was a complete novice when it came to his powers, and all Karnak had had to do was fire a blast straight through them to dissapate them. The fight had been short, and by the time an adult had come Karnak had already subdued the bully, and Blackstar had been punished severely.

It appeared that he had overcome, or been released from, two of his punishments prematurely, as he flew and combed the water surface with a blanket of his shadow powers, not entirely trusting his first attack to have killed Karnak. "Up here, stupid." Karnak said as he hovered directly behind Blackstar's ear, not even making a single wingbeat, and blasted Blackstar with a shot so powerful it even left a blue indentation on the air, as opposed to the normal slight rippling of air when Karnak used particularly powerful forms of his powers. The other hatchling shot downwards, too surprised to try and save himself, and struck the ground. Hard. But, he managed to get back up, and Karnak swore; he had intended that blast to knock Blackstar out, since he had obviously been obsessively practising with offensive magic. Blackstar got up, roared again, and sent out a massive blast of psychic energy. Karnak raised a powerful shield, but was almost disappointed when the expected searing pain didn't come. Such a blast would cost Blackstar a great amount of energy, and it had been spread thin. But being assaulted from all sides was tiring Karnak too, and he used the shadow blast as cover, charging down and slamming straight into Blackstar, sending another blast, which left an even stronger indentation upon the air, point-blank into the shadow dragon's chest. He flew upwards, and then gravity took a hold and he slammed downwards, not moving.

Alarmed, Karnak instantly flew down to check the other dragon. Assured from the pulse that Blackstar was merely unconscious, Karnak picked him up in a ball of Telekinetic energy, and pulled it through with him into the infirmary, teleporting straight into the nurse's office and startling her greatly. Karnak explained what had happened, and the nurse regarded him with a mixture of respect and disgust, her main power obviously being healing and disliking offensive magic, and took Blackstar off. Karnak sighed, and teleported into the main hall in front of the fire, not having the power to go into his room, and curled up and went to sleep since the battle had exhausted him greatly now he had stopped and the adrenaline stopped pumping.

My avatar is custom,no stealie.


#34 May 06, 2009 10:39 PM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Age: 29 years old
Gender: Female

Re: Robbed of Peace

Cyndersparx yelled out in alarm, hearing the roar.
"What the-!?! Ahhh!!!" She screamed, falling over into the river. She scramble up back to the surface, her entire body slick with water. She coughed a little, looking around and spotting Runo.
"Any reason you roared at me?" She growled in annoyance, but with a slight tone that indicated she wasn't much of a threat.
Amy gasped, already spotting the shape of a creature running towards her in the distance. She smiled evily.
"How convenient." She said to herself, right before scrambling up a tree and hiding in its dark leaves. She waited, putting her hand on her Lazer Cannon she was carrying, and eyeing the creature.


#35 May 06, 2009 11:50 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OCC: Taco: Got a bit carried away there, didn't I? Hehe...


#36 May 07, 2009 12:26 AM

Taco Godess
From: Flying with digital representa
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 1,120
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OOC: Yes, yes you did. So where exactly is everyone, anyways?

Aria gazed at the dragons as they worked. It was fascinating to watch them build a portal, although they didn't actually let anyone see them activate it. Before, one could only reach Warfang by arranging a ride with a Balloonist. When she had discovered that they were building a portal, she had sighed with relief.
What was even better, her mother told her that when they were done - which would be soon - they would visit Warfang. Aria had only been to Warfang once when she was just barely out of the egg. She couldn't even remember what it looked like.
She really needed to get out more.
A blast of wind hit her. She inhaled once, twice, spread her wings and took off. It felt so wonderful to fly, so wonderful to leave the world, to beat her powerful wings. The sky was where she belonged.


#37 May 07, 2009 12:28 AM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OOC: Amy is in a clearing at the Forgotten Worlds, and Cyndersparx is in a river in The Valley of Avalar.


#38 May 07, 2009 12:30 AM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Leaf then heard a rustle in the bushes, and poked her head through to see Amy acting up like some kind of action scene. "The heck?" she said aloud.


#39 May 07, 2009 5:49 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: Robbed of Peace

(( my two are in warfang. shadow and Cara ))

Cara looked at the thing in the shop. she heard him tell her to go in. Cara didn't want to but she saw the figure had a sack. She flew round to the door and opened it. Shadow walked over "You are the only one that saw this, right?" he asked. cara nodded, she was slighly scared of the thief. "then you could tell the mighty dragon to kill me." the thief said. cara lookd at him for a moment. "No, why would I do that?" she asked him. "because I'm not from this world plus I just killed someone. so here."he said puttibg the sack on the floor. "This should keep you quite." she looked at the bag of a moment then looked up. The thief was gone.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#40 May 07, 2009 5:34 PM

Registered: Aug 03, 2008
Posts: 125
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Re: Robbed of Peace

((Karnak's in a large community building in Warfang, if my book post didn't make it apparent.))

My avatar is custom,no stealie.


#41 May 07, 2009 9:56 PM

From: Don't look up.
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Re: Robbed of Peace

Amy turned her Lazer Cannon towards Leaf in a single swift movement, a wild and slightly frightening look in her eyes. She leaped from the bush into a tree, swinging her tail on a branch and hanging upside down like a possum, the weapon held firmly in her hands.
  "AHA!!" She shouted, charging up the cannon before firing a strong blast at her.


#42 May 09, 2009 3:51 AM

New Member
From: Jacksonville TX
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Re: Robbed of Peace

ooc: well i guess i wont be able to join...

Portal Dragon hear... fear me?


#43 May 09, 2009 9:28 AM

Registered: Aug 03, 2008
Posts: 125
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Re: Robbed of Peace

((... lazer canon?

WTFH?! Dragons, not Final Fantasy.

And it's laser... -_-'))

My avatar is custom,no stealie.


#44 May 09, 2009 9:47 PM

Registered: Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OCC: Shyra's in Warfang, and Leaf's in Forgotten Worlds

Leaf's pelt bristled, and she ran away, so that only her tail got singed.
Leaf slowed her pace a bit as she escaped the clearing. "Phsyco dragon..." she mumbled as she looked at her tail. About two inches of the tip's fur had been burnt off, and was now raw.


#45 May 10, 2009 2:15 AM

From: Don't look up.
Registered: Jun 07, 2008
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Re: Robbed of Peace

OOC: Amy doesnt have any breath element, so she resorts to weapons. And I like spelling it "Lazer" x3


#46 May 11, 2009 3:43 PM

Registered: Aug 03, 2008
Posts: 125
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Re: Robbed of Peace

((Ok, fair enough on lazer over laser, and the breath element, but the best they've got is swords and bows.

This is about a hundred years after Malefor's defeat. The only advancements from swords and bows is refinement of steel to make sharper and stronger swords, and going from bows to crossbows.

Not 57327237 years and laser canons.))

My avatar is custom,no stealie.


#47 Jun 03, 2009 7:03 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
Gems: 0

Re: Robbed of Peace

(( is this place going to die??? ))

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


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